Put this way...*IF* I had the definitive answer, I might be dubbed a god. But I don't. I believe life itself is the constant pursuit of one's own truths and the constant exploration for awareness.
Are the social constructs inherently evil?
I don't know.
What is true is this. Evil or good IS a matter of perspective. Dollars to donuts, in the middle east WE are evil. And perhaps at points around the world WE ARE evil. At the social level, WE think we are good, because we are not doing anything wrong. At least that's what the MEDIA has told us. And what gets me is, people GENERALLY only accept mainstream [the idea of a stream, or mainstream, impresses upon you the idea of 1 unified flowing system, ALL forms of information FLOW the same way, so it's not divergent] MEDIA as the SOLE source of information.
Conspiracy theorist is a title that has bad CONNOTATION, and rightly so, it was listed that way because people of America are lead to people it's "UTOPIA", that there's no need to worry about US, because we are perfect, so anybody QUESITIONING us is crazy, or a CONSPIRACY THEORIST!
They did the SAME THING to Hemp, calling it Marihuana, or Marijuana, or Pot, and spun a movie off, then linked it to AGGRESSIVE behavior. Anybody who knows POT, knows that's the antithesis of pot! But it was spun that way, and ILLEGAL it is.
So can you see why that label is BAD! Anybody who does "INDEPENDENT" research and reading is a RISK. A threat. Dangerous. Crazy. Nuts. Etc.
WHY any stuff happens I do not know. What I do know is...
*9-11 was enough of a tragedy to the American People that I no longer trust the American media to the extent I once did. And perhaps less, since what they deem "news" and what I deem "news" are very opposite.
*Schooling IS forced, since the individual is highly capable of learning on their own ANYTHING they have desire and passion for, the idea SCHOOLING must be required and forced is PHILOSOPHICALLY and REALISTICALLY opposed to what learning and education was intended to be by Socrates and Plato. And heck, even what I LEARN.
And what you've hit on, Sazuki, is more on point of where I was coming from, though i don't recall using the title CONSPIRACY. I think more of a conspiracy as someone trying to sabotage my company, or someone making TONS of promises, when they initially had different intentions to begin with.
Defined by
An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
Is that what's going on?
Yes, I'd say so. I would say that defines what's going on. It sounds dirty, nasty, and horrible. But those "theorists" trying to discover and learn about the world around them aren't doing anything ILLEGAL in any sense of the word. It becomes illegal when the information you seek is made ILLEGAL, but then I would submit the Constitution has been fully violated, and we don't have a country any longer.
I've set before 100's of people, both Blue Collar Workers and White Collar Workers, and I wouldn't disrespect these people, but a SEVERE deficiency exists, in both education, and HOW America acts.
It's as if they say "we're a superpower and we will take care of you, don't worry." How do they do that? By overseeing the MEDIA, the drugs we ingest, the food we eat, by supervising the businesses, by legalzing or illegalizing certain substances, placing in force road rules, insurance rules, work rules, tax rules, schooling, investment guidelines and requirements, miles of paperwork, even to some extent decency and marital laws (i.e. Gay).
AND THEN, to add the cherry to it all, people claim YOU are responsible for your OWN life. YOU must take what you can for you and get it. I've heard that on here. I FIRMLY believe it, but only when I *escaped* did I come to know what it means and was able to see the "code."
I TOTALLY believe you MUST care for you. But tell that to any person who has the victim mentality, who feel's slighted by the world, their job, or someone else, and they'll just label you as ONE OF THEM. AS INSENSITIVE. AS UNCARING.
I feel BAD for these people. I do. I can't change much, because only through LIVING my life, and living my life as proof of the ideals I live by, can I/we change the system and people.
What can a person do RIGHT now?
Do you.
Discover you.
Put aside ALL thoughts, intrusions, or words from others.
So long as your life is no claim upon another person's, you are doing well.
So long as your life is not a burdern to another's, but instead, an ADDITIVE, you are doing well.
But is that the edict of society?
Don't burden someone else?
Be independent?
You've got mass retirees expecting what were poor retirement benefits for the indigent.
You've got millions sucking off the large teet of welfare benefits, disability, and medicaid.
You've got millions of kids living at home beyond 18, 21, even 30.
You've got millions of workers, putting in LOW productivity, and some women who've entered the workforce seeking special priviledges because they have a degree but no work force, and a pair of D's on her chest.
Please. The edict of society isn't to DO MY BEST. I don't know what it is, but it certainly isn't that.
I LOVE people, but I'm looking beyond what their social agenda and character is, because on that surface, I don't like them. But i see below it, and realize, it wasn't TOTALLY their fault. And disliking people only harms ONE person, YOU.
That's an acid that eats the container it's in. NAMELY, you! Or me, since I'm the one writing.
Educate you.
Jim Rohn talks about making money. MAKE your own value VERY HIGH in terms of the market place. LOOK beyond your position and see the future. Nobody KNOWS the future of specific income occupations, but if you don't like it, and the reason you do it is LIFESTYLE, you COULD be a casuality of society. Now, it seems fine, but drastic changes occur, and if you're investing in a career for the long-run, it could dramatically change in 10 years, all the while you bought tons of stuff with no redeemable value. WONDERFUL! The biggest casualities of society are those who had HIGH incomes, bought wonderful stuff, and when they lost their job, they felt like they lost their life. THEY DIDN'T! They only lost their LIFESTYLE. So what!?
I've read/own/am reading that Taylor Gatto book "The Underground History of American Education." Not only am I learng a PLETHORA of new words which I must use a dictionary to decipher, but it's a FASCINATING work, both historical AND autobiographical in its scope. I read a similar book during my stint @ Umaine Orono titled "Lies my Teacher Told me," which highlighted the HUGE discrepancy between HISTORY books and HISTORY as we know it. My interest was on fire THEN.
What's humorous about such CONSPIRACY theories is that in EARLY America, the press was TOTALLY free. They'd write whatever they wanted. Print whatever they chose to. If a certain sect felt it never was represented properly, it would create a paperline for it.
Aren't the early Americans idealized this way?
Don't we remember the early Americans being rebels, spreading what was deemed to be heresy throughout America, and catching hell for it? Yet we fought a war for THAT freedom. The freedom of self rule, self government, of public involvement in the process, of a republic, of freedom of speech. It might be me, but I certainly see FEW veins of diverging thought in the mainstream world. Hence, the stigma applied by those who criticize main streaming thinking.
I do GET what you say Sazuki, and each day I live to be more free than the previous. I know, from what I do, that nobody is REALLY there to care for you as good as you will yourself.
And RedPill's quote is perfect.
All in all, a great discourse on thinking, though we diverged somewhat off topic. I certainly don't abhor society, because all society is the interconnectedness of humanity working together or against each other. It's the THOUGHT, which is infused into this system the directs action and society that troubles me, because INSIDE that society, heaven or hell is created. And what corporations and the gov have done is to manage THOUGHT.