I dont agree with the verdict, but at least there was a trial. More will unfold though. The civil case being one of them, which like OJ, Zimmerman will definitely lose. However unlike OJ, Zimmerman is not loaded with cash and shouldnt expect an outpouring of public donations to cover the millions of dollars hes about to lose. The Home Owners Association got off easy and Zimmerman is gonna be the one to be raped financially.
So either way, despite not going to jail, this guys life is over. His freedom is still compromised due to safety concerns, and his finances will be screwed. Oh wells.
Anyways, Im not surprised by the verdict. Its Florida for Christ's sake. The state that let off Casey Anthony and made it so that a sweet little girls death went unpunished. So I didnt think it was beyond this same state to let a young teens death go unpunished. Hell, nevermind his color and what Ive said in posts above about the southern justice system and blacks. Folks can read those links again if they like.
I will say this, the Zimmerman case will be a turning tide in this nation...and people across the country will be pushing for a big change into self-defense laws that are like Florida's. The public wont stand for it. This case, along with these "shoot first" laws, set a precedent where I could easily start an altercation with someone, and as long as I ensured there were no witnesses, I could kill the person and claim self defense. A person with a vendetta against someone could easily do this. This all really opens the wrong doors. If the Jodi Arias trial was in Florida, Im sure she would have gotten off on self defense as well, which is what she tried to argue in court.