First problem:
allowing yourself to get joint Credit card's, why the hell would you want to!
Or allowing your wife to use your credit cards, why would you want to.
Second problem.
illustrating to her there is a problem when the cards started to get maxed out or showed a sign of high use. I would have cut them up or arranged for her name to be removed of the cards.
3rd Problem.
Not standing up to her when she was getting away with what i would consider to be poor behavoiur.
4th Problem.
Your wife seems to be centered around her universe, this does not seem to be a comitted sharing relationship to me, this seems to be a one person boat and the other along for the ride.
5th Problem
Wife stating she is going to do something that she knows will annoy you, but doing it a way where she cares if it concerns you or not. Actually it seems it as been orchastrated to create a response or a negative situation.
Taking the rings off, for what reason, yes we could have tips.
But ask yourself this, would it have been far more appropriate for your wife to admit the problem when raised, helped you to correct it and showed a genuine urge to work as a couple to resolve the situation?
What your wife seems to be doing is instead of working together for a solution she is finding another means to work against the solution almost like a brat with a toy they cant play with so they sulk and start throwing there toys about! She cant get away with the cards, so what does this justify her working in a late bar with out her married bands on, or does this justify her working in a bar with her married bands on!
Would it not be more appropriate to work some-where else where by she does not further fuc* up the relationship and pis* you off even further?
And your the one coming to a forum asking for relationship advice?
Is your wife going to a forum and asking for advice on how to work in a marriage? or is she frequanting the local feminsit movement and into making her husbands life a living hell!
Who or what is causing you the most drama and sh*t in your life atm and for the percieved future?
If this is your wife then sorry man tbh about it i would rather live alone.
This carries on your going to be more and more resentful.
i would suggest marriage counsuling if not this marriage is doomed, your wife seems to be living on her own rules and your just along for the ride.
how did it get to this, living with a difficult women is hard, but allowing a women like this to get away with what she as been allowed to get away with and it seems you have rewarded her shortcoming, i cant see how this would have turned out any other way.
The credit card issue is a big one for me, asking her permission or stating you did not like it, to be fair those cards would have been burnt or cut up if she liked it or not, especcially when it was clear she was not considering YOU in the equation of her spending, it seems a very selfish way to operate, so why feel guilty when your not allowing someone to treat you like a door mat, which it seems your wife is doing.
It was already put up here by FD, but you missed it, your not angry with your wife in truth your angry with your frustration in knowing your in a poor situation but not taking steps to correct it and how can you correct it?
You can't a relatinship takes two not one, if one is unwilling to make the other happy or at least compromise then what else is there?
It seems your wife is not trying to make you happy, infact it seems she is making you more and more unhappy and resentful, i mean it must be on your mind alot since you seek out a forum and post, is this how you want to spend your days, worrying about what your wife will do next? Cant focus on work or friends or other stuff due to the drama your other half as created on a constant bases? is this worth the joy of marriage and being with some one, sadly for me it was not, is it for you?