ur favorite way to start a conversation


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Originally posted by Agressor
what did u put in the drink?
:D LOL! :D

PRMoon: I see where u are coming from... and i think that you might just be right...

PRMoon said:

I just have feelings, it really doesn't matter what I do to get a girl to talk to me, I'll get in one way or the other but If I buy a girl a drink I usually have good a pretty positive outlook on the situation. The girl has been looking at me for an extended period of time or smiling at me or talking to her friend and pointing at me, or sometimes I just flat out know that I'm in.
girls buy me drinks all the time, that's not the issue. The issue is risk vs reward, If I see a nice girl who's drink is more then half empty and she's giving me the look I see very little risk and very high reward...It's as simple as that.
After reading that i thought about it, and realised that if u KNOW or at least have a good chance at getting the girl, then buying her a drink as a gesture wont hurt, eventhough i still would prefer to do everything else (seduce her blah di blah) WITHOUT buying her a drink, but i guess that if in the right situation, its not WRONG per-se... So if it works for you, then go for it...



Don Juan
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Agressor
what did u put in the drink?
I won't tell you but if you have 200$ give me a PM ;)

My point is, go with the flow, it's not hard to see if a girl is sincerly into you or attracted to you. Everything is connected to the other things, so you can't simply point out one thing and say it's wrong, but you can count the probability off it. Most guys shouldn't be buying girls drinks. But it also work under certain cercomstanses. One small part off being a DJ is to unfasten all rules and do what you feel like.

This drink I bought to be friendly, she had offered me to drink from her drink so I did want to return the favor.