Turning into that guy I want to be.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
are you just waiting for that one magical piece of advice that, upon reading, will change your life?
Alright MrConfidence/Viper, this is how to get girls:

At the Magical Forest... there's a magical wizard around Lvl.200... he will cast Lvl.30 Charm on you and give you the Ring of Hope... go find him and he'll give it to you...


PS: ask him for Lvl.100 Charm instead, that MIGHT be enough to actually get you out of the hole you're in... ... ... and maybe an enchantment to your ring to make it work super-stronger...

Those MIGHT get you a conversation that lasts longer than: "h-h-hi... umm... what's your name?... c-c-cool... can I have your number?..."


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
viper/mr.c, id pay money to see who the fuk u are and why your a pvssy. just talk to some fukkkkin girls, be nervous, stumble over your words, look like a doumbass, but if u keep pushing and trying to get better that will no longer happen. are u sure u dont have like ADD/ADHD, mild autism, etc bc i donno wtf is your problem.
For the millionth time, I would approach girls if I knew where to approach them. And for the millionth time, school just isn't a good place for me to approach. This is not an excuse, but a truth, girls are ALWAYS either busy, or with their friends. For instance, in the hallways between classes, girls are usually walking fast trying to get to class, and plus, even if you did catch up to her, you wouldn't even have enough time to have a decent conversation with her. And like I said before, no hot girls, or girls that I don't know already in my classes. This is pretty much the same problem, that I've been stating over, and over throughout this topic. No, it's not that I'm a pussy, it's just that I don't know of any good places to approach girls. I suppose I could always do those risky approaches, like sitting down at a girls table at lunch, and talking to her, or talking to her when she's with a friend.

Michele said:
Alright MrConfidence/Viper, this is how to get girls:

At the Magical Forest... there's a magical wizard around Lvl.200... he will cast Lvl.30 Charm on you and give you the Ring of Hope... go find him and he'll give it to you...


PS: ask him for Lvl.100 Charm instead, that MIGHT be enough to actually get you out of the hole you're in... ... ... and maybe an enchantment to your ring to make it work super-stronger...

Those MIGHT get you a conversation that lasts longer than: "h-h-hi... umm... what's your name?... c-c-cool... can I have your number?..."
Award for the biggest idiot on the net goes to you. Not that I care, because I know I'm not gay, and retarded.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
OOOOooo i'm an idiot! shucks! gee wizz!

at least i'm a idiot that can get girls, and anything if i cared to try.

your a gay retard who's life is a failure... and pretty much everything you want to happen will not happen. eg: girls, friends, girlfriends, etc. you might as well give up already.

those girls aren't really busy, they are just saying that so you stop creeping them out.

those girls aren't really walking fast to get to class, they are really getting away from you... and if you did catch up to them, it isn't that there isn't enough time to talk, they just don't want to talk to you.

and you're right, there aren't any places for you to approach girls... only because nowhere is good enough... because.. youre gay!


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm going to be harshly honest with you Viper.

The reason people don't like you in school (and on sosuave,) is because your an insecure douchebag.

You ask for help.

Twenty-five people reply.

You say something similar to this (depending how true it is regards how much of a fag you are): "You've got it all wrong, you're an *******. I'm NOT insecure, I can talk to girls, blah blah whatever I said priorly I take back blah blah I can't make friends but I talk to friends...etc"

And that's why we all hate you.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Michele said:
OOOOooo i'm an idiot! shucks! gee wizz!

at least i'm a idiot that can get girls, and anything if i cared to try.

your a gay retard who's life is a failure... and pretty much everything you want to happen will not happen. eg: girls, friends, girlfriends, etc. you might as well give up already.

those girls aren't really busy, they are just saying that so you stop creeping them out.

those girls aren't really walking fast to get to class, they are really getting away from you... and if you did catch up to them, it isn't that there isn't enough time to talk, they just don't want to talk to you.

and you're right, there aren't any places for you to approach girls... only because nowhere is good enough... because.. youre gay!
Okay buddy, whatever.

I'm going to be harshly honest with you Viper.

The reason people don't like you in school (and on sosuave,) is because your an insecure douchebag.

You ask for help.

Twenty-five people reply.

You say something similar to this (depending how true it is regards how much of a fag you are): "You've got it all wrong, you're an *******. I'm NOT insecure, I can talk to girls, blah blah whatever I said priorly I take back blah blah I can't make friends but I talk to friends...etc"

And that's why we all hate you.
I never said no one in school liked me, you sir, are putting words into my mouth. Wow, I can't talk to girls so I'm automatically insecure? Hah, just stop yourself before you make yourself look dumber. You know, if all you guys want to do is play the "assume we know everything about Viper based on nothing" game, and not the "give advice that Viper asks for" game, than just don't post at all. I came here advice, and personally, I don't give a f*ck what you guys have to say about anything else, so either give advice, or don't post at all. This topic is for advice, and if you're not going to give advice, I don't care what you have to say. You guys don't know anything about me, so stop acting like you do. When you guys actually sit down, and have a conversation with me, then you can talk all the shit you want about me. Until then, all you can do is make assumptions that 99% of the time, are WRONG. So if you're not going to give advice, not only will I ignore you, but I'll report you for trolling this topic. I bet I could make an honest assumption that half the post in this topic are people making stupid assumptions about me. So don't you guys talk about me trolling, because a good 3 pages of this topic are made up of you guys talking about something completely unrelated to the topic. If people would just give advice, and the idiots who don't know what they're talking about would shut up, I doubt this topic would be more than 2 pages.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
Wow somebody take this fag into the woods and shoot him
Haha, by posting this you're not exactly not proving my above point. Not only did you make an assumption, but this also has NOTHING to do with the topic.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
Haha, by posting this you're not exactly not proving my above point. Not only did you make an assumption, but this also has NOTHING to do with the topic.
No one cares, you ****ing idiot.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_rogers said:
No one cares, you ****ing idiot.
And this has, what to do with the topic? Eh, you keep proving my point. First, you assumed I was an idiot, and second, this has nothing to do with the topic. Wait, no I'm not done, 3rd you assumed "No one cares", when you OBVIOUSLY cared enough to state that "No one cares". Had you REALLY not cared, you wouldn't of posted. So it's pretty obvious you cared enough to post that, and therefore the statement that "no one" cares is false, unless your name is "No one".


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
And this has, what to do with the topic? Eh, you keep proving my point. First, you assumed I was an idiot, and second, this has nothing to do with the topic. Wait, no I'm not done, 3rd you assumed "No one cares", when you OBVIOUSLY cared enough to state that "No one cares". Had you REALLY not cared, you wouldn't of posted. So it's pretty obvious you cared enough to post that, and therefore the statement that "no one" cares is false, unless your name is "No one".

I'm not assuming anything. I'm drawing conclusions based off of proof that I've seen throughout pretty much all of your posts. Second, you're right, it doesn't, but I don't care. Third, I just felt like saying that you're a ****ing idiot in the vain hope that you'd realize it and die. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.

Anyway, I think I'm going to go talk to some GIRLS now. Have fun with your right hand, eh?

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score

it's so funny!

i knew if we just started going at him again... he'll start freaking out AGAIN!

His "I don't care what you say... but I'm going to post why I wish you'd stop hurting my feeling since I'm already insecure"-ish attitude... it always comes out in every one of his posts.

Viper... can't you see this posts is like all of your other ones?

Can't you see that we all type the same exact thing to you?

You don't get that other people have worse problems than you... you need to grow up and get over your issues...

BTW you MUST be a troll. you're here with the same exact issues every time, but with different usernames, different thread names... that's all. It's ALL useless. People who start useless threads ARE trolls. Especially people who start hundreds of them.

You gay retard.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
if he is a troll, he might be the most dedicated troll with the most free time and best acting i've ever seen...


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_rogers said:

I'm not assuming anything. I'm drawing conclusions based off of proof that I've seen throughout pretty much all of your posts. Second, you're right, it doesn't, but I don't care. Third, I just felt like saying that you're a ****ing idiot in the vain hope that you'd realize it and die. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.

Anyway, I think I'm going to go talk to some GIRLS now. Have fun with your right hand, eh?
You actually wasted your time typing this? I'd think with all the girls you talk to, you'd have something better to do. Well, I'm finished with this topic, I've got better things to do. If your not going to give me advice, then this topic has no point. Infact, you guys turned this into a trollfest 3 pages ago. Man, with the maturity level of some of you guys, it's a wonder you've ever gotten laid. 97 posts? This is ridiculous. Seriously though, with all the girls you guys get, I would think you guys would have some better to do than worry about something that's happening on an internet forum.


New Member
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ok i've wasted 15 mins of my life reading this thread.. so I may aswell reply

MrConfidence people try to HELP you and you give them bull**** excuses as to why you can't do it. Ok so there are no 'opportunities' at school and you don't live near a mall.. do you want us to formulate a perfect place for you to pick up chicks??

THERE IS NON, just ****ing do it, theres no one magical location where chicks frolic waiting for you to come pick them up - you would think someone as smart as you claim to be would able to figure this out already..

But who am I kidding, from what I've just read you'll probably ignore the advice, make an excuse and retort my criticism of you (feel free to prove me wrong)
Good luck to you.


Don Juan
Aug 12, 2006
Reaction score
Hey when you ask people for answers. They give you answers, whether you like it or not, accept those answers and learn from them.

Your problem is you can't talk to anybody because of rejection. Well thats not going to help you with your talking to girls problem.

Just say "Hi, how are you today?" to the guy/girl that sits next to you in any class. You have to do that! a conversation always starts from there. The person will reply "not too bad you?" then blah blah blah... Just one time will show you, "hey that wasn't so bad" or "hey that was easier than i thought!", which will give you more confidence and you will talk to more people, then you get friends and eventually getting girls. :yes:
you don't even have to start big, little baby steps = a simple "hi" or something will do it.

When you talk to people, don't think about all the bad things that could happen, think about the good outcomes that will benefit you. Fail once? no problem try again. Trial & error my friend. Just start conversations with people in your class.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
Okay buddy, whatever.

I never said no one in school liked me, you sir, are putting words into my mouth. Wow, I can't talk to girls so I'm automatically insecure? Hah, just stop yourself before you make yourself look dumber. You know, if all you guys want to do is play the "assume we know everything about Viper based on nothing" game, and not the "give advice that Viper asks for" game, than just don't post at all. I came here advice, and personally, I don't give a f*ck what you guys have to say about anything else, so either give advice, or don't post at all. This topic is for advice, and if you're not going to give advice, I don't care what you have to say. You guys don't know anything about me, so stop acting like you do. When you guys actually sit down, and have a conversation with me, then you can talk all the shit you want about me. Until then, all you can do is make assumptions that 99% of the time, are WRONG. So if you're not going to give advice, not only will I ignore you, but I'll report you for trolling this topic. I bet I could make an honest assumption that half the post in this topic are people making stupid assumptions about me. So don't you guys talk about me trolling, because a good 3 pages of this topic are made up of you guys talking about something completely unrelated to the topic. If people would just give advice, and the idiots who don't know what they're talking about would shut up, I doubt this topic would be more than 2 pages.
Does anyone else see in the irony in this???

Viper tell me, how many insecure guys have hot girl friends?

Oh yeah, almost none.

We don't know anything about you?? Are you kidding? I think we've read enough topics about you to have at least a broad idea of what you're like.

We give advice and keep on giving but you keep on failing. I think more than enough people have given advice here, so I think it's safe to say you're the one failing.

Anyone else see the irony in Viper's replies??


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
It's over, point is, as much as you guys want to THINK you know me, you don't. You can argue all you want, but the point is, is that in the end you'll always be wrong, because you don't know me. Anyway, I'm done with this thread.