This is actually the
opposite of feminisism and feminization. For many years, it has been lost in translation and societal propaganda that men and women should talk as equals. Not happening.
I am not giving a cop out to women, but their form of testing is the ONLY way they know if you truly want them, like them, need them, and will care for them. And also, if you're man enough to be there for them.
Men lie, that's point blank a fact. They lie to get sex. They lie to get head. They use money to supplicate and get her into bed. They use booze to her frisky, even if it's one drink to encourage her. When men don't know a woman, and even when they do, we know the hot buttons to push to make them hot. Testing is the only way women know sincerity.
It's the "unspoken" language David D talked about, though he never elaborated on. And it's a real language. Anybody who realizes women don't think, feel, or act like us gets the fact that we don't talk or think the same. Our very hormonal make-up is just the beginning of this separation.
Now, the
message I'm feeling that's wrong is that, some guys are taking it like we have to ACCEPT that behavior. No. But realize it's who they are. Obviously if you don't like her, or you don't care for her, what she does, feels, or thinks won't matter. You won't care if she seems to be getting out of control on a small issue, because you don't care enough to deal with that, why would you EVER be there for a major one?
How often has a girl freaked on something small?
99.99% of the time it's small. And if it's a girl you like, the normal procedure is to say "baby, it's small, you know I love, it's ok."
Now, it might be small in terms of world problems and hurricanes and epidemics, but to her, as it relates to your relationship, it isn't small. It's big. It's very big, in fact. Because it comes down to how you 2 relate over such issues.
Will you be there to care for her?
Are you emotionally strong enough to deal with her waivering emotional state?
Can you communicate with her?
Do you care for her?
Many times, men will freak and boot the girl. And ya know what, that's a scar. She'll remember that. Because women remember the BAD more than the GOOD. Today more than what you did before. They just do. Logic doesn't work here because they don't get that logic. It's like computer programming in another language, it just won't compute.
To a guy's ego, we want to drop the boom. We want to kick her problems to the curb, to not allow her to dump them here, to be headache-less. Ya know what? There's no marriage, or relationship devoid of problems, except those of john-prostitute. That's it. If you want to be that 50 y.o guy alone, without a woman, or thinking you'll still be pimping 18 year olds at that age, go ahead. But remember, the emotional state of that group of women will still remain the same, and so you'll still be without a companion at that later points of your life. To me, I don't want that.
This is about happiness. Most times, fights exacerbate the situations and get your FURTHER from sex. Getting you closer to sex is akin to wrapping her in a cocoon of comfort, positive emotions, and openness. This comes from being a TRUE MAN. Only boys can't handle women.
Even girls who aren't wicked sexual will be more sexual when their emotional needs are satisfied, because you're filling them, so it opens the doors for that sort of exchange.
As men, we tend to think of the world revolving us, at least on That everything is propaganda, or heresy, or some sort of supplicating tactic. Frankly, this is more about situations with women you care for, than those you don't. Sisters, mothers, grandmothers, female friends, anything. Even women at bars or clubs or bookstores. Any woman you meet only has 1 channel:
Remember that channel from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City? If not, check it out. Just music, though.