Long time reader, first time poster. Bear with me on errors and such, my fingers can't keep up with my brain.........
to whom it may concern and to whom it applies
I happened upon this site about a year and a half ago, searching for ideas for a date on the net. It was a godsend (then). The information was pertinent and of good quality, and it has helped me tremendously. Things are going well in my life, and instead of turning my back on the principles that changed me for the better, i still come here to refresh, and expand on that knowledge.
Latetly this site has become poison (in general and especially this forum). It was a gradual decay, ignorable at first, but lately you have to weed through the crap (and that's alot) to find the substance. To use an analogy, this site has become what Branch Davidians are to Christianity (apt for i believe(d) these principales to be a religion of sorts).
What the hell happened? When i think of a Don Juan i think of a romantic guy who sweeps women off their feet with the fires of their passion (kinda like the don juan of literature, you know where the meaning behind the name came from in the first place). This site i believe was intended for people looking to find romance and who were frustrated by what things have BECOME.
Now this site should be called.......How TA BE A PLAYA AND PIMP HOS. We just need some dolomite referances. In fact i'm suprised their isn't a thread dealing with what kind of cane to buy, and how to get back spin on the back hand you give your ho. Must urban decay infect everything? Which brings me to my point (if i even have one)..........
Yes it's true. Look at the current state of things. Marriage is such a gamble, your better off buying a lottery ticket. Single mommies have become the rule rather than the exception. Film and music, have become crap, with emphasis placed on gloss rather than substance (there isn't any btw don't bother trying to find it, just look at the attractive face). Morals, the staple of western civilization and all that it entails have dissappeared. Instead hedonism and instant gratification have become religion. Everyones become self-centered and occupied with stealing your g/f, doing M.i.l.f's, trying to fufill the hype hollywood has fed us, and whatever else they do to contribute to societys downfall.
Look at some of the threads like....."how to steal someones girlfriend".
How about a thread like....."how to dispose of the body of the wanna-be pimp who's messing with your girl"
wtf!? first why do you want a girl like that, does she have integrity? nope, but i forgot you just wanna get laid. Getting laid is a biological imperative, but so is finding a mate. Love exists for a reason (to avoid the void you all feel, wether you admit it or not). The biggest lie you'll ever hear is.....I'm not looking for someone right now (deciphered....i don't wanna commit i just wanna f*** and/or i've been burned and i'm fed up so instead of having character and perserverance i wanna be part of the disease).
Which brings me to another point.
You can't fight nature. Nature will win. This age we live in of conveinance and consumerism will pass, it has to. The consumption of natural resources it takes to sustain this lifestlye says it will, unless those resources are unlimited and they are not.
We are animals, but a differant kind. We need to support our offspring for years before they become self sufficent in this world.
Thats why nature made the family model. That model is almost destroyed. So you don't want to adhere to that model, you want to be a rock star, and sleep with a million women? Who the f*** doesn't? But can we all have that? No. We all can't be heros (otherwise they'd lose their significance), we all can't be doctors and lawyers (someone has to clean toilets), and we all can't be pimps (i hate that word but you all identify with it).
Man prides himself as being above animals or being at the pinnacle of the animal kingdom. Are we? Animals aren't treacherous, theyre not deceptive. They don't destroy their environments. In fact they have no choice, but we do. We were given a brain, and we don't use it. Sure we all have desires, but if you can't control them, then your no better, nay worse than the squirrels you see frolicing in you front yard
Lately when i come this site i feel hopeless about the future of this world. Everyone wants to be part of the disease, and nobody wants to be part of the cure. The newbs come here, and post their drivel, lie and expound on tales of conquest, provide links to pictures of girls they date to feed their ego, an impress us (it works
) They've infecting this site.
I don't know, i don't really have a point i guess. I'm just an anomaly, who finds no gratification in sleeping with a sucession of women, tried it and it makes me feel empty inside. I believe you leave a piece of yourself with each person you sleep with. Maybe thats why some of you are empty. I'm just mad and rambling....sorry playa hating. Theres nothing that can be done about it.
So everyone go out today, and hate thy neighbor, sleep with his wife, bone his milf mom, lie, feed your ego, leech, pump n dump (i.e. sire bastard kids), who cares? it's all about you and your needs of the moment right? Nevermind that depression is at an all time high, civilization is eroding, and happiness (true happiness not what momentarilly makes you happy) is hard to find. Might as well be like a animal and blindly f*** your way through life. Conscienceness (all definitons) is a big pain in the a** and only gets in the way.
Gotta go i see a HOTBABE 7.33321445
spare me your pseudo-freudian-pyscho-analysis. in your heart of hearts you know i'm right. you don't know me so can't accurately diagnose me. My opionon can be deduced about most of you by what you post. I'm pi**ed off, i freely admit it.
to whom it may concern and to whom it applies
I happened upon this site about a year and a half ago, searching for ideas for a date on the net. It was a godsend (then). The information was pertinent and of good quality, and it has helped me tremendously. Things are going well in my life, and instead of turning my back on the principles that changed me for the better, i still come here to refresh, and expand on that knowledge.
Latetly this site has become poison (in general and especially this forum). It was a gradual decay, ignorable at first, but lately you have to weed through the crap (and that's alot) to find the substance. To use an analogy, this site has become what Branch Davidians are to Christianity (apt for i believe(d) these principales to be a religion of sorts).
What the hell happened? When i think of a Don Juan i think of a romantic guy who sweeps women off their feet with the fires of their passion (kinda like the don juan of literature, you know where the meaning behind the name came from in the first place). This site i believe was intended for people looking to find romance and who were frustrated by what things have BECOME.
Now this site should be called.......How TA BE A PLAYA AND PIMP HOS. We just need some dolomite referances. In fact i'm suprised their isn't a thread dealing with what kind of cane to buy, and how to get back spin on the back hand you give your ho. Must urban decay infect everything? Which brings me to my point (if i even have one)..........
Yes it's true. Look at the current state of things. Marriage is such a gamble, your better off buying a lottery ticket. Single mommies have become the rule rather than the exception. Film and music, have become crap, with emphasis placed on gloss rather than substance (there isn't any btw don't bother trying to find it, just look at the attractive face). Morals, the staple of western civilization and all that it entails have dissappeared. Instead hedonism and instant gratification have become religion. Everyones become self-centered and occupied with stealing your g/f, doing M.i.l.f's, trying to fufill the hype hollywood has fed us, and whatever else they do to contribute to societys downfall.
Look at some of the threads like....."how to steal someones girlfriend".
How about a thread like....."how to dispose of the body of the wanna-be pimp who's messing with your girl"
wtf!? first why do you want a girl like that, does she have integrity? nope, but i forgot you just wanna get laid. Getting laid is a biological imperative, but so is finding a mate. Love exists for a reason (to avoid the void you all feel, wether you admit it or not). The biggest lie you'll ever hear is.....I'm not looking for someone right now (deciphered....i don't wanna commit i just wanna f*** and/or i've been burned and i'm fed up so instead of having character and perserverance i wanna be part of the disease).
Which brings me to another point.
You can't fight nature. Nature will win. This age we live in of conveinance and consumerism will pass, it has to. The consumption of natural resources it takes to sustain this lifestlye says it will, unless those resources are unlimited and they are not.
We are animals, but a differant kind. We need to support our offspring for years before they become self sufficent in this world.
Thats why nature made the family model. That model is almost destroyed. So you don't want to adhere to that model, you want to be a rock star, and sleep with a million women? Who the f*** doesn't? But can we all have that? No. We all can't be heros (otherwise they'd lose their significance), we all can't be doctors and lawyers (someone has to clean toilets), and we all can't be pimps (i hate that word but you all identify with it).
Man prides himself as being above animals or being at the pinnacle of the animal kingdom. Are we? Animals aren't treacherous, theyre not deceptive. They don't destroy their environments. In fact they have no choice, but we do. We were given a brain, and we don't use it. Sure we all have desires, but if you can't control them, then your no better, nay worse than the squirrels you see frolicing in you front yard
Lately when i come this site i feel hopeless about the future of this world. Everyone wants to be part of the disease, and nobody wants to be part of the cure. The newbs come here, and post their drivel, lie and expound on tales of conquest, provide links to pictures of girls they date to feed their ego, an impress us (it works
I don't know, i don't really have a point i guess. I'm just an anomaly, who finds no gratification in sleeping with a sucession of women, tried it and it makes me feel empty inside. I believe you leave a piece of yourself with each person you sleep with. Maybe thats why some of you are empty. I'm just mad and rambling....sorry playa hating. Theres nothing that can be done about it.
So everyone go out today, and hate thy neighbor, sleep with his wife, bone his milf mom, lie, feed your ego, leech, pump n dump (i.e. sire bastard kids), who cares? it's all about you and your needs of the moment right? Nevermind that depression is at an all time high, civilization is eroding, and happiness (true happiness not what momentarilly makes you happy) is hard to find. Might as well be like a animal and blindly f*** your way through life. Conscienceness (all definitons) is a big pain in the a** and only gets in the way.
Gotta go i see a HOTBABE 7.33321445
spare me your pseudo-freudian-pyscho-analysis. in your heart of hearts you know i'm right. you don't know me so can't accurately diagnose me. My opionon can be deduced about most of you by what you post. I'm pi**ed off, i freely admit it.