Unpopular "Game" Opinons!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
This isn't a complaint, just my personal experience. I know we're all different, and while that used to be understood, it seems like in today's "snowflake" era, it's something that has to be explicitly stated. These are unpopular opinions, and I'm simply offering my perspective.

For those who don't know me, between 2008 and 2013, I approached roughly 3,000 women I used to post a lot of field reports on here (But moreso on another game website which has been defunct a long time ago) and even had a free ebook sharing some of those insights. However, for privacy reasons, that ebook is no longer available. I'm not here to sell you anything—just sharing my opinion.

@Grandma Penkitten will tell you that I was Game obsessed kid who lived and breathed for hitting "The Field" Obviously I'm older now so my view on women, life, finances etc has completely changed

In the bold are the popular opinions but below I explain why it doesn't work (well for me anyway)

1. Use Text Only To Set Up Dates

This approach works well in a situationship or even a long-term relationship (LTR), but in my experience, it can lead to being ghosted or flaked on if you're trying to meet someone via online dating (OLD) or just in general for the first time. I get the logic—many of us work 8-12 hours a day (sometimes even 16 for myself), and we don't have time to be texting constantly. However, from what I've seen, if a woman is highly interested, she'll make the effort to blow up your phone with texts, whether it's to check in, send pictures, or just stay in touch(The amount of women who will sent a guy dirty pics without meeting them is higher than ever lmfao)

I have found that texting women has actually helped to reduce my flaking reduction as it shows her your interested. Once again when I get a woman's number whether in person or the field my goal is to meet her ASAP (usually within 1-10 days max there are exceptions to the rule of course) The key is not to over-text or come off as too needy.

2. Text A woman If She Flakes a Week(or a month) Later

Why waste your time? If a woman doesn’t make a strong or decent counter-offer, as the legend Jophill says: “Do not give a woman a second chance to flake on you again.” Why chase after someone who showed poor behavior the first time? If she flaked but made a solid counteroffer, then sure, go for it. But waiting around for a week, especially if you've got things going on(you should have things going on)—your job, friends, hobbies, or other options—just isn’t necessary. I get it most guys have limited options, but when you allow a woman to disrespect you like that they will do it again!

If you don’t have other options, get some. A genuinely interested woman won’t let a week go by without contacting you. Women have so many options, it's crazy. I’ve reached out to women a month later in the past, and they didn’t even remember who I was or left me on read or I'm blocked! Of course, this mainly applies to women you haven’t hung out with yet(OLD Dating). If you’ve already spent time together or been on a few dates, and she’s interested, you won’t need to wait—she’ll reach out, or better yet, make a counter-offer to make it up to you!

3. Body Count

While I agree that a high body count isn't ideal and can make it harder to form strong pair bonds
, expecting a low body count in 2025 is just not realistic. Yes, I know Gen-Z is having less sex, but if you're in your 30s or older(heck even 25+) Unless a woman has been in a long-term relationship (LTR) for a while or is a virgin, most women will have some experience. This is one of the most delusional takes in the Red Pill community right now. On the positive side as mentioned earlier Gen-Z isn't having a lot of sex. If you watch these lame Redpill podcasts it will have you believing every woman is a thot or on Onlyfans. This is not a mirror to real life but the outliers

The reality is that the average woman often has a higher body count than the average man. It's one thing to want a virgin if you're in your 20s, but if you're 30+ and still expecting that, you sound out of touch(and even that is being generous). Good luck finding a virgin in America. Am I saying you should date or marry a woman with a high body count? No. I'm just saying it's important to be realistic. Nothing is more delusional than hearing a guy claim to have slept with 100+ women but expect to find a virgin to settle down with as his wife. We have seen how that worked out for some popular Redpill dating coaches and it didn't end well.

4.Don't Delete/Blocked A woman Who Disrespects You Of Social Media

Deleting her number or of social media doesn’t mean she has power over you! What power? If she flaked, ghosted, or you guys broke up—who cares if you delete her? She already exercised her power by disrespecting your ass! Every time I hear this reasoning, it screams of revenge of the nerds, scarcity mindset, or leaving the door open for a woman who showed low interest or poor behavior. The truth is, women won’t hesitate to block you after a failed relationship or even interaction etc. IF Men had the same mindset the dating market would course correct in some aspects but most men are thirsty(speaking from experince ha ha)I had a plate recently tell me she was going to block me because I kept flaking on her—and guess what? The next time I flaked, she did block me. I deleted her number and moved on.

Even if you manage to reconnect a year or a month later, how does it feel knowing you were just a backup option at best, the "clean-up guy"? Some guys say, “You don’t have to delete her, just mute her from seeing your stories.” What’s the point then? The real power is in not doing all this extra stuff to pretend like you’re not bothered.

Sorry, but deleting a woman from social media who was never interested or disrespected you—and probably never will be—is not a loss in my book. It’s about principle and self-respect. As a man, when we talk about walking away, it means you walk away for real. None of this pickup artist nonsense about keeping her on social media and hoping she reaches out on a lonely night. All that does is give her another chance to disrespect you. No thanks—I’ll pass.

5. High Earning Value Men Don't Cheat They exercise their options

I blame Red Pill gurus for spreading this nonsense Of being High Value the new version of being Alpha. I won't get into it deep as I could write 10 pages on this nonsense alone as most of the guys who speak this nonsense aren't high-value themselves but high-earning dorks at best. Try to “out-alpha” your way to a judge in divorce court and tell them "Hey Judge Peabody I was just exercising my options! Derp derp derp" and see how that works. When Bezos cheated, he lost billions. Gates? Same thing. Even if you manage to get a woman to agree to this, do you really think she’s not seeing other guys on the side? A lot of men have this fantasy of pseudo-poly relationships where it’s “open on my end, but closed on hers." like their favorite Anime and Young men are falling for this b.s.

Most guys reading this can barely handle one woman, yet they believe being a “High-value man” will somehow land them an anime-style harem.

Feel free to add on
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Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
1. Use Text Only To Set Up Dates
I agree with what you said that this doesn't ONLY have to be used for setting up dates - having a normal conversation like a human being isn't going to get you friendzoned. I think where a lot of people go wrong is by letting the conversation get too friendly without inserting some flirting.

Personally, my habit is that I respond and I mirror. Sometimes they set up the meet, sometimes I do, but if a woman is texting me and it's not about making those plans it's not like I'm going to ghost her until it's time.

2. Text A woman If She Flakes a Week(or a month) Later
I agree that this is usually a waste of time. I won't bother texting and trying to set something up with somebody who's flaked, but if they're apologetic I'll sometimes put the ball in their court to let them show me they mean it by letting THEM plan the meet.

I can then choose to accept or decline. This usually works best if you have other options and are only keeping the conversation alive because SHE hit ME up after the flake, and while I have no expectations at that point I also have nothing to lose by giving her the chance to prove her interest.

3. Body Count
My stance on this is probably different than most because I don't want to be a hypocrite. My body count is rather high, so I'm not going to demonize a woman because of hers.

That might change when I'm looking for somebody to settle down with long-term, but for now, since I'm not looking for a relationship, so long as they're "clean" and not just an absolute degenerate who*e I'm not going to hold that against them.

4.Don't Delete/Blocked A woman Who Disrespects You Of Social Media
I didn't know guys are playing mind games to this extent...if you want to block somebody, do it - you shouldn't be worried about what THEY think of the block.

I rarely exercise this because I don't usually find somebody insufferable enough to remove all channels of contact with them, but it does happen. Do it for you, not for them.

5. High Earning Value Men Don't Cheat They exercise their options
Yeah I never really understood this one...I get that this appeals to the type of guy who likely isn't getting any sex, so the prospect of being able to "earn" their way to lots of sex is probably exciting.

OR...you could just be single and not enter into a relationship so you'll never be a cheater. I don't understand why that's foreign to so many people, including this board. I remember reading posts of some guys who try to justify their cheating habits, and I don't get it...just stay single.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
For those who don't know me, between 2008 and 2013, I approached roughly 3,000 women
I assume you approached the majority of women on the weekends. Cause you were working on week days.

So for 5 years, you approached around 20 women every 2 days weekend. For 5 years straight!!!??? That's 5 years *2 days weekend * 12 months * 25 women

Pretty much you wasted 5 valuable years of your life chasing tail constantly instead of using that time to developing yourself to be a high value man, learning new skills, building something big like a business and following your passion.

New members who are reading this, do not do this, women will always gonna be there, there is a woman turning 18 years old every day, develop yourself first, build yourself first into a high value man first. Women are the icing not the focus in a man's life.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
Nothing is more delusional than hearing a guy claim to have slept with 100+ women but expect to find a virgin to settle down with as his wife.
How is it delusional for a guy who's fvcked 10 women, let alone 100 to expect a virgin to settle down with? I mean if there's isn't anything special about her, why would he settle down? Just think about it, if he's fvcked 20 women by age 35, why would he spend the next 35 years fvcking the same pvssy? :rolleyes:
We have seen how that worked out for some popular Redpill dating coaches and it didn't end well.
What do you mean? As far as I'm aware there's no Redpill dating coach that married a virgin (and just between us, what virgin in her right mind would get involved with a dating coach :D )


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I assume you approached the majority of women on the weekends. Cause you were working on week days.

So for 5 years, you approached around 20 women every 2 days weekend. For 5 years straight!!!??? That's 5 years *2 days weekend * 12 months * 25 women

Pretty much you wasted 5 valuable years of your life chasing tail constantly instead of using that time to developing yourself to be a high value man, learning new skills, building something big like a business and following your passion.

New members who are reading this, do not do this, women will always gonna be there, there is a woman turning 18 years old every day, develop yourself first, build yourself first into a high value man first. Women are the icing not the focus in a man's life.
Sometimes I would go out 3-4 days a week, I have said it before had I used that energy to focus on myself I would be a multi-millionaire already. Luckily after 2013 I focused and now I'm doing better than ever


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
Sometimes I would go out 3-4 days a week, I have said it before had I used that energy to focus on myself I would be a multi-millionaire already. Luckily after 2013 I focused and now I'm doing better than ever
What would you do differently if you can go back in time with all that learning?
Sep 24, 2024
Reaction score
Questions - because I haven't be on here for a while:
1. What is body count? Obviously, I'm thinking of a military term that doesn't seem to flow here.
2. Isn't Redpill still a member ? Or is this some classification of gurus?

And a clarification- he was young when he started approaching all the ladies just to see how many would talk to him, give him a phone number, give him a date, etc.
Back then, the threads at the time were saying that it really was a number thing. The more you approach, the better you got at it. Every time you introduce yourself, you are your own salesman and you get better at selling the qualities you want people to see that you have.


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
Reaction score


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
Reaction score
I assume you approached the majority of women on the weekends. Cause you were working on week days.

So for 5 years, you approached around 20 women every 2 days weekend. For 5 years straight!!!??? That's 5 years *2 days weekend * 12 months * 25 women

Pretty much you wasted 5 valuable years of your life chasing tail constantly instead of using that time to developing yourself to be a high value man, learning new skills, building something big like a business and following your passion.

New members who are reading this, do not do this, women will always gonna be there, there is a woman turning 18 years old every day, develop yourself first, build yourself first into a high value man first. Women are the icing not the focus in a man's life.
chasing tail gives you life experience , reference experience which can be invaluable. Being lonely and having no experience with women can lead to issues as well.

plenty of high value men have no options sincerely because they don't approach enough - men need to approach - the younger they start approaching the more time they have to create options for themselves - I started cold approach at 26 - if I'd started when I was 18,19 I think I'd have excelled more in other areas of my life - instead I had a constant feeling of inadequacy until my first daygame lays started rolling in when I was 27 .

For every one man that approaches too much theres probably 1000 or so that don't approach enough too, or aren't improving their social skills or gaining confidence by meeting women


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
Reaction score
Sometimes I would go out 3-4 days a week, I have said it before had I used that energy to focus on myself I would be a multi-millionaire already. Luckily after 2013 I focused and now I'm doing better than ever
good on you for having a work ethic and committing to it. 99.9999 percent of men don't approach enough- I never got into the idea of shaming men for cold approaching too much.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
chasing tail gives you life experience , reference experience which can be invaluable. Being lonely and having no experience with women can lead to issues as well.

plenty of high value men have no options sincerely because they don't approach enough - men need to approach - the younger they start approaching the more time they have to create options for themselves - I started cold approach at 26 - if I'd started when I was 18,19 I think I'd have excelled more in other areas of my life - instead I had a constant feeling of inadequacy until my first daygame lays started rolling in when I was 27 .

For every one man that approaches too much theres probably 1000 or so that don't approach enough too, or aren't improving their social skills or gaining confidence by meeting women
HVM have no options hahaha, where did you get that from?

So, in order to excell in all areas of your life you needed to get women? You needed the validation from women to excell?

How about you first develop yourself into a HVM, then when you have all the money, the best job/business, the best man you can be, how about you start approaching?

Nothing has to be one or the order, but in order to make something of yourself, women are last, many of men don't get that and they wonder why they're broke and have nothing going on of them.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Questions - because I haven't be on here for a while:
1. What is body count? Obviously, I'm thinking of a military term that doesn't seem to flow here.
The number of sex partners that a person has had in their lifetime.

On this forum, the term is used mainly to describe women's past partners. Notch count is more commonly used to describe

2. Isn't Redpill still a member ? Or is this some classification of gurus?
The red pill is an ideology about how men can have success in the mating environment.



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
1. What is body count? Obviously, I'm thinking of a military term that doesn't seem to flow here.
Body count, lay count, notch count is all PUA speak for how many different sex partners someone has had sex with.

However, most guys exaggerate to appear as studs, and most women minimise to not appear as s*l*u*t*s, so it's only useful as a measure to see how prejudiced members are. Women have to have a voracious sexual appetite but still be a virgin at 23, while the guys believe a PUA who claims to have thousands of conquests (one forty-year old PUA claimed a 10K lay count, which is impossible even if he spent his whole adult life bed-hopping).

The only useful application is that as soon as someone mentions body/lay/notch count or rates the aesthetics of women on a 1-10 scale they are likely to be lonely wankers living with their parents.


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
Reaction score
HVM have no options hahaha, where did you get that from?

So, in order to excell in all areas of your life you needed to get women? You needed the validation from women to excell?

How about you first develop yourself into a HVM, then when you have all the money, the best job/business, the best man you can be, how about you start approaching?

Nothing has to be one or the order, but in order to make something of yourself, women are last, many of men don't get that and they wonder why they're broke and have nothing going on of them.
I mean the definition of HVM is subjective in itself? what wage or net worth do you need to start cold approaching? I think cold approaching and social skills can build up peoples skillsets in other areas of their life too - once I started getting a couple of lays from daygame my sales skills skyrocketed in my day job - the confidence gained from cold approaching really helped in that regard

Yes I want validation from women and I enjoy dating them - I dated a lot of women from cold approach and it really enhanced my life a lot I feel the majority of men could benefit from doing more approaching and having positive reinforcement as it can really improve ones self confidence (it did a lot for mine) if I hadn't had done it and procrastinated over it I wouldn't have met my girlfriend of today whom my family loves and adores. Daygame can be invaluable when done right.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
4.Don't Delete/Blocked A woman Who Disrespects You Of Social Media
Sorry, but deleting a woman from social media who was never interested or disrespected you—and probably never will be—is not a loss in my book. It’s about principle and self-respect. As a man, when we talk about walking away, it means you walk away for real. None of this pickup artist nonsense about keeping her on social media and hoping she reaches out on a lonely night. All that does is give her another chance to disrespect you. No thanks—I’ll pass.
Social media is a woman's playground not a mans , to think most men can out manouvere a woman on them is naive

The only time it works is if your profile is stronger than hers which 9/10 its not going to be , simply because just how easy it is for women to accrue followers compared to men

I don't even particularly like adding women on social media because of the above

I know sometimes depending on the chick you have too get her instagram or whatever but if I can avoid it I will

Once I've got it I'll open the interaction and start judging the replies , it becomes pretty obvious when a woman is not really that bothered because responses will be short , no questions will be asked and effort in replies will be minimal

Theres not hell of a lot you can do at this stage , in 2024 women are really not that bothered about men they don't really know theres just too many other options available for her too care

After that point its personal preference sometimes if I don't feel ike its going anywhere I'll just unfollow them and leave it at that

Sometimes I'll leave it and may respond to a story or something in the future

Very rarely will I block a chick unless she's been very disrespectful or especially irritated me


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
I assume you approached the majority of women on the weekends. Cause you were working on week days.

So for 5 years, you approached around 20 women every 2 days weekend. For 5 years straight!!!??? That's 5 years *2 days weekend * 12 months * 25 women

Pretty much you wasted 5 valuable years of your life chasing tail constantly instead of using that time to developing yourself to be a high value man, learning new skills, building something big like a business and following your passion.

New members who are reading this, do not do this, women will always gonna be there, there is a woman turning 18 years old every day, develop yourself first, build yourself first into a high value man first. Women are the icing not the focus in a man's life.
3000 girls is a lot of girls. I don't think he even approached 200. BS
People like to over exaggerate.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
3000 girls is a lot of girls. I don't think he even approached 200. BS
People like to over exaggerate.
Even notorious ladykillers like Warren Beatty bedded only about 1,200 women.
Lemmy from Motorhead never married and spoke at 66 about the mathematics of sleeping with 1,000 women (a newspaper claimed he'd slept with 2,000 women, which he denied as ridiculous).

I'm pretty sure @Solomon approached thousands of women, but I gather that most of those approaches didn't lead to sex.