captain55 said:
but I don't think she has any intentions of making me her beta.
If she's not treating you as her alpha fux,
yet keeping you around, then she
is making you her beta. If ever there were a fairly reliable litmus test to see which side of the fence you land on, it would come down to whether a girl wants you to cuddle with her (beta) or tear her a new one (alpha) once she invites you
into her bed. She may not (
consciously) intend for you to be her beta, but I assure you, somewhere in that brain of hers, she's taking notes (
drives two hours worth to come see me...
check -
doesn't demand that I myself drive two hours in his direction to go see him...
check -
tolerates my flaky behavior...
check -
gets into my bed and obeys my command to keep his d1ck in his pants...
check) The worse part about it is that here you are, stating that you don't think she has any intentions of betafying you, yet
you yourself considered going full beta in order to get her just a few days ago. In any case, most if not everything that you've actually
done is textbook beta behavior.
captain55 said:
This chick legitimately has some things about her Ive never seen before in a woman
Such as? Something tells me that if you had dated (just to throw a number out there) 1,000 women, about 297 of them would have these "things" you are referring to, maybe more. You simply don't want to see what's transpiring and what you are putting yourself through to get to where you want to get (inside her pants), and so this is the narrative you feed yourself. Men hamster their way straight into a gilded cage over and over again, and that's a crucial part of what the red pill is all about - recognizing your own propensity to lie to yourself for the sake of money, status, power, and of course, as is
your case,
captain55 said:
.....she was so nervous about meeting me up before the date yesterday I think she almost had a panic attack. I had to practically talk her into getting out of the car in the parking lot over the phone to meet me.
All that hustle for a couple of makeouts, a depleted gas tank, and no sex....
captain55 said:
Two hours Prior to the date I could tell she started getting cold feet again and shes like do you wanna come tomorrow? I told her absolutely not. Finally calmed her down over the phone. . Then thirty minutes later she goes and draws a picture with my name in bubble letters and
texts it to me and says I cant wait to see you.
What is she 12? The complete text should have read: "I can't wait to see you,
captain55 said:
Maybe she's been raped in the past that's why she's so skiddish? Who knows ..I know she used to club alot in her younger days. I really have no clue what Im dealing with but I do like her Im not gonna lie. Shes smoking hot and fun to be around, Ive never liked a chick this much before IVe had sex with her.
You suspect she might be NPD, now you wonder if she might have been raped, you know she partied it up hardcore back in the day - how exactly is this a prize???
Captain, you're
allowing your hamster to fly out of control. As men - more specifically,
as red pill men - I'd say it is our obligation to minimize this from happening as much as possible, ideally from happening at all. Your emotions are getting the best of you, on some level you know it, and yet you are actively doing your best to avoid confronting it.