SoSuave666 said:
I also think part of the problem on this site is that we all have HUGE egos. Why else would we be on here professing how good looking we are and how many chicks we get with?
Well, I've been living with my girlfriend for the last nine years, so I'm not out gaming anyway. And I figure I'm an average looking guy, probably about a 7. The ego thing is an interesting subject though, one that I've been thinking of starting a thread about.
AAAgent said:
it doesn't really fit me well as my energy level with talking to tons of people is low/easily exhaustible (funny thing is i work in sales/account management and i meet people face to face or setup phone calls all day every day).
As an introvert myself, I can understand that. I talk to a lot of people at work also, and I find that it wears me out socially. By the time I get off, I don't really have much desire to go be with more people. Unfortunately, this seems to have gotten worse as I've gotten older, I want to isolate more.
Scaramouche said:
I think that hitting the gym and having Ladies flock to you is really great for a fifty year old,because so few of his peers are in good shape
Honestly, I've been working out regularly since my 20s, so there hasn't really been a time when I haven't been in pretty good shape. So I've never experienced this "hit the gym and watch the ladies flock" phenomenon.
I have gotten a little too heavy at times, as I've gotten older and my metabolism has slowed down, but I find for me that's mainly a function of my diet.
But I've never been in "elite male stripper" shape really, which is apparently what you have to be to get a lot of attention from it. My genetics aren't that good, I'm not that tall (5'10") and I was way too skinny in high school, I've had to build from a small frame.
Findog said:
The point of School of Thought 1 is that women generally still let the guys approach them, even if they are into you. They will wait for you to ask them out, even if they dig you.
Sometimes a girl will get so smitten with you that she will suggest something. And sometimes girls are just huge AW/flirts, so she will be very overt with you (although she's also being very overt with everybody else). But usually, when they are into you, they will make it very easy for you, even if they don't directly ask you out. Women are very skilled flirters when they want to be.
But generally, yeah, the girls play the passive game. They can afford to. Field a lot of offers and pick the one they like.
samspade said:
We say "go to the gym and get a hobby" because men (newbies, AFCs, oneitis sufferers) place way too much emphasis on women. A man should still adhere to the guidelines in item 1 when attempting seduction. I don't know anyone here who advocates having a good body and a hobby as the only necessities for attracting women.
You should read the general board a little more then, because I see this type of thing a lot.
"Just get a hobby and the girls will flock to you".