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What is it exactly that is destroying my LTR?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ
I might as well have used a "Help me out cuz I havent got a clue about this one" title for this thread, because this is honestly the way I feel at this point AGAIN in my relationship with my girlfriend..but alas..many of you might remember my last post with that exact title. Regardless, I may even be more dumbfounded and confused than I ever felt before with her. Some of the fuys who helped me out last time-Jake Steed, Cyrano, even Prose-you may feel you have a good grasp on what type of girl I'm currently dating, so if youre around to check out this thread, feel free to enlighten me with your knowledge and overall more vast experience in the land of the LTR-(In the end, ther answer to this whole thread may as well be: "You're young, your girlfriend is young, both of you are immature to a certain extent, you're not ready for a relationship..what are you doing? Get out and have fun!"

We'll see. Anyways, keep in mind this is goign to be a lengthy post, but I'll try my best to make it as entertaining and substantive as possible. Bare with me...let's get through this together!

So, in a thread I entitled "Never sell yourself short with your girl" I wrote several weeks back, I basically outlined my then current thoughts and feelings about my relationship with my polish chick. The post actually came out in response to a thread Drixsa started, outlining things everyone should keep in mind if one is to have a successful relationship. One tip he outlined was "A girl who doesn't initiate ideas, dates or conversations with you is a waste of time". The bells went ringing along in my head. I read that, and that phrase just seemed to make sense. And it made me wonder.. Again (like I've stated before), I have no qualms about being "The Man" in the relationship, being the one in control, setting up the dates, making the plans, overall putting in the effort to keep things interesting etc., BUT, I was honest with myself, and I asked my myself as directly as I could if I could ever stand being with a girl who's basically as exciting as a donkey. I came up with a strong "negatory". I got some flack for that thread. Guys like Player Supreme expressed his ideals that the man should always be the one to impress his lady and be the one to always take the initiative for things such as dates, ideas, presents, sex etc. I understand that although he may have lived HIS life that way, that isn't a life for me. I can stimulate as well as anyone, but I expect to be stiumlated right back. Again, I can fully appreciate my status as a man in any relationship, but these are the 2000's, and I expect and demand reciprocity from my girlfriend to keep things exciting. I wanted a "giver" and although my girl was super nice and sweet and attentive, I believe her history of being a "beauty queen" her whole life has only allowed her to get by without having to make sacrifices and truly putting in the effort to make things fun for both her guy and her relationships (keep in mind, I know this is not UNCOMMON). Well, I decided that shyt wasn't going to fly with me, and to be honest with everyone here, I was wicked wicked bored with her, and her behaviour..I was thinking about wanting out...

..I was a bit resentful because i felt my efforts weren't being recognized and appreciated, so 1 week before Valntine's Day, I called her up saying that we needed to talk and I went over to her place with the full intent of breaking things off with her. I just wasn't happy in the relationship at the moment in time, so why fool myself pretending I was? I thought if I wasn't happy now, Why shouldn't I go back to being single, having sex with tons of girls and just being happy and free. I felt I deserved the best, and felt I wasn't getting it. So that's fine. The mistake I made about this whole thing was that I had just assumed she felt kinda the same way about the relationship, that things weren't goign that great..In essence, i felt that my goign over to her place and breaking it off would be the easiest thing in the world. At that moment, I really felt I didn't need to "talk to her about it" beforehand and be communicative like any good boyfriend would be. I was ready to just end it right then and there, fully expecting she was one the same page I was on. Why do eachother any disservices? Why waste time? There's a whole life to be had out there! Surely she felt the same way too!

I was dead wrong. Of course we WEREN'T ON THE SAME PAGE. Of course she had no idea that I was so unhappy in the relationship. Of course she had to think everything was goign GREAT. As you can imagine, our discrepancies in how we thought "we" were going, led to a marr of confusion, tears on her part, accusations, finger pointing etc. She was so shocked and couldn't believe I was actually doing what she thought I was doing. The end result was that something I thought I was goign to be easy and painless to do ended up being very complicated and sensitive, all because I had assumed we were feeling the same way and didn't really feel any the need to be communicative at all prior to the breakup session. Well, the funny thing is, once I actually started talking about it, and being open with what i expect from my relationships, and not keeping it bottled inside, the more I felt that this was just another issue in our relationship that could be overcome. Thus, the mandate for my talk with her, initially being to break up, slowly transitioned to a "Let's try to work this out" type deal. The truth was, I still really liked this girl, and I was super wrong for at least not giving her the benefit of the doubt about my issues with her, and instead jumping the proverbial "gun" and breaking up with her intead of just trying to talk things through. I learned a valuable lesson from that point on, and that is to never assume that eveyone thinks the same way you do. Never assume that if you have a problem or issue with something, that everyone else does too. Nobody on this earth is a mindreader, often ppl are ignorant about things until they are enlightened and shown otherwise, most probably by another person. So...we finished up with some delicious make up sex, and again I had naively thought that the issues were dealt with ie. She now knows that with me at least, both us will have to learn to perhaps take eachother less for granted and strive for new heights in excitement, spontaniety and overall fun. I expressed that this will only work if we're both commited and we both thought it was worth it. She was desperate to patch things up, and i was happy to have my gf back..all was well until...

A couple days later, she felt absolutely betrayed. I thought it was "all good", and all the meanwhile, the next couple days after our talk, she was doing nothing was thinking about our talk, worrying and feeling absolutely betrayed that i would actually try to break up with her without even having the decency a talk about what was bothering me first. The more i thought about it, the more I didn't blame her. She would call me up 2-3 times in the next few days, crying, pleading with me, begging for answers about how I could ever do such a thing. All i could say to her how much of a mistake I made , and that i was super sorry that she felt betrayed, but that I promised I would never betray her like that again, and that I wouldn't be so fukkin passive aggressive with her in the future-ie. If I had problems with her, I would let her know. Valentine's day came around on the 14th, and I know she still felt like shyt about what had happened, so i decided that all my banter and my verbal apologies (i didn't over do it, I just said what I thougt was appropriate) weren't going to make any diifference. I know actions often speak alot louder than words, so i decided to plan ahead and make a super nice valentines day for her. I mean, A LOT OF EFFORT. Turns out, she was probbaly still resentful from the before and decided to act very unusually and completely out of character-Moody, bytchy, demanding: Like a little brat princess. Even after all I had done for her. I didn't put two and two together and realize that she was probbaly only going through her own passive aggressive episode with me then and would eventually get over it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ
Well guys, almost 3 weeks have past, and she just can't shake it. She left back home to NJ today for a few days for spring break, and last night was supposed to be a very nice little night for the two of us-dinner, watch out first porn together, have amazing sex etc. and it just didn't turn out like that. By 4am (great time to get into a fight btw) she was crying (mind you she was a bit drunk) and this whole thing about betrayal came back into the picture..even if this past week was completely issue and drama free. She said she had a great time over the past week, but that she was also rally holding back what she felt all along-a sense of betrayal, and a sense that she would always have to walk on egg shells with me from now on..because she truly feels that she'll never know if I'm happy or not even if SHE thinks things are going great. She's now obsessively afraid of "slipping up" and doing something wrong (although she still isn't sure exactly about what she has to do now in order to keep me)with me even with all reassurance I've tried giving her that she has to just relax and trust me that I'll be much much more communicative and upfront, and fair with any sort of issues I have with her or the relationship. She just doesnt seem to trust me now and seemingly doesn't trust herself enough to do things she either knows or doesnt know she must to do in order to keep this relationship healthy, fun and exciting...

Consequently, I'm stuck with the twin duties of ensuring her that she need not stress that she's not doing enough for the relationship (because deep down I can tell she doesn't really know what to do...I tell her" use your imagination!"..she may just not have the same imagination i have) or that deep down I'll always be very passive aggressive with her from now into the future. She says she doesnt know if I'm happy or not anymore and it scares the living shyt out of her.

Now although this 1st perrgotive is extremely importantt and critical for her and the relationship, I realize I can really only assure her so much. I feel Ive said everything I needed to say for her to trust me, and I've showed it as well more than once. The last thing I want is a nervous, insecure gf that cries twice a week about this same issue over and over again. At the same time, I don't want her to think that although I feel very compassionate towards her worry and her insecurity and want her to know that "everything will be ok"...man..I don't REALLY want her to think REALLY that everything will be ok. I told her to the best of my capabilitities that I'll help her go thru with this, but that she should never dismiss the message I put across that started this whole mess...that in order to have a good relationship with jbbrain, we're both going to have to REALLY WANT IT. When i mention this, this only makes her feel worse.. And that not to say I'm unrrealistic about things-I know she's in school and works 15 hour weeks. She's a busy girl-but I know she can afford to give more to this relationship (and she knows she can too, although at 1st she was a bit in the dark about what she was doing wrong..or rather..what she wasn't doing right..now she sees it and wants to make me happy) and I promised her I can improve too and will strive do the same thing as well. I told her that if we're together, we might as well enjoy eachothers company to the max, because I truly feel complacency and taking your partner for granted is a ravaging relationship killer.

Anyways..I'm probably rambling, thanks for reading.Oone little question I wanted to ask you is whther you think this is a hump she can get over or will she always feel she has to walk on eggshells when she's with me. I can see that turning into resent and other nasty things. I fully admit I may be the one responsible for turning her into this emotional mess, and that I could have handled things a lot cooler and made her feel more wanted and appreciated in the relationship. I want her to feel that way. But I also want her to know that we have to be on the same page in terms of expectations and wants in this relationhsip if it is to work out. God help me if she's a bad emotional multitasker...

Thanks again....
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Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
Reaction score
Relationships are tough. This has nothing to do with age. You need to constantly grow and challenge and, yes, entertain both you and your partner and they need to be doing the very same things with you. You need to be on the same page and have common goals as well as being compatible in a myriad of ways, including chemistry and sex and innumerable others. Even in the very best of relationships, it's sustained hard work over a very long time.

Most important, however, is that you need to be happy in and of yourself. You need to find the amusement and entertainment value in things and feel whole and happy with yourself. If you are looking for happiness from your partner, you're on a dead end path. If your partner is looking for happiness from you, she is on a dead end path. Those things are intrinsic to yourself. It is this very thing -- looking for happiness outside of ourselves -- that accounts for so many relationships failing or partners cheating or simply ejecting.

So ... what to do? Ask yourself these things: Are you ready to be in a relationship knowing of all the hard work it entails? Is this the "right" girl for that long arduous journey? Are your expectations too high for this relationship and this girl? Are you taking this relationship and this girl too seriously, relative to your life goals and your knowledge that relationships involve so much hard work?

You might want to chill out and live and let live for right now. See the entertainment value in things. Here you are with a girl that has rung your bell. You've been with many others, but this one has you feeling things. That doesn't happen very often, does it? Why not just celebrate that?? Revel in it!

Regarding the mechanics of your relationship: when you go to break up with a woman, you MUST be certain and END IT completely. For if you do not end it, you will have broken the ultimate faith and trust in that person that you will not abandon them. You have broken this girl's faith and trust by the botched breakup. You're going to have to deal with that; that issue ain't going away easily or for a long time my friend. That one will haunt this relationship, I guaran-fvcking-tee it.

You'll be fine. A change perspective might be in order. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
This girl may be your dreams right now, but tomorrow she may be nothing.

This relationship has been stabbed by your hand and that wound will never heal. Now ask yourself HONESTLY:
Is this girl worth it? Is it worth going through the trouble of getting her to be more giving in the relationship?

she's gonna be insecure about what you did forever. My advice is next, but you should never listen to advice. It's your life and you will live with the consequences not me. You need a deep thinking session about your relationship. That's all.

Is it worth it? Shouldn't it be naturally good? Do you really have to work so hard in a relationship just to keep it together? etc...

The fact that she was indifferent to your V-day efforts shows that she is wounded. I think this is beyond your healing abilities.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
You have to understand that women are fully more emotional when it comes to these things than us.

Whilst men can generally blow off and argument - women read into things - and try and figure out whether this is a pattern that will keep continuing.

You path ahead with this woman is not goin to be easy. It's going to be taxing and your going to have to reassure her many times.

Are you ready for that?

You've done what you cna for now - let her go away and think on things.

What I would advise you not to do though is turn into that puppy dog guy - whoose constantly at her heels wondering whehter she is OK - and trying to please her because you screwed up. It's not worth it - it's better to move on.

Give it some time - but at some point in the future you've got to put your foot down and tell her that she either can deal with what you have done or not. Be prepared to walk away - Tell her how you feel about her - but that you don't want to always be responsibile in her eyes for a mistake that you made (that you both made in your lack of communication).

This has the opportunity to bring you both closer together - or end it.

Don't live with someone who resents you.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Yeah dude, Women never forget! Men fight and ten minutes later are drinking beer together saluting each other.

She can overcome it but usually involves the "I love you" statement to heal or worst yet a marriage proposal!!

Time will soften her a bit but what she is thinking now is that she can never give you her 'total love' because you may one day suddenly say, "good-bye" (as u have already done) and leave her heart-broken and feeling silly for falling in love with you. She is guarding her heart now. You might want to talk to her about this if you are serious about LTR or marriage.

On another issue - I believe you two are simply not compatible! Sex is good but afterwards there is not a commonality strong enough to keep the flame lit!

Just my $2,000 worth:)


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Australia - Brisbane
You've really dug yourself a big hole ....

I dont trust women at all, espcially girls aged between 16 - 25. If she's within this age range watch out.

I've gone thru the some sort of thing during my 3 year LTR :( My man, this is just the tip of the ice burg of what is going to happen, things are can only go down hill from here for you.

This are the first signs of the little girl playing her silly little games to test you out. You failed the first test by giving into her when you agreed to talk things over, you failed again when you gave in to her crying and letting her shift the BLAME on you for betraying her.
WTF , you haven't betrayed anyone, why let her put that idea in yourhead, think for yourself instead of letting her manipulate you like this. I really feel bad for you JBbrain,

and last night was supposed to be a very nice little night for the two of us-dinner, watch out first porn together, have amazing sex et
Don't ever ever plan sex with women, they absultely hate it! And they can definately use this sh|t against you.

Sorry JB I really don't see a resolution to your problems unless you start taking charge of the relationship, I made the mistake your making now. Letting the girls emotions and feelings dictate the way I feel ... it will get to the point when all your doing is thinking about 'ohh, what she she feeling' 'ohh did I just make her mad' 'ohh I hope she likes red apples and not green' u get the point.

Does she have friends her own age back home? Both male and female? Not a good way to send her home to her friends and family feeling the way she did... You know they will be gossiping and carrying on....

BAHHHHHHHHH Who the heck cares man, ignore all that paranoid crap I just wrote it WILL drive you crazy.

Use the time apart to do soemthing for yourself that you normally wouldnt do. Take up latin dancing and belly dancing classes :p join the gun and rifles association. So when she gets back and asks you what you have been up to. Tell her all this cool things you did and how much fun you had. This will drive her wild and I bet you will score that same day with her.

If she asks you ' Did you miss me Blah Blah Blah? ' No doubt she will....
Just say ' I think the question is, did you miss ME.. ' or anwser
with a sly smile on your face ' I really miss the sex ' Blah Blah Blah

My two cents to you.

Good Luck


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey JB,

I do remember your original thread. I'm sure you remember me being one of the "negatories" too. While I do regret getting involved in the flames I will still stand by my original advice.

You get out of a relationship what you put in. Originally I think I cautioned you about placing the blame on your gf for being boring. I told you to take a step back and look at the relationship and determine whether you might be partially to blame (by being boring) too.

If after doing that you can honestly say that this chick just isn't putting in the effort then what can you really do? She's confused right now and feels like she's walking on eggshells. She probably doesn't know what to do.

What I think you should do is lead the way. Plan something very exciting and maybe a little dangerous for the two of you. Some good examples might be skydiving, white water rafting, or Bungy jumping. It could be anything really. But something that gets your heart thumping and your adrenaline flowing. It is at this moment, when her blood is racing, that your words (reassurances) are going to mean something. There's just something about those "seemingly" life or death situations that can do wonders for a struggling relationship. She ends up clinging to you (and maybe you to her) because you're both scared sh!tless. You both end up feeling closer and connected because you went thru it all together.

If you do something like this, the weeks following it will be interesting. Sit back and wait to see if she comes up with anything to spice things up a little. She might need some more nudging in the right direction.

After that if she can't figure it out then you will really have to re-assess what it is that this chick is does to make you happy and can you live with it.

One thing that I see as a potential big problem for you is what Prosemont touched on. When you break up with a chick and then change your mind you've crossed a line that can't be forgotten. I have personal experience with this one. We got back together but things were never the same again. She'll never forget it and she won't let you forget it either. It can be a oneway ticket to AFC-dom.

I agree with Newman you have to put your foot down and tell her you made a big mistake. You are deeply sorry too. She can't keep bringing it up and making you feel bad about it though. If she does the relationship is already doomed.

Once again JB I know we had some harsh words before. (I think I accused you of being boring, etc.) If you've really put alot of effort into this relationship and this really is a problem for you and your girl, I'm truly sorry for the harshness and flaming. Maybe she is boring. However like you said in your post. You can always work things out. Maybe you can teach her to be more spontaneous, exciting, etc. Is she worth the effort? Communication is key. Glad to hear you are looking at things open mindedly.

Peace out



Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some things i can tell you about my 3 year LTR that you might find usefull to read:

I broke up with her 3 times. She kept calling and crawling back, and since she managed to get me back cause of easy good sex and cause of being "confortable" to have her around to make me company for the stuff i wanted.
In the end, she broke up with me after she lost a bit of the enfatuation, and found another guy that she could jump to (women are like monkeys theory again).

Now i think, was it worth trying again with her? I mean, she did ****, i wanted to break up, but i always gave her another chance, and she used her ******** to get into my pants. So no, it was not worthy. Still we had the same problems that always existed from some point, it was impossible for them to go away. Some good times, and some bad times like always.

And why did i stick with her so long?
Like i said, confort level and sex.

Could i have this with other girl?
Yes, and even better.

Should i stay with someone who gives me so many problems?
No, be bold and move on. It may hurt a bit being alone cause you are close to her, but once you find someone, she's history. But in order to do this, you must setup in your mind that you definetly want to break up!! No more contact, going out for a cofee, phone calls or sex. Just be bold, end it up and period.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Your original reasons for the problems you were having with the relationship were she's "boring" and she "doesn't put an effort into the relationship."

It would be beneficial to explain what you meant by boring and not putting an effort into it.

But these are signs of three different things: Either

1. A very rare truly boring chick that has nothing to offer; or

2. A low interest girl; or

3. A guy who can't appreciate the pluses and minuses of his girl and needs to focus on the negatives only.

I got my money down. Which one do you think it is?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
What you've done by confronting this woman with your break up plan was open the can of worms of her insecurities.

If anyone on this site is going to listen to me, listen to me now: There is no good you can do on your behalf to make her overcome these insecurities.

This is HER problem, NOT yours. It is HER problem that is going to start driving you away EVEN MORE. YOU will be the one walking on eggshells soon enough, especially if you try to resolve this with understanding, cooperation and a liberal attitude of forgiveness like you have been thus far.

Do not be afraid to be honest from this point on. I can't tell you it will all work out. Chances are it will not. But I can tell you that you will save yourself from an even bigger mess with brutal honesty.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ

Relationships are tough. This has nothing to do with age. You need to constantly grow and challenge and, yes, entertain both you and your partner and they need to be doing the very same things with you. You need to be on the same page and have common goals as well as being compatible in a myriad of ways, including chemistry and sex and innumerable others. Even in the very best of relationships, it's sustained hard work over a very long time.

-I'm learnign this..the more and more I think about this, the more I'm just thinking we might have different agendas for this relationship..it's probbaly a compatibility issue...

Most important, however, is that you need to be happy in and of yourself. You need to find the amusement and entertainment value in things and feel whole and happy with yourself. If you are looking for happiness from your partner, you're on a dead end path. If your partner is looking for happiness from you, she is on a dead end path. Those things are intrinsic to yourself. It is this very thing -- looking for happiness outside of ourselves -- that accounts for so many relationships failing or partners cheating or simply ejecting.

-I totally know what you're saying Prose..and i agree wholeheartedly. The truth is, I think I'm very happy with myself. I truly like my life and to be honest, I like myself. I don't look for happiness externally, although I do admit that I demand more from my girl. I just think it's not worth it if this is a half assed relationship.

So ... what to do? Ask yourself these things: Are you ready to be in a relationship knowing of all the hard work it entails? Is this the "right" girl for that long arduous journey? Are your expectations too high for this relationship and this girl? Are you taking this relationship and this girl too seriously, relative to your life goals and your knowledge that relationships involve so much hard work?

-I really like this girl. I truly do. At the same time, all this drama is slowly driving me away..I dont how to deal with it..it sucks because Im lookign forward to somethign great and shes living in the past.

You might want to chill out and live and let live for right now. See the entertainment value in things. Here you are with a girl that has rung your bell. You've been with many others, but this one has you feeling things. That doesn't happen very often, does it? Why not just celebrate that?? Revel in it!

-It does make me feel GREAT things. And I'm very happy to be with her. At the same time, is it wrong for me to feel like I want more? I don't feel I'm being overly demanding, and I stick by my position that this relationship needs some serious "input" from the both of us. When wee had our initial talk, it seemed that some truths came out on her part..I dont know which were bullshyt and which werent, but apparently shes very concerned about having her heart broken, hence explaining her being a little bit emotionally unavailable.

Regarding the mechanics of your relationship: when you go to break up with a woman, you MUST be certain and END IT completely. For if you do not end it, you will have broken the ultimate faith and trust in that person that you will not abandon them. You have broken this girl's faith and trust by the botched breakup. You're going to have to deal with that; that issue ain't going away easily or for a long time my friend. That one will haunt this relationship, I guaran-fvcking-tee it.

-I know, and now I have to deal with it. the truth is, I never said to her I wanted to end it straight up. But it was leanign in taht direction and then I changed my mind. the only reason why i did this is because I felt I was being really unfair and unreasonable. I didnt want to regret my decision later on. Im glad I changed my mandate.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ
Originally posted by LikRetsam
This girl may be your dreams right now, but tomorrow she may be nothing.

This relationship has been stabbed by your hand and that wound will never heal. Now ask yourself HONESTLY:
Is this girl worth it? Is it worth going through the trouble of getting her to be more giving in the relationship?

she's gonna be insecure about what you did forever. My advice is next, but you should never listen to advice. It's your life and you will live with the consequences not me. You need a deep thinking session about your relationship. That's all.

Is it worth it? Shouldn't it be naturally good? Do you really have to work so hard in a relationship just to keep it together? etc...

The fact that she was indifferent to your V-day efforts shows that she is wounded. I think this is beyond your healing abilities.
Of course I have to listen to advice..but it doesnt mean I'll act on it. You question the same things as Prose..mainly..is this girl worth goign through all this shyt..I dont know yet. I do really like her, but time will only tell what happens. Thanks for your input kid.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ
Originally posted by JustDoItAlways
Your original reasons for the problems you were having with the relationship were she's "boring" and she "doesn't put an effort into the relationship."

It would be beneficial to explain what you meant by boring and not putting an effort into it.

But these are signs of three different things: Either

1. A very rare truly boring chick that has nothing to offer; or

2. A low interest girl; or

3. A guy who can't appreciate the pluses and minuses of his girl and needs to focus on the negatives only.

I got my money down. Which one do you think it is?
Wellm, i dont really know how to explain it to you, man. Its basically just how I said it: She wasnt exciting, spontaneous etc. any of the things that I enjoy having in a relationship..we were just goign through our days, and she seemed fine with it. I wasn't it. I have a level head on my shoulders JDIA. Trust me on that one.

Now about your genius little synopsis of the situation. To be honest, I really initially chose number 2 to be the answer to all my answers. Maybe it wasnt always low IL, but after 3time it could have turned that way...UNTIL the day i almost broke up with her..with all the emotuion that was pouring out of her, I knew it wasnt low IL, especially with these recurring crying bouts about "making me happy"...so..where does that lead us?

Is she truly just a boring chick? I would hate to call my gf, jbbrain's gf, boring, I refuse to, and I go against what Ive said before about her. Do I think she's pretty immature in the relam of the LTR and needs some good direction in order to properly learn how to keep things good and exciting? Hell yeah. In short, I dont think shes boring anymore. What she is thoug, is a girl who is traditionally used to having guys do EVERYTHING for her, and I expect to quell her expectations if that is indeed what she thinks.

Now, on to me (you clever little don juan): I realize I may be a bit too demanding. the truth is, I do demand a lot from myself and from the women I'm with, espcially the ones i settle with since LTR's are so rare for me. I do look at the postitive with her, I enjoy every minute I'm with her, and since our break up talk, I've been very happy with her. I've noticed shes doing so many more small things that really please me. So far, so good...however, SHE CANNOT shake off her insecurities. This is the problem. So, to answer your question man-I dont think I only look at the negative things in her. In all truth, i see a lot of potential for soemthign really with this girl, and thats why i want tmake it extra special. I told her if she feels shes not on the same page as me in terms of expectations and wants, then she should just let me know so we can do our own thing. She claims she wants all the samre things I do. Now its time for her to put her money where her mouth is.

Thanks for posting, btw, I dont really think youre a shyt eater. I'm also curious as to what option you have chosen, although I have a good feeling its number 3. Dont hate.:)


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Yeah dude, Women never forget! Men fight and ten minutes later are drinking beer together saluting each other.

She can overcome it but usually involves the "I love you" statement to heal or worst yet a marriage proposal!!

Time will soften her a bit but what she is thinking now is that she can never give you her 'total love' because you may one day suddenly say, "good-bye" (as u have already done) and leave her heart-broken and feeling silly for falling in love with you. She is guarding her heart now. You might want to talk to her about this if you are serious about LTR or marriage.

On another issue - I believe you two are simply not compatible! Sex is good but afterwards there is not a commonality strong enough to keep the flame lit!
Hey PRL-Youre right, this could easily be a compatibility probelm..but its something I dont want to admit because we seem to really like eachother. To blow off something as good as my LTR due to something like "We just wetren't compatible"...UGGGGH. It makes me crazy. Although I do realize this is a huge issue in any LTR (compatibility) i feel like if we like eachother enough, we can make ourselves compatible for eachother! Wishful thinking, huh?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ

Originally posted by amokk23
You've really dug yourself a big hole ....

I dont trust women at all, espcially girls aged between 16 - 25. If she's within this age range watch out.

-I hope you can get over that one dude....

I've gone thru the some sort of thing during my 3 year LTR :( My man, this is just the tip of the ice burg of what is going to happen, things are can only go down hill from here for you.

This are the first signs of the little girl playing her silly little games to test you out. You failed the first test by giving into her when you agreed to talk things over, you failed again when you gave in to her crying and letting her shift the BLAME on you for betraying her.
WTF , you haven't betrayed anyone, why let her put that idea in yourhead, think for yourself instead of letting her manipulate you like this. I really feel bad for you JBbrain,

-Listen dude...I'm the last person you would call a *****. I mean, for sure, to the pessimistic DON, you can say these are all little girl games. the truth is, she was really emotionally burnt out by what happened. I can tell be her tears and the overall emotion she hads put into reconcilign this situation. And again, I mentioned Ive only reassured as much as I could. I didnt turn into a supplicating bytch about this, dude. HOWEVER, I did have the good sense in knowing that this girl obviously needs some support, and a little reassurance, so I gave it to her. In many ways, I do think I betrayed her..but not because i wanted to break up with her...but because I did so with a very jaded mindset, that, in retrospect, didnt make much sense. She deserved more, and Im happy were dukinghis one out instead of both of us wondering "what could have been?"

Sorry JB I really don't see a resolution to your problems unless you start taking charge of the relationship, I made the mistake your making now. Letting the girls emotions and feelings dictate the way I feel ... it will get to the point when all your doing is thinking about 'ohh, what she she feeling' 'ohh did I just make her mad' 'ohh I hope she likes red apples and not green' u get the point.

-Again, i told you i reassured her, not become a doormat. Do you not see the difference? Whgen she gets back from home, Im goign to have a small little heart to heart and realy have her decide once and for all if she can deal with what happened. If she can, then, I expect her and myselgf to drop this issue for as long as we possibly can. I want to look to the future, and enjoy our time together NOW, if she wants the same things, then I expect us to move from this drama..

BAHHHHHHHHH Who the heck cares man, ignore all that paranoid crap I just wrote it WILL drive you crazy.

-So, why did you write it then? C'mon dude. Lets be real here. Do I expect her to cheat on me now beause shes gone back home with some unsettled business here? No. If I did, why would I still be with her?

-Thanks for posting.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ
Originally posted by Slickster
Hey JB,

I do remember your original thread. I'm sure you remember me being one of the "negatories" too. While I do regret getting involved in the flames I will still stand by my original advice.

You get out of a relationship what you put in. Originally I think I cautioned you about placing the blame on your gf for being boring. I told you to take a step back and look at the relationship and determine whether you might be partially to blame (by being boring) too.

If after doing that you can honestly say that this chick just isn't putting in the effort then what can you really do? She's confused right now and feels like she's walking on eggshells. She probably doesn't know what to do.

What I think you should do is lead the way. Plan something very exciting and maybe a little dangerous for the two of you. Some good examples might be skydiving, white water rafting, or Bungy jumping. It could be anything really. But something that gets your heart thumping and your adrenaline flowing. It is at this moment, when her blood is racing, that your words (reassurances) are going to mean something. There's just something about those "seemingly" life or death situations that can do wonders for a struggling relationship. She ends up clinging to you (and maybe you to her) because you're both scared sh!tless. You both end up feeling closer and connected because you went thru it all together.

If you do something like this, the weeks following it will be interesting. Sit back and wait to see if she comes up with anything to spice things up a little. She might need some more nudging in the right direction.

After that if she can't figure it out then you will really have to re-assess what it is that this chick is does to make you happy and can you live with it.

One thing that I see as a potential big problem for you is what Prosemont touched on. When you break up with a chick and then change your mind you've crossed a line that can't be forgotten. I have personal experience with this one. We got back together but things were never the same again. She'll never forget it and she won't let you forget it either. It can be a oneway ticket to AFC-dom.

I agree with Newman you have to put your foot down and tell her you made a big mistake. You are deeply sorry too. She can't keep bringing it up and making you feel bad about it though. If she does the relationship is already doomed.

Once again JB I know we had some harsh words before. (I think I accused you of being boring, etc.) If you've really put alot of effort into this relationship and this really is a problem for you and your girl, I'm truly sorry for the harshness and flaming. Maybe she is boring. However like you said in your post. You can always work things out. Maybe you can teach her to be more spontaneous, exciting, etc. Is she worth the effort? Communication is key. Glad to hear you are looking at things open mindedly.

Peace out

Hey Slick, liek Ive mentioned before, no love lost. Lets move ahead. Know what? I did take youra dvice and I did take a step away and look at things objectively and I still think I'm not a boring person and I don't allow for something liek boredom to kill my relationships. Get what you put in? That great advice dude, but does it always work out?

What if you put in a lot and make things great for that time that yout put in making thinsg intersting, but there you are waiting somewhat annoyed for the other person to reciprocate good date ideas, initiate plans for dinner, buy small tokens of appreciation when the other person isnt around etc.??? I agree, you do get what you put in, but thats only HALF the equation. What about what the other person PUTS IN? Thats my issue here, dude.

And youre right..because she is so inexperienced..she truly doesnt know what to do. I liek your advice about taking the stand again and doing something really exciting and even dangerous for the both of us. But can i expect taht to really "jump start" the relationship again? Me putting in MORE and MORE effort? The last time I did that was V-Day, and I had this night planned to a tee...and all I got was flack at the end of it...Neddless to say, she was feeling really really sorry for everyhting she did afterwards.

Maybe I do need to poush her more in the right direction..and again, it all boils down to the ultimate question about "Is this really worth it?"But trust me when i say I havent been overly apologetic about thse things..in no way do i feel I'm walkign on eggshels at all..she shouldnt feel she has to either..

man, I have somethinkign to do. I do like her a lot, though I have no idea what will happen in the summer. And I agree, if she persists in not letting this issue go, then Ill have no choice but to just let her go..it sucks, but whats done is done...Im goign to find out for sure when she comes back from NJ.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
LOL. I guess what comes around goes around JB. I told you you would be back here posting this.

Yes this is the 2000's and men do not have be sitting there waiting like a woman for reciprocity to occur. You also missed my point.

I too believe in reciprocation. I just believe in men being about action not receptivity.

Here is something for you to read:


check out chapter 2 on planning. " you have to think of new ideas, new goals and new women or your mind and behavior will exhibit the old ideas patterns and women"

You keep picking the wrong type...ask yourself why? Why am I attracting this into MY life. What is going on inside of me?

I stated that you were the problem in this relationship...maybe after reading the above book you will see my point of view.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
LOL. I guess what comes around goes around JB. I told you you would be back here posting this.

Yes this is the 2000's and men do not have be sitting there waiting like a woman for reciprocity to occur. You also missed my point.

I too believe in reciprocation. I just believe in men being about action not receptivity.

Here is something for you to read:

sorry I had to take out the access code to this private book

check out chapter 2 on planning. " you have to think of new ideas, new goals and new women or your mind and behavior will exhibit the old ideas patterns and women"

You keep picking the wrong type...ask yourself why? Why am I attracting this into MY life. What is going on inside of me?

I stated that you were the problem in this relationship...maybe after reading the above book you will see my point of view.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
sorry I had to pull that web address. Its for the players university folks only. The author stated that you should sit down with a pad and pencil and decide what you want in a relationship. Then go get it.

50% is deciding what you want. You obviously didn't plan when you went after this girl. Now your complaining about how she isn't this or that.

So your next step is to decide whether to stay or go find what you truely want out of life.