Just quoted a little bit but I wanted to reply to your entire
Your theory of this and how there are women who aren't needy and may follow another set of rules and codes is really proving guys like Poon King right. The misdirection that "this was how I was raised" is just a great excuse to have to really hide the fact that everything a woman does really has the foundation of manipulation up under it. All you are doing is holding on to the little bit of power you have and what allows you to feel good about the situation when you know you are going into an arena where you have to give power away to get what you want out of it which is attraction to the male.
I get interrupting work. There's definitely truth in the matter that a busy man doesn't want his girl calling him all day to talk about nonsense. But the truth is good looking women CAN be needy in my experience and men will eat it up. The rarity of that actually makes it valuable for a man who wants to massage his ego. That's what men want...a submissive woman and whether you want to write the exact gray areas of it, neediness and submissiveness go hand in hand with men and our direct logic! And women know this. All you are doing is playing chess (as sitting down and playing chess is your attempt to say the man is good enough) and giving the man one more chess piece than you have and your attraction maintains because though he knows the extra piece is there he's not using it. Because the day he uses it is the day you wont feel he's a real man.
After I read your message all I said is "ok she's just admitting that she's being manipulative to a degree.
My response is lengthy. The TLDR is that there is no need to manipulate when you have choices.
I actually agree with much of what
@Poon King says from the standpoint of his desire to empower men to "man up" and stop supplicating women. Supplication is not a wise behavior because it erodes a man's role to lead the interaction. Men cannot get lazy & fail to lead. Leading gets tiresome...I get it because I have always have to lead my business dealings. I can't go expecting anybody else to run it with the eye for detail or my financial interests the way I will. In a similar fashion a man must always lead in relationships if he wishes to be successful there. That's just the way it is.
I also understand that really good women are rare in the marketplace. The best men snatch them up young and lock them down or marry them.
Submission & neediness are not the same thing. If you think they are you are dating needy women. Submission is a choice. I for example willingly submit to a man I find to be worthy of leading me personally and I'm happy to do so. I don't "need" a man in any sense with regard to financial support or status etc., however I thoroughly enjoy men and genuinely appreciate a man who I can defer to because it allows me to fulfill the feminine role of the relationship.
The man I am seeing appreciates me a great deal precisely because he knows I choose to defer to him; he knows I don't NEED him but rather that I choose him instead of the other good men I could have chosen instead.
There is no manipulation at all involved, just simply 2 high caliber people electing to spend time together. Both have the luxury of choice; both have options; both appreciate that the other party has options too.
Neither comes from a place of "need" in a needy sense...so it makes the mutual choice rich & rewarding; it gives a context in which something with depth and intimacy can develop (and it is).
High caliber people, either men or women always have choices; always have options. So if there is not interest shown through taking the lead by the man...a high caliber woman will move on to another option who demonstrates leadership & initiative. She won't chase a guy who sends mixed signals.
If she does she doesn't have other quality options.
But top tier men or women ALWAYS have quality options. So they have the ability to be patient because of abundance.
A man shouldn't waste his valuable time with a mixed message chick either. High interest women will be responsive & encouraging while also allowing him space to do all his "man stuff". If a woman isn't responding when a man displays leadership & initiative, then by all means plate her if you can or move on but in any case keep looking.
Manipulation is for someone who has got to deceive someone else for some reason. If you have no need to deceive then you don't manipulate. I don't deceive or manipulate. I have no hidden agenda.
I am well aware that it's an unusual perspective in the context of this forum. That's Ok.