I've pointed out to friends before who game deny that they are "players", same as all of us.
Doing something as simple as holding off sending a
message is gaming a woman.
Consider the basic "wait 2 days" rule after getting a number that is so mainstream that I've known it as long as I can remember. Everyone does.
That is simply a push (displaying to the girl you don't need her).
Then you get guys even here who will swear against things like initiating with women, due to these sorts of rules, rather than understand the actual dynamics of what is being done and why.
When that is grasped, you can use the underlying effect in an adept manner, rather than stick to formulaic rules. Starting to cast off the more rigid parts of game - which was only meant to give beginners a fighting chance, not meant to dictate lives.
Guys in their 20's should do whatever they like in that regard.
I'm of the opinion that men should only be concerned with looking after themselves. The issue of being a wage-slave or not is fairly moot in seducing women - this gives men more freedom. It also makes it something a bit absurd to obsess about on here.
"...starting to cast off the more rigid parts of game"
Yes, which are only meant to be really like
training wheels......to get one interacting with women, to get one approaching women, to give
one awareness of what's going on in set, to clue one in to the social dynamics that are taking place...
What the money buys things guys don't seem to get, is that a lot of newcomers to the site or men in general who are not having
that much luck with women are coming with some basic human interaction questions:
"how do I approach" i.e. I see a girl and I would like to talk to her but I don't know how to say hello...
"what do I say after hello" i.e. ok so I managed to pluck up the courage to speak to approach a girl but what do I say now..
"how do I stop getting friend zoned" i.e. I'm too nice and she tells me I'm like a cute teddy bear, how do I break this rut
Now to imply that improving one's communication skills with women (and men) on a social level is using "tricks" or "pretending to be
high value" is disingenuous at best. One would have to question the motives here....(i.e. ha you are not high value like me, so you have to pretend to be high value. How pompous.)
I agree with the sentiment that we already are wired to date and mate and interact with women. But what has happened is societal changes have deprogrammed men to to speak. Political correctness, being raised by women, the fractured relationship with the father, a lack of male initiation rituals..........Game is simply reconnecting the natural wirings which we were already born with, but which have become obscured.
Advice such as "be high value and they will come" is very vague and will be interpreted in different ways. The newcomer becomes confused. Value is relative. What one perceives as value will differ from country to country, from culture to culture. Different value systems.
I'm of the opinion that men should only be concerned with looking after themselves. The issue of being a wage-slave or not is fairly moot in seducing women - this gives men more freedom. It also makes it something a bit absurd to obsess about on here.
Agreed. And a perfect example of different value systems. Each to their own but I applaud more those people who have managed to break free from the Matrix (society's wage slave/rate race) i.e. the global nomads who are still earning their cash while traveling or living in different exotic locations. Almost a semi retirement while one still has the looks and the stamina.
Different tastes, different value systems.