Women's reproductive behaviors (just like our own) are molded by countless eons of evolution. Their reproductive behaviors, utlimately, are "designed" to access the best possible genes for their children and ensure their survival. The "physical and emotional responses" that woman experience are, from the perspective of evolutionary biology, mechanisms to control behavior; mechansims to ensure that a woman mates with the best possible source of genetic material. How do you think that these mechanisms evolved to be so powerful in the first place? Women (and females of our prehuman ancestors) who obeyed those impulses mated with the best possible source of genetic material available to them. They had children who were more attractive, intelligent, and able then the women who "controlled" those impulses and mated with males who were sub-prime. The laws of evolution, cruel though they are, then led to those less fit offspring being eliminated from the gene pool. In other words- ideas and emotions such as honesty, loyality, and fairness are actually unbenefical, if not harmful, to a woman's reproductive success. This is why woman often ignore these ideas and don't apply them (to their own behavior). To them, these are nothing but masculine social conventions.
Every generation of woman that ignored masculine social conventions, and obeyed their own "base" impulses had greater reproductive success (in terms of genetics) then the woman who acted "responsible, mature, moral, loyal, honest, or fair" (or whatever other term you want to apply to your masculine/slave/beta standard of reproductive morality). Little wonder we see these behaviors continue, and thrive, to this day.