True or False: Girls only sh*t test when they like you


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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The only reason any person would be "tested" is due to doubts about their competence/confidence.

This forum is also full of people like you that don't understand basic logic.
You have "attraction" sh1t tests and you also have "comfort" sh1t tests. With the first type they're testing if you're alpha, with the second type they're testing if you're a player. Two different tests.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2023
Reaction score
You have "attraction" sh1t tests and you also have "comfort" sh1t tests. With the first type they're testing if you're alpha, with the second type they're testing if you're a player. Two different tests.
Sure, I buy this. In regards to the topic though, still think the assertion is false. They test when they have doubts.

Even among primates - does anybody test the dominance of the silverback gorilla? No, the dominance is self evident. If it's not, that's when the tests happen.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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This answer to this question is nuanced:

1) women don't shvt test bums they're not interested in at all
2) high quality women with high IL won't shvt test men they're interested in because it's disrespectful and could make him lose interest

I think shvt testing can be a sign of "lukewarm" interest. So, it's not a good sign, generally.


Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
Your response is to throw insults and baseless accusations about who I am as a person, and you think this makes you look credible when responding to the nature of the topic?

Your behavior is exactly like those people that you claim I am. Not even worth responding to at this point.
The nature of the topic like stringpuller told you is like gravity it has very little room for debate.
And dont go crying spilling a nonsense childish responsewhen you are the first one attacking a post, specially if that attack shows that you dont have enough real life experience and/or you have always gone by looks and have never had to really seduce a woman out of zero.
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Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2023
Reaction score
The nature of the topic like stringpuller told you is like gravity it has very little room for debate.
And dont go crying spilling a nonsense childish responsewhen you are the first one attacking a post, specially if that attack shows that you dont have enough real life experience and/or you have always gone by looks and have never had to really seduce a woman out of zero.
In regards to the bolded above, so you are aware, the post of yours' below (the bold) is what I initially responded to in this thread.

We should differentiate between **** test when seducing a new girl and in relationship frame test, they are very different and circumstances also differ. They still are a logical assertion, question or action to an emotional state but have to be handle completely different.
And to all the posters saying a girl wont test you if she is sttracted to you that only proves you havent really seduced a woman in your entire life.
this forum is full of guys with no game or skills and have only been with women due to looks or status.

You're an imbecile. First you call everyone who disagrees with your opinion an amateur with no game or skills, then when I criticize your post several pages back, you now respond saying I'm "crying spilling a nonsense childish response" and then say "I'm the first one attacking a post".

You have the reading comprehension of a teenager. Not responding to your garbage posts any further. First there's the guy who doesn't know the difference between your and you're, and now you, who forgets that he's the one who insulted a bunch of people then tries flipping it by saying I started ****. Just lmfao. This forum needs to have a basic IQ test before allowing members to sign up.

And finally, if there was little room for debate this thread wouldn't be five pages long. You're a random nobody, you don't dictate what is and isn't up for debate.


Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
You're an imbecile. First you call everyone who disagrees with your opinion an amateur with no game or skills, then when I criticize your post several pages back, you now respond saying I'm "crying spilling a nonsense childish response" and then say "I'm the first one attacking a post".
Yes, you are childish, my post you quoted is a general assertion not directed to anyone in particular, and not to “everyone that disagrees with my opinion” like you try to manipulate but more to a current of posts in this and other threads which negate red pill principles of game and attraction.
if it wasnt general i would have quoted appropiately. Maybe you are a little short minded to understand this Mr IQ?
And also the problem is you read my post and you took it so personally that you couldnt help quoting and insulting me directly.
Too bad, **** you.

You have the reading comprehension of a teenager. Not responding to your garbage posts any further. First there's the guy who doesn't know the difference between your and you're, and now you, who forgets that he's the one who insulted a bunch of people then tries flipping it by saying I started ****. Just lmfao. This forum needs to have a basic IQ test before allowing members to sign up.
Manipulating words can work with others but not with me you stupid ****.
Go on and continue crying and yelling **** , english is not my first language and i speak and write fluently in four different languages, id love to see an inmature idiot like you debating through a cell phone in forums in other languages.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Boys, maybe take this intimate moment to the DMs?


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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Women don’t **** test men. It’s a neg-hit. She views you as higher value and wants to knock you down a peg to get your attention/ reaction out of you because she doesn’t believe she could have gotten your attention by simply talking to you.

Thinking women have some authority to “test” men is pedestalizing them. It’s the other way around. Men test women. We test them for loyalty.
Yep, as I get older this is basically what I've come to realize.

But if a women is busting balls to get your attention, you already have an idea of what a relationship with her would be like, they are usually bitter man haters.

This is an interesting concept. Just based on the fact that is a woman is NOT interested in a man, she wishes he would just go away, I would say yes. That said, if she is really interested in a man, then she won't risk throwing out the sheet tests. I guess if the attraction elasticity is very high (i.e., which means it's easily displaced), then sheet tests come out, but if the attraction is inelastic, then the sheet test accomplishes nothing.
Its a last resort for women, Its ultimately to save face (save their ego).

I had to interact with a woman for several months due to work. In our first interaction she offered me her personal number, without even knowing her I acted like I didnt hear her offer. Everytime I would see her for the next few months it was constant hot and cold, I really had no interest in her but due to work I had to interact with her. I was in her head without even knowing. She would constantly ask me what my plans where for the weekend and insinuate. She would sheet test and ball bust when she could. It was really bizare considereing she was putting in a lot of effort into everything and all I was their for was work. She would constently ask me personal questions while I asked her none.

The whole dynamic between us was her ego tying to feel safe. I could only imagine if I did take her number when first offered what kind of hellscape this women would have been.

Interactions like these really open your eyes to the nature of women. Instead tyring to deciver what a women is thinking, the best course of action is to take anything but yes as a no and move on. Picking apart a womens actions only gives her more power over you. At the end of the day if your not sleeping with her, her opinions of you or "ball busting" tactics are only their to serve her fragile ego. It has nothing to do with you.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
I had one hottie from OLD do this. Like she'd f*ckin text me at 630am in the morning about being a morning person and how it's good for you. Seeing how I'd react. Really hot but damn annoying as hell getting constant texts from her when I'm trying to work or sleep. Who the hell calls or texts 630 in the morning unless it's an emergency?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I had one hottie from OLD do this. Like she'd f*ckin text me at 630am in the morning about being a morning person and how it's good for you. Seeing how I'd react. Really hot but damn annoying as hell getting constant texts from her when I'm trying to work or sleep. Who the hell calls or texts 630 in the morning unless it's an emergency?
You don't mute them?

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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This is a 5 star thread.

18 months out of my marriage I have done and seen enough on the single scene to say that this comes in all stages of the relationship, probably for different reasons. I would guess early on it’s frame and security, later on I would say it’s more about trying to dominate and lay down the frame from a longer term, power dynamics. For instance I saw a married guy get ripped for being on his phone the other day, it was absolutely pathetic.

cops have a really simple process which they use to get people to comply to their orders that I think applies here too - ask, tell, get (in our case, silence and distance or just walk). If you’ve gotten to silence then you’re going to see and hear explanations, realizations etc. unsolicited. Or maybe not. You get the info you need either way.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
cops have a really simple process which they use to get people to comply to their orders that I think applies here too - ask, tell, get (in our case, silence and distance or just walk). If you’ve gotten to silence then you’re going to see and hear explanations, realizations etc. unsolicited. Or maybe not. You get the info you need either way.
You also have to understand how women 'dominate'. If they try their tactics (which work on the majority of men) and they fail, they will have more respect for you as a man. Regardless of a woman's status, she needs a man she can look up to. She looks up to men she cannot manipulate, who would rather walk away than give her the reins.