Master Don Juan
Educated White Women Are tough..True but...
After my recent back and forth with @SW15 (whom I respect even if we disagree at times) I agree with a lot of what he says but I think there is a lot of nuanced being missed when it comes to educated white women(Bachelors&Masters). I think if you're dealing with a particular type of educated woman then yes they can be tough but in my experience why would you want to deal with a woman who is narcissistic, insufferable, and shallow? Even if these women are hot or cute IMO it's not worth the stress.
I get it some of these women are hot(white women) and highly sought after In my experience the best-educated women to deal with are the ones who have an agreeable personality. I think with educated women it's a mixed bag. One of the smartest women I ever dated was in Stem, she was a really cute nerdy (white)chick and had a nice butt. We had deep conversations that I enjoyed immenstley. I have yet to find a woman with her intelligence.
I have also dealt with country women who aren't educated IMO they are the most feminine submissive women they cook, clean, and throw it back with no argument. The problem with these types is that they aren't mentally stimulating but they are fun and chill to hang out with so IMO the pros outweigh the cons
I think with "Bougie" educated women or even party girls while they may be good to look at and pound, I find these women boring, a lot of them have basic personalities. Lack depth and care more about materialism. Even Pook talked about these types years ago
What's the point of this? the point is that as a man you have to have your standards and boundaries and regardless of looks or education if a woman doesn't meet them, then keep it pushing. But @SW15 is right in the sense that when it comes to these shallow, narcissistic white women there are far more of them then the humble, feminine, in-depth ones
After my recent back and forth with @SW15 (whom I respect even if we disagree at times) I agree with a lot of what he says but I think there is a lot of nuanced being missed when it comes to educated white women(Bachelors&Masters). I think if you're dealing with a particular type of educated woman then yes they can be tough but in my experience why would you want to deal with a woman who is narcissistic, insufferable, and shallow? Even if these women are hot or cute IMO it's not worth the stress.
I get it some of these women are hot(white women) and highly sought after In my experience the best-educated women to deal with are the ones who have an agreeable personality. I think with educated women it's a mixed bag. One of the smartest women I ever dated was in Stem, she was a really cute nerdy (white)chick and had a nice butt. We had deep conversations that I enjoyed immenstley. I have yet to find a woman with her intelligence.
I have also dealt with country women who aren't educated IMO they are the most feminine submissive women they cook, clean, and throw it back with no argument. The problem with these types is that they aren't mentally stimulating but they are fun and chill to hang out with so IMO the pros outweigh the cons
I think with "Bougie" educated women or even party girls while they may be good to look at and pound, I find these women boring, a lot of them have basic personalities. Lack depth and care more about materialism. Even Pook talked about these types years ago
What's the point of this? the point is that as a man you have to have your standards and boundaries and regardless of looks or education if a woman doesn't meet them, then keep it pushing. But @SW15 is right in the sense that when it comes to these shallow, narcissistic white women there are far more of them then the humble, feminine, in-depth ones