To all the anti-marriage/women are evil crew

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Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
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trent81 said:
Lot's of people here are bitter at women. They also are anti marriage. I believe marriage is healthy for a man. If one KNOWS how to be a husband and a good father, he can add many years to his life. I love women, but hate their silly games. I am still single, but never once did I think that women were evil or manipulative. I see them as creatures that are just messed up in the head. Alot of men say women don't know what they want. Yes they do; they want good looks, money, fame, cocaine, fun, whatever that gets their emotions going. I also think that a failed marriage is the man's fault seventy percent of the time. You want something feminine? Why do you let her work? You come on these boards wondering where she met her new love. Guess what dumb fuvk, she met him at work! She shouldn't work if you are a man who makes a decent living. Why is she out with the girls till 2 am? She's a married woman, her place is with you, she comes home when the sun goes down. So do you. Why do you wonder where she met the other guy? It was you that allowed her to have girls night out twice a month. Why do you not get upset when she uses the internet more than the guys who play warcraft? Then you wonder "where did she meet the other guy?". In your living room, on the chatroom, infront of your nose, dumb fuvk. Why do you get lazy and fat and boring and she has to stay in shape and blow you and have sex with you even though you have no sex appeal? Why should she stay with you if you refuse to become a better person? Now, don't get me wrong. In some cases, especially when a man hits misfortune, a woman should be by his side. But a woman should also know that she will get a beating that could put her in a coma if she does something to cross her husband. Why should she respect you if she doesn't fear you? Do you know why women don't fuvk around in the Middle East? Because they know they would be killed if they did. A mother, a wife, does not flirt or even look at other guys. Why do so many guys hate marriages? I actually want children to raise, I want a good wife. So many here don't want to get married. Are you going to be old and lonely? Gonna be "gaming" at fifty five? This of course, doesn't mean you can't have something on the side while you're married. You are the man, there is no such thing as equal rights. You should always have more options. You will answer to the man upstairs when the time comes. Why should it be not equal? Trust me, a woman always love's something she cannot have or is afraid of losing. Go watch some non Western shows or something, something that shows you how non-American based marriages work. Stop hatin women. It's not their fault that you can't be a strong husband. And yes, sometimes the man is the victim, but most of the time, it's his fault.
Just curious, what's the experience(s) that brought you here? Just from what I've read in backbreaker's thread and this one it seems like your main objective is to complain rather than improve. Maybe you can help me to see it differently.
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Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
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trent81 said:
Lots of people here are bitter at women. They also are anti marriage. I believe marriage is healthy for a man. Is that marriage 1.0 or marriage 2.0?

If one KNOWS how to be a husband and a good father, he can add many years to his life. I love women, but hate their silly games. I am still single, but never once did I think that women were evil or manipulative. A minority of women are 'evil' most are manipulate, as per your hate of their 'silly' games attests. Games=Manipulation.

I see them as creatures that are just messed up in the head. Maybe that is what other men see too, and have no interest in getting married to a girl who has massive government sanctioned leverage to ass rape them in divorce court, taking children assets and a percentage of income until the children are adult or as with alimony, for life. Of course 'game' can mitigate agaist this happening and for some, learning LTR game is why they are here.

Alot of men say women don't know what they want. Yes they do; they want good looks, money, fame, cocaine, fun, whatever that gets their emotions going. This is the point of why men come here to Sosuave, in a nutshell to stop listening to what women say and observe what they do to find women's true motives.

I also think that a failed marriage is the man's fault seventy percent of the time. Yes, this is why men are here, to learn, some are angry and bitter, let them run through this process until they get to the other side.

You want something feminine? Why do you let her work? In the last 50 years that women have entered the workforce, women have lowered the aggregate wage taking what were historically men’s jobs, for most marriages, one income is not sufficent.

You come on these boards wondering where she met her new love. Guess what dumb fuvk, she met him at work! She shouldn't work if you are a man who makes a decent living.For example the majority of medical graduates are female.To compund this problem, is women's hypergamous nature of wanting to marry up, not down

Why is she out with the girls till 2 am? Obviously because she has lost respect, this is the reason men get angry here because they were sold a false bill of goods by mainstream society, they get angry, pissed and moan about women for a time...let them get over it without castigating them, surely they get enough of this in mainstream society.

She's a married woman, her place is with you, she comes home when the sun goes down. So do you. Why do you wonder where she met the other guy? It was you that allowed her to have girls night out twice a month. Are you going to control your woman by keeping her barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen? Unless she respects you no amount of control measures will work...precisely why guys on sosuave are learning how to gain respect from women by not being emotional tampons and pushovers, however notby putting a dog leash around a woman's neck as you seem to advocate.

Why do you not get upset when she uses the internet more than the guys who play warcraft? Then you wonder "where did she meet the other guy?". The other guy would not even be in the picture if she respected her man, again.....Sosuave to the rescue.

In your living room, on the chatroom, infront of your nose, dumb fuvk. Why do you get lazy and fat and boring and she has to stay in shape and blow you and have sex with you even though you have no sex appeal? Why should she stay with you if you refuse to become a better person?You should really write an article in Cosmopolitan or Cleo, your misandry would be welcome there.

Now, don't get me wrong. In some cases, especially when a man hits misfortune, a woman should be by his side. But a woman should also know that she will get a beating that could put her in a coma if she does something to cross her husband. Why should she respect you if she doesn't fear you?You advocate extreme violence resulting in your lady being in a coma as a result?? This is how to gain respect from a woman??

Do you know why women don't fuvk around in the Middle East? Because they know they would be killed if they did. A mother, a wife, does not flirt or even look at other guys. So you wanna be the best man you can be to keep your woman or do you wanna just smack her about to keep her in line??

Why do so many guys hate marriages? I actually want children to raise, I want a good wife. So many here don't want to get married. Are you going to be old and lonely? Gonna be "gaming" at fifty five? Nice attempt at a shaming tactic: there are plenty of 45 year old women available for all those 55 year old men.

This of course, doesn't mean you can't have something on the side while you're married. You are the man, there is no such thing as equal rights. Bollocks, there is such a thing as equal rights, however the problem in Western society is women (feminists) expecting equal outcome, with affirmative action and quotas..

You should always have more options. You will answer to the man upstairs when the time comes. Why should it be not equal? Trust me, a woman always love's something she cannot have or is afraid of losing. Go watch some non Western shows or something, something that shows you how non-American based marriages work. Stop hatin women. Stop lumping more shyte on top of an already very large pile that men have to contend with in mainstream society.

It's not their fault that you can't be a strong husband. And yes, sometimes the man is the victim, but most of the time, it's his fault. Yeah same old story, 'its men's fault' the men did it. You are just repeating the same tired worn out trope that western society has given men since time immemorial. Maybe you would be better frequenting ultra conservative blogs as it seems that's where your general attitude belongs.
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Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
Rollo Tomassi said:
Here's the truth about good marriages.

A woman loves you when she takes you for granted. That sounds odd I know, but it's when she's not fawning all over you and you're in your 10th year of marriage and it's just part of everyday conversation. "OK, love you, bye" is at the end of every phone call. You're not thinking about it, because you don't need to. If you're asking the question "how do you know when she loves you?" You're not in it. It's when that familiarity and regular comfort is removed that she can appreciate it. Once the commonness of love is established women will only rarely express it overtly - in fact the expression will be what's expected of you - so you have to look for it covertly.

All the flowery crap you read in your Hallmark card on Valentines Day or your Anniversary was written by someone else. And while it's nice to have these gestures of appreciation occasionally, it's more important to see the forest for the trees. It's not individual acts of affection or appreciation so much as it is the whole of what you both do on a regular day-to-day basis. It's what you and she are all about after your three hundredth bowl of oatmeal together on a Saturday morning and your kids are fighting for control of the TV remote while you're sitting across the breakfast table discussing which bills need to be paid first this month and how bad the lawn needs mowing that defines love and marriage.

This is what marriage is; not necessarily boring per se (although it certainly can be more often than not), but ordinary. It's normal, common, or becomes so. That's the real test of marriage that no one who hasn't experienced it can really relate in any meaningful sense. The happy Oprah-ized idea is that you have to "keep it fresh", but even after a night of freshening it up and the Wal-Mart lingerie is in the clothes hamper, and you pick up the kids from spending the night at her sisters house the morning after, you go back to the day-to-day marriage you've always had.

This is the sh!t no one tells you about when you're be sold on the Marriage Goal - the "now what?" that comes directly after you've found the ONE you've been looking for, or "did the right thing" with and married because she suddenly rediscovered religion AFTER you'd had marathon sex with her for 3 months straight and wouldn't abort the pregnancy.
Thanks Rollo. This is on point. It does not mean that marriage is a bad thing. Any long-term relationship tends toward 'ordinary, common, normal'. But that does not mean stale if you work on it. And that work doesn't have to be drudgery. I find it worth it. Familarity need not breed contempt.

Deciding on a highly qualfied long-term partner has benefits. I've found that sex can get better as you go. Womens' need to trust and respect their man grows, they become more relaxed and comfortable and she can become quite adventurous sexually as well as the relationship.

Yes there is the sameness and the rigors of day-to-day life encroach. Facing that together can be exciting.



Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Slickster said:
Hey guys good discussion. Lots of good points being made.

Doesn't anyone see the irony though?

Everyday there is a new guy showing up at sosuave who experiences a revelation. A great big slap in the face that he's spent his whole life with his head in the sand. He wakes up and sees the error of his ways. Rejoice! He sets off to acquire the tools that will make him more successful with women in the future. Yet when he looks back at his failed relationship or marriage he blames the woman or the institution of marriage itself. Rarely do we see a guy admit that he wasn't prepared to be in that position of marriage to begin with.
And we come to the heart of the matter.

In today's society, getting married is often seen as a validation of one's ego, that one was "attractive enough" or "valuable enough" to engage in marriage.

So we (men and women) "test" our potential partners for "marriageable qualities", we judge them based on some bullsh!t objective criteria we come up with based on what we think we want. For a man, how is her cooking? How is the sex? Is she nurturing? For a woman, can he provide? Is he romantic? Etc ad nauseum.

As the Good Book says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". By virtue of the way we judge potential lifelong mates, we understand that we are ALSO judged. We try to validate ourselves to potential mates via cheesy bullsh!t. We think we need to be better-looking, or have more money, or some other nonsense to be WORTHY of a permanent mating. We all look at this as the ultimate goal.

Then it happens, you get married, and you realize that the trial DOESN'T end with marriage. You haven't "won the prize", you've instead built a relationship based on continually trying to validate yourself to the other person, one of continually sacrificing more and more of yourself to someone who will continue to judge you and point out your flaws. Marriage becomes a love-hate relationship.

And why? Because you are NOT SECURE WITH YOURSELF.

You judge your partner's merits on the notion that you "don't want to be with the WRONG person" want to be with someone who society sees as an acceptable mate for you. At the same time, you are under constant scrutiny from the opposite gender doing the SAME DAMNED THING.

But isn't the whole idea to seek out the "right person"? Isn't finding the "right person" what makes a good marriage?


But more later. If I think to continue this thought...I hate to leave it hanging on a bold statement like that, but I have real work to do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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I dont think this whole forum has turned bitter.

There are definitely a few sour grapes here who make their opinions loud and heard, but it's a discussion forum; what do you expect.

What I like about SS is that I get to read real-life accounts of men who HAVE been married and what they have learned...not just armchair theorizing. There are some smart dudes who post here, and many of them ARE married. I try to take in all viewpoints and draw my own conclusions.

I think guys like HH, Jophil, Sinistar, RT, Ballie, Countermart, and others aren't so much anti-marriage as they are devil's advocates. They are not telling you that it WONT work, just the reasons why it is unlikely to work out in your favor. This is pragmatic and frankly of more value than the opinion of a blissful newlywed or someone who is engaged----no offense intended.


Jun 6, 2009
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Rollo: A woman loves you when she takes you for granted.

This is good.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Tictac said:
Thanks Rollo. This is on point. It does not mean that marriage is a bad thing. Any long-term relationship tends toward 'ordinary, common, normal'. But that does not mean stale if you work on it. And that work doesn't have to be drudgery. I find it worth it. Familarity need not breed contempt.
I'd disagree with this part. Familiarity does in fact breed contempt,..and medocrity, and routine, and banality, and commoness,.. which is why so many marriages end up in the sh!t can. Men and women give up on themselves.

The "Relationships are work" mythology is a Social Convention. How often do you hear men say these words? This has filtered into popular consciousness even with men now. For the LTR men who subscribe to this I'd also speculate that many of them are in relationships where THEY are "doing the work" for the women who are giving them the 'grade' so to speak. And of the single men who subscribe to this mythology, each had to be conditioned to believe this is the case in LTRs by women.

What would the best method be to get a man to live up to the idealizations a woman has as her perfect mate (however twisted and convoluted this may have been defined for her)? Women love the 'fixer upper'. "He'd be such a great guy if only he would,..." or she'll say "I'm working on him." It's when the conditioning goes from "I'm working on him" to "We're working on our relationship" that he has now internalized her frame control. This is where the mythology of Relationships-as-Work is derived from. How often is it the woman who needs the 'work' in the relationship? And if it is her, the terminology of the relationship and the associations change. 'Work' implies a man better conforming his identity to her ideal relationship. And what better way to initiate this than to psychologically condition him to want to embody her ideal - even before he's involved in a relationship.

And here's the truth,..

I've been married for over 13 years now and I'm happy with my marriage, my family and the conditions in my household. In this time I have NEVER heard my wife tell me our relationship needed work, nor have I EVER thought that we might. She respects my identity and I respect hers. I have never asked her to change her personality to accommodate my expectations, nor would I since I know this would never be a genuine change. In turn I have never tried to change my identity to better accommodate her and in fact the surest way I could turn her off would be to do this.

The honest truth to this myth is:
Good relationships are effortless when both partners have a mutual respect for each other's identities and appreciate the relationship they share.

The tragedy in all of this is that this simple truth doesn't sell self-help books; the "how to change him" feminine psychology is self-prepetuating and self-defeating. The relationships-are-work crowd ultimately push away people who would otherwise be good mates or else change the character of the person so drastically that they cease to be the man they were attracted to in the beginning


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Rollo Tomassi said:
The honest truth to this myth is:
Good relationships are effortless when both partners have a mutual respect for each other's identities and appreciate the relationship they share.
And Rollo nails it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
When I married my ex,she had a 15yr old from a previous marriage[I was 33]. We agreed she'd pay for the daughters expenses and we'd split the household bills. I told her I wanted 2 kids of my own. SO, we got married. After the first son, she decided we didn't need to have another. In marriage counseling I told her "I SAID I wanted 2 before we ever married, your call-with you or another woman"[alpha enough for you boys?]. So she agreed to have another one,but the ***** got on her broom from then on. Until the boys were old enough to understand why,and old enough to have a say in where they lived, I put up with more sh1t from her than I would from anyother person on the planet.

Her agenda? SHE wanted a brother for her daughter,but thought she could talk me out of haveing a second child.

I'm a dentist and once I had the office rolling,she could have quit work. SHe complained about having to work-told her she could quit,but she'd have to do all the housework and be nicer to me[claimed work was stressing her out,so thats why she was grouchy] She didn't quit work. WHY?

SHe had the feminist mindset that-she was better than any man and quitting work would make her dependant on a man[didn't see any of that before the wedding,she was only too willing to quit when I had made it]

Beat her to keep her in line? She'd love that,a divorce from a wife beater[felony] loser-she gets to play the" victim of a man" card with her girls.

If she runs around and cheats,there ARE NO consequences. It wouldn't make any difference in the Divorce court. I know a guy paying child support for 4 kids-only 1 has his DNA-and they were married for all of the kids[doesn't seem like she is punished for that] and she still got half.

At 1 year, you are still in the dating stage-she's not sure how much she can take out of your hide yet[check the divorce laws in your state-I'd bet she knows how long she hs to be married to collect big] If her behavior changes at about that date,what you gonna do? She'll be able to not work and you support her in the manner she's become accustomed to-except she isn't cleaning the house and cooking for you-"in the manner you are accustomed to"

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
the great beyond
sodbuster said:
When I married my ex,she had a 15yr old from a previous marriage[I was 33].

Please tell us you ended up nailing her daughter after 3 years of marriage!


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Slickster said:
STR8UP what is up? Too many assumptions from you. I see that a lot in too many of your posts these days. I haven't been around here much over the past couple years but I remember you differently. What happened? Is it true that once you reach the 6000 post mark you become omnipotent?
7000. Only about 10 more to go. You are honored to be one of my final few....

Anyway, just an observation. Usually when a married guy comes on here trumpeting how great marriage is and how anyone who says a cross word toward it is a bitter woman hater he's just trying to get other people to nod their heads in agreement with the choice he's made.

You are correct about the beta behavior though. That is the quickest way to end ANY relationship. If you follow your own advice you will reduce your risk exposure, but in the toxic culture we live in you can rest assured there are no guarantees.

Colossus said:
What I like about SS is that I get to read real-life accounts of men who HAVE been married and what they have learned...not just armchair theorizing.
That's like saying a scientist is only an "armchair theorist" when he observes the behavior of a group of chimpanzees.

Despite my never-been-married status I am plenty qualified to say that "Marriage is a raw deal for most men" based upon statistics, knowledge of the law, and my observations of other people.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Marriage counseling = Last stop before toll


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
Despite my never-been-married status I am plenty qualified to say that "Marriage is a raw deal for most men" based upon statistics, knowledge of the law, and my observations of other people.
Well thank God we have you here to show us the way!!!

Only 10 more posts?!? Let's gather up all of your best work, hard-archive it in a leatherbound book, and give copies to all SS'ers so you can still lead us, even in your absence!!!

You act like no one else had made the same observations as you, jerk-off. Don't let the door hit your martyr as$ on the way out.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Donjuandicarlo said:
what does it mean if a girl always say on a daily basis :' I love you honey" ?
Actually it means you're being taken for granted, congratulations.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Colossus said:
Well thank God we have you here to show us the way!!!

Only 10 more posts?!? Let's gather up all of your best work, hard-archive it in a leatherbound book, and give copies to all SS'ers so you can still lead us, even in your absence!!!

You act like no one else had made the same observations as you, jerk-off. Don't let the door hit your martyr as$ on the way out.
Wow, touchy, touchy. I make a simple observation of how a non-married guy is not an "armchair quarterback", and now I'm a jerk-off? Typical emotional reaction to my flagrant violations of a couple of the 48 Laws of Power:

Law 27

Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following


Law 32

Play to People’s Fantasies

Have fun playing non-committal centrist relationship guy to the shackle bound newlywed cheerleaders who espouse the virtues of marriage, all the while shaming those who dare to dissent.

No worries, my young prodigy. This place is rife with marriage touters and the eternally optimistic jophils and interceptors who are all too eager to use the 48 Laws to help uphold their idealistic views, so you will always have someone to around to keep the flame of hope alive.

In the meantime, there is a new age of enlightenment that is happening with the mens movement that the Sosuave shoulder squeezers are going to miss if they don't wake up to the harsh realities of the mating landscape in the western sphere. As long as they choose to stick around and allow their minds to be polluted with hope and optimism for a flawed, lopsided, and often dangerous (but ONLY to men) institution that we call marriage, they are going to remain blissfully unaware believing that their years of Sosuave training and their resulting "DJ" status will be enough to protect them when they finally find their "quality" woman :up:

For the rest of us, there are other places sprouting up all over the internet where we can go to broaden our ever increasing awareness of the importance of being able to navigate the minefields of the mating game. Some of them are like Fight Club though. People who react to information like you do are not invited.

9 more posts to go and you guys will be one step closer to being able to practice your "religion" unchallenged.
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
I had this conversation in the last thread about how men don't get "credit" for the things they do.

Overall, I think there's a rational reason to lay out the problems of dealing with women and provide quality discussions around the topic.

However, when it turns into EXTREME whining/patriarchal worshipping-like religion messages, it becomes a problem.

EXTREME feminists and those that worship matriarchy are JUST AS WRONG as those that worship patriarchal ways of life. It's like a Democrat and a Republican arguing, have you ever listened to them agrue? Any FOOL would know that NEITHER side has ALL of the answers and that the answers were a combination of both sides coming together. But the Democrat and the Republican are too STUPID to realize that their "side" isn't 100% correct and they actually need the imput of both parties.

I think we ought to have conversations about problems with women, problems with marriage, but those conversations should not turn to RANTS where we basically start to group women into one big ****hole and whine, piss, and moan all day over how they are "OUT TO GET US."

The purpose and goal should be to answer this question, "How can we all come closer together?" In other words, LOVE should be the focus.

But when the focus is, "How can I protect myself from the evil woman?" The conversation is heading down the wrong path and is going straight to whiny-ville.

STOP condemning all women and START having discussions about problems AND solutions to the struggles we face in our dating lives. Hating the other gender IS NOT going to solve our problems.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Well lots of the same ol' same old being rehashed for the millionth time. :rolleyes:

When I started this thread I wasn't trying to validate my own marriage. I wasn't looking for any nods of support. I wasn't trying to come off as high and mighty because I'm happy at the moment.

Maybe I was trying to play the devil's advocate a little bit. I was hoping that maybe some of the truly bitter guys might open their minds just a little bit to the slightest possibility that maybe they should take "some" of the responsibility for their failed marriages and relationships.

It's a tough thing to do for a man. Admitting he's wrong. Maybe this was the wrong place to even bring up the idea. Apparently Rollo Tomassi thinks I'm an AFC for even thinking of it. :rolleyes:

In my line of work I have to make critical decisions every day where mistakes can cost people's lives. One thing I learned early on is that you have to admit your mistakes. In fact we are trained to do so. When mistakes are made they do not get swept under the rug. They are dragged out in the open for everyone to see. When mistakes are made in my profession the entire industry (nationally) is made aware of it so that no one makes the same mistake again. That is how we learn!! Maybe that concept just doesn't transfer over here.

Obviously the institution of marriage is flawed. I never said it wasn't and I'm not telling anyone to run out and get married. I just wanted people to try and take a look at it from a different view. Maybe that's impossible around here.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
The Message Boy said:
I had this conversation in the last thread about how men don't get "credit" for the things they do.

Overall, I think there's a rational reason to lay out the problems of dealing with women and provide quality discussions around the topic.

However, when it turns into EXTREME whining/patriarchal worshipping-like religion messages, it becomes a problem.

EXTREME feminists and those that worship matriarchy are JUST AS WRONG as those that worship patriarchal ways of life. It's like a Democrat and a Republican arguing, have you ever listened to them agrue? Any FOOL would know that NEITHER side has ALL of the answers and that the answers were a combination of both sides coming together. But the Democrat and the Republican are too STUPID to realize that their "side" isn't 100% correct and they actually need the imput of both parties.

I think we ought to have conversations about problems with women, problems with marriage, but those conversations should not turn to RANTS where we basically start to group women into one big ****hole and whine, piss, and moan all day over how they are "OUT TO GET US."

The purpose and goal should be to answer this question, "How can we all come closer together?" In other words, LOVE should be the focus.

But when the focus is, "How can I protect myself from the evil woman?" The conversation is heading down the wrong path and is going straight to whiny-ville.

STOP condemning all women and START having discussions about problems AND solutions to the struggles we face in our dating lives. Hating the other gender IS NOT going to solve our problems.

Thank-you Message boy. Best thing I've read on this forum in years.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Actually I don't think you're a chump per se, it's just that boys are conditioned from a very early age to see women as victims by default. 'Never hit a girl' is what we get over and over, and really, who's going to argue that you should? However this is just the beginning of this particular conditioning and women are only too happy to reinforce that provider / protector dynamic that's innate in male psychology. In a healthy man, this is a hard-wired reaction - protect the woman, protect the child. It makes complete sense from a species survival standpoint.

Now bring this up into modern times and the protector dynamic has evolved into a breeding methodology. It's like a Darwinistic version of Cap'n Save A Ho - so at the slightest critical word about a woman it's, "See how quickly I come to a woman's defense? What girl wouldn't want a great protector like me? I'm unique. I'm not like "other guys" so your best emotional/sexual/parental investment would be coupling with me as evidenced by my example." Of course that isn't your conscious, cognitively recognized reaction, but it is the subroutine that's running in your unconscious.

When this is psychological schema is a practiced breeding methodology it becomes second nature. So when any opportunity arises to display it, the guy snaps to attention. It's really an attempt to display higher value, and in and of itself it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just that taken to an extreme, the dynamic has more potential to be manipulated - especially when it's paired with an absolutist mindset.

I would challenge anyone reading this post to go back through the last 3 pages of this thread and point out where, in absolute terms, anyone stated "ALL WOMEN ARE X". That absolute assumption was the binary step you took. "He MUST mean ALL women are like this so it's fair game to DHV and show off the protector dynamic by calling him 'bitter', 'previously burned' or 'misogynist' just in case some anonymous woman may read this thread and see how unique I am by comparison."

And of course women like IQQI are only too happy to reinforce this and push you in the direction of absolutism - rather than critically thinking about the less than favorable female observation - because it ultimately serves a feminine imperative. It requires far less mental effort to simply dismiss an argument by resorting to absolutes than to really take time to digest which points are valid, which are not and offer a counter argument. People are lazy. We like to conveniently fit issues into easily understandable blacks & whites. We don't want to make an effort to reexamine something we've deemed is black or white. Why step back to take the time to reform an opinion when poisoning the well is so much easier? And hey, here's a girl who I think I could potentially ƒuck (under the right circumstance) who's encouraging me to do so as well. Ah, what the hell,...

"You're just a bitter old misogynist who thinks ALL women are evil and out to get him!"

"Good boy :up: that told him. I'm sure any girl would be proud to have you for a boyfriend."


May 30, 2009
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My head hurts from reading all this. It's really simple, be strong, and you will do well in life. Beat the living fuvk out of her if she assaults you (cheats on you). I don't expect Western dudes to understand this. Just be strong. Women need to fear you as well as love you. Don't be that guy who just found out she is fukin another man. Be the guy who is unfuvable with.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

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