Too much pointless complaining from men these days


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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^ 69 words in that galactically-long last sentence. Not the worst word count though.

Pierce, don't encourage him.
In hindsight, my putting a . between "PC/Wokeness" and "even" would of made for easier reading, this is true. Good eye, Pilgrim :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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We’re seeing the situation described in that quote play out here on the forum with certain members who have created drama and crises in their lives because they took the red pill as gospel as opposed to guidelines and a psychological experiment. I was even one that briefly went off the deep end with the red pill ideology. As time went on I tempered my views. Good catch Baron.
Ironically enough, much of what Fiamengo(Herself a staunch groupie of one of Red Pill Theology's most prominent exponents: Paul Elam)notes about Andrea Dworkin is no less true of quite a few card-carrying Red Pillers



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Adapt as in do whatever women want men to do?
Another way to think about this:

Just as Progressivism has conned many gays into believing that they're "practicing liberation" by perpetuating all the unsavory stereotypes about homosexuals

Entirely too many Ayatollahs Of Red Pill Theology like this clown

Have hoodwinked and bamboozled many men into believing that they're fomenting revolution, by looking, speaking, and acting like a basement dwelling keyboard warrior

Deliberate degeneracy like this has been as poisonous to modern men as wanton sleaze has been to gays

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Deliberate degeneracy like this has been as poisonous to modern men as wanton sleaze has been to gays
How are Pearl and Paul Elam, two people who want family-court and marriage reform, degenerate? I’m a long-time listener of Paul Elam. I’m not fond of Pearl.

Speaking about such reforms and correcting the sexual market is sleazy?! Are you aware how family court, the sexual market in its current form, and misandry have affected (in some cases destroyed) men’s lives?

Do you know what I meant by my post?
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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How are Pearl and Paul Elam, two people who want family-court and marriage reform, degenerate? I’m a long-time listener of Paul Elam. I’m not fond of Pearl.

Speaking about such reforms and correcting the sexual market is sleazy?! Are you aware how family court, the sexual market in its current form, and misandry have affected (in some cases destroyed) men’s lives?
Elam(A failed drug counselor, who achieved 15 minutes of fame by recycling Tom Leykis's act, minus the fun. He also plagiarized large sections of Rollo Tommasi, Milo Yiannopolous, and s-itloads of other folks's work, then promptly slandered many of these same folks he plagiarized. Tommassi included)opposes making shared parenting in the event of divorce the law of the land, and favors a return to what existed prior to no fault divorce, even though this would keep many men trapped in marriages to psycho b-tches. His rationale? We need to resurrect a vision of the nuclear family that never existed anywhere, outside of 50s sitcoms like Leave It To Beaver

It's sleazy, dishonorable, and unforgivable for The Grand Ayatollah Of Red Pill Theology(PA bears a remarkable resemblance to Khomeni. If Khomeni were a morbidly obese 2 month old)to encourage men to drop out of society, while he himself enjoys an upper middle class existence, and has been in what's effectively a common law marriage for nearly 20 years

Elam preaching the virtues of MGTOW, while denigrating the rest of us mere mortals for desiring women of our own and pristine homes in pleasant neighborhoods, is no less nauseating than DiCaprio and Thunberg denouncing the rest of us "civilians" for flying to Tucson once a year to visit our 90 year old parents, while they're jetting across The Atlantic every f-cking week, in the process leaving a larger carbon footprint than the other 98% of the human race

I could go on, but I believe you get my point