Virgin at 22


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
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I'll be 22 next month and I am still a virgin, I am not too bothered about it really, I have had opportunities (though not many) to sleep with women, but these were low quality women who had no standards themselves. My question is "will women have a problem with me being a virgin at my age when most people have lost it?".


Jan 17, 2011
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One thing I have learned in all my years is to lie. I wish I had lied more growing up. The whole world is a lie. So just lie. Lie to yourself first of all. From there you can lie like you really believe it. If you believe it some stupid chick will believe it. Once you master the lie you hardly worry about what others think.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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How's she gonna know? If you get nervous, say you've had a dry spell.

You think you can master some magic technique that will make her melt? It's all confidence and experimentation. What works with one, will be the complete opposite with another.

Some like constant direct stimulation, some can't stand it, some somewhere in between. Some like it gentle. Some like your hand around their neck. Judge her reaction and adjust accordingly.

Although one piece of advice - if she does say she's a squirting (and she will in advance because she'll be worried about this) be weary of going underneath during a 69. A whole new kind of water-boarding!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
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On the contrary being a virgin at 22 is such a rarity these days that once you find the right girl she will probably be in awe and respect your for it, and be glad to be the one to take it from you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
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godsgifttowomen said:
This is why you are divorced and hang out at strip clubs.

Anyways, to the original poster, shizz702, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. As a matter of fact, in our world of corroding morals, it should be seen as a candle in darkness. Keep working on yourself to make yourself a better Don Juan. The right girl will come along.

Nothing wrong with it at all. One has the right to choose who and when to lose it to.

Don't let it worry you and instead look at the positive aspects that it makes you unique and a prime catch.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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shizz702 said:
On the contrary being a virgin at 22 is such a rarity these days that once you find the right girl she will probably be in awe and respect your for it, and be glad to be the one to take it from you.
godsgifttowomen said:
This is why you are divorced and hang out at strip clubs.

Anyways, to the original poster, shizz702 is right, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. As a matter of fact, in our world of corroding morals, it should be seen as a candle in darkness. Keep working on yourself to make yourself a better Don Juan. The right girl will come along.

You guys should really be arrested for illegal spread of bullsh*t.

This guy have a problem and you're giving him suggestions alien to any common sense,how do you expect the average 20yrs old girl to react when he say that he is virgin at 22?
In the best case he is getting no pvssy,in the worst they even make fun of him.
Hell when they offer you a job,you sign the paper or say in advance that you're not qualified in the hope of acceptance?? oh yeah

Corroding moral?? hey did you get what this site is for?
1) improve yourself and be able to get something from life
2) more specifically efficiently getting girls in our everyday society

Leave the moral to feminists and the politically correct dumbasses,beginning with afcs.


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
You know what the difference is between a guy who is a virgin and a guy who's slept with 500 girls? Nothing. Nothing at all. Does having sex change your behavior? Nope. Does it make you more confident? Nope. Does it make talking to women easier? Nope.

I will admit that you may feel more confident about your sexual skills if you've had a lot of sex, but that's about it.

And seriously, just don't tell your date you're a virgin. No reason to anyways.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Strelok said:
You guys should really be arrested for illegal spread of bullsh*t.

This guy have a problem and you're giving him suggestions alien to any common sense,how do you expect the average 20yrs old girl to react when he say that he is virgin at 22?
In the best case he is getting no pvssy,in the worst they even make fun of him.
Hell when they offer you a job,you sign the paper or say in advance that you're not qualified in the hope of acceptance?? oh yeah

Corroding moral?? hey did you get what this site is for?
1) improve yourself and be able to get something from life
2) more specifically efficiently getting girls in our everyday society

Leave the moral to feminists and the politically correct dumbasses,beginning with afcs.
First of all, the guy is 22, it is not like he is 40.

Second off, he said so himself he doesn't have a problem with it and isn't actively trying to lose it and has had opportunities that he has passed up due to not meeting his standards.

His only question was will women have a problem with it.

Will they? Depends on the girl. Some may make fun of him for it like you said but I'd venture to say some will respect him for it as well.

Again, one has the right to lose it to who they want to and when, wtf is wrong with that? It is his choice.


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Strelok said:
You guys should really be arrested for illegal spread of bullsh*t.

This guy have a problem and you're giving him suggestions alien to any common sense,how do you expect the average 20yrs old girl to react when he say that he is virgin at 22?
In the best case he is getting no pvssy,in the worst they even make fun of him.
Hell when they offer you a job,you sign the paper or say in advance that you're not qualified in the hope of acceptance?? oh yeah

Corroding moral?? hey did you get what this site is for?
1) improve yourself and be able to get something from life
2) more specifically efficiently getting girls in our everyday society

Leave the moral to feminists and the politically correct dumbasses,beginning with afcs.
Amen, brother. Morality in today's society!! Sure. Enjoy life in a double wide! You accomplish nothing with morality. Business isn't moral. Sports are not moral. Political dealings are not moral. International affairs are not moral. Churches are not moral. Preach morality and do the opposite. It is the American way.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
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Don't tell her before, it might freak her out, and she might doubt herself for being interested if she thinks others weren't before her...

I can assure you if you control yourself and have an idea what you're doing she won't be able to tell.

I've had a stunning alpha *** multiple times and tell me I was too intense when at the time I'd not had too much experience with women (I wasn't a virgin but just hadn't had too much)... Just look into techniques and work out how to *** strategically haha.

The Observer

New Member
Jan 14, 2011
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All is not lost, OP. I lost my v-card at 23 to a cougar that I had no connection with.

Didn't feel right, but I'm glad I did it once just to get rid of the stigma. Otherwise, not much has changed for me.

But just a warning, if you lose it the way I lost it, you'll get owned lol.

The Assistant

Jan 5, 2011
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FortunateSon said:
I have had opportunities (though not many) to sleep with women, but these were low quality women who had no standards themselves. .
They had no standards because they wanted to have sex with you??

That line I quoted from you is SUCH a virgin pvssy-azzed copout.....when a guy is a virgin, just have sex with any close to decent girl you can find, stupid.

Use that girl (or those girls) as practice, and build up your sexual experience to the point where you are finally really good at satisfying women......and you WILL notice a huge change to your confidence, because you will be walking around with the following thought - any chick would be LUCKY to ever have a chance to sleep with me, because I will give her the best orgasm of her life.

Being a virgin who has 0 sexual experience.....that pretty much makes you useless to women. Women want GOOD SEX, and they can sense which guys walk around that would be the best at giving them good sex, and which would be the worst.

She is thinking "Hmm lets see, who's gonna fvck me better, the ****y athlete/musician/artist/ect. who walks around like he's had alot of sex in his life, or the nice dweeby guy who probably doesn't know how to please a woman?".................answer is obvious.

So please, stop being a virgin and a pvssy, and start getting some experience so that the more desirable pieces of azz will start noticing you (and you'll start having the confidence to bust good game on them and get them into bed).


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2007
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The Assistant said:
They had no standards because they wanted to have sex with you??

That line I quoted from you is SUCH a virgin pvssy-azzed copout.....when a guy is a virgin, just have sex with any close to decent girl you can find, stupid.

Use that girl (or those girls) as practice, and build up your sexual experience to the point where you are finally really good at satisfying women......and you WILL notice a huge change to your confidence, because you will be walking around with the following thought - any chick would be LUCKY to ever have a chance to sleep with me, because I will give her the best orgasm of her life.

Being a virgin who has 0 sexual experience.....that pretty much makes you useless to women. Women want GOOD SEX, and they can sense which guys walk around that would be the best at giving them good sex, and which would be the worst.

She is thinking "Hmm lets see, who's gonna fvck me better, the ****y athlete/musician/artist/ect. who walks around like he's had alot of sex in his life, or the nice dweeby guy who probably doesn't know how to please a woman?".................answer is obvious.

So please, stop being a virgin and a pvssy, and start getting some experience so that the more desirable pieces of azz will start noticing you (and you'll start having the confidence to bust good game on them and get them into bed).
i don't think that's what he meant. by him saying they had no standards themselves, i think he meant that as a description of their personalities or character. he did not want to sleep with a woman like that.

anyways, i was a virgin until i was 23. my first time was amazing. i used one of those numbing condoms, so i lasted a very long time. it was like porn, dude, we both got into it, different positions. she was screaming, told me to slap her ass, talking dirty. she loved it. you never would have guessed i was a virgin. but she knew because i told her when we started dating. she didn't seem to care. i still think about that evening to this day, despite the fact i eventually couldn't stand the girl (she had issues, to say the least). damn, it was great. i didn't know i had that in me! despite my limited experiences, i'm confident that i can be a great lover.

anyways, i think if you want it, you're going to do it and you're going to get into it. don't worry about it, man. if you're still not sure, just pretend. go in there with the state of mind of "i'm going to bang the **** out of this girl." lie if you have to. if you have no intention of establishing a relationship with her, then lie. tell her you had 2 long term girlfriends in the past. i don't know. i just feel if you want it, you'll be able to perform. it worked for me anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
FortunateSon said:
I'll be 22 next month and I am still a virgin, I am not too bothered about it really, I have had opportunities (though not many) to sleep with women, but these were low quality women who had no standards themselves. My question is "will women have a problem with me being a virgin at my age when most people have lost it?".
My advice varies depending on your situation.

Scenario 1: You are sick of being a virgin and just need to get laid.

Advice: Lower your standards (slightly) and keep quiet about the virginity thing. Just do it.

Scenario 2: You want to loose your virginity, but the opportunities you had weren't hot enough.
Advice: See #1.

Scenario 3: You want to loose your virginity, but want it to be semi-special.
Advice: Wait until you have a girlfriend, especially a quality one. Once in a relationship, you can be honest about the virginity thing and she'll probably be happy to break you in.

Scenario 4: You want to wait until marriage and make it super special.
Advice: Then wait until marriage.

The reason I gave multiple scenarios is because I'm unclear what your situation is.

Anyway, to get to your question about how women will take you being a virgin. It depends on the situation. Generally, the more casual the sex, the more you need to lie. Women generally do NOT want one night stands or FB arrangements with virgins. Sadly, they want experience for that. If that is how you want your first time to be, just lie. Say you haven't been with anybody in a year if you are nervous. Say you've been busy with school/work.

But I as mentioned above, in a relationship, they tend to be more understanding about the virginity thing.

Also, you have to consider the type of girl. If she's the bad girl / party girl, i.e. crazy drinking AW with tattoos that f*cks bad boys, DEFINITELY LIE. If she's more of a conservative good girl, it's probably safe to be honest.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
all i can say kid is this.

your time will come!

trust me. 6 months ago. a hooker on the street that was so hard up for crack wouldn't have had sex with me. but then the opportunity came up and i never looked back.

now nothing is going to stop me. granted i could have had sex at 15. i was too fidget to do anything at that time. sometimes it's a mental block. if a girl is with you on your bed making out with you. the battle is over and you have won. but nothing doesn't click. you have to be aggressive in bed. cos the girl is sure hell not. i learnt that out the hard way.

but i waited and lost my v-card to the girl i love. so for me it worked out :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
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Mike32ct said:
Scenario 3: You want to loose your virginity, but want it to be semi-special.
Advice: Wait until you have a girlfriend, especially a quality one. Once in a relationship, you can be honest about the virginity thing and she'll probably be happy to break you in.

The reason I gave multiple scenarios is because I'm unclear what your situation is.
That's it.

I'm not desperate to lose it, it's not something that has ever really affected me. I would just hate to get into a situation where I am with a girl and I tell her that I am virgin and she passes out from sheer shock. :crackup:

One night stands don't really appeal to me.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
FortunateSon said:
That's it.

I'm not desperate to lose it, it's not something that has ever really affected me. I would just hate to get into a situation where I am with a girl and I tell her that I am virgin and she passes out from sheer shock. :crackup:

One night stands don't really appeal to me.

have you thought that you might be bisexual or gay?

i'm very serious. A lot of man that get at your age and never really felt the need to lose it later find out they are gay...emotionnaly attracted to girls but maybe more phisically to guys..?
You're on the anonymousity of the internet, you can tell... Do you often watch gay porns for example? Or with girls acting like men...?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
BBbardot said:
have you thought that you might be bisexual or gay?

i'm very serious. A lot of man that get at your age and never really felt the need to lose it later find out they are gay...emotionnaly attracted to girls but maybe more phisically to guys..?
You're on the anonymousity of the internet, you can tell... Do you often watch gay porns for example? Or with girls acting like men...?
LOL. :crackup:

I have no attraction to men, not emotionally or phyiscally. I don't watch gay porn and porn with girls acting like men.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
FortunateSon said:
LOL. :crackup:

I have no attraction to men, not emotionally or phyiscally. I don't watch gay porn and porn with girls acting like men.
fair enough :$


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
I was techincally a virgin at 22. Well, its iffy . . at 19 with a girl it 'went in a little' but I kind of freaked thinking I was doing it wrong or something. I don't remember. Either way, guess how much I think about it now.