Originally posted by BigFoot
I don't understand what you mean here BP1974. Can you explain further?
I'm glad to see that you're able to differentiate the advice that's based on what you've posted from the rest. Wyldfire is definitely on the right track here - you're girlfriend has noticed you being less than you are capable of in terms of doing new things. Which is another way of saying that you aren't embracing all life has to offer as fully as you might.
Women pick up on this stuff, it's like they're designed to notice when their man is just coasting, taking the easy route or behaving in less than his best ways. And they will let you know. This is why one of men's biggest complaints is that the woman they're with is trying to 'change' them. The men who complain about this are being weak, childish and generally lazy. Let's face it, as guys, we know when we could be doing better. We know when we're coasting, when we're afraid to try something new, and we often don't like it when someone points it out to us. Hence "She's trying to change me! Dumb biotch!! Who does she think she is?? NEXT!!". But this response is immature, and is entirely missing the point. Don't look at what she's saying, look at the
message. The words aren't necessarily important.
For example:
"Why don't we go out anymore?!" could be a number of things. It could be "You've arranged your life in a way that doesn't leave time to do things for yourself or your family". It could be " You're being lazy - is this how the rest of your life is going to pan out?."
What could you be doing better in your life?
When a woman is totally yours, she will be your measure of how you're doing in the world. Treat her as such. A messenger. Sometimes like in your case she gives you a very direct message, which is good because you have information to work with. Other times she won't have words, all she'll have is feelings. She'll be unhappy with you and won't be able to tell you why. These are tricky. It's easy to lose your temper with her but this is the weak response. The strong response is to ask yourself, "What could I be doing better?".
Now before I get panned, I'm not saying we should take note of everything any female tells us about ourselves and change ourselves to fit. I'm saying that when we find a woman to love, who lets us know she loves us, and who we trust as our partner, listen to what she says when she's unhappy or telling you you're not measuring up in some way, work out what the message is, and do something better. Women are never happy settling for second best from their men. As men, it's our job to take it in our strides, not get all bent out of shape, and accept, however hard it is, that we could be doing much, much better than most of us are.
When you are being the best that you can be, you will know, because your woman will shine, and she will be completely yours.