what real life has taught me about the game


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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so I tried to distill what reality has taught me so far, could you review them pls

1. if women like you they make it easier for you and really obvious and if you aren't an aspie you can figure it out and you should only hit on them for max results

2. women are passive and you have to push it all day, every day, all the way

3. women are socially retarded and their intuition doesn't exist and they backwards rationalize their emotional choices basically they got the awareness of a 5 year old but get away with sh*t since people try to please them because they want to fvck them

4. women prefer raw sex over romantic bs that's pushed by media and social conditioning

5. getting laid in clubs is a waste of time for the bulk of normal guys, especially for the one's who have no significant experience with women that they could have gotten from hooking up through social circles while young

6. mental sanity and emotional strength above all, never rely upon women's cr@p since it's subject to change every single second

7. status matters a lot ..... but only in a certain circle, starngers will not approach you or care at all about your achievements


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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#7 is 100% true. Example: If your a popular guy in class, every1 likes you, your like a leader of your project group and you stand out in class. A girl in that class will be interested in you more, its a big + for you. A girl from another class or institute at college won't care if your in the middle of attention in your social (class circle). This goes for sport clubs too, if she benefits from you, if her life will improve/benefit because of you being next to her she will hang, follow and be interested in you. Most girls go like that, I've experienced. So if your in a social club or circle of students or anything basically and there is potential in there and you feel confident and well accepted etc. approach in that circle first, more chance to get the female attention.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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TheGambino said:
#7 is 100% true. Example: If your a popular guy in class, every1 likes you, your like a leader of your project group and you stand out in class. A girl in that class will be interested in you more, its a big + for you. A girl from another class or institute at college won't care if your in the middle of attention in your social (class circle). This goes for sport clubs too, if she benefits from you, if her life will improve/benefit because of you being next to her she will hang, follow and be interested in you. Most girls go like that, I've experienced. So if your in a social club or circle of students or anything basically and there is potential in there and you feel confident and well accepted etc. approach in that circle first, more chance to get the female attention.
thank you, that is so

what is your opinion of the rest of the observations?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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1. True, the more shes into you the less bullsh1t you have to deal with. She will indeed make it easier for you. The more doubts she has or the lower the interest the more flakey she’ll be, the more she will test you, if you fail those tests she will or go ghost on you or use you for her benefits (could be boostin her ego, help her with basically anything) like: if she thinks she can benefit from you (you have money or your very populair in class or have a good job) she will hang around give you hope, keep you around and use you. If she thinks your worthless she'll drop you. (this goes for uninterested girls)

2. Not sure. Every girl is different in this case in my opinion, you have to find out how she works. Yet be a man always, take action.|

3. Not socially retarted that’s nonsense, girls don’t think logic as it comes to men, they handle by attraction.

4. I think it’s a mix of everything, but sexual attraction is the main focus, everything next to that follows up. Sexual attraction is based on confidence, looks, attitude etc.

5. Bullsh1t if you ask me. It’s the way you handle the situation, clubs are a big upportunity but you have to get true the b1tch shield barrier first, then the games are on.

6. Never rely on a girl to make you happy. That’s 100% true

7. Golden one! 100% true but if your achievements are national or global ones she will be impressed. But things like bein popular only counts for social circles like I commented above!

I’m not a experienced DJ, I use the techniques for 6months now bro I learn myself everyday but all this above is based on my own experience and some theory, I was AFC for years and that’s why I’m certain I’m right about my comments.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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TheGambino said:
I’m not a experienced DJ, I use the techniques for 6months now bro I learn myself everyday but all this above is based on my own experience and some theory, I was AFC for years and that’s why I’m certain I’m right about my comments.
what you said is legit and of value

the differences that you might see there, are probably cultural or that of personality

thank you for the honest response

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
Women are not as socially retarded as you might think. Most of them are master manipulators.

At their core.. they are opportunists. They will take advantage of any good opportunity that presents itself provided the perceived benefit out-weighs the risks/costs.

Women are also risk averse but this is often mistaken for high moral gound by naive betas. They will present their chicken sh*t risk aversion as high moral ground, but in reality they just don't want to risk getting screwed (image, reputation, safety, money, etc.)

Women don't like to get their hands dirty, but they have no problem using scapegoats (usually men) to take on all risks and blame so they can keep blood off their hands and a clean reputation for themselves. This is why you see less female criminals in general. Its not because of a higher moral ground.. its more an aversion to risk and blame.

Why do criminals find girlfriends easily? --> These men are the perfect scapegoat. He takes all the risk and blame while she benefits from the fruits of his work and the safety of his intimidating nature. If the sh!t hits the fan.. she jumps ship into another man's arms and pretends to be innocent. :crackup:

Most men are pathetically naive about what goes on in a woman's head. Its not all sunshine, teddy bears and cupcakes like they would have you think.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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PlayHer Man said:
Most men are pathetically naive about what goes on in a woman's head. Its not all sunshine, teddy bears and cupcakes like they would have you think.
could you expand more on that, so I will understand you more clearly and of course on what do you base your view that women are pure machiavellian creatures?

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
kartofel said:
could you expand more on that, so I will understand you more clearly and of course on what do you base your view that women are pure machiavellian creatures?
I'm not saying women are pure evil at all. I'm just saying their capacity for evil is equal to a man's. The only difference is.. the immoral, criminal, sociopathic men of the world are out doing things.. taking risks.. fighting, blowing sh!t up, plundering, murdering, drug trafficing, scamming, etc. And behind all these men.. there are risk averse women reaping the benefits of these crimes (think Carmela Soprano).

They have the face of innocence, but they have the same moral outlook as the sociopath criminal men. But they walk around like normal law abiding citizens.

That's all I'm saying --> Women are not the weak, confused, naive, sensitive creatures that need constant protection that most men foolishly believe them to be. Its by design.. the woman must appear emotionally weak to avoid blame and responsibility for her actions, associations and affiliations.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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PlayHer Man said:
I'm not saying women are pure evil at all. I'm just saying their capacity for evil is equal to a man's. The only difference is.. the immoral, criminal, sociopathic men of the world are out doing things.. taking risks.. fighting, blowing sh!t up, plundering, murdering, drug trafficing, scamming, etc. And behind all these men.. there are risk averse women reaping the benefits of these crimes (think Carmela Soprano)
okay, so you are saying that your opinion is based on movies and television

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
kartofel said:
okay, so you are saying that your opinion is based on movies and television
No.. I'm saying your an idiot. :crackup:

I used an example to illustrate a point. If you think criminals only exist in TV and in movies then you're a blithering idiot.

Anymore questions?


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
No.. I'm saying your an idiot. :crackup:

I used an example to illustrate a point. If you think criminals only exist in TV and in movies then you're a blithering idiot.
no, you were saying that all criminals are alphas in their own way and get laid since women prefer them, because they can get sh*t done, forgetting that the bulk which is 98% of criminals out there are short sighted antisocial losers much like the character 'Jesse Pinkman' and I do know that for a fact since a lots of people in my family are in law enforcement

PlayHer Man said:
Anymore questions?
how does an arrogant guy like you rank up so much positive reviews in here?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
kartofel said:
so I tried to distill what reality has taught me so far, could you review them pls

1. if women like you they make it easier for you and really obvious and if you aren't an aspie you can figure it out and you should only hit on them for max results

Very true. The only caveat is watch out for AWs. It takes experience to know the difference between high IL and AWing. When in doubt, as the Judge says, make a move and call her bluff.

2. women are passive and you have to push it all day, every day, all the way

Sort of true, unless she is the aggressive type and/or the guy is super hot. But, if the entire relationship is an uphill battle, she's not that into you.

3. women are socially retarded and their intuition doesn't exist and they backwards rationalize their emotional choices basically they got the awareness of a 5 year old but get away with sh*t since people try to please them because they want to fvck them

I think women are "dumb like a fox." They know exactly what they are doing, but they are good at hiding the the things that might be viewed negatively.

4. women prefer raw sex over romantic bs that's pushed by media and social conditioning
Absolutely true. She wants to get reamed hard, not made love to gently on rose petals.

5. getting laid in clubs is a waste of time for the bulk of normal guys, especially for the one's who have no significant experience with women that they could have gotten from hooking up through social circles while young

Club game requires looks and experience.

6. mental sanity and emotional strength above all, never rely upon women's cr@p since it's subject to change every single second


7. status matters a lot ..... but only in a certain circle, starngers will not approach you or care at all about your achievements
Generally true.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Number 3 is very very far from the truth. Keep observing man, you might get there, but completely reverse your opinion and your half way there.

Women do want "raw sex", but it's primarily about the emotion.

Status is important even outside of social circles. They just have to make more assumptions.

My "two cents"


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2013
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Brooklyn, NY
#2 and #4 for me are the ones I never knew before coming to this site.

2. It's extremely rare (for me) for a girl to initiate kissing, sex, etc unless we have been dating for a while. If you are out on a date, most girls don't want you to think they are a slut, so they may hold back. Women want sex just as much as you do. Keep pushing - be persistent but don't overdo it.

4. This one I was surprised with. I guess I was doing it wrong all these years. EVERY CHICK LOVES GETTING RAILED. Even church-going, sundress-wearing, wait till the 3/4th date (or longer) for sex girls. Yes they will say they like it gentle. And at times they might. BUT THEY LOVE GETTING DESTROYED. Hair pulled, tossed around, telling her what to do, telling her to suck your d!ck or get on her hands and knees. Have fun with this and push your limits. She'll love it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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London NATURAL said:
Number 3 is very very far from the truth. Keep observing man, you might get there, but completely reverse your opinion and your half way there.
This is definitely true. Women (on average) are far, far superior guys when it comes to reading social cues.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with these 7 a lot.

I would add another:

8. Attraction is decided within a few seconds. Looks/appearance matters a lot. Attraction for women is mostly visual. The smallest physical/appearance issue (especially, face, facial expressions and body language, hair, height) can make a girl unattracted.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Sup Potatohead, ;)

Women are not aspie and their social intuition is *miles* ahead of our own. They are so far ahead of us most of the time, it can be scary to realize it.

Women don't necessarily prefer raw over romantic sex, it depends on the girl.

Women are *not* passive. You just may not be deeply socially involved, i.e. in situations where they are comfortable initiating. Most guys in pickup/SoSuave are not part of a social scene of any kind, so they dont get to see women initiating. But women initiate things all the time.

Especially as you get older, or are in a social circle, women will basically come on to you as strongly as guys come onto girls. (maybe not quite as strong?)

If you aren't experiencing this, at this moment you are 'on the outside'. Which is fine. Get into a situation where you are closer to people. Or dont, just do random approaches and escalate on one's that seem interested.

Either way, as you get to know more about the Mystery that is Woman, (I am not being sarcastic, by the way), you will revise most of these hypotheses. They are exactly as awesome as the person observing them is able to realize and himself be awesome. There is no limit to their potential awesomeness, the limit is in the observer.

The reason is that you only ever get to meet and date women who are approximately at your own level of self-realization. The women in your life are an accurate reflection of where you are at. Guys who say disparaging things about girls are at a low level of self-realization themselves.

(But thats very cosmic sh1t, ignore for now if it doesnt make sense)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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Socially retarded... I do not think so. They are light years ahead of men...and the only thing that has kept them from dominating mankind is that they can be their own worse enemies....THANK GOD. Remember when we were little boys playing ball....we used to look at the little girls sitting on the bench talking to themselves and doing nothing. Let me tell you my friends, those little girls were not doing nothing....THEY WERE LEARNING HOW TO COMMUNICATE!!!

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I disagree that women are more socially advanced than men. They may talk more about nothing, are more concerned about social status, others moods, and make more perceptions/assumptions about others based on visual/social cues etc. But females are not particularly more social, mind readers or any other fallacy someone wants to believe. Women can be quite socially retarded. Women make all kinds of bad social moves and bad judgements of character and act capricious and arbitrary.