Welcome to My World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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GoSens said:
Hey greenlake, I don't prefer going direct myself, but considering your results, theres obviously something you're doing wrong.

Yes, that he didnt start direct sooner....thats the big problem.
Indirect probably does get you success at a faster rate in the beginning...i wont doubt that...but indirect has an even bigger flaw...the fear of being rejected for showing ur true interests in the beginning. From first glance, i girl will see if a guy is ****able appearance wise or not, just like we do.

I haven't read through the entire thread, so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but when a girl tells you she has a bf really early on in the interaction, it's because you're conveying too much interest right away.

Even the best, with direct, have gotten rejected like that, plain and simple. Some girls are just flat out not interested. With indirect, how can the girl reject you? She doesnt know what your interests are. For all she knows, you are just a friendly guy who wants an opinion or wants to tell a story.

I don't know much about going direct though so I can't help you there. I'd suggest trying going back to indirect/MM kind of stuff, but you said you've tried it. Do you have any field reports of when you tried it?
I am going to defend Greenlake here since im on the path of direct game too and i think we see a similar picture.

Indirect Game: Its sole purpose is to convey to a girl that you are not hitting on them and that you are not putting them on a pedastal. Rejection is more on the limiting side, since who would reject a person wanting an opinion? I know most people would be open to that. Now one would say, thats not putting them on a pedastal, but u technically are...since ur trying to AVOID letting the girl know you find her attractive from a first glance....which is in a sense trying to prevent getting rejected from her. I see that as lower value

Direct Game: Its sole purpose is to convey to a girl that u find her attractive, with confidence. You are not putting them on a pedastal, because your expressing ur true interests and desires in confident manner. At the start, rejection is gonna be plentiful, because when one starts out...theyll most likely be nervous and their congruency with what they say is bad....but at the same time...you no longer fear rejection as uve overcome that fear and that there isnt much to be afraid of. Also, you are not wasting time finding out if shes interested or not. Your right to the point, rather with indirect u spend much more needed time, mostly for a girl who isnt even interested in u. Its like, "I just wasted 30-40 minutes on a girl who wasnt interested in me, which i couldve done in 5 minutes"

Indirect-> Get layers in a faster period at the start but keep the fear of rejectoin

Direct-> Get lays slower at the start but no longer has fear of rejection but o course gets more later...thats true confidence....which i believe direct is more powerful!


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
PIMP is nailing it.
Look, there has not been one single close. Nothing. The proof is in the pudding.

Greenlake, you could be a bad looking guy. That, moving directly, isn't going to work to your advantage.

And, most girls will not be emotionally or even necessarily physically attracted to a guy simply for being "confident" and direct with their intentions. That may work at a frat party if you're decent looking enough, but considering how much time has been spent on this direct approach, you should try to build rapport and move on to a more emotional level of seduction.

If you can turn your environment into a tool for an opener, that's great. As was the case with the girl at the gym, it becomes more natural and fluid when you base your attraction to the girl with that of your surroundings. The result is an approach that doesn't feel like an approach. When a girl gets a very obvious approach she typically puts her guard up. You don't want that.

If you work directly you throw all your power in her court. Ya, rejection isn't that big of a deal, but it's totally unnecessary in a lot of cases.

What's worked for me is using my attraction for a girl (maleness for lack of a better word), EC, surroundings, approach, determing if I see good IOI, subtle reciprocation of interest, number close. That's basically it. I've done this everywhere and if I get past the good IOI, I typically close with a high success rate. Obviously, looking decent helps, but you can do this without being the best looking guy in the world.

Much respect for the guts, but judging by your response to PIMP, I think you're overzealous with defeating your approach anxiety. The point is to ATTRACT women after all...


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Like I said, I don't know too much on going direct, but I do know that both methods work because guys have been successful using either one. However, you've got the wrong idea about going indirect:
Nah, I've done indirect before i know what it is. I'm talking about the opening phase.

This is where the attraction stage comes in, you indirectly show the girl your value/attractive qualities. It's not just about opening with an opinion opener then going straight for the number.
Course your not going straight for the number. I'm just not seeing indirect being greater.

The thing you said about going indirect means you have a fear of rejection isn't necessarily true either because after she becomes attracted you're supposed to qualify her(ie: her winning you over for things other than her looks)
Not necessarily the fear of rejection itself, but the fear of getting rejected for her knowing ur true interests.

Also, it shouldn't take 30-40mins to get attraction, 5-10 mins tops.
Then what's the point of doing it any longer. From what i've read up and experience...most indirect guys have spent atleast 30 minutes with a girl before finding if she's interested in meeting up with them again.

From my understanding, with direct you're basically giving the girl a few seconds to decide whether or not she wants you. Since she's given only a couple of seconds to size you up, shes gonna base her decision on what she sees, leaving her no opportunity to see what other value you may bring to the table.
A girl decides in the first minute whether she wants to bang you or not. Anything else is reducing the huge block that seperates that. And its not even a couple of seconds, where u'd get that from? It only takes about 5 minutes for her to judge whether she should meet up with you or not, not any longer...thats what the meeting session is for. Whatever else i just filler.

NOTE: I'm not saying indirect is bad, It can work for some but i believed its flawed as a majority of guys DON'T WANT TO experience rejection at all, while one needs to...to be pimp-tight, and indirect prevents one from getting rejected outright but at the same time it takes longer to find out if the girl is even willing to hook up with you. Just unnecessary fill time with a girl who's already decided if she likes u or not within the first 5 minutes.

Greenlake, you could be a bad looking guy. That, moving directly, isn't going to work to your advantage.
Greenlake is definitely not a bad guy. From what i've seen of him, he's handsome. Thats why to be handsome, change ur look. Most guys can appear suave and attractive if they groom and change their clothing style. A girl will pick an average guy who looks like the **** than a pretty faced guy who dresses dull.

And, most girls will not be emotionally or even necessarily physically attracted to a guy simply for being "confident" and direct with their intentions. That may work at a frat party if you're decent looking enough, but considering how much time has been spent on this direct approach, you should try to build rapport and move on to a more emotional level of seduction.
I beg to differ, prove it wrong.
Course it'd work at a frat party, it would work anywhere. Rapport is overrated, alot of it is unnecessary when u first meet her, u just need to find out the information you want from her...thats all when u first meet her.

If you can turn your environment into a tool for an opener, that's great. As was the case with the girl at the gym, it becomes more natural and fluid when you base your attraction to the girl with that of your surroundings. The result is an approach that doesn't feel like an approach. When a girl gets a very obvious approach she typically puts her guard up. You don't want that.
The environment, i agree can be good for an opener...but ur just excusing urself if u care about the environment. U are more concerned with her. The situation is good for after the opener IMO. But thats the thing, Direct Style is NOT common/natural...its different and unexpected, when done the right way...so of course a girl will be surprised. U want a girl to know that ur approaching her, its what they want....being approached. Also, they might have their guard up(Want to know if u are congruent with what u say), but u gonna let that stop u? i think not.

If you work directly you throw all your power in her court. Ya, rejection isn't that big of a deal, but it's totally unnecessary in a lot of cases.
How do you put the power in her court? I don't care what any of u say, but girls do the choosing at the start no matter which style....but being direct, u are giving any power, ur stating ur interest in a confident manner and they know of, and they can decide from that.

Also...No, its perfectly necessary to get rejected...u find out if she's interested or not. Plain in simple. If she's not, move on to the next girl. Simple. No wasted time, since ur an attractive guy...u'll get alot of other *****es. She aint important.

What's worked for me is using my attraction for a girl (maleness for lack of a better word), EC, surroundings, approach, determing if I see good IOI, subtle reciprocation of interest, number close. That's basically it. I've done this everywhere and if I get past the good IOI, I typically close with a high success rate. Obviously, looking decent helps, but you can do this without being the best looking guy in the world.
With Direct, u can have a high success rate. Greenlake is getting through his worst fears. What better way than to get through them first, and then become more confident and then have direct show results when he's being congruent with his words?

Also, he's doing the right thing going through his AA....he's conquering his fears...once he gets through the root...AA will be mostly gone. If one doesn't get through AA/Fear of Rejection...they'll always fear, why not take it head on and then no longer be afraid? I see thats more productive.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Dear approach machine,

Microphone Fiend said:
Einsten once said

Maybe you should drop the bf question or the 'you're pretty' statement, if only for a bit, and see how things progress with a different gameplan.
I agree:

Hey, you're pretty!
Thanks, but I have a uh, boyfriend.
Ok, bye.

This is like Groundhog Day...same game, same results. All you're doing is giving them a small BT spike and DHVing them further out of your league. And obviously, it's NOT WORKING.

Look, your first problem is that you're getting stuck at A1. You are not getting attraction - which probably means your appearance needs work.

Second problem is that your voice probably needs work since girls have to keep asking you to repeat yourself.

3rd problem is that your dialogue is bland and uninteresting. But worry about your first 2 problems before you even get to this...those alone are already more than enough to work on for a while.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
I agree:

Hey, you're pretty!
Thanks, but I have a uh, boyfriend.
Ok, bye.
Or how about this?

"Let me get an opinion on something"
Blahahahah blahahah hahah hahaha
30 minutes later
"It was nice talking to you, i would would like your number"
"Oh i'm sorry...i have a boyfriend"

5 min vs. 30 min

I take 5 min.

All you're doing is giving them a small BT spike and DHVing them further out of your league. And obviously, it's NOT WORKING.
Because he is still nervous, he aint congruent with it yet. It'll take him time, that's why. You can't be nervous and direct. he's nervous right now.

Look, your first problem is that you're getting stuck at A1. You are not getting attraction - which probably means your appearance needs work.
For the last time, Greenlake is a handsome guy. He doesn't need to change his appearance at all! Its his confidence level...thats all.

Second problem is that your voice probably needs work since girls have to keep asking you to repeat yourself.
I agree.

3rd problem is that your dialogue is bland and uninteresting. But worry about your first 2 problems before you even get to this...those alone are already more than enough to work on for a while.
When one starts out in the game, of course his talk will be lacking...but as time goes on...he gets better...he knows of this.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Ahhh...so then whats the point of going indirect...if u can just go direct? :)
I fail to see what makes indirect better.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
If you're spending 30 mins in the attraction phase and still not getting any IOIs then you're definitely doing something wrong.
who said this was only the attraction phase?

A) Take a look at any of greenlakes(or anyone doing direct) interactions, they dont last more than 30 seconds to a minute.
Course, he's getting through his worst fears. Thats the best way to get through confidence...he's still pretty nervous...of course they've lasted a minute...he isn't at the point of being really confident yet, eventho he's progressing.

B) If you're saying a girl decides whether she wants to bang you or not in the first minute why would it take her 5 mins to decide if she wants to go out with you?
Because thats a good time to qualify her: Find out the information you need to make it happen. 5 minutes is an estimate, can possibly take even less.

I really, really don't know where you get this because guys still get rejected using indirect (they're doing something wrong). They can even be rejected outright. Guys going indirect dont get any more lays from the start than someone going direct. Using either method, you will suck at first and not get any lays till you get better at it.
Easy question. I get this from my personal experience. Indirect guys get "less" rejected outright than direct, because he's not conveying his interest to her. Not so much to reject. But now ur making it as if indirect is more unnecesary :)
Like I said above, if you're spending 30mins and shes still not interested or gives you the boyfriend excuse, then you're doing something wrong.
Yea...not finding out sooner...also...u know girls can be not interested plain and simple, sometimes has nothing to do with u at all...and that they'll still want to talk...to be friendly or nice.

Ur making it seem as if him getting rejected like this is a bad thing, but its a good thing for him to develop confidence to expressing his interests and desires to a woman in a efficient, not wasting time manner. Thats why he isn't practicing AA w/ indirect :)


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
The thing is that neither one is better. The both have their time and place to be used. Guys have gotten good using both. In fact I remember reading somewhere that guys who usually go direct sometimes will go indirect, depending on the situation, and vice versa.
This I can agree on...if u really wanted an opinion on something and so happened to be attracted to the girl....sure of course indirect would work fine there....or if u really wanted to know where the best clubs are.

Also, if u also mean by situations, for example: with mixed sets, u can still do direct with it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
What!?!?! :eek: Don't stop!!! It all about to get exciting here! :box: Hahah. Let see.....

Deus- Thanks man. If you ever come down to Florida, give me a visit. I'll show you my balls. ;)

Microphone- Yes Master! I will listen to your wise words.

Agent Zero- jwhite's the man!!!! :rockon:

Pimpsicle- "Stop worrying or concentrating soooo much on the pick-up aspect of things and everything will fall in place." Some guy I knew took that advice and do you know how he's doing now? Well.......hard to say but it's sometihng similar to incest. WHAT!?! :eek: Yeah....he started c/f his cousin and pimp his aunt's money in hong kong. Sad? Yea.....:( He prob banged his cuz by now. Who knows....

wjh- *Gasp* I'm ugly????? Could that be it???? I guess I have to quit Abercrombie and start working at a drive thru where no one will see my ugly face.

Wayword- A1?? :confused: Is that a steak sauce??? Hahah You're one funny guy my friend. Groundhog day.....gotta check out that movie. Do you konw where i can watch it stream?

IWillReturnSoon- I'm handsome???? :eek: I can't belive someone would say that to me! I think I love you man!

gosens- You are one lazy mofo, aren't you? But I find that sexy. ;) Here it is..........THUmp thuMP thump....

The first link was back when I read David Deangelo's Double Your Dating and the second was a combination of Mystery, Juggler, and A little of Ranko Magami aka direct. Enjoy....!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Anyway, since things started to quiet down. I think it will good if I speak up. Some of you guys here got it all wrong, It's not really about attracting girls or getting laid to me. Cause if I want some, I can get a hooker....and dang, I heard there are some fine Asian hookers in California. :yes: Well, it's more about me being confident. Even tho I've got rejected by girls but I can tell you I was happy the whole day cause I did something that I've never dreamed of doing and what most guys can not do either. But ever since I got that "Ewww" rejection, I have been feared of approaching girls again and to tell you guys the truth, I've been so depressed the last few days. Not because I can't get numbers, not because of that girl, it's just because I'm not the guy I wanted to be. It's like losing my left arm, I feel so useless. It's something I'm proud of and now it's gone. Now I only have my right arm, which is bodybuilding. They both connect somehow. The ability to be self discipline, push harder, self control and not giving up. It has been 4 years since I've started bodybuilding. I might not be big or cut. But I have the willpower that most people don't and i'm proud of that. My family and friends are like you guys. Telling me "You're too skinny" or "You're too fat." They never seem to satisfy. That's why I've learned to ignored and listen to myself. Am I happy with how I look right now? Heck yea! They can say all they want, but at the end of the day they'll be the one who's not happy with themselves cause they can't control what they eat. Btw, it's all about wrong or right, isn't it? Cause I know you guys don't care about me. You guys don't even know me. I can't guarantee you that my perspective won't change in the future. All I know now is to be the guy I wanted to be. The guy who's doing what he's doing and saw a pretty girl walk passes him. So he walk up to a girl and express his interest,and intention to her in a no excuse, no explanation, unapologetic manner. She can be interested in him or reject him. THen he can just walk back to what he's doing and do his stuff. But that guy imo, is a sexy guy. It seems like you guys focus too much on the result. Me personally, want to focus on my behavior. TRue...that the reason why I got into the seduction community was because I wanted to get girls. But I've realize that girls is not everything in life. i still want to draw, sing and learn a lot of other kool stuff. But i can't allow that until I get my priority straight. And that is to be confident! I don't believe in "You should stop focusing on picking up girls and do what you love. Soon the girls will be attracted to you." Yea.....the last time I remembered I love jerking off and I see no girls licking my semen off. :whistle: That's like telling someone who wanted to lose fat just to "stop focusing on your diet/workout and go eat your big mac! and play your Xbox. Soon you'll look like Brad Pitt." BTW, are there any gurus out there stop what they do and do what they love? The last time I heard, Mystery used to approached a lot of girls and including many other famous one too. Now you know what my goal is....will you please excuse me??? :trouble:

Anyway, on the direct/indirect subject. I find direct more interesting especially Mode One. But both have their pros and cons imo. If you wanna debate on it or find more info about it then ask my fellow friend IWillReturnSoon. He's the black version of me. :cool: Cause I find it useless to convince you guys that direct is the best just cause I think it's the best. That's like convincing a Buddhist that Jesus is god and Buddha is just a human. BTW, if IWillNotReturn can't help you then I recommend you checking out the book "Mode One: Let the Women Know What You're Really Thinking." That's where I based all my knowledge on for now. That book was the only book that enlighten me more than Juggler Method. And if you have any problem against his thoughts then feel free to go on www.direct-method.com and tell him. I'm just someone who's trying to be happy with myself. :yes: Good luck fellas, I'm out! for now....


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
IWillReturnsoon said:
For the last time, Greenlake is a handsome guy. He doesn't need to change his appearance at all! Its his confidence level...thats all.
Like I've said, appearance = looks + style.

A good-looking guy...dressed really boring plain jane is still not going to get girls excited. If you're going out in baggy jeans, sneaks and a baggy T...don't expect to turn any heads. Even if you're good-looking - a low-status outfit is going to passively DLV you.

Also, direct works best when your appearance has already passively DHV'd you. If not, you are going to have to actively DHV yourself first.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
PS: I just checked the links to the FRs...you were ejecting really early in all of them, for one. I didn't see much of david d in the first one or MM in the second. Technically you were doing better back then tho cuz I did notice you got a number close
A number close doesn't mean anything. A girl can like u platonically and still give her number. Here's a good analogy:
Getting a woman's phone number is like when a baseball player has just arrived from his plane and not even headed out to the stadium to play yet. The number means nothing....if anything at all except reconfirming some plans that were made in the first meeting. And how was he doing better? The girls didnt' know what his interests or intentions were. They've could've thought he just wanted to hang out. Girls can be that naive.

Like I've said, appearance = looks + style.

A good-looking guy...dressed really boring plain jane is still not going to get girls excited. If you're going out in baggy jeans, sneaks and a baggy T...don't expect to turn any heads. Even if you're good-looking - a low-status outfit is going to passively DLV you.
Greenlake dresses in abercrombie clothes. That's stylish.

Also, direct works best when your appearance has already passively DHV'd you. If not, you are going to have to actively DHV yourself first.
Yea, u should have a good clothing style.Which he is doing...he's got the look and style down already. And even then, when he's direct approaching...thats a DHV in itself because it shows:

1) Ur confident(Which he's working on)
2) Ur going for what u want
3) Ur not caring what other people around you think of doing it(Going up to a woman in a crowded public area)
4) Ur charming(got to look deep in her eyes of course)
5) Not making excuses and don't care if u get rejected.

All of this happening in one instant. Now tell me thats not high value? And this is in the opening. In the interaction, ur qualifying her(Find out about her that will make ur intentions happen). U don't have to meet up to her expectations(u don't live for anyone but urself, except maybe some peope in ur family within reason)...she should meet urs..and if she doesn't...move on to the next lady who will...course one should not be overly picky because thats unrealistic. :)


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Or she can actually be interested but then flake on you when you try to make plans wit.ith her
Thats why u try to make plans in the first meeting and if she agrees to it, flaking will reduce as u know right then and there if she's interested.

But about u teasing, my apologies...i get serious in terms of these kinds of debates.hahaha. :p


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Gosens- I don't like that second quote of your. I hate using PUA terminology lately..........unless i'm lazy.

Btw, you know why you didn't see David Deangelo's c/f? Cause I sux at it! c/f is something need to be naturally occur imo. And if you pay closed attention to some of my earlier approaches in my the second thread you would noticed I've used opinion opener. I tried to neg and DHV but never got that far cause I discovered Juggler Method. I liked time constraint tho, it works pretty well.

But I like you man. (no homo) I can see that you're willing to listen to Iwillreturnsoon and agree with him on some parts.

Wayword- You went through all those trouble to get a link with pic for me???? I'm touched man! btw, pic doesn't work....

Iwillreturnsoon- That's why I like direct. Plus if you direct with a girl the chance of her flaking on you after givingher number is slim to none. Because she did'nt tell you she got a bf at the start, she knows what your intention was, and if she knows your intention and she gave you her number then that mean she's interested so there is no reason for her to flake. btw, good post man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
greenlake said:
The guy who's doing what he's doing and saw a pretty girl walk passes him. So he walk up to a girl and express his interest,and intention to her in a no excuse, no explanation, unapologetic manner. She can be interested in him or reject him. THen he can just walk back to what he's doing and do his stuff. But that guy imo, is a sexy guy. It seems like you guys focus too much on the result. Me personally, want to focus on my behavior. TRue...that the reason why I got into the seduction community was because I wanted to get girls. But I've realize that girls is not everything in life. i still want to draw, sing and learn a lot of other kool stuff. But i can't allow that until I get my priority straight. And that is to be confident! I don't believe in "You should stop focusing on picking up girls and do what you love. Soon the girls will be attracted to you." Yea.....the last time I remembered I love jerking off and I see no girls licking my semen off. :whistle: That's like telling someone who wanted to lose fat just to "stop focusing on your diet/workout and go eat your big mac! and play your Xbox. Soon you'll look like Brad Pitt." BTW, are there any gurus out there stop what they do and do what they love? The last time I heard, Mystery used to approached a lot of girls and including many other famous one too. Now you know what my goal is....will you please excuse me??? :trouble:
OK, let me get this straight. You're telling us that the reason you're approaching women directly, in the manner that you have, is so that you can build confidence for the future?

LOL - That's a first, building confidence from utter failure!?

And ya, I totally agree, a girl who shoots down a guy with a direct approach, is DEFINITELY sexy to her... YA RIGHT! That doesn't even make logical sense. If he was sexy, attractive, fun, whatever, then he wouldn't have been rejected LOL

Look, if you want confidence, you need to redirect your energy. You say you have other priorities and want to sign/dance/whatever, then do that. You have had no success with a single girl since you started this journal other than being able to take hits to your ego.

No one is saying that you should give up trying to pick up girls while you re-prioritize, but dude, the only thing you're accomplishing here is building thicker skin. That's fine and all, but you're not going to get laid that way.

Why are you so opposed to another strategy? The proof is in the pudding.

You're asserting the fact that you have so many things you want to do in your life, but are trying to pick up girls directly as a confidence booster? On top if it you're failing miserably? LOL

You make zero sense to me. Maybe it's a cultural thing.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
OK, let me get this straight. You're telling us that the reason you're approaching women directly, in the manner that you have, is so that you can build confidence for the future?

LOL - That's a first, building confidence from utter failure!?
That was pathetic, honestly. He is BUILDING confidence, from taking on his worst fears. You think he's less confident as a result of this? He had alot of AA and he is getting rid of it...while other guys try to run away from rejection. He's being a man and being indifferent to it. That's power. And how is what he's doing failure? Its a success...he improving his behavior...he doesn't care if he gets so much interest right now.

And ya, I totally agree, a girl who shoots down a guy with a direct approach, is DEFINITELY sexy to her... YA RIGHT! That doesn't even make logical sense.
You fail to see the power of direct, done the right way. He's moving toward the right way....he is getting more confident. It makes perfect sense.

If he was sexy, attractive, fun, whatever, then he wouldn't have been rejected LOL
Bull! Even sexy, attractive, fun guys get rejected. Plain and simple. There are many reasons why girls reject guys, even if they're interested. Did u consider that some women who are in relationships are actually happy and don't want to risk harming it?

Look, if you want confidence, you need to redirect your energy. You say you have other priorities and want to sign/dance/whatever, then do that. You have had no success with a single girl since you started this journal other than being able to take hits to your ego.
He is doing what he likes to do already...so thats fine. He's doing pickup as well. His ego is strong as hell. He's handling rejection well...many guys quit if they've experience this kind of rejection...let alone getting rejected period. Most guys would say, 'I can't approach her! She'll reject me!' What's greenlake doing? He's approaching knowing full well that he might get rejected. Also this rejection is good...he's finding out right away if she's fully interested or not. She's doing him a favor....no wasted time...no games...being honest. Thats much better than a girl Manipulating you by appearing interested, u getting her number, and then flaking you, i know that would feel much worse.
So he is gaining confidence, its not something u get handed to u, its something that gets developed and its being developed right now. Confident is not being fearless, its taken action even if u have fear and thats what he's doing.

No one is saying that you should give up trying to pick up girls while you re-prioritize, but dude, the only thing you're accomplishing here is building thicker skin. That's fine and all, but you're not going to get laid that way.
He's accomplished thicker skin and MUCH MUCH more. He is destroying the blockers in his head. He can go up to a woman he chooses. His way is fine and will get laid this way.

Why are you so opposed to another strategy? The proof is in the pudding.
There is no such proof of him failing. He has tried other strategies and this one is benefiting him more, and he is satisfied with it.

He's tried indirect before and he told me he didn't like it. But now eversince he's on his road to Mode One, he's never been happier...finally feeling more free rather than still feeling regret, being ashamed, being afraid...thats more rewarding than getting tons of pvssy and still having those feelings.

You're asserting the fact that you have so many things you want to do in your life, but are trying to pick up girls directly as a confidence booster? On top if it you're failing miserably? LOL
HE HAS FAILED ZERO! he is SUCCEEDING VERY WELL...by going up to a woman. U've already won. U found out if she was interested or not. Getting a number and getting laid is not success. He is getting through his worst fears...that is very hard, if it wasn't then almost all these guys on this board would be getting the success they want and obviously only at most 20% of people on this board get that...if not even less.

Wow, i got a number and got laid! I succeeded! A number is nothing, its hella easy getting a number...just be friendly, ask a girl and she'll give it to u. Plain and simple. Even getting laid aint success...just be drunk...get a girl drunk...bang her...thats not success.

You make zero sense to me. Maybe it's a cultural thing.
Cultural thing? Bull sh1t....the game applies to all cultures. You make even less sense, u have no credibility whatsoever...hell atleast greenlake is showing his progress...while u don't even have anything to show for it.

Direct Game is very powerful and is a mindset. Ur bold, upfront, and straightforward with your desires, intentions, and interests...without apologizing....not only in the game but in life in general.

Going up to a woman and telling her u find her attractive and want to meet her its what they dream...even getting wet over...its their fantasy....rather than a guy who just tries to avoid getting rejected(Gets postponed) at the start but will soon or later with something a woman could care less about.

Greenlake is on that path.

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
IWillReturnsoon said:
Bull! Even sexy, attractive, fun guys get rejected. Plain and simple. There are many reasons why girls reject guys, even if they're interested. Did u consider that some women who are in relationships are actually happy and don't want to risk harming it?.
Women, even those in relationships, are always looking to upgrade.

IWillReturnsoon said:
HE HAS FAILED ZERO! he is SUCCEEDING VERY WELL...by going up to a woman. U've already won. U found out if she was interested or not. Getting a number and getting laid is not success.
If getting laid is not success how is approaching to get laid and getting rejected success?


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Women, even those in relationships, are always looking to upgrade.
Maybe some want to upgrade, but can still be happy with what they have already and won't want to risk something they are reasonably happy with, trust me some girls are that afraid.

If getting laid is not success ho beiw is approaching to get laid and getting rejected success?
Because ur finding out if the girl is interested or not in ur intentions with her...u were successful...in the sense of finding out if she was interested in ur intentions with her. I said ONLY getting laid is not success.

He is doing well, because he getting control of his behavior, which will lead to having the confidence he has, and thus he'll get the good amount of ***** he wants. In Direct, ur bound to get alot more rejection at the start, because u don't match up with the words u say...but over time...u become more and more matched up...hence ur congruent...and thus, it works, powerfully.

So far, he's not as congruent with what he saying(Because of being very nervous for the fear of being rejected) But he's taken the worst and once he realizes that he can always take action, even afraid...his true confidence will then shine...which will result in what he wants. He is gaining that true confidence as we speak.