what real life has taught me about the game


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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the people who actually got laid in here are


the rest are adult virgins posing


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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Stagger Lee said:
I disagree that women are more socially advanced than men. They may talk more about nothing, are more concerned about social status, others moods, and make more perceptions/assumptions about others based on visual/social cues etc. But females are not particularly more social, mind readers or any other fallacy someone wants to believe. Women can be quite socially retarded. Women make all kinds of bad social moves and bad judgements of character and act capricious and arbitrary.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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581 people read this thread

only 11 people wrote in this thread

what fvcking awesome community you got in here, bunch of lazy phaggots


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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SteR said:
This is definitely true. Women (on average) are far, far superior guys when it comes to reading social cues.
Agreed, and I blame our society for that. Even from childhood women are encouraged (not condoned, encouraged) to be socially deceptive. You'll meet 100 introverted socially awkward guys before you even find one bonafide socially awkward girl - EVEN if she's fat or has a face like the guy from Machete Kills. Every group of 7's and 8's has at least one grenade that's just as mouthy (if not THE mouthiest) as the whole group


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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Stagger Lee said:
I disagree that women are more socially advanced than men. They may talk more about nothing, are more concerned about social status, others moods, and make more perceptions/assumptions about others based on visual/social cues etc. But females are not particularly more social, mind readers or any other fallacy someone wants to believe. Women can be quite socially retarded. Women make all kinds of bad social moves and bad judgements of character and act capricious and arbitrary.
Most of what social status is putting someone on a pedestal Look at celebrity's/ musicians, watch interviews with them, lots of them say crazy ridicules things that if they where an average Joe they would be looked at as a crazy social retard. Just because your the loudest in the room dosent make you more socially adapt to someone else that's complete bs. Most women make horrible social creatures, they speak/ show action through the emotional action. "How many women bring up intriguing conversations", "How many actually make funny jokes", "How many women do you know who bring up not superficial conversations."

How many men have you meet that are actually socially awkward ie. cant look at you in your eye, laughs when there is nothing to laugh at, just is an absolute clumpsy conversationalist?? (for me, very few)
How many have you meet that are loud and say offensive obnoxious things??(for me to many)

Ever heard the phrase for women "you are to be seen....not heard".....well there meaning behind it.

What ive learned about the game....

Dont read to much into a women actions....will drive you crazy. Take everything for face value. and get money. don't chase pu$$y. and most important BE A MAN. To many simps on here.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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SteR said:
This is definitely true. Women (on average) are far, far superior guys when it comes to reading social cues.
Supposedly women are more skilled socially because in caveman days, while the men were out hunting, the girls stayed in the cave and socialized. Even today, men tend to focus on activities while women like to talk. As a result, they tend to have better social skills than men, generally.

Then there are the alpha men who go through 80% of the women. All the women have to do is sit around and wait to be asked out by these guys, who will get to them eventually if they look decent. As a result, they tend to have more dating experience as well. At least more than the average schmuck.

Big Nuts

Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2013
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4. women prefer raw sex over romantic bs that's pushed by media and social conditioning
Very true....listening to the fairy tale "I wanna make love slowly" is a fatal mistake by most guys. In my illustrious career of pOOn pounding I am still startled at the vast majority of women whose favorite position is doggie while I pull her hair and jack hammer her from behind.(not my favorite position either)

It isn't because she cums easier or enjoys greater friction...it is because she enjoys being dominated by a man...it is in her DNA.

Guys...learn to fvck...chicks wanna be fvcked well by a man who knows what he is doing and who takes control. Throw her around, almost always take the lead, don't be gentle all the time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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NewJack said:
Sup Potatohead, ;)

Women are not aspie and their social intuition is *miles* ahead of our own. They are so far ahead of us most of the time, it can be scary to realize it.

Women don't necessarily prefer raw over romantic sex, it depends on the girl.

Women are *not* passive. You just may not be deeply socially involved, i.e. in situations where they are comfortable initiating. Most guys in pickup/SoSuave are not part of a social scene of any kind, so they dont get to see women initiating. But women initiate things all the time.

Especially as you get older, or are in a social circle, women will basically come on to you as strongly as guys come onto girls. (maybe not quite as strong?)

If you aren't experiencing this, at this moment you are 'on the outside'. Which is fine. Get into a situation where you are closer to people. Or dont, just do random approaches and escalate on one's that seem interested.

Either way, as you get to know more about the Mystery that is Woman, (I am not being sarcastic, by the way), you will revise most of these hypotheses. They are exactly as awesome as the person observing them is able to realize and himself be awesome. There is no limit to their potential awesomeness, the limit is in the observer.

The reason is that you only ever get to meet and date women who are approximately at your own level of self-realization. The women in your life are an accurate reflection of where you are at. Guys who say disparaging things about girls are at a low level of self-realization themselves.

(But thats very cosmic sh1t, ignore for now if it doesnt make sense)
how do those women initiate specifically? just eye contact or smile? if so then that is more possible, but odds are they would never initiate or start a conversation with a guy first they find attractive, also, but women do not need to be as good socially conversation-wise because they don't have to do the approaching and asking out, initiating in the beginning stages in order to make a relationship happen, and also that's why I feel there are more male late bloomers than female late bloomers in the dating and relationship game, scene, another reason to back up the argument about which gender has more late bloomers because many people argue and say that a womans dating market value decreases as she ages but for men it is the opposite, or it just stays the same for men, since women are at their most extremely sought after time, life when they are in their teens and their 20's, and maybe early 30's a little bit, and since men are expected to do the approaching and asking out, initiating, pursuing, that's why women are very likely to not be late bloomers like many men are


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
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kartofel said:
no, you were saying that all criminals are alphas in their own way and get laid since women prefer them, because they can get sh*t done, forgetting that the bulk which is 98% of criminals out there are short sighted antisocial losers much like the character 'Jesse Pinkman' and I do know that for a fact since a lots of people in my family are in law enforcement

how does an arrogant guy like you rank up so much positive reviews in here?
he is telling the truth. in a weird kind of way. but if you go beyond the personal insults and the ego thing, you actually see a guy who accepts reality and uses it to his real advantage. not like others who kinda live in a delusional fantasy, a fairy tale version of the truth.

read with a filter, and use your judgement when reading everyone's post. the final goal is for you to evolve and get better, not to be insulted by random people. better that way.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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CrimsonPanther said:
he is telling the truth. in a weird kind of way. but if you go beyond the personal insults and the ego thing, you actually see a guy who accepts reality and uses it to his real advantage.
that guy never went out he just belches up his favorite hollywood fantasies


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
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kartofel said:
that guy never went out he just belches up his favorite hollywood fantasies
:D lol
that may be so, but i can relate to what he says. my experience is similar. as i said, read with filters on.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
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CrimsonPanther said:
:D lol
that may be so, but i can relate to what he says. my experience is similar. as i said, read with filters on.
brb after I can act like Ray Donovan while presuming that bishezzzz digg it

until than numbers game and the 7 point system that I have learned through my personal experience, why the hell would I even want to act tougher than I normally am?

only a clueless nerd virgin would post something like that


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
zekko said:
Supposedly women are more skilled socially because in caveman days, while the men were out hunting, the girls stayed in the cave and socialized. Even today, men tend to focus on activities while women like to talk. As a result, they tend to have better social skills than men, generally.

Then there are the alpha men who go through 80% of the women. All the women have to do is sit around and wait to be asked out by these guys, who will get to them eventually if they look decent. As a result, they tend to have more dating experience as well. At least more than the average schmuck.
Zekko I use to not belive in that "80%" crap however recently my mind changed.

I have a buddy who is a good looking guy(he looks like Jason Statham from the "Transporter" movies), a year ago he broke up with his girlfriend when he found out she was cheating on him. Now my buddy has never had problems meeting women in real life. However a mutual friend of ours told him to try POF.

Within a month Zeeko and I shyt you not

He was going on 3 dates a week
He was banging chicks from 5-8 range
He had over 30 phone numbers in his phone
He was getting 15 messages a day

Was his profile amazing? no

Hey Just on here looking to meet new people, I like to go out with my buddies and drink if there any cool ladies out here hit me up
I feel pretty good when I have half a dozen women in my phone texting me but 30? my buddy had so many women texting him he couldn't keep up and lost a lot of leads. He told me a couple times that it was overwhelming. How many men on here can honestly say, they felt overwhelmed because they had to many options?

Whats my point? not trying to beat a deadhorse but certain guys will have it a lot easier in this game then others. Most of us don't have it easy. My buddy tho has solid game to back up his looks, what he was doing even if I wanted to do it I couldn't. and if I do/did I would not be banging the same type of quality as him


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
kartofel said:
so I tried to distill what reality has taught me so far, could you review them pls

1. if women like you they make it easier for you and really obvious and if you aren't an aspie you can figure it out and you should only hit on them for max results

2. women are passive and you have to push it all day, every day, all the way

3. women are socially retarded and their intuition doesn't exist and they backwards rationalize their emotional choices basically they got the awareness of a 5 year old but get away with sh*t since people try to please them because they want to fvck them

4. women prefer raw sex over romantic bs that's pushed by media and social conditioning

5. getting laid in clubs is a waste of time for the bulk of normal guys, especially for the one's who have no significant experience with women that they could have gotten from hooking up through social circles while young

6. mental sanity and emotional strength above all, never rely upon women's cr@p since it's subject to change every single second

7. status matters a lot ..... but only in a certain circle, starngers will not approach you or care at all about your achievements
I'm bored so I'll play along

1. This is true true true

2. Sadly yes, however not if you're dealing with black women they tend to be more aggressive and masculine

3. Disagree--most women are socially more aware and intune with what's going on. A woman can walk in a room and look around real quick and process what's going on etc.

4. Women want raw sex with someone who turns them on romantically like this guy but you're right most women wanna be ****ed hard and good ha ha

5. It depends--I think that this site doesn't focus on building social circles enough. And if most guys focused on that, they would meet a better tier woman then the usually club skank. Clubs are great to hook up in, for most guys who don't succeed in clubs it's because 1. They don't approach enough, or 2 Other reason i.e. not in shape, not confident, don't dress well etc.

If you dress well, are in decent shape, confident to approach and show masculine energy you will do well in clubs.

6. Yup--abundance mentality overall (click this to view what I mean)

7. Yup

You on your way OP, just curious what city/state you live?

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
kartofel said:
the people who actually got laid in here are


the rest are adult virgins posing
Why don't I see YOUR name on this list? :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Too easy.. :crackup: :crackup:


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2013
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Why don't I see YOUR name on this list? :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Too easy.. :crackup: :crackup:
go fvck yourself


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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what life has taught me is that the only women who will sympathize with you are your female relatives