But isn't accepting sexual favours from a retarded person of legal age just the way you see your interaction with women?
Not really though a man can get so good at this game it almost feels that way but you must keep in mind this entire forum is a testament to all of the men on it not underestimating women's intelligence, conniving and treachery and manipulative nature when it comes to the dating, hookup, relationship, marriage scenes.
So basically what I'm saying is all of us being here is a sign of respect for our adversary's intelligence when it comes to these things.
We are here in an attempt to stay one step ahead and ontop of our game at all times or as much as humanly possible.
So though a man can get good enough to where it may seem like its taking candy from a baby its really not an equivalent comparison as the success he is experiencing is a result of his skill.
Whereas taking candy from a baby or sex favors from a tard requires no skill at all.
that a majority of women are moral after all. " who said that?
Clearly you've never read the Sosuave Discussion Forum to be posing this question to me.
Nice dodge btw of not calling Blue out to answer my questions about her morality.
Its brutally clear to me where your agenda lies.
Are you an extra account of iqqi or potato or are we to believe you are a real and new person and not just a cleverly disguised troll account???
Apologies if you are just a student of the game like TheHumanist but reading your replies and how they are dodging calling Blue out for anything just sends my troll sensor to red alert status.
But a confrontation might lead to a new solution, also
Again you are dodging the issue and painting a rosier picture than the one Blue has actually laid out as you are trying to fix her post for her and have it make logical sense to the men on this forum but here is what she actually got across in her post...
Blue has stated she has a NEED to have arguments in her relationships.
She did not suggest that they were needed at times to solve legitimate relationship problems nor did she give us enough information to go on to assume that her relationships required arguments for problem solving.
She just said she needed them and thinks without them a relationship would be boring indicating her sick way of viewing relationships and needing needless drama and excitement like this for them to survive as anything less than a chaotic relationship cannot survive in her world.
In short she argues for the sake of argument.
Kind of like what you seem to be doing in this topic.
Which of course is but one of many subtle troll tactics but maybe I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt for now as a student of the game that likes to argue to see what new thing he can possibly learn.
Maybe you should try it again. You do not have to be weak for doing that.
If I don't like it I don't like it.
Its not an issue of being weak or strong.
Its an issue of preference due to no inner drive to engage in the act because it does nothing for me ie is not beneficial to me.
you might miss an experience
I think I speak for all men when I say I can handle not experiencing Sex in the City reruns or Miley Cyrus concerts or any Justin Timerlake video or news about Lilo or Brangelina.
can't stand a minimum temporal rejection
You're missing the point entirely.
See I could tolerate it I just choose not to.
And for me its not about turning women into puppets.
I just have only one use for them and thats it.
They apparently enjoy my use for them as they can't seem to get enough of me these days and when they decide that listening to a Jessica Simpson CD is more important than me they are welcome to do so.
At their own house.
basic personality trait of a narcissist. A Fear of losing control
The main drive behind narcissism is aquiring praise and I could care less what anyone much less a chick I only want to bone thinks of me.
But there are actually times when the woman is the one with the better judgement. And that is alright
Its alright for you maybe but I'm actively choosing to be the captain of my own ship.
I am consciously aware of what I am doing and how I am leading my life and what my goals are which is why your entire narcissism argument fails.
Narcissists do not know why they do what they do on a conscious level and they callously use others.
I care about friends and family and live Leykis 101.
Narcissists only care about themselves and like to crush women emotionally.
I just have sex with chicks without the emotional destroying part of it. Big difference.
Its not about protecting ego, its about my having no use for relationships of any kind.
You can't even say I'd be callous for using women for sex as they use me for it just the same.
See what this forum should be about by its very name of Don Juan is about encouraging the player lifestyle above all else.
AFC's are programmed from birth on up to create a marriage and family and they have that
message beat into their head so brutally by society and AFC peers that they begin to believe that they really want this deep down as well.
I was brainwashed just like this and didn't feel like I'd be worth anything unless I got married and started a family and had kids but fortunately this forum helped me avoid that trap.
Anyway this forum's theme brought to it by many unplugged AFC's from its old days seemed to heavily promote the idea of yes becoming a new and improved man but what was the goal or end game for most of these unplugged yet still lost males?
Most of them even the great Pook cited that the goal for changing and I quote was because they wanted a relationship.
Now why did they want that?
Is it because they really wanted that or because the pressure was so great to get that and they'd never been taught another way of living your life that says just hooking up with chicks and moving on is an equally valid way for living one's life and in many cases much more beneficial to the man to do so?
See I think that despite many past DJ's having unplugged from the Matrix there is still some leftover insidious indoctrination inside of them propping up the want of marriage and family or else you ain't sh!t in society's eyes and thats what has to stop.
What course the forum needs to go on is to challenge young men to question what it is that they truly want on a deep level.
Not to make their parents or peers feel good or to fit in but what type of life would make them most happy as individuals.
Is it the white picket fence, white wedding + house and screaming brats? Is it a single loyal girlfriend?? or is it just hooking up with a variety of women and fully living life to the fullest and enjoying one's youth or remaining years left???
Because quite honestly I think the pressure is so great from society to engage in marriage and relationships to appear normal that most young men have never considered or heard of there being another way to live their lives nor have they really questioned what they really want and I think this forum's role should be promoting the player lifestyle above marriage and relationships because the mainstream media and movies already do enough work as it is to prop that up.
Do you remember the DJBC? First article or so. The way from AFC to jerk, and then to man.
What we need here is a new theory and practical advice to overcome the jerk-phase in order to become a genuine man. There is simply not enough material (I strongly advertise the stuff of Senhor Fingers, though), and the jerk-stuff is simply too attractive for all the AFC's because they are frustrated and need revenge and basic ego-cure, and for the jerks themselves because it is self-affirmative.
Ahh so its fingz I'm talking to.
In anycase I don't think we need a new theory to overcome the jerk phase.
I mean again I ask have you read the Discussion Forum for any length of time?
If anything the jerk phase would be a step up for most of those kids.
Something, anything to get them to stop being so sympish would be a good start.
In anycase if you have been trying to imply I prop up and live the jerk lifestyle or you view Leykis 101 or similar teachings as promoting jerk behaviour out of revenge you are dead wrong at least in my case and the many posters that follow and ask for my advice. We in short are doing what we do because it works and we don't even view it as being jerks. Thats all on you and your perception. Women might think us jerks but in reality we are players. We moved on from the Pook and Senor Fingerz way of doing business which is great advice for a would be family man and good training wheels and senior highschool type advice for any young man to begin with but listening to Tom Leykis, Metaphysical and Player Supreme and hell KarmaSutra who is a balance between these two differing groups well now thats the university course.
Certainly there are guys out to be outright nasty jerks out of revenge but I'm just not seeing them on the Discussion Forum or any board here for that matter and even if a bunch showed up some day by your own admission your work under the Senor Fingerz name is already adequate to help those poor saps let go of their anger and find out what type of DJ they want to be ie would be family man provider or player that makes women insatiable for him wherever he goes and gives no love to these hoes.