Virgin at 22


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
shizz702 said:
First of all, the guy is 22, it is not like he is 40.

Second off, he said so himself he doesn't have a problem with it and isn't actively trying to lose it and has had opportunities that he has passed up due to not meeting his standards.

His only question was will women have a problem with it.

Will they? Depends on the girl. Some may make fun of him for it like you said but I'd venture to say some will respect him for it as well.

Again, one has the right to lose it to who they want to and when, wtf is wrong with that? It is his choice.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
BBbardot said:
have you thought that you might be bisexual or gay?

i'm very serious. A lot of man that get at your age and never really felt the need to lose it later find out they are gay...emotionnaly attracted to girls but maybe more phisically to guys..?

This girl is retarded


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hell yah, shes gonna have a problem with it. Lets be real here.

Lie your ass off and enjoy the first 5 seconds before she asks if its your first time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
BBbardot said:
have you thought that you might be bisexual or gay?

i'm very serious. A lot of man that get at your age and never really felt the need to lose it later find out they are gay...emotionnaly attracted to girls but maybe more phisically to guys..?
You're on the anonymousity of the internet, you can tell... Do you often watch gay porns for example? Or with girls acting like men...?
LOL. By that logic, alot of men who never felt the need to be rich at 22 later find out that they were actually too stupid to be rich....get confused about the wording in those multiple exams.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
It's way more common than you think, but most guys are not going to admit it. That's why they say: Lie, and keep lying.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
BBbardot said:
have you thought that you might be bisexual or gay?

i'm very serious. A lot of man that get at your age and never really felt the need to lose it later find out they are gay...emotionnaly attracted to girls but maybe more phisically to guys..?
You're on the anonymousity of the internet, you can tell... Do you often watch gay porns for example? Or with girls acting like men...?
Believe it or not, guys can have their V cards at late ages based on the (lack of) selection here. I am not sure how liberal they are over in france regarding their sex, but in america we are quite conservative, to a fault. I have friends in their mid 20s and early 30s who still are virgins, but are not gay. They just don't have the social acumen to get girls. Its more common than people think as everyone lies...

Gay people exhibit signs usually before admitting they are. Some even have a string of girlfriends before. older virgins are classified as being frustrated, which this poster is. I sincerely doubt he is gay.

You know what the difference is between a guy who is a virgin and a guy who's slept with 500 girls? Nothing. Nothing at all. Does having sex change your behavior? Nope. Does it make you more confident? Nope. Does it make talking to women easier? Nope.

Disagree very much so on this. The difference between a pretender and a player are VERY much different. One has swagger, and one is frustrated. You can always tell the guys who aren't getting any from the ones who are. Its reflected in their personalities. Confidence plays a huge role too. When I have a good streak, I am confident and laid back as hell, but when I am on a cold streak...its a different mindset. When you are getting some , you can talk to other women because you just don't care as much. When you aren't you place a whole heck of a lot more into that conversation.

To the OP: the bottom line is you are 22 and still have your V card. Clearly you are not on the normal spectrum on these matters. Don't worry, its not the end of the world. I was in a similar situation and turned it all around and so can you. Unfortunately for guys like us, we have to be more diligent in our work. You'll have to improve your social abilities, deal with rejection, and keep your head up. It could take months, it could take another year. You have to be prepared to do the leg work. Learn from mistakes, observe what works for other people. Most importantly, get in shape and keep trying to improve. As someone who didn't lose their V card until college, what I outlined is what worked...period. The change has to some from you, and you have to be dead ****ing honest with yourself if you want to see real change.

I'm not desperate to lose it, it's not something that has ever really affected me. I would just hate to get into a situation where I am with a girl and I tell her that I am virgin and she passes out from sheer shock.

One night stands don't really appeal to me.

Yup, thats why you posted it on a msg board. You are desperate to lose it. (this goes to the being honest part). You can't fool me, let alone yourself. The last two sentences are virgin talk. How the hell do you know what a one night stand is if you never done one?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
synergy1 said:
Believe it or not, guys can have their V cards at late ages based on the (lack of) selection here. I am not sure how liberal they are over in france regarding their sex, but in america we are quite conservative, to a fault. I have friends in their mid 20s and early 30s who still are virgins, but are not gay. They just don't have the social acumen to get girls. Its more common than people think as everyone lies...

Gay people exhibit signs usually before admitting they are. Some even have a string of girlfriends before. older virgins are classified as being frustrated, which this poster is. I sincerely doubt he is gay.

You know what the difference is between a guy who is a virgin and a guy who's slept with 500 girls? Nothing. Nothing at all. Does having sex change your behavior? Nope. Does it make you more confident? Nope. Does it make talking to women easier? Nope.

Disagree very much so on this. The difference between a pretender and a player are VERY much different. One has swagger, and one is frustrated. You can always tell the guys who aren't getting any from the ones who are. Its reflected in their personalities. Confidence plays a huge role too. When I have a good streak, I am confident and laid back as hell, but when I am on a cold streak...its a different mindset. When you are getting some , you can talk to other women because you just don't care as much. When you aren't you place a whole heck of a lot more into that conversation.

To the OP: the bottom line is you are 22 and still have your V card. Clearly you are not on the normal spectrum on these matters. Don't worry, its not the end of the world. I was in a similar situation and turned it all around and so can you. Unfortunately for guys like us, we have to be more diligent in our work. You'll have to improve your social abilities, deal with rejection, and keep your head up. It could take months, it could take another year. You have to be prepared to do the leg work. Learn from mistakes, observe what works for other people. Most importantly, get in shape and keep trying to improve. As someone who didn't lose their V card until college, what I outlined is what worked...period. The change has to some from you, and you have to be dead ****ing honest with yourself if you want to see real change.

I'm not desperate to lose it, it's not something that has ever really affected me. I would just hate to get into a situation where I am with a girl and I tell her that I am virgin and she passes out from sheer shock.

One night stands don't really appeal to me.

Yup, thats why you posted it on a msg board. You are desperate to lose it. (this goes to the being honest part). You can't fool me, let alone yourself. The last two sentences are virgin talk. How the hell do you know what a one night stand is if you never done one?
i was just asking you know, he told me wasn't and that's it :).

I don't think it wasn't such a silly question.

What made me think of it is the fact he is not desperate to lose it (and I didn't think he was lying about it, like you implied). I thought maybe he might have never wondered (because of the conservatism in the us you mentioned). But I was wrong, his answer was clear and decided, he isn't. Was worth asking :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Synergy is correct. Older virgins are becoming more and more common in the US. Extreme cases can be found online. Google incel or involuntary celibacy.

It is also quite common for people to assume the older virgins are gay. Being a late bloomer myself, I got called gay countless times in the past. Having been around the block several times now, I rarely get called gay these days, maybe once or twice a year. Like Synergy said, your vibe changes.

I'm still laughing about how BBbardot says I'm half a virgin (in an earlier thread) :). Hopefully I can lose the other half by 40 :).

But for the OP, you are at a great age to turn this around. Follow the tips Synergy gave and you'll be scoring soon. While you do have plenty of time, don't procastinate though. Start the improvement asap. Good luck bro.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
Firstly, I am not desperate to lose my v-plates, if I was I would have lost it by now, I'm handsome, I'm fit, I work out, I have a good personality and I am happy. I am immersed in my hobbies and I am enjoying my social life as it stands.

I'm working hard to ensure I am able to enter my chosen and desired career field, so I am totally dedicated to that. Women have been very much secondary in my life, I find men who's lives evolve solely around scoring women and adding hundreds of notches to their bed boring, I respect their right to do as they please and if they are happy doing that, that's fine.

I am also self improving, why do you think I am wanting a career change and why do you think I am working out in the gym three or four times a week? I recognise that a happy man is accomplished man who is successful.

Secondly I asked if women would have a problem with it? I'm guessing it depends solely on the woman doesn't it?

As for one night stands, I have seen my friends doing these, one ended up with genital warts and he swears he uses a condom all the time. So that's put me off, I am not risking my health for *****, no way, Jose. If that makes me an AFC, a loser or an idiot then so be it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
Mike32ct said:
Synergy is correct. Older virgins are becoming more and more common in the US. Extreme cases can be found online. Google incel or involuntary celibacy.

It is also quite common for people to assume the older virgins are gay. Being a late bloomer myself, I got called gay countless times in the past. Having been around the block several times now, I rarely get called gay these days, maybe once or twice a year. Like Synergy said, your vibe changes.

I'm still laughing about how BBbardot says I'm half a virgin (in an earlier thread) :). Hopefully I can lose the other half by 40 :).

But for the OP, you are at a great age to turn this around. Follow the tips Synergy gave and you'll be scoring soon. While you do have plenty of time, don't procastinate though. Start the improvement asap. Good luck bro.
I think i'm going to launch a dating company for late bloomers&french girls :)
A lot of girls here find the idea of a virgin (or a guys that doesn't get laid often) pretty hot, cause you can play and arouse him, and please him and it's i don't know, it sound fun:) better than a frustrated guy and just a little bit less fun than an experienced guy that is going to make you ***.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
BBbardot said:
I think i'm going to launch a dating company for late bloomers&french girls :)
A lot of girls here find the idea of a virgin (or a guys that doesn't get laid often) pretty hot, cause you can play and arouse him, and please him and it's i don't know, it sound fun:) better than a frustrated guy and just a little bit less fun than an experienced guy that is going to make you ***.
Girls getting wet thinking about virgin old guys ahahah,what exactly is the most attractive point in their imagination apart the level 80 paladin in world of warcraft or the fact that they cant brag about them with their friends?

Maybe I'm just too old to believe this stuff,would be interesting to know the opinion of the french guys in this board.
Of course if you're talking about whales looking for a guy that would never leave them cause he have no choice it's completely different.

Seriously it's hard enough for the guys that cant manage to lose their virginity at the same time of their peers,all the social pressure and the low self esteem problems are enough and there is no need to confuse them or even worse giving unreal hopes that could stop them to be pissed off and actually do something to change things.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
Strelok said:
Girls getting wet thinking about virgin old guys ahahah,what exactly is the most attractive point in their imagination apart the level 80 paladin in world of warcraft or the fact that they cant brag about them with their friends?

Maybe I'm just too old to believe this stuff,would be interesting to know the opinion of the french guys in this board.
Of course if you're talking about whales looking for a guy that would never leave them cause he have no choice it's completely different.

Seriously it's hard enough for the guys that cant manage to lose their virginity at the same time of their peers,all the social pressure and the low self esteem problems are enough and there is no need to confuse them or even worse giving unreal hopes that could stop them to be pissed off and actually do something to change things.
yeah when you talk like thisit sounds less fun : /
wasn't talking about the wales though

well i know that if a hot guy was talking to me andwould tell me he hadn't got any in ages i would find it hot, a little : D
maybe that the unconcious reason why i'm sticking around this forum even though im not sick & stuck at home anymore, i'm facinated by virgins...?


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
BBbardot said:
yeah when you talk like thisit sounds less fun : /
wasn't talking about the wales though

well i know that if a hot guy was talking to me andwould tell me he hadn't got any in ages i would find it hot, a little : D
maybe that the unconcious reason why i'm sticking around this forum even though im not sick & stuck at home anymore, i'm facinated by virgins...?
Yeah you gave yourself the answer,when a guy is hot everything is fine.

Reminds me of girls looking for a nice guy but forget to say that they look for a "hot nice guy".

And the reason you're sticking around this forum is that it's 99% guys and of those a good 80% are AFCs from who you crave attention.
I'm sure this sounds even less funny than the first one.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
Strelok said:
Yeah you gave yourself the answer,when a guy is hot everything is fine.

Reminds me of girls looking for a nice guy but forget to say that they look for a "hot nice guy".

And the reason you're sticking around this forum is that it's 99% guys and of those a good 80% are AFCs from who you crave attention.
I'm sure this sounds even less funny than the first one.
If you are so great with women as you imply then why are you on this forum exactly?

Shouldn't you be out there doing your thing instead of being obsessed with trying to put people down?

Oh and I don't play computer games. :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
FortunateSon said:
If you are so great with women as you imply then why are you on this forum exactly?

Shouldn't you be out there doing your thing instead of being obsessed with trying to put people down?

Oh and I don't play computer games. :)
I'm not implying anything outside your imagination and you got me in the opposite of what I meant,I was actually saying that guys with difficulties should be let free to deal with their problems instead of fed with unreal hopes.

The last thing a virgin guy needs to hear is a girl that tell him that everything is fine and that he is even hot when in fact it's not.
Most of guys struggling with women here are perfectly fine individuals that only had the bad luck of being fed with bvllsh*t from women like mrs bardot here or other afcs.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
Strelok said:
I'm not implying anything outside your imagination and you got me in the opposite of what I meant,I was actually saying that guys with difficulties should be let free to deal with their problems instead of fed with unreal hopes.

The last thing a virgin guy needs to hear is a girl that tell him that everything is fine and that he is even hot when in fact it's not.
Most of guys struggling with women here are perfectly fine individuals that only had the bad luck of being fed with bvllsh*t from women like mrs bardot here or other afcs.
I figured that BBardot was a troll a few days ago, so haven't paid any attention to her/his idiotic posting.

I don't expect a woman to be over the moon and I don't expect her to be unhappy about it either, I would expect her not to react to it at all, because I don't think it is a problem and I don't see why there is such a stigma about virginity?


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
FortunateSon said:
I figured that BBardot was a troll a few days ago, so haven't paid any attention to her/his idiotic posting.

I don't expect a woman to be over the moon and I don't expect her to be unhappy about it either, I would expect her not to react to it at all, because I don't think it is a problem and I don't see why there is such a stigma about virginity?
There's not a stigma about virginity,it's just that is used as a way to evaluate the worth of a man in modern society.

Girls complain that if they have too many guys they are labelled as slvts,however if they had no partners at all they are not labelled as losers as it happen to guys that are virgin after a certain age or even to guys in the middle of a dry spell.
It's a fact to which we just have to deal,that's why saying a girl that you are virgin is the best way to lose her,a guy who had no sex from no girl is considered as "low quality" as much as it would a girl who had 50+ man in her past and now ask you to be your girlfriend,would you take her or would you just consider fvck buddy material? well girls the fvck buddy status and the friend status are reserved to those perceived as low quality.

Hope I made myself clear it's the middle of the night here and I have to stay awake because of job even if im kinda sleepy.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
So a virgin male of a certain age is a low quality person to women then? Well if that is the case, F*ck women. I don't need them and if that is their attitude then fair enough, but I am not going to sleep with 50+ women in order to appear "better" in the eyes of women.

I consider women like the ones you describe as morons and why on earth would I want to date, sex or marry a total moron?

In a few years time I will be a Paratrooper for my country's armed forces, that means more to me than any woman could, so sorry if I appear to be an AFC, but if women have such deplorable views as you have suggested, I don't want women and to be honest, I don't need them either.

I'm sick to my back teeth of living in a society where everyone must be the same. We live in a society full of bilthering idiots, I should know I am son the one such moron my father. I am who I am and what I am and if women do not like the fact I am a virgin, that's cool with me. They can find people more "high quality" men with 50+ notches to their bed post. It's no skin off my nose.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
FortunateSon said:
So a virgin male of a certain age is a low quality person to women then? Well if that is the case, F*ck women. I don't need them and if that is their attitude then fair enough, but I am not going to sleep with 50+ women in order to appear "better" in the eyes of women.

I consider women like the ones you describe as morons and why on earth would I want to date, sex or marry a total moron?

In a few years time I will be a Paratrooper for my country's armed forces, that means more to me than any woman could, so sorry if I appear to be an AFC, but if women have such deplorable views as you have suggested, I don't want women and to be honest, I don't need them either.

I'm sick to my back teeth of living in a society where everyone must be the same. We live in a society full of bilthering idiots, I should know I am son the one such moron my father. I am who I am and what I am and if women do not like the fact I am a virgin, that's cool with me. They can find people more "high quality" men with 50+ notches to their bed post. It's no skin off my nose.
Sour grapes bro. Rather than focusing on improving, you hate on what you can not have. This is not a sign of mental fortitude, but rather ignorance and frustration. If this is how you communicate with other people, its no wonder you are a virgin still and wouldn't be a shock if you remained so indefinitely. Sorry, my post was intended for an unfortunate, yet open minded individual who was willing to work towards a better self. Rather, you are living in a delusional worldview which everyone and everything is crap.

Lose the attitude. You aren't better than anyone else. You don't get laid because you have a ****ty attitude. plain and simple.

Lastly, I don't see how you can compare a great gf to being a paratrooper. The two are mutually exclusive. That said, i would rather have a great gf rather than get shot at in Afghanistan.