What Woman Need Their Man To Know


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"You obviously have anger issues due to women who, in your estimation, did you wrong. Does this make you damaged goods? Should all women be advised to avoid getting involved with you?"

You obviously have issues dealing with and getting normal healthy minded women or being attracted to them so you go for the damaged girls who give you an easy in to getting a relationship with them since their defenses are down they are so busy dealing with their issues they don't have time to evaluate whether you are attracted to their sickness or them or even whether they are attracted to you. You may simply be the first guy willing to put up with their issues and they not wanting to be alone take you on as a partner.

Pretty good deal for you and you saying you had a bunch of girlfriends like this it seems that this is your M.O.

Go after the damaged girls, pretend you are doing something noble and honorable in so doing all the while hiding the fact you are simply preying on these poor women because you can't get anything better for yourself since normal women are likely repulsed by your personality.

A sociopath I once talked with told me he did the very same thing.

Interesting eh?

You attacked the members of this forum in your posts and you attacked me and my last post wasn't even meant to antagonize you.

Clearly something I and the other members have said struck a nerve with you for you to be so hostile to our well reasoned rationale for believing the things that we do after our various experiences.

Maybe you are looking for validation from us for your choices of women to alleviate the guilt of perhaps being a predator of such women?

Maybe you want us to feed your delusion that you are somehow doing the honorable thing by taking these women into your loving embrace?

Well that sh*t just is not going to happen.

Your motives for dating such women are entirely transparent.

You are not fooling anyone here.

"I had a 7+ year relationship with a woman who had been repeatedly molested as a child. Our relationship was a wonderful one and only ended with her accidental death. Sure, she had serious emotional issues but they weren’t what defined her. She was an engaging, warm, fun person. Her emotional problems faded with age and in the end showed up rarely and usually with something setting her off, like when her cat died or her car broke down.

Our relationship worked because we connected on a very basic level. Often we would just sit and look at each other, smiling, feeling the emotions between us. With no other woman have I been more happy. As her sister and mother used to tell me, being in our strong, stable, happy relationship greatly alleviated whatever residual emotional problems that she had.

Was I being too AFC for you? Was I saving a ho? Only in your delusions"

Actually in reality it looks like thats what you wanted and what you got.

Someone to save not have a real relationship with.

Congrats and gold star for you...I guess.

"If you want a woman without emotional problems, I think they sell them in a box down at the porn shop."

This has to be the worst attempt at humour ever but hey I'll give you another gold star for effort I suppose. :rolleyes:

BTW, if I am wrong and you are not just some sleaze or pathetic predator case and actually did love that woman my condolences for her death but yeah definitely drop the hostile holier than thou bullsh*t when you post here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
potato said:
You obviously have anger issues due to women who, in your estimation, did you wrong. Does this make you damaged goods? Should all women be advised to avoid getting involved with you?
Its funny because I get this impression, as well, from many men on this site. And YES healthy women RUN from bitter men. Because the truth is, you are more likely to have a decent relationship with someone who doesn't hate or judge you based on your gender.

And this will hurt to hear, but most men on this site, are damaged goods.

potato said:
I had a 7+ year relationship with a woman who had been repeatedly molested as a child. Our relationship was a wonderful one and only ended with her accidental death. Sure, she had serious emotional issues but they weren’t what defined her. She was an engaging, warm, fun person. Her emotional problems faded with age and in the end showed up rarely and usually with something setting her off, like when her cat died or her car broke down.
Everyone has issues. And those issues tend to show up in times of stress. This is not a big deal, and this description potato gives is an indicator of a HEALTHY woman, believe it or not. Just because something happened to you as a child, does not dictate your life or your future. Human beings are resilient creatures.

potato said:
Our relationship worked because we connected on a very basic level. Often we would just sit and look at each other, smiling, feeling the emotions between us. With no other woman have I been more happy. As her sister and mother used to tell me, being in our strong, stable, happy relationship greatly alleviated whatever residual emotional problems that she had.
I think that most men here just can't identify with you. Sad for them! I hope you find this again.

potato said:
Was I being too AFC for you? Was I saving a ho? Only in your delusions
man, I just feel like any time there is an instance where a man is trying to understand or reach out to a woman, it is slapped and labeled "captain save a ho". There is nothing wrong with trying to understand women. Isn't that what a lot of you are here for? Or is it just to learn "tactics" of "seduction" that will have you back on here in a few years, because you don't understand why you can't get something deeper than casual IL.

potato said:
If you want a woman without emotional problems, I think they sell them in a box down at the porn shop.
OH SH!T! Sounds like someone got owned. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
OH SH!T! Sounds like someone got owned.
Actually, Kontrollerx then pulled one of the finest reverse-ownages I've ever seen. Rep+1


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
KontrollerX said:
This has to be the worst attempt at humour ever but hey I'll give you another gold star for effort I suppose. :rolleyes:
If you meant this as the reverse ownage... no. It wasn't at all clever or witty. It didn't even compare.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
LOL, damn Iq still mad that Str8up owned you earlier and I laughed about it?

Maybe you need a gold star too so our e-lationship can be repaired??

Oh sh*t I gave away the last one to potato sorry. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
If you meant this as the reverse ownage... no. It wasn't at all clever or witty.
Oh, I meant the rest of the post, actually, not that line.

It's easy to say, "Anyone who runs away from abused women out of fear has anger issues." But then it's just as easy to say, "Anyone who dates damaged girls can't keep a normal woman interested, and so preys on the weak."

He turned the Internet armchair psychoanalysis right around without flinching.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Phyzzle said:
Oh, I meant the rest of the post, actually, not that line.

It's easy to say, "Anyone who runs away from abused women out of fear has anger issues." But then it's just as easy to say, "Anyone who dates damaged girls can't get a normal woman, and so preys on the weak."

He turned the Internet armchair psychoanalysis right around without flinching.
Oh, I see what you meant. But really Potato turned it around on him by saying that in the first place.

Most pyscho-analysis is BS for I don't know what the hell I am talking about, on this site. We have way too many unhappy experts here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
KontrollerX said:
LOL, damn Iq still mad that Str8up owned you earlier and I laughed about it?

Maybe you need a gold star too so our e-lationship can be repaired??

Oh sh*t I gave away the last one to potato sorry. :crackup:
Sorry but... you're lame. Mostly. :up:

I thought they stopped giving gold stars out in elementary.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
I think it's important to be able to be deep with your partner in an LTR. But I can see how it can be trying and perhaps too challenging to be her psychiatrist.
I don't agree with the 'save a ho" mentality. But I see the underlying male Savior archetype that Men often aspire to.
Its not inherently wrong. But it is often misapplied.
It is often used as manipulation, ego stroking, and unhealthy self therapy.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with being emotionally intimate with your partner.But it's important to delineate you being her Man, her support, her "rock if you will..and being a Co Dependant savior in an illusion where you're in Love with your self image, rather than the woman in front of you.

I also think that it is certainly noble to make each other better people as well.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
BTW, if I am wrong and you are not just some sleaze or pathetic predator case and actually did love that woman my condolences for her death but yeah definitely drop the hostile holier than thou bullsh*t when you post here.
You are wrong, very wrong.

You are the one that comes on here and talks as if you are the all knowing expert on the issue. Yet repeatedly you have read into what I posted as well as the OP what just isn’t there. It was said that women who were molested as children were damaged goods and should be avoided. My reply was just to state that I have had two girlfriends who were molested as children, one being perhaps the love of my life, and I didn’t find them to be damaged goods at all considering that they had other more defining qualities about them.

Your response is to accuse me of predatory behavior. The nut job here is more and more looking to be you.

On this forum I just don’t understand the hate towards women. It is as if the major consensus is that women just want to control, use, and ruin men. I just don’t see it. I’ve been with lots of women, as friends and as lovers and not once have I had problems like that with women. I can’t help but wonder if much of the fault lies with the guys here and not the women necessarily being crazies.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Hey BlueX2, I could write two hundred pages about women like this but you seem convonced that you are so understanding and compassionate - and so on and that your approach is noble -so I won't bother to tell you how mainulative the "abused" female community is. MOst of them are chronic"victims" who exploit men by acticvating the Capt Save a Ho mentality . You have been recruited into her world of self-pity .
Read Kontrollers post and JoeKers ad infinitum, but I think that you will not. Instead you are probably planning to turn your empathy and compassion into seduction.
REmember this - these women are much better at exploiting men thru their victimhood than you are at seducing them via your "understanding".

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
blueblue said:
The other day I had a conversation with a 35 yr. old female friend of mine, who I’ve know for about two years. She is now going through a divorce and she was commenting to me on how a jerk her cheating ex-to-be husband was to her. In a previous conversation, she had revealed to me that as child and through her teen years, she was sexually abused by more than one close male in her family. Probably due to these set of abusiveness events, she has come to grow a hard shell to the point that not many, if anyone, knows her deepest secrets…her dark side.

Fighting the tears running down her check, she confessed that her core desire in her heart has not change since she was a little girl; all she wanted was to be loved, desired and to be made to feel special. With doubts about how she relates to the men in her life and the relationships she has had in the past, my friend has chosen to close off the tenderness of her soul and let a coldness enter in. At the end of this very emotional and intense conversation, she had told me that no one has ever made her cry and then hugged me and told me that I was a good friend.

With three children of her own, plus she has custody of her dead beat brother’s mentally handicap 10 year old, my friend is a very nurturing mother and caring woman who deep down wants a way out of her internal ‘prison’, but has yet to cross that barrier.

She is not a bitter man hating person, but has more of a very flirtatious flare where she, in my opinion, needs to have a sense of power, over everyone she comes in contact. She thrives on the attention and only lets a selected few into her very private life. In reality, her power is her natural femininity, the part when she is not seeking all that attention.

Over the next few days, I thought about our talk.
God that was painful, I bet the poor b!tch's therapist doesnt even know half of that crap you willingly gobbled down and vomited back out. And he/she gets paid to hear her crap. Wtf are you getting out of this? Or hoping to get out of this?

blueblue said:
Do our women need to let us know of their dark side?
No, your going to hear all about it sooner or later anyways. Theres a saying "Dont feed the bears".

blueblue said:
Do we need to re-shape our frame of thinking to better understand?
Hell no. "re-shape" our thinking any further and we'll be fvckin retarded.

blueblue said:
How do we connect with this world of our women, the women who have these deep wounds?
Why not throw yourself from a moving car and achieve twice as much?

blueblue said:
Should we try to gain some insight into this unknown?
What unknown?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
potato said:
It is as if the major consensus is that women just want to control, use, and ruin men. I just don’t see it. I’ve been with lots of women, as friends and as lovers and not once have I had problems like that with women.
Perhaps you were so busy being her emotional slave that she had no reason to be upset or annoy you overtly. Compliance brings contentment.
I have problems with women ONLY when I will not play THEIR game.
They get kinda miffed.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
I'd bet about 1/3 of the women I've ever been seriously involved with have told me some story about some kind of sexual abuse. There's a wide spectrum of severity, but that's a surprisingly high percentage, even to ME, who heard it directly from them. Even if we believe only HALF of them, then that's STILL over 16%. Not a trivial number. And I believe that more than half were truthful, because it wasn't a "sob story" from most.

This cr*p is likely more common than we realize, but it DOESN'T condemn women to lives of pain and tortured relationships in all cases. (Although some of these chicks were pretty f*cked up.)

I think most "get over" it. ( I know that phrasing sounds kinda insensitive, but there you are - that's what I've seen.)

This stuff is really common, and we might be wise to better understand how it affects women, and how they deal with us. Exactly how we DO this, I dunno.



Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
potato said:
On this forum I just don’t understand the hate towards women. It is as if the major consensus is that women just want to control, use, and ruin men. I just don’t see it. I’ve been with lots of women, as friends and as lovers and not once have I had problems like that with women. I can’t help but wonder if much of the fault lies with the guys here and not the women necessarily being crazies.
Many a wise man told me that we seek out what is wrong with us. When I was picking the wrong men over and over again, members here pointed out to me that there was something wrong with ME that I needed to address. That was back when there were truly wise individuals on here. And they were right.

The fault DOES lie within. Understand that. You can be bitter and mad and point the finger all you want.

But you are really pointing the finger at yourself, through the mirror of your own choices and mindframe.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
potato said:
You are wrong, very wrong.

On this forum I just don’t understand the hate towards women. It is as if the major consensus is that women just want to control, use, and ruin men. I just don’t see it. I’ve been with lots of women, as friends and as lovers and not once have I had problems like that with women. I can’t help but wonder if much of the fault lies with the guys here and not the women necessarily being crazies.

ok you are definitely a woman pretending to be a guy.

1) only women emphasize things twice 'you are wrong, very wrong." well, gay guys do it also.

2) you have a HUGE afc complex. now, even assuming that you are some super stud that women just can't wait to f*ck, your statement that you've never had any problems with women is absurd. if you've been with 'lots' of women you're going to have a horror story or two.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Look Mr Potato head and friends, it is fun to play Sigmund Freud for a while, but the novelty soon wears off. I know a woman who was molested at 14 and then ended up marrying her molester and staying married for 18 years.

I think women should let us know about their dark side but its pretty rare to get the true update on their dark side. Hi, my name is Kristy, I like to have someone to pay my bills who doesn't mind if I scream at them any time I like and hit them with hard household objects.... We just never get that degree of candour.

If you were getting a dog from the animal shelter would you get the one which has the habit of biting the mailman. Why do it, when getting a woman.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
ElChoclo said:
If you were getting a dog from the animal shelter would you get the one which has the habit of biting the mailman. Why do it, when getting a woman.
Muahahahahaha! Quote of the week. Poll... who thinks this is a great insight? Lol! WHAT is this board coming to??? :crackup: :nervous:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Perhaps you were so busy being her emotional slave that she had no reason to be upset or annoy you overtly. Compliance brings contentment.
I have problems with women ONLY when I will not play THEIR game.
They get kinda miffed.
Yes, yes, another “expert” on women.:yawn:

I’m not sure how it is that I end up being someone’s emotional slave when women tend to flock to me like groupies.

Oh and the whole game playing thing – your game good, her game bad.

Seems to me that whenever I hook up with a woman that whatever game is being played is the game that we play together, mutually. I’m not very manipulable and have no desire to manipulate anyone else.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
the great beyond
blueblue said:
Fighting the tears running down her check, she confessed that her core desire in her heart has not change since she was a little girl; all she wanted was to be loved, desired and to be made to feel special.
Too bad she dumped the men who tried to treat her that way.

blueblue said:
With doubts about how she relates to the men in her life and the relationships she has had in the past, my friend has chosen to close off the tenderness of her soul and let a coldness enter in. At the end of this very emotional and intense conversation, she had told me that no one has ever made her cry and then hugged me and told me that I was a good friend.
And this is exactly why she'll never sleep with you.

Really, can anyone who have dealt with women for any length of time ever feel sorry for them? They set themselves up to fail and then they fail. WTF did they expect???

blueblue said:
Do our women need to let us know of their dark side?
Are you out of your mind!? Western Culture = woman's dark side unleashed!

How about we see less of their dark side for once?

We live under the Cultural Tyranny of Women, we don't need no more dark side!

blueblue said:
Can anyone relate?
Yeah... "destroy the Sith, we MUST." Sic Semper Tyrannus to the wh0re cultre.