Turning into that guy I want to be.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Here's something useful son. Do you know a trait of successful people? They have desire.

When I wanted $10 000 for a car I didn't come here and start a "Getting that $10 000 for a car that I want" thread. I wanted it so much, I let desire consume me and I found a way to make $10 000.

When I wanted a good body, I didn't come here and go "Getting that body that I want". I got my ass off to the gym and worked until I had such a good body that I got signed by a modelling agency and slept with my PT (a hot dancer who danced in P diddy videos)

Sound like I'm bragging? I am. I can back it up. You don't want to "be the guy you want to be" or you'dve done something about it.

Put up or shut up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
I repeat, if you're not going to say anything useful, shutup.
Repeat yourself as much as you want, I'll say what I like.

People have given you heaps of useful advice and you have ignored it all. And for someone so supposedly crippled by social anxiety you're pretty argumentative.

Don't bother defending yourself against troll accusations, and try not to repeat your points over and over again. Do something to change your life. Talk to some girls. We can't do that for you.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
I WANT to do something but I don't KNOW what I can do, that's basically what I've been saying for the past few posts. I want to approach girls, but there aren't really any oppurtunities to approach them at school. I really don't feel like re-explaining why there aren't any oppurtunities, so if you want to know basically just look at one of my previous post in this topic. And I can't go to the mall, since I don't have a car. So where the heck can I approach girls?

Repeat yourself as much as you want, I'll say what I like.

People have given you heaps of useful advice and you have ignored it all. And for someone so supposedly crippled by social anxiety you're pretty argumentative.

Don't bother defending yourself against troll accusations, and try not to repeat your points over and over again. Do something to change your life. Talk to some girls. We can't do that for you.
You and your assumptions, crippled by social anxiety? No, I mean, sure there's some anxiety, but it's not so bad as you make it sound. I know once I actually get a good vibe with a chick, that it's actually not that hard to talk. Wait, why am I explaining myself to the likes of you? You have no power over me. You also assume I ignored the advice, when I've actually read every single piece of advice. Newsflash buddy, reading advice, is no gaurantee that I'll change. Usually there's only anxiety when I'm approaching someone that I don't know well, so if I'm talking to someone that I've had a good vibe with in the past, there's usually no anxiety.
Last edited:

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
i'm having a feeling you're going to be openly gay within 2 years.

you better make sure that you don't start getting attracted to men... you better start talking to girls or you will surely be afraid of women... and turn homo.



Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Wow I can't believe I'm replying to this hapless thread...

Here's the issue: You're focusing on the problem instead of a solution. In your situation there is ALWAYS a solution, ALWAYS. If you think and act hopeless and problematic, guess what life is going to dish out? Hoplessness and problems.

My solution: Focus on solutions and positive things. Get out and join some clubs, don't be a dweeb who goes from home to school to home to school, etc. all week, that won't fix anything. Start being a friendly guy in class and meeting people. Don't only meet girls or you'll rub off as a desperate dork. Make friends with girls AND guys, indiscriminately. And hang out with them, throw a party, whatever. Just FOCUS ON A ****ING SOLUTION, NOT YOUR INSIGNIFICANT, PATHETIC, NO-LIFER, THUMB-SUCKING PROBLEM.

****in' loser, take my advice and grow up or stay the pathetic parasite you seem to be. And I don't give a **** what you think of my opinion, **** you, just do it.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
I swear you guys haven't read a f*cking post in this topic. For one, it's clear that you're not reading my post at all, because you're simply replying based on the first post, which is probably inaccurate right now. If you read any post in this topic d*ckface, you'd know I'm already in 2 f*cking clubs, wrestling, and band. Don't give me advice, until you learn how to actually read the first post. Seriously though, I could've sworn that I mentioned the whole wrestling, and band, thing over 100 times. If you can't read through my posts, than I pretty much don't want your advice, especially if you're going to try to flame me.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
i think he's retarded
Don't call me retarded, because most of you guys have the inability to read through posts before you reply. If it's really that hard to read through the posts before you reply, than I don't think I'm the retarded one. Gee it's not hard guys, don't post if you haven't read through the topic. It's getting to the point where I might just abandon this topic, and try to find out where to approach girls myself, because you guys aren't going to give me any advice on it. If I could find somewhere to approach girls I would approach girls.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
Don't call me retarded, because most of you guys have the inability to read through posts before you reply. If it's really that hard to read through the posts before you reply, than I don't think I'm the retarded one. Gee it's not hard guys, don't post if you haven't read through the topic. It's getting to the point where I might just abandon this topic, and try to find out where to approach girls myself, because you guys aren't going to give me any advice on it. If I could find somewhere to approach girls I would approach girls.

God damn, man! What the hell is with you? How many thousands of times are you going to ask the same goddamn questions and get the same goddamn answers (flames, basically)? No one here seems to be able to help you. GET PROFESSIONAL HELP you ****ing psycho.

You always talk about leaving, but you never do it. You just post back about how we're flaming you WHEN YOU'RE THE ****ING RETARD who can't get a girlfriend if his life depended on it. Every time someone gives you advice, you just brush it off or make up some ****ing bull**** excuse as to why you can't do it.

"You need to talk to girls."

"I can't, none of them are available."

"You should join the gym or start jogging."

"I don't need to, I'm already on the wrestling team."

"You should really get some new clothes."

"Why? What's wrong with the clothes that I have now?"

And on and on and on and ****ing on until the end of goddamn time. We know more about this stuff than you, you egotistical ****. It isn't us that have the problems, it's YOU. Why is it that everyone on this damn site can barely stand to read a single damn post of yours? Because they know what you're like. It isn't our fault that you speak like a retard, nor is it our fault that you're somehow unable to talk to women "because they're eating lunch with their friends" or some other dumb **** like that.

Oh, and stop saying dude and man at the end of every 5th sentence. If you speak like that in real life, it isn't any wonder why you have no damn friends. TOOL.



Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
hmm...a not so social friend of mine started hanging around me and a group of girls at lunch every day at school and all of the sudden he's gotten much better with the ladies. find a group to hang with at lunch maybe. i dunno dude.

edit- wow, mr rogers pretty much just b*tch-slapped you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
It's my junior year in High School, and I'm still pretty much in the same position as I was freshman year. The point is, is that I still can't get confidence. I'm still very self-conscious, and I just can't seem to get confidence. No matter how much I try to convince myself that I'm the greatest guy ever, I still worry "What's he/she thinking about me?". Something I definitely want to improve is my confidence, I want to become that guy who really doesn't give a sh*t what random people think of him, and I also want to become the guy that doesn't feel like he needs others approval. You know, even though I do 2 activities after school, there always seems to be something missing from my life, and that's a social life. As you guys may know, even though I'm in 2 after school activities, I have no "true" friends. By "true" friend, I mean someone that I don't have to "act" around, someone that I can be REAL with. The reason I don't have any friends, is that I'm just afraid of going up to people, and starting conversation with them. My biggest fear, is that they're just not going to like me, which is also the reason that I'm afraid to approach woman. I'm afraid that when I try to go up to someone and approach them, they're going to laugh at me, or try and diss me. This fear comes from the fact that I've been picked on a lot. But no, I'm not going to dwell on this, however, I want to know how I can stop caring if people reject me, and once I get over the fear of people in general rejecting me,I'll most likely get over the fear of woman rejecting me. The thing isn't that I'm bad with talking to people, it's just that I'm afraid that I'll get rejected, or the person will try, and tease me. And yeah, those are pretty much the two big fears, that keep me away from being the guy that I want to be.
Weird…Later on you say that you’re a pretty cool guy…But here you say you get picked on a lot…Strange, no? But you do take a step in the right direction by actually cornering the problem, fear of rejection. Okay, that’s a good start!

Genes are a waste? Okay, I'm going to dodge that personal attack because you have no idea what you're talking about. I don't see why you post when you're not going to say anything useful, and personally attack me about something you know NOTHING about. You might as well have not even wasted your time writing the post.
For some reason you feel the need to validate yourself to anonymous posters on here? God knows why…A waste of 1 minute of your life is all it was.

Trust me man, I want to become confident, and I want friends. I've tried to change in the past, but I'm still where I was before. I just can't seem to get over my fear of rejection, and my self-consciousness.
You can’t defeat your fears if you don’t fight them. Later on you say there’s NO opportunities in school to meet girls…You pass them in the hallway, don’t you? There’s your opportunity. Hundreds of them each day, yet you don’t have the balls to take even ONE of them.
You can't talk, you didn't even read the whole post.
You idiot, stop responding to people. You’re only feeding the flames, and making people believe you’re a troll.

So how can I do this? Should I just start approaching more people that I don't know? Also, I like the advice that you gave in the previous post, it helps a lot.
Here you are! Finally, attempting to listen to somebody. And you just answered your own question. Yes, approach people you don’t know. The only catch is, there should be a motive to meeting them. When you see somebody you want to meet, rack your brain to find a reason to meet them, or you’ve lost before you begin.

That's actually not what I think of myself. I know that I can do things RIGHT, and I know I don't suck, hell, I go to wrestling conditioning EVERYDAY, so I know I work a lot harder than a lot of people on this site work. I'm also tall, I'm a programmer, and I play various instruments. So no, I DON'T suck, I just don't have confidence. Do you guys honestly think the internet is my life? Well, think what you want, but you're wrong.
This is the single most important post you’ve made here. You apparently KNOW you can do things right. You think you work HARDER than most people? Sure, you do a helluva job at what you’re good at. A lot of people work at things they AREN’T good at, like social skills. You’re a programmer…And you play various musical instruments…I won’t even get started here…You’re life(things you are achieving at) is centered around things that involve NO other people, hence a big ZERO in social skills. And shut the **** up with your wrestling conditioning, no one needs to hear about you getting sweaty with a group of guys for an hour a night. All your problems are contained in this post…If you don’t have the wit to see it…Your loss.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
No trust me man, I've had past experiences with most of my team mates, and we just don't get along well. And in my classes, I pretty much don't get along with people much either(I have 2 classes with almost of the same exact people, and 1 class, with some of those people from my other classes, but with more kids). Or maybe I shouldn't say that I don't get along with the people, it's just that we're not all buddy buddy like, and I wouldn't consider them as real friends. Like, I don't have problems with most of the people, but we're just not friends. So no, class really isn't a great place to meet people for me, besides, I've already talked to most of the people in my classes at one point, or had them in another class. However, I could still try to meet people in band(I know most people in band on a first name basis, but haven't really gotten to know most people). There are some cool people in my squad who I sometimes talk to, perhaps I could get to know them better.
Later on you say you’re a “cool guy”, yet you don’t get along with people in your classes? That’s the single easiest place for somebody to appear cool; in class. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut, do your work, and make jokes on occasion. You’re not friends with them because you’re either a)trying to hard to be friends or b) not trying at all. And class is a great place to meet people, you’re locked in a room with them for an hour a day, so **** off. Again, with Band…I won’t get started…In my school, everyone in band is a nerd, geek or fag, so I’ll reserve my judgment with you. Anyways, just be friendly and joke around with people, the opportunities to hang out will come with time, not with pressure.

You got AIM or MSN? And even if you did, I don't that would help. Ah, another day, and no success, however, I did get compliments on my suit(I had to dress all business like for this business-related program I'm in at another school.).
Seriously, join a sports team. That’s where you make friends, not in these weird intellectual outlets that you think feed your wannabe-smart ego. Get intelligent by yourself and in class, not extra-curriculars.

Not true, I tried to change by starting to approach girls again, but every approach I've made has been a failure, or never really got anywhere.
Not really, I'm 5'9, I am around 180 lbs, however, I don't have acne, and I don't stay inside a lot. Didn't I mention that I was in wrestling, and marching band?
I think this post is a lie, either to us or yourself.

Good post, I think once I overcome my own inner problems, I'll get better than women. I'm thinking to myself "Why is a cool guy like me afraid to approach girls?" and that's probably the reason. For instance, there's this named Abby in band I wanted to approach on the bus, but you know what? I couldn't do it because of my own inner fears. It's my own damned inner fear that's keeping me from approaching people. In reality, there's no wall that's keeping me from approaching the girl, but in my mind, my own personal fears keep me from approaching women. I've got to get over these damned personal fears, I mean come on, I do sports, I play 4 instruments, I can program, I'm smart, but I can't approach women? That seems a little ridoculous.

And f*ck off, Michele l'Fagangelo, if you're going to post anything useful, don't post at all.
Why are you telling yourself that you’re a “cool guy”? THIS, is why I hate you, and why many others on here and in your personal life do as well. You lie. To yourself.
You go on and validate yourself by saying you play sports, play 4 instruments, you’re a programmer, and you’re “smart”. But how smart are you? You can’t even solve this easy problem you have. I think you have a social IQ of under 50, so you really aren’t smart at all. And stop preaching your programming skills, no cool kids, and I mean NO COOL KIDS program. Go play soccer or football or volleyball or basketball or rugby or hockey or baseball or whatever.

Oh, I want it very bad man. But seriously, why does it have to be so hard to get over? I wish they would just invent some magical pill that makes you feel confident, and not care, it's way to hard of a task to do by yourself. Like I stated before, making conversation with girls isn't as hard as it used to be, but I fear getting a bad vibe from the girl, and getting rejected. Man, I wish I lived around were you guys do, because there's no mall for a good 10-15 miles where I live, and I don't have a car either. Schools pretty much my only option for approaching. I'll read over your advice, but reading isn't enough, nah, when I go back to school on Monday, I have got to do something different. Perhaps instead of just walking around doing nothing before 1st period, if I see a girl sitting alone, I'll approach her. Maybe afterschool while if I see a girl, sitting alone waiting for her ride, I'll approach her. Perhaps, I'll finally talk to that Amanda girl, and band. All I know, is that I have to do something different from what I usually do, because that's the only way I'm going to change. And if the girl doesn't like me, you know what? Screw it.
Good stuff! If you are being honest with yourself, then this is the way to go! Honestly.

Augh, another day, and pretty much no progress. I mean, overall the day was fun, but I've made no progress socially. Well, okay, I got a friends phone number, but that's pretty much all. Something I've noticed about school is that there really aren't a lot of places that you can actually approach girls, at least not in my case. No hot girls in 2 of my classes, 3 semi-hot girls in another one of my classes that I already know, and yeah. There also aren't any oppurtunities to approach during lunch. In the hallways, and after school girls always seem to be busy going somewhere. Bottom line is, I need a place to approach. I always tell other dudes how I get all the *****, but in reality, I can't get any *****.
What happened to your “Screw it” attitude? And stop focusing on GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, this is in part why you’re failing. If you’ve read anything on this site, you know what I’m getting at. If you don’t, ask me in the rebuttal you’re sure to write up after this post. Atleast you’re clean with yourself here, being honest with who you are. In reality, not your little bubble, opportunities are everywhere. You’re looking for a SAFE opportunity, which is again in part why you are failing. Exit your comfort zone.

Whatever man, if you think I'm a troll fine. Really doesn't matter to me what you think, because even if only ONE person gave me advice, I would still read over it. You also act like I have some magical control over the number of people who reply to this topic, which I don't. I can't help it if a lot of people reply, doesn't make any difference to me whether or not a small amount of people reply, or a large amount of people reply. This topic could have one reply, and I would still follow it. Besides, if I was a troll, don't you think I would make multiple topics, instead of keeping one topic? Yeah. One mroe thing, if I'm a troll, that obviously means I don't go to school right? So that means I could post here during school hours, however, for some reason I hardly ever post here during school hours, on Mondays-Fridays, GEE I WONDER WHY. Also, if I'm a troll, that means I'm not really a wrestler right, so explain where I am from 2:45-Usually around 5:30-6:00(When I get home), HMM, maybe it's possible that you have no idea what you're talking about. Another good example is, during Marching Band season explain why I never posted here from around 5:45(Time I leave for band)- To around 9:30(Time I get home from band practice) on Wednesdays, and never posted from around 5:45-Around 11:00 on Fridays? You can't explain it, because I was actually at practice, and actually at the games dipsh*t. To add to that, I have SEVERAL people who can confirm that most of the stuff I say here is true. For instance, if I got someone from school to sign up for this board who knows a little about me, than they could back me up on this(And I might even have to go that far, just to prove that I'm not a troll). Sure I could always make another name, and PRETEND to be a friend from school, but if I did that I would obviously have the same IP. If the username was on a different IP, and spoke completely different from me, you would obviously know that it wasn't me. They would probably know who the girls I approach are too. Bottom line is, you're wrong. And yes, it does offend me when people call me a troll, because I know I'm not a troll.
Again, you’re letting others control you here. Don’t respond to negative posters. Take what they have to offer and kick the rest to the curb.

Actually, they'd tell you that I was a pretty cool guy. And hardly ANYONE laughs at me, so I know that's untrue. Hell, half the school doesn't even know who the f*ck I am. And most of the people who do know who I am, either think I'm a pretty cool dude, or think that I'm a funny dude. There's this one kid who goes to my school, who went to Jazz Camp with me, so he can personally say that happened. So no, nobody really laughs at me, that's just your stupid assumption.
You just lied to all of us. In your first post you said you got picked on, evidence of low self-confidence; not synonymous with being “cool”. In another you came outright and said you were a cool guy, yet again you had no self-confidence(approaching), which again is not synonymous with being “cool”. Liar.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
No... you're definitely wrong, besides, to my knowledge I'm in the only person in the school who's ever even heard of Sosuave. Hell, I know people don't laugh their asses off at me in school, and I have nothing to prove to you. If you don't believe me, hey, not my problem, you're the one who's wrong. When you actually come up to my school, and spend a day there, and see people laughing their asses off at me, you can talk, UNTIL THEN, shutup, because you really have no way of knowing. I know what's really going on, you're just basing your opinion off of stupid assumptions, based on your already stupid assumptions of who you think I am. Sure there are some idiots who laugh at me, but the majority of the school either doesn't know me, or sees me as a nice guy.
Not really assumptions…You’re being hypocritical now…Let me say this once: Until you get enough self-confidence to approach girls, you will never be a “cool” guy. Not because approaching is cool, but because it’s a good indicator of how self-conscious you are. Liar.

You're right, besides why should I care so much about what you guys think? Worst case scenario, the admin actually believes the people who accuse me of being a troll, and ban me, life goes on. If you think I'm a troll, you think I'm a troll, doesn't mean that you're right, but that's what you think. I know personally that everything I say here is true, and I know personally that I'm not a troll, and if you guys don't believe, it's really not a big deal. Besides, as I said earlier, I know tons of people who can back me up, who actually go to my school. Not really a great idea, but if I have to go that far to proof I'm not a troll, then that's what I gotta do.
You show glimmers of the “I don’t care” attitude here, which is good. But you also lie to us again, and by posting this you qualify yourself to us. Who cares if people think you’re a troll? Go do something else instead of letting them con”troll” you! ;)
Oh but I've already acheived various things in life. Just because I haven't got laid doesn't mean I haven't acheived anything. Man, you guys love making assumptions about me based on nothing.
I agree with you here. Getting laid means nothing in the grand scheme of anything. I also agree with another point you said: “I haven't acheived anything.” You haven’t achieved anything in this post. Show some initiative, grab your nuts, and get out of your comfort zone.

Whatever I'm doing right now, isn't working dude. The days aren't really that bad, and wrestling practice is awesome, but I'm just not making any progress.socially because there's just no oppurtunity to approach girls during school. Their always, either busy, or with their friends, whether it be at lunch, in the hallway, or afterschool.
Good, you’re being honest again, now we can help! Sure you’re making progress in your life, but not in the direction you want. You want to make progress in your social life? Then you have to be social, and you don’t get anywhere being social unless you put yourself out there and take opportunities, whether or not they are comfortable ones.

If you're not going to say anything useful, do shutup. And no, there are no oppurtunities to approach girls in my school. Like I said before they're always either busy, or with their friends. In the hallways, they're either busy, or with their friends, at lunch, they're with their friends, and after school, they're either busy, or with their friends, if they're not one they're the other. And I don't have any good looking girls in any of my classes, so yeah.
You keep dishing out this No Opportunities bull ****. As I said a moment ago, you are only looking for COMFORTABLE opportunities…Start making yourself sweaty and nervous, that’s where the REAL progress is made.

I repeat, if you're not going to say anything useful, shutup. However, if you actually want to reply to my post and help out, then that'd be great. I know I'm not a troll, and I have nothing to prove to you. I know I'm not a troll, and really, that's all that matters. Notice that by accusing me of being a troll, inside a topic that has nothng to do with trolling, is actually trolling.
You’re qualifying yourself to others again…What happened to that “I don’t care” attitude??

I WANT to do something but I don't KNOW what I can do, that's basically what I've been saying for the past few posts. I want to approach girls, but there aren't really any oppurtunities to approach them at school. I really don't feel like re-explaining why there aren't any oppurtunities, so if you want to know basically just look at one of my previous post in this topic. And I can't go to the mall, since I don't have a car. So where the heck can I approach girls?
Wow! A coherent, logical post! This one is easy. You ask “Where the heck can I approach girls?” The answer is….Anywhere! You’re reasoning has it that the situation has to be “perfect” or “just right” for a good conversation to take place. This stems from your fear, which won’t be defeated unless you actually take a risk. I don’t think anyone in the history of Earth has ever won anything, without there being a chance of losing. You aren’t interested in taking that chance, which is why you fail.

You and your assumptions, crippled by social anxiety? No, I mean, sure there's some anxiety, but it's not so bad as you make it sound. I know once I actually get a good vibe with a chick, that it's actually not that hard to talk. Wait, why am I explaining myself to the likes of you? You have no power over me. You also assume I ignored the advice, when I've actually read every single piece of advice. Newsflash buddy, reading advice, is no gaurantee that I'll change. Usually there's only anxiety when I'm approaching someone that I don't know well, so if I'm talking to someone that I've had a good vibe with in the past, there's usually no anxiety.
I agree with everything you say here.

I swear you guys haven't read a f*cking post in this topic. For one, it's clear that you're not reading my post at all, because you're simply replying based on the first post, which is probably inaccurate right now. If you read any post in this topic d*ckface, you'd know I'm already in 2 f*cking clubs, wrestling, and band. Don't give me advice, until you learn how to actually read the first post. Seriously though, I could've sworn that I mentioned the whole wrestling, and band, thing over 100 times. If you can't read through my posts, than I pretty much don't want your advice, especially if you're going to try to flame me.
Yet has anything changed, from that first post? If it has, you haven’t said so in the preceding 21 posts. You’re still that insecure, socially retarded boy that first posted. Until you get your head off of Cloud 9 and start to realize that you’re just like any other stinking piece of **** on this planet and that ultimately nobody cares about you, that you’ll man up and start to do your own thing. When this happens, I promise you that you’ll develop true self-confidence very quickly, and people will love you for it. Until then, it’s only a dream…

Don't call me retarded, because most of you guys have the inability to read through posts before you reply. If it's really that hard to read through the posts before you reply, than I don't think I'm the retarded one. Gee it's not hard guys, don't post if you haven't read through the topic. It's getting to the point where I might just abandon this topic, and try to find out where to approach girls myself, because you guys aren't going to give me any advice on it. If I could find somewhere to approach girls I would approach girls.
We have given you tones of advice on “it”. You just refuse to take any because it doesn’t sound easy. Guess what big-shot? It isn’t easy. Climb down off of Mount Fag which is getting you nowhere, and start living life. Take some risks, expose yourself, be vulnerable. That’s where true progress is made. You won’t learn if you don’t make mistakes. I don’t care who you are, you can do it, but not unless you try.

Interesting Fact:
The sum of your posts is 2, 855 words.

Hope you learn something from all this.



Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
BluEyes said:
Later on you say you’re a “cool guy”, yet you don’t get along with people in your classes? That’s the single easiest place for somebody to appear cool; in class. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut, do your work, and make jokes on occasion. You’re not friends with them because you’re either a)trying to hard to be friends or b) not trying at all. And class is a great place to meet people, you’re locked in a room with them for an hour a day, so **** off. Again, with Band…I won’t get started…In my school, everyone in band is a nerd, geek or fag, so I’ll reserve my judgment with you. Anyways, just be friendly and joke around with people, the opportunities to hang out will come with time, not with pressure.

Seriously, join a sports team. That’s where you make friends, not in these weird intellectual outlets that you think feed your wannabe-smart ego. Get intelligent by yourself and in class, not extra-curriculars.

I think this post is a lie, either to us or yourself.

Why are you telling yourself that you’re a “cool guy”? THIS, is why I hate you, and why many others on here and in your personal life do as well. You lie. To yourself.
You go on and validate yourself by saying you play sports, play 4 instruments, you’re a programmer, and you’re “smart”. But how smart are you? You can’t even solve this easy problem you have. I think you have a social IQ of under 50, so you really aren’t smart at all. And stop preaching your programming skills, no cool kids, and I mean NO COOL KIDS program. Go play soccer or football or volleyball or basketball or rugby or hockey or baseball or whatever.

Good stuff! If you are being honest with yourself, then this is the way to go! Honestly.

What happened to your “Screw it” attitude? And stop focusing on GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, this is in part why you’re failing. If you’ve read anything on this site, you know what I’m getting at. If you don’t, ask me in the rebuttal you’re sure to write up after this post. Atleast you’re clean with yourself here, being honest with who you are. In reality, not your little bubble, opportunities are everywhere. You’re looking for a SAFE opportunity, which is again in part why you are failing. Exit your comfort zone.

Again, you’re letting others control you here. Don’t respond to negative posters. Take what they have to offer and kick the rest to the curb.

You just lied to all of us. In your first post you said you got picked on, evidence of low self-confidence; not synonymous with being “cool”. In another you came outright and said you were a cool guy, yet again you had no self-confidence(approaching), which again is not synonymous with being “cool”. Liar.
First off, not "everyone" picked on me, just a couple of kids, when I joined this guitar club thing, and eighth grade, I made friends with a couple of people who thought I was cool. I wouldn't really consider them "real" friends, but they are nice to me. Yes, I do get picked on a little now, but I mostly don't care, and neither do many other people then the people that are picking on me. Not everyone thinks I'm cool, but there are people who will occassiionally say "What's up" to me, who have talked to me previously. There are some that think I'm cool, but just don't see me as a social guy, and their not wrong, because I'm not a social guy. Most people I've talked to in the past would probably tell you, "He's a cool guy, he plays guitar, but he doesn't talk much", "Isn't he that special kid?", "Oh yeah, I know him, he's a nice guy.", and then there are the haters.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
BluEyes said:
Later on you say you’re a “cool guy”, yet you don’t get along with people in your classes? That’s the single easiest place for somebody to appear cool; in class. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut, do your work, and make jokes on occasion. You’re not friends with them because you’re either a)trying to hard to be friends or b) not trying at all. And class is a great place to meet people, you’re locked in a room with them for an hour a day, so **** off. Again, with Band…I won’t get started…In my school, everyone in band is a nerd, geek or fag, so I’ll reserve my judgment with you. Anyways, just be friendly and joke around with people, the opportunities to hang out will come with time, not with pressure.

Seriously, join a sports team. That’s where you make friends, not in these weird intellectual outlets that you think feed your wannabe-smart ego. Get intelligent by yourself and in class, not extra-curriculars.

I think this post is a lie, either to us or yourself.

Why are you telling yourself that you’re a “cool guy”? THIS, is why I hate you, and why many others on here and in your personal life do as well. You lie. To yourself.
You go on and validate yourself by saying you play sports, play 4 instruments, you’re a programmer, and you’re “smart”. But how smart are you? You can’t even solve this easy problem you have. I think you have a social IQ of under 50, so you really aren’t smart at all. And stop preaching your programming skills, no cool kids, and I mean NO COOL KIDS program. Go play soccer or football or volleyball or basketball or rugby or hockey or baseball or whatever.

Good stuff! If you are being honest with yourself, then this is the way to go! Honestly.

What happened to your “Screw it” attitude? And stop focusing on GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, this is in part why you’re failing. If you’ve read anything on this site, you know what I’m getting at. If you don’t, ask me in the rebuttal you’re sure to write up after this post. Atleast you’re clean with yourself here, being honest with who you are. In reality, not your little bubble, opportunities are everywhere. You’re looking for a SAFE opportunity, which is again in part why you are failing. Exit your comfort zone.

Again, you’re letting others control you here. Don’t respond to negative posters. Take what they have to offer and kick the rest to the curb.

You just lied to all of us. In your first post you said you got picked on, evidence of low self-confidence; not synonymous with being “cool”. In another you came outright and said you were a cool guy, yet again you had no self-confidence(approaching), which again is not synonymous with being “cool”. Liar.
You don't get it though man, you see, our class in general is pretty small(about 100 something people), and I've already had most of the people who are in my current classes, in a different class previously. And from the looks of it, band people in your school, are a lot different than band people in my school. Hell, in our school we hardly have any geeks in band, and most of the people in band, are both social, and play sports(Let's put it this way, we have people you could consider "Jocks" in band).

About the sports team comment, I'm already doing wrestling(This is my second year), later this year I'm going to do track and field(It'll be my 3rd year), and next year(My senior year), I'm trying out for the football team.

Why am I telling you guys that I'm a cool guy? Well, because in general I just think that I'm a cool guy. And preaching my programming skills? First off, I wasn't "preaching" my programming skills, and second of all, who said programming isn't cool? I don't know, I think you define cool as "What everyone else likes" rather than "What you like". And who cares if its cool or not? All I know is people pay a lot of money to get people to program things, and money in my book, is certainly "cool".

And your right I do look for safe oppurtunities. I talk about there being no oppurtunities to approach girls in school, but really I'm just talking about oppurtunities I'm not willing to take.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
And your right I do look for safe oppurtunities. I talk about there being no oppurtunities to approach girls in school, but really I'm just talking about oppurtunities I'm not willing to take.
And that right there is exactly why you'll never succeed. Ever.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
viper/mr.c, id pay money to see who the fuk u are and why your a pvssy. just talk to some fukkkkin girls, be nervous, stumble over your words, look like a doumbass, but if u keep pushing and trying to get better that will no longer happen. are u sure u dont have like ADD/ADHD, mild autism, etc bc i donno wtf is your problem.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
How about we all start asking YOU for advice, since YOU seem to have all the answers, and we apparently know nothing and are "wrong" all the time.

Tell me, Mr.Confidence...Im a dweeb at school, how can i become a cool guy that getz girls??? pleeeaassee help me, please please please this is very important to me.

And one more thing. You repetitively tell us either "you're wrong man" or "you just dont get it man". Remember that we're not the ones with the problem, you are. If you're not willing to believe that you might, just MIGHT be wrong, then you will never be right. Think about it and do a little soul searching.

If you can't grasp the fact that we(for the most part) are right about what your problems are and what a viable solution(s) is...then hope has abandoned you, and you'll never change.

I've given what help I can, its up to you to dig yourself out.

EDIT: I just read your retorts to my posts. You are one closed-minded f*ck. All you do is fire back excuses and reasons for your problem. Start opening your "smart" brain and closing your f*ckin mouth. You say you're intelligent? I think you're one of the dumbest motherf*ckers I've ever heard of.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
BluEyes said:
EDIT: I just read your retorts to my posts. You are one closed-minded f*ck. All you do is fire back excuses and reasons for your problem. Start opening your "smart" brain and closing your f*ckin mouth. You say you're intelligent? I think you're one of the dumbest motherf*ckers I've ever heard of.
Yeah, it's scary, isn't it? He's so closed minded and arrogant, it's actually frightening. If these are the people who will be in positions of importance later on, God help us all, no?