@Rainman4707 , so communication was quite sparse between the first date/hookup and our next date which was last Friday. Her responses would sometimes be delayed 12-24 hours. I didn't initiate contact but once. She initiated maybe once or twice. But a few hours before our date, we texted and I could tell she was excited. We had an awesome night together and had sex for two hours. Her attitude in-person was not at all indicative of her sparse/slow
texting - quite the opposite. We texted two days later and before I could bring it up, she immediately gave me some dates she was free on and asked to set plans (a little over a week out). She also said some really high IOI things in-person and over text ("I was just thinking about you" when I texted her a couple days after our date, etc). All just words of course. I put very limited stock in words but I do pay attention.
Bottom line - things are proceeding, but I am proceeding cautiously given the mixed signals. Will keep trying to set one date with her once every 1-1.5 weeks and will keep text contact down to either responding to her texts, or reaching out to her 1-2x per week. Will keep talking with other women as well. I don't have high expectations for this girl but she's really cool so would be happy if something regular could work out.
While I'm on the subject of an ex coming back around, I had a different ex come back around in the last few weeks as well. This girl and I dated a little over a year ago for 2-3 months. I hadn't learned red pill back then and she broke things off with me probably from a combination of her having serious confidence and intimacy issues from a bad childhood plus my not being alpha enough (before I learned better). No contact for a year. Then I bump into her at a social event one morning a few weeks ago. She kept hanging around me and talking to me and giving me long, strong eye contact and smiling. She was there with a friend. As we were all leaving, I asked her and her friend if they'd like to go get some food and drinks and they agreed immediately so I picked a place and the three of us went out and hung out over food and beers for five whole hours (of course I didn't pay for either of their bills). It was great, my game is much tighter now that I've had a year to learn and improve, and there were several times where I caught her staring at me while I was talking to her friend and when I'd look over at her, she'd hold eye contact with an unmistakable grin and f*ck-me eyes for a really long time. I didn't reach out to her after that night. Then a week or two later I ran into her at another social event. Same thing, she put herself in my orbit a lot. We talked more and before I left I suggested she come over to my new place sometime soon. She said yeah sounds good! I waited about 5 days, texted her something humorous from a previous conversation we had to break the ice, she laughed in response and then I invited her over for an evening about 6 days out. She didn't even respond to that text. It's been about a week since I sent it. Obviously I haven't sent her anything else and I never will. Just goes to show you never can tell with women. I judged her by her actions, which indicated strong interest for sure, but obviously the strongest action is her coming to my place alone in the evening. Maybe she was turned-off by the fact that asking her straight over to my place was too s*xually forward or presumptuous, and that she would have rather I asked her out on a proper "date" (just the two of us this time) then see where things go from there, but I'm not going to go to that level effort/investment for someone who dumped me. Maybe that's the wrong approach, but it's how I'm operating right now. Will focus on continuing to meet other girls instead, and also see where things go with the one in my original post.