Turning into that guy I want to be.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
shadowfox said:
By doing it the way i said, he would be attacking his problem very well. He would be blasting way out of his comfort zone and will improve VERY quickly, which is what he wants right? The girls he would be opening would be people he would never see ever again they wouldn't matter.


you have to really want this, you would have to completely set your ego aside and be willing to take rejection and be willing to do whatever it takes, it takes real EFFORT... only then will you improve.

You must realise mrconfidence some day you will die... think about it, dont go around life worried you maybe rejected by people, ENJOY IT AND LIVE IT TO THE FULL!!! go out and approach the girls and have a laugh about it later...

If you think my way is too tough sure, take BBX advice and slowly advance over the weeks but eventually you will need to be at where I am trying to get you at which is regularly approaching woman and asking for numbers. I'll be intrested to hear what you have to say about this 'plan' to get you out of your comfort zone and yeh 'If you can't push yourself to ask an hb for the time, please die.'
Oh, I want it very bad man. But seriously, why does it have to be so hard to get over? I wish they would just invent some magical pill that makes you feel confident, and not care, it's way to hard of a task to do by yourself. Like I stated before, making conversation with girls isn't as hard as it used to be, but I fear getting a bad vibe from the girl, and getting rejected. Man, I wish I lived around were you guys do, because there's no mall for a good 10-15 miles where I live, and I don't have a car either. Schools pretty much my only option for approaching. I'll read over your advice, but reading isn't enough, nah, when I go back to school on Monday, I have got to do something different. Perhaps instead of just walking around doing nothing before 1st period, if I see a girl sitting alone, I'll approach her. Maybe afterschool while if I see a girl, sitting alone waiting for her ride, I'll approach her. Perhaps, I'll finally talk to that Amanda girl, and band. All I know, is that I have to do something different from what I usually do, because that's the only way I'm going to change. And if the girl doesn't like me, you know what? Screw it.


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
Oh, I want it very bad man. But seriously, why does it have to be so hard to get over? I wish they would just invent some magical pill that makes you feel confident, and not care, it's way to hard of a task to do by yourself. Like I stated before, making conversation with girls isn't as hard as it used to be, but I fear getting a bad vibe from the girl, and getting rejected. Man, I wish I lived around were you guys do, because there's no mall for a good 10-15 miles where I live, and I don't have a car either. Schools pretty much my only option for approaching. I'll read over your advice, but reading isn't enough, nah, when I go back to school on Monday, I have got to do something different.
no one said getting confidence is easy. nothing worth getting is ever easy to get. but it pays off in the long run. and they do make a magic drug to feel confident, it's called gettin drunk, but quick fixes dont last long. u want confience? then u gotta work for it. work at it, all the time, then you'll get better. no one magically becomes confident over night, it takes effort. and like i said, if girls reject you, then screw them, man. bein confident is not thinking about failure. jus realize is they reject you then they aint worth yo time,bro. they actually did you a favor by lettin you know upfront that they aernt worthy of you. they saved you time,money,and effort. an if you dont got wat we got, make due wit wat u have. there has to be some place where girls go besides school thats near you.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Augh, another day, and pretty much no progress. I mean, overall the day was fun, but I've made no progress socially. Well, okay, I got a friends phone number, but that's pretty much all. Something I've noticed about school is that there really aren't a lot of places that you can actually approach girls, at least not in my case. No hot girls in 2 of my classes, 3 semi-hot girls in another one of my classes that I already know, and yeah. There also aren't any oppurtunities to approach during lunch. In the hallways, and after school girls always seem to be busy going somewhere. Bottom line is, I need a place to approach. I always tell other dudes how I get all the pussy, but in reality, I can't get any pussy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
lol dude just talk to as many girls as u can and see where that takes you. don't think of it as approaching girls, its just talking to girls.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Whatever man, if you think I'm a troll fine. Really doesn't matter to me what you think, because even if only ONE person gave me advice, I would still read over it. You also act like I have some magical control over the number of people who reply to this topic, which I don't. I can't help it if a lot of people reply, doesn't make any difference to me whether or not a small amount of people reply, or a large amount of people reply. This topic could have one reply, and I would still follow it. Besides, if I was a troll, don't you think I would make multiple topics, instead of keeping one topic? Yeah. One mroe thing, if I'm a troll, that obviously means I don't go to school right? So that means I could post here during school hours, however, for some reason I hardly ever post here during school hours, on Mondays-Fridays, GEE I WONDER WHY. Also, if I'm a troll, that means I'm not really a wrestler right, so explain where I am from 2:45-Usually around 5:30-6:00(When I get home), HMM, maybe it's possible that you have no idea what you're talking about. Another good example is, during Marching Band season explain why I never posted here from around 5:45(Time I leave for band)- To around 9:30(Time I get home from band practice) on Wednesdays, and never posted from around 5:45-Around 11:00 on Fridays? You can't explain it, because I was actually at practice, and actually at the games dipsh*t. To add to that, I have SEVERAL people who can confirm that most of the stuff I say here is true. For instance, if I got someone from school to sign up for this board who knows a little about me, than they could back me up on this(And I might even have to go that far, just to prove that I'm not a troll). Sure I could always make another name, and PRETEND to be a friend from school, but if I did that I would obviously have the same IP. If the username was on a different IP, and spoke completely different from me, you would obviously know that it wasn't me. They would probably know who the girls I approach are too. Bottom line is, you're wrong. And yes, it does offend me when people call me a troll, because I know I'm not a troll.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
Whatever man, if you think I'm a troll fine. Really doesn't matter to me what you think, because even if only ONE person gave me advice, I would still read over it. You also act like I have some magical control over the number of people who reply to this topic, which I don't. I can't help it if a lot of people reply, doesn't make any difference to me whether or not a small amount of people reply, or a large amount of people reply. This topic could have one reply, and I would still follow it. Besides, if I was a troll, don't you think I would make multiple topics, instead of keeping one topic? Yeah. One mroe thing, if I'm a troll, that obviously means I don't go to school right? So that means I could post here during school hours, however, for some reason I hardly ever post here during school hours, on Mondays-Fridays, GEE I WONDER WHY. Also, if I'm a troll, that means I'm not really a wrestler right, so explain where I am from 2:45-Usually around 5:30-6:00(When I get home), HMM, maybe it's possible that you have no idea what you're talking about. Another good example is, during Marching Band season explain why I never posted here from around 5:45(Time I leave for band)- To around 9:30(Time I get home from band practice) on Wednesdays, and never posted from around 5:45-Around 11:00 on Fridays? You can't explain it, because I was actually at practice, and actually at the games dipsh*t. To add to that, I have SEVERAL people who can confirm that most of the stuff I say here is true. For instance, if I got someone from school to sign up for this board who knows a little about me, than they could back me up on this(And I might even have to go that far, just to prove that I'm not a troll). They would probably know who the girls I approach are too. Bottom line is, you're wrong.
Paragraphs! AHH, my eyes! They bleed!

Also... if you get someone at your school to sign up at this board, I hope he tells everyone about it and then the entire school laughs at you, because you'd deserve it for doing something so stupid.

Man, stop and think. That's a REALLY bad idea. This guy's advice is spot on, though. Reading doesn't fix anything. It just gives you what basically equates to a compass that guides you to what you need to find. It doesn't do anything more. YOU must learn how to read said compass, and YOU must go on the journey. Otherwise, it's all a big waste of time, energy and bandwidth. Please, think of the bandwidth.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_rogers said:
Paragraphs! AHH, my eyes! They bleed!

Also... if you get someone at your school to sign up at this board, I hope he tells everyone about it and then the entire school laughs at you, because you'd deserve it for doing something so stupid.

Man, stop and think. That's a REALLY bad idea. This guy's advice is spot on, though. Reading doesn't fix anything. It just gives you what basically equates to a compass that guides you to what you need to find. It doesn't do anything more. YOU must learn how to read said compass, and YOU must gon on the journey. Otherwise, it's all a big waste of time, energy and bandwidth. Please, think of the bandwidth.
Actually, they'd tell you that I was a pretty cool guy. And hardly ANYONE laughs at me, so I know that's untrue. Hell, half the school doesn't even know who the f*ck I am. And most of the people who do know who I am, either think I'm a pretty cool dude, or think that I'm a funny dude. There's this one kid who goes to my school, who went to Jazz Camp with me, so he can personally say that happened. So no, nobody really laughs at me, that's just your stupid assumption.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
Actually, they'd tell you that I was a pretty cool guy.
No... something tells me that they'd laugh their asses off, and think that you're pathetic for needing a website to get laid. Hell, that's what I'd do, if I wasn't a member here. lol


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_rogers said:
No... something tells me that they'd laugh their asses off, and think that you're pathetic for needing a website to get laid. Hell, that's what I'd do, if I wasn't a member here. lol
No... you're definitely wrong, besides, to my knowledge I'm in the only person in the school who's ever even heard of Sosuave. Hell, I know people don't laugh their asses off at me in school, and I have nothing to prove to you. If you don't believe me, hey, not my problem, you're the one who's wrong. When you actually come up to my school, and spend a day there, and see people laughing their asses off at me, you can talk, UNTIL THEN, shutup, because you really have no way of knowing. I know what's really going on, you're just basing your opinion off of stupid assumptions, based on your already stupid assumptions of who you think I am. Sure there are some idiots who laugh at me, but the majority of the school either doesn't know me, or sees me as a nice guy.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
MrConfidence said:
No... you're definitely wrong, besides, to my knowledge I'm in the only person in the school who's ever even heard of Sosuave. Hell, I know people don't laugh their asses off at me in school, and I have nothing to prove to you. If you don't believe me, hey, not my problem, you're the one who's wrong. When you actually come up to my school, and spend a day there, and see people laughing their asses off at me, you can't talk, UNTIL THEN, shutup, because you really have no way of knowing.
How does... whoa, okay, my last post before I just give up trying to get through to you.

Yes, you're the only person who's heard of Sosuave. Fine. That means absolutely nothing. My point was, if you ask someone to post on a Seduction Forum which, appropriately enough focuses on seduction to back up your ONLINE reputation, people are going to think that's weird. You say that they think that you're a pretty cool guy. I'd be willing to place money on the fact that anyone who caught wind of that would change their minds pretty quickly about how cool you are.

And, I'm done. If you're going to continue to "think and become!" as Pook would say, be my guest. Just understand that you need to actually have something to back up your confidence. Blindly believing that you're the best isn't going to help you any if you're clearly not the best.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
People who have been here for more than six months and have made no effort to change should go to the back of the line for advice so people actually willing to work at it get some attention.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_rogers said:
How does... whoa, okay, my last post before I just give up trying to get through to you.

Yes, you're the only person who's heard of Sosuave. Fine. That means absolutely nothing. My point was, if you ask someone to post on a Seduction Forum which, appropriately enough focuses on seduction to back up your ONLINE reputation, people are going to think that's weird. You say that they think that you're a pretty cool guy. I'd be willing to place money on the fact that anyone who caught wind of that would change their minds pretty quickly about how cool you are.

And, I'm done. If you're going to continue to "think and become!" as Pook would say, be my guest. Just understand that you need to actually have something to back up your confidence. Blindly believing that you're the best isn't going to help you any if you're clearly not the best.

Good luck.
You're right, besides why should I care so much about what you guys think? Worst case scenario, the admin actually believes the people who accuse me of being a troll, and ban me, life goes on. If you think I'm a troll, you think I'm a troll, doesn't mean that you're right, but that's what you think. I know personally that everything I say here is true, and I know personally that I'm not a troll, and if you guys don't believe, it's really not a big deal. Besides, as I said earlier, I know tons of people who can back me up, who actually go to my school. Not really a great idea, but if I have to go that far to proof I'm not a troll, then that's what I gotta do.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score

why do you even bother replying with those kinds of responses?

come back and reply when you finally achieve something in real life.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Michele said:

why do you even bother replying with those kinds of responses?

come back and reply when you finally achieve something in real life.
Oh but I've already acheived various things in life. Just because I haven't got laid doesn't mean I haven't acheived anything. Man, you guys love making assumptions about me based on nothing.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
Oh but I've already acheived various things in life. Just because I haven't got laid doesn't mean I haven't acheived anything. Man, you guys love making assumptions about me based on nothing.
K fine,

come back and reply when you finally achieve something related to the reason you came here... in real life.

pretty much... you need to talk to the kind of girls you wish you could talk to... then you come back.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Whatever I'm doing right now, isn't working dude. The days aren't really that bad, and wrestling practice is awesome, but I'm just not making any progress.socially because there's just no oppurtunity to approach girls during school. Their always, either busy, or with their friends, whether it be at lunch, in the hallway, or afterschool.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
Whatever I'm doing right now, isn't working dude. The days aren't really that bad, and wrestling practice is awesome, but I'm just not making any progress.socially because there's just no oppurtunity to approach girls during school. Their always, either busy, or with their friends, whether it be at lunch, in the hallway, or afterschool.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
If you're not going to say anything useful, do shutup. And no, there are no oppurtunities to approach girls in my school. Like I said before they're always either busy, or with their friends. In the hallways, they're either busy, or with their friends, at lunch, they're with their friends, and after school, they're either busy, or with their friends, if they're not one they're the other. And I don't have any good looking girls in any of my classes, so yeah.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
MrConfidence said:
If you're not going to say anything useful, do shutup.
And if you're not going to do anything to help yourself, go away.

87% chance a troll.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Nighthawk said:
And if you're not going to do anything to help yourself, go away.

87% chance a troll.
I repeat, if you're not going to say anything useful, shutup. However, if you actually want to reply to my post and help out, then that'd be great. I know I'm not a troll, and I have nothing to prove to you. I know I'm not a troll, and really, that's all that matters. Notice that by accusing me of being a troll, inside a topic that has nothng to do with trolling, is actually trolling.