First, to E-Z:
I want to thank you for brilliantly illustrating
Situation One and re-enforcing why JB needs to put his foot down. I went through something similar (and ironically enough I lived in Loganville, Ga at the time) before I learned to put my foot down.
In the mean time, I can understand where you're going with the 'don't discount good advice just because of a bad delivery." Sage advice. We do part ways where it comes to PS though. I consider his case a divergence from the norm because here we have a guy who seems to delight in flame-baiting.
You might start with a new screen name. It implies that your very smart when in actualilty....your not all that bright and that causes you to act out in certain ways to prove to others that your in the case of your first post and your attitude towards your girl.
1 more think Jb-brain...your not in the league of a Starman. I miss the funny little faggoty fool. Now that was a real flame battle. what you offered was no challenge and no inspiration. weak convoluted flame attempts.
When dealing with someone who has this specific end in mind, JB can be justified in discounting the
message when the goal of the post is not enrichment, but debasement. Evidence to the fact is the delivery which is liberally peppered with arrogance, hypocrisy, and personal attacks.
To PS:
You and I seem to be diverging where manliness is concerned. Flame wars are gross infringements upon my valuable time and so, in the interests of brevity I will desist from schooling you any more than absolutely necessary in response to your attacks. This should be an interesting education in nuance for you...
1. Nice screen name. Too bad your not like the original.
Yes, its such a chore lacking horrendous physical oddities and the soul-crushing insecurities that go with them. But such is the burden of being the prize...
2. Jb is whinning and begging. Look at how many times he posted in a row. That's desperate...maybe you should learn to read not only between the lines but reality.
You're right. He's desperate. He's desperate because he has tried to solve the problem. and tried. and tried. But he still can't make heads or tails of the situation. This being the case, you should be lauding him for exhausting his own reserves and attempting to handle his situation before he was finally brought to the point of desperation and 'airing his laundry' to seek the wisdom and counsel of others.
Furthermore, his frequent responses are not an act of desperation, but rather clarification. The proper advice in this case seems utterly counterintuitive. He wants to stay, so he must leave? Coming from his position he is frantically trying to understand every nuance of the situation. By the way, you're not helping.
Nevertheless, this is educational. I thought 'reading between the lines' was extracting reality from rhetoric. Now I guess I can throw away all life experience that says otherwise, because PS said so!
3. The purpose of life is to learn from your mistakes and grow and handle energy. You gotta walk your own path in this life...nobody can do it for you...learn that kid and know it...for it's truth will make or break you one day.
This is exactly what JB is trying to do. Learn from mistakes and grow. I agree that no one can walk your path for you. I will even agree to say that life is about learning and growing. Where we seem to differ here is that I see no shame in asking for guidance every once in a while when I know I've lost my way. This by the way is not the same thing as asking someone else to walk your path for you or hold your hand while you do it.
Example: If you're driving on a mountain road in the dark, its only common sense to follow road signs which tell you the ahead curvature of the road, especially when you're in unfamiliar territory. Yet you proclaim that since you're the one in the driver's seat, you shouldn't rely, however much or temporarily on any outside help. Where is the sense in that?
4. Problems are opportunities to grow. It is life showing you a lesson that needs to be learned so you won't have to face it again.
Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. If there's a good opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others and avoid the consequenses of making the same mistake, why would you refuse? Is it unmanly to have foresight enough to learn from the mistakes of those that have gone before you? Every boy does not need to be taught to hunt, that much is instintual. Every boy must be taught to hunt well. It is for this reason that father's teach their sons the best ways to think and hunt, and he is better for having such tutelage.
5. Your also forgetting the basic tenet of being a man. If we as men did what women did whenever we had a problem...where would our world be? We certainly wouldn't have this wonderful civilization that we now have...think about it kid....take a long time to think and use your head.
Why does that last part remind me of Dr. Evil? Anyway, I reject your tenet that JB is acting as a woman. Women ask questions to curry sympathy and build webs of social support. Men ask questions to solve problems and build towers of personal strength. Confusing the means with the ends is like confusing apples and oranges. Ask yourself. Does JB seek our wisdom or our sympathy?
What I'm talking about is something that you will learn with age. Wisdom!
It really does come with experience over years of time. I used to think as most of you fella's...know I see truth.
Jesus was schooling rabbis when he was twelve. Wisdom does not come with age. It comes with understanding. If you have to repeat the same mistakes that everyone makes time and time again there is no wisdom gained. Some people refuse to undergo that shift in perspective which must take place in order to find true wisdom.
A final note. There is no honor is striking our brethren who come to us in their moment of weakness, simply because they are weak. Part of the responsibility of the Alpha male is to protect those in the pack who cannot protect themselves, and serve as an example to all thus leading to the enrichment of others.