@No.Danny: No, I live in the real world. Now, granted, at the moment you're 16, so you're dealing with high school and/or possibly college-aged chicks who are still trying to find themselves, so I get how you may feel that these types of women aren't around. For one, your reality is shaped by your thoughts: therefore, if you don't believe these kinds of women exists, you will not find them or gravitate towards them. Me, my reality is that these kinds of women DO exist, and I've had the privilege of meeting them, whether I dated them or had guys who were friends/family dating them. Secondly, women who are set out to cause drama in relationships will, indeed, not make it easy at the beginning, nor will girls who have excessive baggage. BUT, most women are looking to fall in love even MORE than the guys on these boards are, and will actually make it quite easy in the beginning for a guy they like IF they see him as someone that could be around long term. At the very least, the things mentioned in my initial list as well as what others have added will be very true. But again: women in high school/early college don't know themselves well enough to fully commit to a guy, especially since, at your age, you can't really take care of a girl on all the levels you would need to in order for her to stick around long term.
But believe me - they DO exist. And when you find them (or one), you'll be AMAZED at how far they're willing to go to show they like you.