

Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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MisterNigma said:
Now here is a dilemma I do have at times. Should your tips to the waiter be affected by the quality of the food?

They bring you the food, they dont cook it. If you order something you dont like cause your stupid or cant read, dont stiff the server. I hated when people got mad at me because of something i had absolutely NOTHING to do with. Thats up the alley of getting mad at the server because of the price or portion size...fvckin c*nts.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
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Wow ...Some of you are really CHEAP....and others can't do basic math?? Wtf?? What a crazy society we live in.

Tip your server! All the reasons etc. have already been stated. I personally am a really good tipper, and not only does this help the server but it makes me look better when im out on a date or out with friends. Most of the time the server will even thankyou etc. I normally tip about 20% if i got decent service. If my bill is $10 or less I'll easily tip 50%. thats usually if im by myself or with my friends.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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Nobody deserves charity or thanks for performing the duties of their job function unless they're a volunteer. When an employee surpasses the requirements of their job, the employer should reward the employee. Customers are not responsible for poor management.

You can call tipping a matter of principle. I call not tipping a matter of principle. Decrying people who don't tip is like decrying people who resist your cons or decrying women who resist your charms. Boo-hoo! So sad. Any occupation that "depends" on charity is an occupation that feeds on gullibility. I will not be shamed into charity, I'm definitely not persuaded by the "we're victims" argument, and I don't care much for leeches.

If you are displeased with the circumstances of your occupation, get a better job. Find a job that's mentally challenging and/or physically demanding. Or transform how your employer does business. Set some damn standards. Have some respect for what you do. Have some dignity for Pete's sake.

If I walk into a restaurant as a customer, I'm coming there to eat, not to send you to college. Don't expect me to pay you for services rendered. Restaurants are classified as manufacturing businesses. I'll pay for the product, my order. If you don't like your wages, take it up with your boss. But don't insult me by expecting me to supplement your pay.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
In a town built on tips, I can tell you that tipping will get you a long way if you plan to repeat buisness with said people and expect good service or these people to go out of their way to help you above and beyond the call of duty.

Although many people feel pressured or obligated to tip, the SMART people know that greasing palms is a tried an true way of not only making yourself appear classy (even if that's not the case) and make a connection that might be worth more then the extra money you threw on the table. I can't tell you how many wait staff members, valet drivers, bartenders, cab drivers and other attendants will literally break their necks to help you if you're in a delema of some kind that has absolutely nothing to do with their job. They'll hook you up with attractive girls, they'll get you into night clubs free, they'll get you to the airport before your flight departs, they'll give you free desert or free drinks, they'll serve you before other people when it's crowded, they'll get another staff members number for you when you're too chicken, they'll tell you what the best strip clubs are in town and give you the name of tho hottest stripper there getting you a free lapdance...the list goes on and on and you're only out a few extra dollars.

Now think of the converse if you don't tip. They serve you last, their service to you is far, they take the LONG way to the airport, they send you to GAY nightclubs, they spit in your food when you come back to their restarunt for a second time, they ignore you completely when you sit at the bar, they mess up your bill and have you paying extra, they back some other guy who does tip and is obviously drunk when they pick a fight with you getting you kicked out of the bar etc etc.

I know it's a glum reality but really the advantages of tipping are numerous other then the fact that you're making someone happy just by showing them that you're gratious for their service. A lot of places add gratuity to your checks anyway taking that burden off your shoulders so you pay one way or the other. The downsides of not tipping are really the deal maker though. Nobody likes a cheapskate, i mean come on it's only a few dollars here and there. Are you really gonna miss it all that much? I'm industry so it's really easy for me to say but honestly I've gone out sooo much in this town and gotten more then my share of free drinks and VIP treatment because of tipping. I've gotten 500 dollar bottle service at premire nightclubs FOR FREE and tipped my waitress 100 dollars. For those of you struggling with the math I SAVED 400 BUCKS BECAUSE I TIP WELL. You really can't argue with that,


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Demon said:
If I walk into a restaurant as a customer, I'm coming there to eat, not to send you to college. Don't expect me to pay you for services rendered. Restaurants are classified as manufacturing businesses. I'll pay for the product, my order. If you don't like your wages, take it up with your boss. But don't insult me by expecting me to supplement your pay.
So, when they add gratuity to your check i bet thats when you lose it huh? Nothing like being forced to tip. I take it you dont tip the pizza man or anyone in an industry that youre suppose to because you theyre doing theyre job. Seeing as you tip you probably treat servers like sh*t and are pretty demanding.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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oakraiderz2 said:
So, when they add gratuity to your check i bet thats when you lose it huh? Nothing like being forced to tip. I take it you dont tip the pizza man or anyone in an industry that youre suppose to because you theyre doing theyre job. Seeing as you tip you probably treat servers like sh*t and are pretty demanding.
Some people don't get it you know. peole aren't born with class and some people will never earn it.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
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I tip a flat rate based on how good I think their service was.

I don't even bother with 10% or 20% because unless I'm ordering many different things, how do they deserve more for carrying me a plate with the best steak in the house as opposed to a plate with a chicken sandwich? They aren't cooking the food.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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At least that's an honest awnser. I may tip less depending on the service as well. It might be less if the waitress was retarded and does stupid things. Sometimes though tips are pooled as opposed to indivudial so remember you're not only tipping the waitress, you're tipping the hostess, the bus boy, and the cook at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
PRMoon said:
In a town built on tips ...

PRMoon said:
Nobody likes a cheapskate, i mean come on it's only a few dollars here and there. Are you really gonna miss it all that much?
Dress yourself in rags. Stand by a stop light. Hassle drivers with that same line. Don't be a beggar and I won't treat you like one.

oakraiderz2 said:
Seeing as you don't tip you probably treat servers like sh*t and are pretty demanding.
I treat honest workers with respect and kindness. I'm tolerant, understanding, and reasonable when errors arise. But I don't contribute to charities (e.g., beggars) of any kind. Not tipping has nothing to do with my treatment of people. I expect people to do right by themselves, to be serious about their jobs, and to exceed their own expectations of themselves. If you choose an occupation in which the business environment is lacking, don't blame me. That was your decision. And now it's your responsibility.

PRMoon said:
Some people don't get it you know. peole aren't born with class and some people will never earn it.
Like I said, I won't be shamed into charity. You don't deserve my money unless you work for me. Doing your job is not a favor to me. It's what you have to do as part of the requirements of your job, if you want to keep your job. If you want higher wages, you have an employer to burden with that issue.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Why does everyone go low blow on vegas and the mob. This whole country was built on rebellion and alot of the corperations in america are even more dirty then the mobsters.( hello enron and worldcom). Nobody said they were BEGGING for anything either. It's call GRATUITY because you're GRATIOUS for a job well done. Your server entertained you a bit and didn't have to, Your bartender gave you an extra drink for free and didn't have to, Valet attendant parked your civic up front with the ferarris looking like an idiot and didn't have to.

It's really no different then a friend or aquaintance giving you a gift while in the course and care of their job and you returning the favor. The concept can't be THAT difficult to grasp. And that sad song of your employer raising wages is the stupidest thing ever. Where is that money gong to come from? They're running a buisness to MAKE MONEY. If empoyers kept on getting hastled everytime an employee asked them for a pay wage THEY WOULD PASS THE COST ONTO YOU THE CUSTOMER and soon there would be none of those becuse no body is going to pay 1000 dollars for a steak no matter how good it is. Then there would be no service of anykind.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Demon said:
I understand what you're saying. I just don't agree. The concept of disagreement can't be that difficult to grasp...
Why don't you want better service from your servers out of curiosity?


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tips on "tipping", from a previous waiter...

ok i decided to start this thread because i saw and read some of the comments from the thread on tipping. i think people need to be informed properly on how to go about tipping a waiter in the restaurant business because it annoys me as a waiter to see people tip badly because they want to save a dollar or two.

ok first of all, as a waiter, i got paid $2.13 an hour to serve ur cheap asses and run to ur beck and call. yes thats right, under half of minimum wage. you think that compensates me for the sweat and pain you cause me when you ask for more bread and a constant refill on ur drink? GET REAL buddy. you do that to me, next time u come in that restaurant i'll tell all the other waiters to give u crummy service because u give crummy reward. waiters DO talk to each other about how the customers tip, so watch out.

second, the proper amount to leave on a bill is at least 15 percent. okay, i realize and sympathize that it does not matter whether i bring a steak or a hamburger with fries. in that case, then tip me based on how swift, thorough, and kind my service to you was. dont just rationalize that leaving me a dollar on the table for an 8 dollar bill is sufficient, always leave at least 3 dollars.

third, a waiter's tables are a valuable asset to him/her. why? because the faster he turns over his tables, the more money he can possibly bring home that night. if you are going to sit there and waste my time using up MY table, then leave a tip to compensate for time lost. your 2 dollar tip will not suffice. i will spit in your drink and curse you behind ur back you lousy cheapass.

i give great service to those who merit it; i give lousy service to those who dont. if i have 3-4 tables, and i notice ur the guy who wont leave me anything worthwhile, i will pay more attention to the other people, you can count on it. feel free to gripe to the manager, but he wont do anything unless i outright insulted you so get with the program and start tipping people.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
Reaction score
PRMoon said:
Nobody said they were BEGGING for anything either. It's call GRATUITY because you're GRATIOUS for a job well done.
Gratuity is "an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation". Meritorious service is service that deserves reward or praise. Beggars attempt to survive by persuading people to believe they are obligated to provide gratuity. You're trying to persuade me that I'm obligated to provide gratuity. You're not going to succeed.

PRMoon said:
Why don't you want better service from your servers out of curiosity?
I've never been treated unfairly because I treat everyone fairly. I'm not an ***hole. I just don't tip. And people don't hold that against me because, quite frankly, I've never given them a reason to do so. If satisfactory service is the best they can provide, I don't demand higher performance. I accept that they are satisfied with being a satisfactory worker. I don't support systems that habitualize monetary incentives for higher performance. I have high expectations for people, but I don't demand they meet those expectations. It's entirely their responsibility to do great work.

PRMoon said:
Your server entertained you a bit and didn't have to, Your bartender gave you an extra drink for free and didn't have to, Valet attendant parked your civic up front with the ferarris looking like an idiot and didn't have to.
If I wanted entertainment, I'd go to a concert or theatre. If I wanted to pay people to smile, I'd hire a model or an actor. I don't need, want, expect, accept, or give charity. But people usually want something from me, so the "favors" they offer always have strings attached, and therefore I treat such exchanges as business transactions. Nothing more, nothing less.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Demon said:
I've never been treated unfairly because I treat everyone fairly. I'm not an ***hole. I just don't tip. And people don't hold that against me because, quite frankly, I've never given them a reason to do so.
Im pretty sure if you go some place quite often the servers talk about how you dont tip. If i know you didnt tip id give you sh*t for service. You may thing they dont hold it against you, which is ignorant, cause im pretty sure they do. You dont give them a reason to? Not tipping is a reason. Stiff pretty much any server and theyll be pissed. Never served tables have ya?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Demon said:
Gratuity is "an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation". Meritorious service is service that deserves reward or praise. Beggars attempt to survive by persuading people to believe they are obligated to provide gratuity. You're trying to persuade me that I'm obligated to provide gratuity. You're not going to succeed.

I've never been treated unfairly because I treat everyone fairly. I'm not an ***hole. I just don't tip. And people don't hold that against me because, quite frankly, I've never given them a reason to do so.

If I wanted entertainment, I'd go to a concert or theatre. If I wanted to pay people to smile, I'd hire a model or an actor. I don't need, want, expect, accept, or give charity. But people usually want something from me, so the "favors" they offer always have strings attached, and therefore I treat such exchanges as business transactions. Nothing more, nothing less.
Las post for me. Been interesting but I have somethinge else to do right now. Serving people IS a meritorious job. Beggers do absolutely nothing to serve you and expect money which is wrong. I dont' give money to BEGGERS because there aren't doing anything productive. A server is not a begger, they are performing a service for a very low wage (which is a more difficult job then many know) putting them on the opposite end of the spectrum. They deserve recognition for their efforts in the form of rewards.

Second, I didn't ask why you wanted to be treated unfairly, I asked why you didn't want BETTER service. Tipping gets you better, or above average service in the majority of places you go. Of course no one is going to hold it against you for not tipping but they aren't going to give you excptional
servce either.

The last part all i'm goin to say is the concept of "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" was developed an understood by monkeys a long time ago. Quid pro quo has been the way of the world for some time.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2001
Reaction score
Don't worry about it
jlr12584 said:
i will spit in your drink and curse you behind ur back you lousy cheapass.
Not cool bro, I used to be a waiter and got $hitty tips from repeat customers but i would NEVER spit or cough in someones food or drink and if I saw someone that did it, I'd say something to them. That ain't cool.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Demon, I bet you think you are very special.

I am a bartender. I make $6.50/hr from my boss. If this was all I was actually making, there would be no way I would work there. That's where tips come in.

The tips is why my boss has me to serve his customers.

Now, I can see the "I only tip good service" objection, but you must realize that there are businesses that are BUILT AROUND the notion that tipping will come. As in Las Vegas, where some bartenders make $2/hr but walk away with a couple of grand a night. How are you going to justify not tipping someone who makes $2/hr?

I would say 80-85% of my customers tip. We do have some *******s that consistently don't tip - and here is what happens to them (or you, Demon):

Next time you try to get a drink in a crowded bar... you will wait a looooong time.
Was it your turn? Oops sorry that girl over there is hot AND tips so you wait a bit.

ANd you know the best part? Any bar manager will be totally cool with this. In this business the customer is not always right.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Isnt it illegal to get under minimum wage? I think the minimum wage over here is $13, which is why nobody tips much. One of my buddies works at a crappy chain restaurant and gets paid $17 an hour.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Just curious, do you guys all live in Ethiopia? If so, don't you live on $1 a day anyway?

If not, why are you getting paid $2? Most of my friends used to work at restaurants in college, and their pay was like $15/hour. Even at McDonalds the pay is about $10/hr for HIGH SCHOOL kids. Unless you're an independent contractor (freelance waiter?), getting paid below minimum wage is against the law.

Most waiters around here don't even care about tips (unless you're giving them 50%). In fact, its expected that waiters don't get tips unless you're dining at some high-class establishment.