How is it stupid?Meisterman said:But sending her a dump text "it's over" when she's already flaking and ignoring OP's messages is stupid. In fact there's a good chance she won't even reply if he does it this way. How can you consider this dumping her if she's already gone ghost and never replies? :crackup:
That is the PERFECT reason to dump her. Ignoring him and not being a good girlfriend is the reason to dump her..
You are an idiot if you think that. The OP just stated that she got back to him.
She will get back to him when SHE dumps him by text.
Who cares if she never replies back to him. He is dumping her when the relationship has not yet ended verbally and officially. He is officially ending the relationship after he agreed to it before.
Would you reply back to a text message when a chick dumps you?
It is not stupid.Meisterman said:***YES....AND THAT IS WHEN YOU DUMP HER.*** But you don't initiate a dump text when she's already ignoring you to begin with! That's stupid.
Have your guns locked and loaded but don't pull the trigger until she contacts you first.
That is why you send her a dump text cause she is ignoring you not being a good girlfriend. That is the reason you dump her.
You have no experience here but the experience of being a beta afraid to take control of the situation.
This proves that you are afraid to initiate a dumping on your own.
You need the woman to make the first move of contact or you can't do it.
That is being a beta.
This isn't a plate. This isn't a girl you went out on two dates with to go ghost.
This is a woman you agreed to be in a relationship with. A woman you spent many months with.
You agreed to be in a relationship. So you should have the courage to dump her regardless of the situation good or bad.
You make excuses NOT to dump her cause you are afraid to do it. You prefer to slink away afraid of any reaction she might have to your text.
That's why you don't want to do it.
You are a beta and you are scared to dump her.
You have no clue what you are saying or how to act as a man.
You want to cowardly slink away being afraid of reaction she might have.
He can choose to dump her anyway he wants.Meisterman said:Replies in bold.
O.K. I think see where you're coming from. Where we have different views is I think OP should wait until she contacts him first or comes back crawling to him, or checks in on him for attention, and THATS when he sends the dump text. Have your guns locked and loaded but don't pull the trigger until she contacts you first.
But sending her a dump text "it's over" when she's already flaking and ignoring OP's messages is stupid. In fact there's a good chance she won't even reply if he does it this way. How can you consider this dumping her if she's already gone ghost and never replies? :crackup:
At some point I think she WILL contact OP again, I'd say 95% chance since this is all very recent. And then he can dump her on his terms.
And if for some reason she never contacts OP again after 8 months together, then fu*k her, she's not even worth the 1 cent it costs to send the text on OP's data plan.
You are basing everything on assumptions assuming she is going to ignore him forever or not reply.
You don't know that.
She will contact him at some point when she doesn't hear from him.
What he needs to do is dump her and let her know the relationship is over.
You are too afraid to do that
You are too afraid to step up and do it prolonging it until the future.
Never be afraid to dump a woman like this guy is.
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