Yes, but buyer beware.
Daygame cold approach, even if you’re good, is slow and rejection-addled. Most guys can’t cope with the fact that they do nothing for most women. It completely realigns your brain and guys fall into depression. You have to be a bit of a psycho to do cold approach because it’s innately against male hierarchy and breeding. We naturally hate rejection because it had huge primal significance for us. Most guys still can’t handle it. Even if they train their minds. I’ve come to the opinion that only sociopaths are good at cold approach. You have to be able to seperate your ego and humanity entirely and become a cold blooded predator
I agree to an extent but:
0) Everything in life that you arent used to realigns your brain. First trip on a plane, first fight, first time having sex, first video game etc etc. And as far as depression goes thats also only at first. My first approach I was just really nervous. But after a while you get used to it. Just like how girls in their truest nature arent wicked to men. But after her culture and rejecting guys they get more used to it. Now its a norm. Women in traditional cultures are afraid to because their brains hasnt been realigned. Just as western men are afraid to fight. The depression is only a thing at first and only if you think emotionally.
How can you be depressed about approaching less than 20 girls when the odds are like 20% top tops shell even be into you. Stack ontop of that current mood, if shes taken, etc etc. Men are only like that when they dont think rational. IMO.
1) I like the ego and humanity being separated part. But.. just dont get how that makes you a sociopath. Are guys that get dressed up, run game with the boys, get a girl drinking so shes "easy" and bring her back any less sociopathic? Or what about the simp in college who changes his entire life, goals, hobbies etc for one girl? Thats pretty crazy too.
Dont get me wrong, not saying you're wrong. Or even being confrontational but Im just saying I think all men are predators when it comes to getting women. Just as women are with men. Willing to use their own kids, the court, mental manipulation, abuse etc etc. "Love is war".
You're being pretty selective with this outlook and omitting a lot. This isn't the 50s anymore where being social wasn'ta criminal offense. We live in an era where if you don't look a certain way, cold approaches are deemed "weird" or "creepy". Bc of first women feminism women are conditioned to be adverse to cold approaches.(unless you're really hot) Now it's deemed rude and intrusive, so unless you're already a part of her social circle...attempting is pretty moot.
Women are collectively more shallow than they've ever been, and with OLD, SM, simps, beta orbiters, etc most every women has a bloated ego and have unwarranted levels of standards. They have so many easily accessible options just going in blind as some random stranger when you don't look like Harry Styles is virtually potintless. Men aren't just being passive now all of a sudden for chits and giggles, it's bc that's all society is allowing for many men.
Yeah yeah. I started daygame in 2018 in Seattle. Super liberal anti trump dyed hair wearing feminists everywhere. Had no issues at all with cold approaches. Just dont be a creep and when you get obvious signs she doesnt want to talk then "Well have a nice day". That damn simple. Now if you area fat slob and you are approaching teens on campus all awkward and **** then yeah you could get into trouble. But even a well dressed fat guy with decent social skills who knows how to take social queues isnt gonna be leaving in handcuffs even in Seattle or Sydney.
I think some of you guys are just scared. And of course, its against our primal to do it. And to be honest Im starting to lose interest in it as well as it just... doesnt warrant the same results even 4 years ago. The whole process is just ****ty even if shes into you.
Texting, meeting, game during the meet, closing, retaining... all while dealing with a Gen Z western woman. Ugh.
Only thing keeping me pushing is my ego. Most women are just not fun or interesting at all. Even how they dress (outside Baltics/Eastern Europe) is just so dull.