Danger said:
I do not know if the divorce is final. Or if you have any children together?
If it is final, and there are no children.....then you should go No-Contact. No matter what messages she leaves, when she calls, if she stops by.....anything. You do NOT interact with her in any way. She no longer exists. This will help immensely in the healing process, and stop her from being able to continually "scar" you.
Of course, if the divorce is not yet finalized, or if you have children....the options change and you will need to adapt.
In any case, let go of that baggage. It is time to start a much better part of your life.
The divorce isn't final, but we don't have kids. Not being able to get her pregnant has been one cause of the problems we have, that's probably been a blessing in disguise.
I'm still forced to see her but I'm not going to speak to her about anything other than the divorce
jophil28 said:
I have a question for the OP - before you married her, did you ever see or experience any mindgames by her which involved other guys? Any heavy flirting with others, any cheating with a male "friend", any attempts to get you to jump though hoops . Perhaps she set up a rivalry between you and another guy, or told you some stories from her past which included some details of her relationships with other guys...?
Jeffst1980 said:
If you don't mind, it might be instructive to a lot of us if you can recall any "red flags" you noticed BEFORE you married her. I think one of the great fears in this board is that a seemingly perfect women will pull a complete 180 once she is in a marriage; I'm firmly in the camp that says this is not realistic, and that premonitions of infidelity, etc. are given even within the first year of dating. But, others disagree, and who knows? I could be wrong.
Do you know what her dating history was like before you? Did she have a history of cheating? What was her parents' relationship like? Did she give you reasons to feel jealous or threatened when you were dating? All these questions might give you some insight on how this came about.
Before we got married I thought she was absolutely perfect.
She was an attractive 23 year old virgin. Those don't come along every day. Also she was smart, fun, and we had the same goals in life. We both had ambition and we wanted to make a better than average life for ourselves.
She had never had a serious boyfriend before me. She had only kissed one other guy, and they never did anything beyond making out. She was always on guard with guys and never let anybody close to her. Her dad had cheated on her mom a lot when she was growing up, and I guess that was the reason. Her mother wouldn't divorce her father though. They're still together and somewhat happy.
We actually met online on a forum for an alternative rock band in 2001. When I met her she already had a "boyfriend" that she met on that forum, and they were in a long distance relationship. She ended up meeting him once and he's the only guy she kissed before me. This is also where/when she met the guy she ended up cheating on me with in Canada last month. She liked guys online because it was "safe", and I was told by her friends and family that whenever a guy tried to hit on her in real life she would totally shut them down every time.
After becoming close with her online and telling her that I thought I had feelings for her she ended her long distance relationship (she said I stole her from him), and I went there to see her from where I lived on the east coast (fall of 2003). Nothing much happened at first..we cuddled a lot, and we made out one time the night before I left. A few months later I came back and things really took off, and I managed to get much more physical. I made one more visit a few months later, and then a couple months after that she came to the east coast to see me and my family. It was at that time that we decided that I would move there to be with her (fall 2004).
The only warning signs I got were in the months before I moved here she had some new friends (who didn't know me, just knew OF me) that were encouraging her to try dating guys that she met in real life, and for a time she was sorta hot and cold with me. She said she wasn't sure if the long distance thing would work again since she had already failed with that the time before. There were some emotional ups and downs but by the time she came to see me she was sure she wanted to be with me.
She is from a very Catholic family (Filipino), and shortly after I moved her parents started pressuring us to get married, and within 3 months we were. I was extremely happy though. I thought there was no way she ever could turn into what she is now. I felt like I had struck gold, and I was the luckiest guy in the world.