What Woman Need Their Man To Know


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

Luthor Rex wrote:

"Are you out of your mind!? Western Culture = woman's dark side unleashed!

How about we see less of their dark side for once?

We live under the Cultural Tyranny of Women, we don't need no more dark side!"

I've preached this before, unknowingly. I never put WORDS to it before.

Thanks, LR.

My eyes open a bit more.

(BTW, I like women. Really, I DO!!! Perhaps that's what my problem was for so long.)

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
the great beyond
KontrollerX said:
No, many of the guys that came here had their empathy and emotions stomped on and turned against them by such women who pretended to be hurting to bring out the captain save a ho instinct in that man then once he's in her clutches she runs off with Bob the white trash loser 45 year old plumber and fvcks his brains out while you wonder where all the time you wasted on her went, how to come to terms with all your effort in the relationship being all for nothing and nobody on this earth except other victims of such women even beginning to understand your dilemma and your pain.
Thank you!

For all the shortcoming of sosuave, this kind of honesty is probably the best part of this place.

I recently told a woman I'm friends with that for a long time I've felt that to be in a relationship with a woman I have to take a shovel and beat to death the best parts of who I am.

Love? *smack with shovel*

Compassion? *smack with shovel*

Companionship? Understanding? *shovelbang!*

The last few years, as I've cared less and less I've found that women like me more and more.

Well fvck 'em, women for me has been unmasked; and I don't love them anymore.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
More wisdom from LR:

"The last few years, as I've cared less and less I've found that women like me more and more."

Sad, but, true, I guess, for me, too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
aliasguy said:
More wisdom from LR:

"The last few years, as I've cared less and less I've found that women like me more and more."

Sad, but, true, I guess, for me, too.
Amen to that! This 21 yr old is engaged and STILL in love with me to this day because I have/had absolutely ZERO emotional investment. I talk about banging other chicks to her, but she barely even brings up her relationships, I'm assuming for fear that it might turn me off.

It's amazing how once you create sufficient attraction, if you back away a woman will chase you to the ends of the earth.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
EVERYONE is fkd up..

I dont think that her simply admitting it should disqualify her. You obviously need to make a decision, but lets not pretend that most of us as human beings dont have serious issues..

You can find a liar who seems fine, but you will most likely invest alot into that relationship before the issues arise.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
joekerr31 said:
2) you have a HUGE afc complex. now, even assuming that you are some super stud that women just can't wait to f*ck, your statement that you've never had any problems with women is absurd. if you've been with 'lots' of women you're going to have a horror story or two.
A HUGE AFC complex? Whatever that is.

Let’s see, some horror stories.

Once this girlfriend of mine got mad at me, I can’t recall what it was but she was pretty pissed. To extract her revenge she threw away one of my favorite shoes, only one. I had the other and drove myself crazy looking for that missing shoe. Eventually she told me.

When I broke up with the mother of my children, she cleared out a bank account that we shared. The child support she ended up paying made what she took seem very small. Twenty years later and we still hook up ever now and then and usually end up having sex.

Once there was this woman who liked me quite a bit but I wasn’t all that interested in her. One day she invited me over to her house. After she made me this wonderful dinner, we went into the living room where she proceeded to strip naked. Not wanting to get involved with her and being the type that doesn’t use women, I grabbed my coat and left, leaving her standing there naked and feeling like a fool. When I ran into her again she was really mad and yelled and screamed at me. I just walked away. A few more times I ran into her and each time she had guys with her. She tried to get them to beat me up but they refused. The last time I saw her she told some women who seemed interested in me that I was a flasher. Went I protested she went on to describe my penis in great detail. Even though she was obviously angry, she spoke of my penis in such glowing terms that I think she helped my cause more than harmed it.

I think that is it. Mostly I’m a calm, in control kind of guy who rarely is driven to anger, and is often seen as happy. It is rare that anyone gets mad at me, except sometimes when I post things that people don’t agree with on this and other forums. But in my private life, no one ever gets too mad at me. I’m sure my personality has quite a bit to do with that.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
iqqi said:
And YES healthy women RUN from bitter men. Because the truth is, you are more likely to have a decent relationship with someone who doesn't hate or judge you based on your gender.

Healthy women run from "bitter" men. Women especially with issues aren't bitter and don't judge men based on their gender?

iqqi said:
Everyone has issues. And those issues tend to show up in times of stress. This is not a big deal, and this description potato gives is an indicator of a HEALTHY woman, believe it or not. .
So it's OK if women have issues, it's even " an indicator of a HEALTHY woman", but it's not OK if a man's "bitter"?

Anyone see the huge contradiction of iqqi's and the pro-female bias?

iqqi said:
man, I just feel like any time there is an instance where a man is trying to understand or reach out to a woman, it is slapped and labeled "captain save a ho". There is nothing wrong with trying to understand women. Isn't that what a lot of you are here for? Or is it just to learn "tactics" of "seduction" that will have you back on here in a few years, because you don't understand why you can't get something deeper than casual IL.
There's nothing wrong with doing things that lead to LJBF land and being an emotional tampon, while the girl who you spent so much time trying to 'understand' goes off to fvck the very same type of guys she complained to you about?

iqqi said:
OH SH!T! Sounds like someone got owned. ;)
matrix-AFC BS.
Yeah you iqqi get owned every time you post and you still keep posting


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
This post will be deleted, for I am far too young to post. I decided to post anyway for I expected that the next posts will be a defensive or attack post than an explanative post. It would be nice if someone quote me so after my post is deleted, others can still read it. At least I hope ketostix will read it.

ketostix said:
iqqi said:
And YES healthy women RUN from bitter men. Because the truth is, you are more likely to have a decent relationship with someone who doesn't hate or judge you based on your gender.
Healthy women run from "bitter" men. Women especially with issues aren't bitter and don't judge men based on their gender?

iqqi said:
Everyone has issues. And those issues tend to show up in times of stress. This is not a big deal, and this description potato gives is an indicator of a HEALTHY woman, believe it or not. .

So it's OK if women have issues, it's even " an indicator of a HEALTHY woman", but it's not OK if a man's "bitter"?

Anyone see the huge contradiction of iqqi's and the pro-female bias?
Read it again, there is no contradiction. The first quote of iqqi says healthy and sane women perfer to stay away from men who are bitter (no one like a downer and it follows Law 10 of avoiding the unhappy and unlucky... that law applies to both sexes).

The second quote, may I point out "Everyone has issues," that means both men and women. Everyone have a story of something they fight inside: an insecurity, a tragedy, a loss. So the equivalent is good men versus good women (which even the best men and the best women had troubles) and not bitter men as she never meant damaged women. It's OK for women to have issues, as well as men and it is expected by human nature that those kinks in armor will show to some extent in hard times.

Note: I realize I could be off if I factor in whatever she mean for potato, but I don't have time to look for the post, time is contraintive.

It is healthy... well the short version is she is not going around telling sob stories or bottling things up way past than one should, but only revealing when times push her to become reflective. I don't have time to write a longer version.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
TheHumanist said:
This post will be deleted, for I am far too young to post. I decided to post anyway for I expected that the next posts will be a defensive or attack post than an explanative post. It would be nice if someone quote me so after my post is deleted, others can still read it. At least I hope ketostix will read it.

Read it again, there is no contradiction. The first quote of iqqi says healthy and sane women perfer to stay away from men who are bitter (no one like a downer and it follows Law 10 of avoiding the unhappy and unlucky... that law applies to both sexes).

The second quote, may I point out "Everyone has issues," that means both men and women. Everyone have a story of something they fight inside: an insecurity, a tragedy, a loss. So the equivalent is good men versus good women (which even the best men and the best women had troubles) and not bitter men as she never meant damaged women. It's OK for women to have issues, as well as men and it is expected by human nature that those kinks in armor will show to some extent in hard times.

Note: I realize I could be off if I factor in whatever she mean for potato, but I don't have time to look for the post, time is contraintive.

It is healthy... well the short version is she is not going around telling sob stories or bottling things up way past than one should, but only revealing when times push her to become reflective. I don't have time to write a longer version.
see, thats the thing, everyone does have issues in their lives. some people have way more issues than others, and some people have way worse issues than others.
being reflective is a good thing sometimes, and also something that can be bad.
being reflective shows signs of growth, because one person can say "if i only knew what i know now, back then..." shows growth don't you agree?
however another person may say "and one time at band camp..." which shows no growth at all.
by someone else being reflective with you, they are opening a door into their soul. you have gained trust to gain the knowledge they are sharing.

the difference is, some people have a need to share the really really bad stuff, compared to others who only share the really, really good stuff.

sometimes people have to take a step back, and stop telling everything, because other people just don't want to hear it. instead of opening up and saying the " worst thing i ever did was..... " they should be saying, "let me tell you my first memory... " because those stories go over much nicer.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
iqqi said:
Many a wise man told me that we seek out what is wrong with us. When I was picking the wrong men over and over again, members here pointed out to me that there was something wrong with ME that I needed to address. That was back when there were truly wise individuals on here. And they were right.
Your still picking the wrong men.

Your just rationizing it to yourself more, much to the determent of other posters on here.

I don’t think you have much value to offer iqqi, that post you made about your BF and you hoped he had the qualities of the 'ugly' you fuc*ed, sent a chill up my spine.

But you wont see! Well i do, your as much as an afc as a-lot of men on here are, you just think you are; in some sense superior since your female, i.e 'in the know'.

I do like some of your posts and i like the counter point in this thread, but lets not pretend your whiter then white, uh!


'at least the ugly bloke is getting some, losers', was a quote from you also.

Yes i guess you know how to pick em, but in that i am still undecided to what the hell you bring to the table, so far i see nothing.

I can see what other female posters bring to the table, but you, now thats another story indeed, you to me seem far too much hard work and you justify some fuc*ing appauling Behaviour.

But i dont hate you (Before you accuse me again of hating you, or being a troll, or not conforming to your ideal word, interesting how you relate to older posters, i guess these where the ones who agreed with you only?), on the contrary, if anything i see you justify average western women type stuff all the time, i thank you for that, has it only fills me with resolve to avoid women like you, no offence, there are plenty of 'ugly' men out there who will take you, that should keep you happy at least.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"You are wrong, very wrong.

You are the one that comes on here and talks as if you are the all knowing expert on the issue.Yet repeatedly you have read into what I posted as well as the OP what just isn’t there. It was said that women who were molested as children were damaged goods and should be avoided. My reply was just to state that I have had two girlfriends who were molested as children, one being perhaps the love of my life, and I didn’t find them to be damaged goods at all considering that they had other more defining qualities about them."

You are glossing over your response.

What you said was that people who write these women off as damaged goods ie don't date them as a result of their damaged nature are men who are incapable of understanding women or humanity for that matter and what you said my friend is a crock of sh*t and a subtle attack on the members of this forum community.

You didn't take into account that many of us have unwittingly entered into relationships with just such women and had horrifically awful experiences and are thus speaking from experience when we warn the young guys to avoid the trash and only go after the treasure and to ignore their captain save a ho mentality (a normal woman does not provoke such a response in a man).

So in effect we do understand women and humanity and we now know that there are certain kinds of people who will benefit from and return our love to us ie normal women and others who our love falls through like a sieve never to be returned with anything other than selfishness and betrayel ie damaged women because they cannot help themselves.

We now understand that we must identify what we were with so we can avoid it in the future and find something healthy, something opposite, something that lifts us up as opposed to tears us down.

One of the keys to self improvement is self love and if a person truly loves themself are they going to continually reward themselves with damaged women or do they now love and value themselves enough to go after the absolute best that their newfound self love tells them they deserve that being normal women?

Obviously rescuing these damsels in distress has worked for you for whatever reason so you prop up and pimp out your mindset of hey give the damaged cases a chance, you're not really livin life or understanding it or women until you do.

Well a lot of us have given these damaged cases a chance and many of us unwittingly at that. Others because it was all they could get in their AFC days so they decided to put up with the abuse for the pathetic scraps of intimacy thrown out here and there. Still worse others actively seek these women out to prey on their weaknesses.

Bottom line is you are a product of your experiences as we are of ours.

You had a good time being captain save a ho while the majority of us as well the majority of humanity (that you say we don't understand) experiences an absolute nightmare being the captain of a perpetually sinking ship.

You are not right with what you said about us nor are you right in general about damaged women.

In reality, in your case you simply got lucky.

It happens.

"Your response is to accuse me of predatory behavior. The nut job here is more and more looking to be you."

Hmmm, lets see I advocate guys go after healthy normal minded women for the best chance at a healthy normal relationship while you advocate...

Hey guys go after the crazies!

*Cue Twilight Zone theme*

Yeah somehow I think the term "nutjob" was coined specifically for people such as yourself but you can feel free to apply it to me if it makes you sleep better at night and makes the voices stop.

"On this forum I just don’t understand the hate towards women. It is as if the major consensus is that women just want to control, use, and ruin men. I just don’t see it."

Seek and you shall find.

You are looking for hate where perhaps there is none and the guy's here whose posts you are reading are simply speaking reality as they see it but since you can't fathom that their thoughts have come about as a logical and pure thinking rational conclusion to their life experiences you must assume that their way of thinking has hate as its motivator when nothing could be further from the truth.

You are thinking inside the box.

This site is about thinking outside of it.

"I’ve been with lots of women, as friends and as lovers and not once have I had problems like that with women. I can’t help but wonder if much of the fault lies with the guys here and not the women necessarily being crazies."

And I can't help but think once again you never ran into a Cluster B like so many members of this forum have. You basically lucked out with the crazies you got with and now advocate such women as a form of sharing the wealth.

Realize that you just got lucky if you truly did have good experiences with such people.

Advocating DJ's go after damaged cases is just counterproductive to the self improvement nature of this site.

It worked for you to go after damaged women but most other guys if they followed your advice would be destroyed by such a woman when or if she committed suicide as the result of her problems or harmed herself or something else crazy that you were lucky enough not to experience but could of at any time.

Its far safer advice to tell aspiring DJ's to seek out healthy minded partners for their relationships and leave the damaged goods to the AFC's.

Don't worry potato if you're empathy has brought you here to try and convince us to go after such women because they need love too you need not worry as the AFC hordes and predators will continue to make sure the other side of such women's beds are warm at night.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
jonwon said:
Your still picking the wrong men.
I haven't picked anyone, what are you talking about. I am single.

jonwon said:
Your just rationizing it to yourself more, much to the determent of other posters on here.

I don’t think you have much value to offer iqqi, that post you made about your BF and you hoped he had the qualities of the 'ugly' you fuc*ed, sent a chill up my spine.
What are you talking about? Are you going senile, old man? I don't have a boyfriend. I never said I hoped anyone would have certain qualities. And as far as the qualities of the "ugly guy", I listed nice, funny, considerate, genuine, and sexy. What about that would "send a chill up your spine"?

jonwon said:
at least the ugly bloke is getting some, losers', was a quote from you also.
Please feel free to find that quote, and it would be great if you kept it in context. But I am sure you won't.

jonwon said:
you to me seem far too much hard work and you justify some fuc*ing appauling Behaviour.
What is "fuc*ing appauling Behaviour"?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
ketostix said:
Yeah you iqqi get owned every time you post and you still keep posting
Random attacks without substance, and grade school insults, aren't "owning". Lol.

And especially when it comes from men who either can't get laid, think that there is nothing wrong with a 30+ year old woman c0ckteasing for months, or who is considering getting him a stripper. Lol. THAT is like a chick who is getting hers, taking offense to a man who is the numero uno definition of AFC!

You boys crack me up.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
jonwon said:
But i dont hate you, on the contrary, if anything i see you justify average western women type stuff all the time, i thank you for that, has it only fills me with resolve to avoid women like you, no offence, there are plenty of 'ugly' men out there who will take you.
You know its funny, how you keep saying that you don't hate me. Yet your posts to me are full of bitter hatred oozing from your keyboard. Then half of what you say, doesn't even make sense. Like for instance in the other thread that you are referring to here, for some reason, you said a bunch of random sh!t that didn't even make sense. And when I pointed out ALL of the things that didn't make sense, and asked what the hel you meant, your response was you don't hate me. LOL.

I DON'T think that you hate me. I think you have a big whopping huge issue with women in general, especially strong opinionated ones.

You say I am the average western woman, whatever the hell that means. What does it mean, Jonwon? Give your audience some solid details that I fit.

Because from what you know about my personal life that I have posted here, I have been linked with TWO people. One who I found extremely witty and engaging, and another who I found extremely sexy and nice. I haven't tortured any AFC's, and when something worked for a guy that was trying to get somewhere with me, I posted it, from the woman's pov. If that "sends chills up your spine", then what the hell.

I am dating, having fun, and so are the men I am dating. These are examples of the "war zone", of "missions accomplished", and those are kind of rare on this site.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
TheHumanist said:
This post will be deleted, for I am far too young to post. I decided to post anyway for I expected that the next posts will be a defensive or attack post than an explanative post. It would be nice if someone quote me so after my post is deleted, others can still read it. At least I hope ketostix will read it.

Read it again, there is no contradiction. The first quote of iqqi says healthy and sane women perfer to stay away from men who are bitter (no one like a downer and it follows Law 10 of avoiding the unhappy and unlucky... that law applies to both sexes).

The second quote, may I point out "Everyone has issues," that means both men and women. Everyone have a story of something they fight inside: an insecurity, a tragedy, a loss. So the equivalent is good men versus good women (which even the best men and the best women had troubles) and not bitter men as she never meant damaged women. It's OK for women to have issues, as well as men and it is expected by human nature that those kinks in armor will show to some extent in hard times.

Note: I realize I could be off if I factor in whatever she mean for potato, but I don't have time to look for the post, time is contraintive.

It is healthy... well the short version is she is not going around telling sob stories or bottling things up way past than one should, but only revealing when times push her to become reflective. I don't have time to write a longer version.
Glad someone can read. That is reassuring.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
iqqi said:
You know its funny, how you keep saying that you don't hate me. Yet your posts to me are full of bitter hatred oozing from your keyboard. Then half of what you say, doesn't even make sense. Like for instance in the other thread that you are referring to here, for some reason, you said a bunch of random sh!t that didn't even make sense. And when I pointed out ALL of the things that didn't make sense, and asked what the hel you meant, your response was you don't hate me. LOL.

I DON'T think that you hate me. I think you have a big whopping huge issue with women in general, especially strong opinionated ones.

You say I am the average western woman, whatever the hell that means. What does it mean, Jonwon? Give your audience some solid details that I fit.

Because from what you know about my personal life that I have posted here, I have been linked with TWO people. One who I found extremely witty and engaging, and another who I found extremely sexy and nice. I haven't tortured any AFC's, and when something worked for a guy that was trying to get somewhere with me, I posted it, from the woman's pov. If that "sends chills up your spine", then what the hell.

I am dating, having fun, and so are the men I am dating. These are examples of the "war zone", of "missions accomplished", and those are kind of rare on this site.

Because you accuse me of hating you, i dont, if anything your just a girl on a dating forum.

But i see i touch a few nerve's, i wont pick on you any more, i dont want you to leave, i enjoy your posts believe it or not.

It makes the place far more interesting.

Yes i have what 'you' (alot of men would state i have an healthy ideal) would consider a warped idea of girls, i used to be a 'nice guy' hence why i can relate to this forum and the many topics it covers, most if not all what is covered is about 100% accurate, execpt ofc for alot of stuff you post that is, not all of it, some of it has good application but you take the female angle a little too far, what you think about me is most probably what i think about you in reverse, so ditto.

Oh i fuc* a hell of a lot, not meaning to brag or anything, but dam!


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
jonwon said:
Because you accuse me of hating you, i dont, if anything your just a girl on a dating forum.

But i see i touch a few nerve's, i wont pick on you any more, i dont want you to leave, i enjoy your posts believe it or not.

It makes the place far more interesting.

Yes i have what 'you' (alot of men would state i have an healthy ideal) would consider a warped idea of girls, i used to be a 'nice guy' hence why i can relate to this forum and the many topics it covers, most if not all what is covered is about 100% accurate, execpt ofc for alot of stuff you post that is, not all of it, some of it has good application but you take the female angle a little too far, what you think about me is most probably what i think about you in reverse, so ditto.

Oh i fuc* a hell of a lot, not meaning to brag or anything, but dam!
Trust me, lol, I am not the reverse of you. I am not bitter towards men at all. If anything I am at a place finally where I can see people are people.

In regards to men, some men are never going to be husband material. Like Ugly Guy. When he was there for me after I left the LTR, he was also the one telling me not to be so hard on the ex, because all men cheat. I am able to see that this is UG's reality. And that it would not be wise to involve LT feelings in any relationship I have with him. Wisdom. Before I might have tried to change him, (still talking about UG here, BTW) and then I might have been hurt when it didn't work out. Now I know better. Not only do I not think any less of him, I still find him incredibly attractive, and I will do what I can in our short term relationship to show him that marriage isn't something he needs to do, if he doesn't think he can be loyal to one woman forever. (I mean in general for him, lol, not talking about me here at all.)

Also in regards to men, when someone doesn't call me back, when someone flakes, when something bad happens, I don't get upset, or bitter. I look at it as fate, and that either the timing isn't right, or fate is keeping me from getting some awful STD.

Also, in regards to men. I am not looking for LTR, or seeking love desperately. I now have standards, and am not willing to fix anyone who isn't meeting them. When I say standards, I mean things like loyalty, honesty, and basic decency. I had a pattern before where I thought I could fix someone who lacked one of those traits. Now I know one must fix themselves, as I fixed whatever was wrong with me that kept me in that cycle of dating broken, dishonest, indecent men.

I have come along way. I am proud that I am not bitter, that I love men, and for the most part can understand them. I am proud that I am still a romantic. (Cheesy hallmark commercial music time...) I am proud that I still believe in love.

And yes, it is easy to touch a nerve, when you misconstrue everything I have said and twisted something good into something god awful, that even I would find repulsive. Like sleeping with someone because you felt like you had to. Gross.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
iqqi said:
Trust me, lol, I am not the reverse of you. I am not bitter towards men at all. If anything I am at a place finally where I can see people are people.

In regards to men, some men are never going to be husband material. Like Ugly Guy. When he was there for me after I left the LTR, he was also the one telling me not to be so hard on the ex, because all men cheat. I am able to see that this is UG's reality. And that it would not be wise to involve LT feelings in any relationship I have with him. Wisdom. Before I might have tried to change him, (still talking about UG here, BTW) and then I might have been hurt when it didn't work out. Now I know better. Not only do I not think any less of him, I still find him incredibly attractive, and I will do what I can in our short term relationship to show him that marriage isn't something he needs to do, if he doesn't think he can be loyal to one woman forever. (I mean in general for him, lol, not talking about me here at all.)

Also in regards to men, when someone doesn't call me back, when someone flakes, when something bad happens, I don't get upset, or bitter. I look at it as fate, and that either the timing isn't right, or fate is keeping me from getting some awful STD.

Also, in regards to men. I am not looking for LTR, or seeking love desperately. I now have standards, and am not willing to fix anyone who isn't meeting them. When I say standards, I mean things like loyalty, honesty, and basic decency. I had a pattern before where I thought I could fix someone who lacked one of those traits. Now I know one must fix themselves, as I fixed whatever was wrong with me that kept me in that cycle of dating broken, dishonest, indecent men.

I have come along way. I am proud that I am not bitter, that I love men, and for the most part can understand them. I am proud that I am still a romantic. (Cheesy hallmark commercial music time...) I am proud that I still believe in love.

And yes, it is easy to touch a nerve, when you misconstrue everything I have said and twisted something good into something god awful, that even I would find repulsive. Like sleeping with someone because you felt like you had to. Gross.
I can give you the Brutally honest version of what i think about this.

Or i can give you the rosy thing i think about this.

Either way it matters little.

So i decided not to bother.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
jonwon said:
I can give you the Brutally honest version of what i think about this.

Or i can give you the rosy thing i think about this.

Either way it matters little.

So i decided not to bother.
That's cool.

BTW, there is a difference between brutally honest, and twisting sh!t to fit your own truth. Keep it real, playa. You don't got to lie to kick it. :D