Can't we just all get along!
justdoitalways. Says,
"This site has always been about getting women. That is a fact.
Part of that equation is improving your self. Hence, the posts about becoming a better man."
Correctamundo! There are many ways to get a woman, as you have stated, because the 'type' of women out here differ to such a varying degree. We should not necessarily ridicule someone's advice or technique, because it just may work on that individual girl - who knows. But there is one constant in all of this that does not change, regardless of what type of woman you approach, and that is your manhood!
The "being a man" advice is at the crux of your DJ bible's god 'Pook"’s message. He is trying to make you recognize that it is your true nature, as a man, that is what women are truly and ‘naturally’ attracted to; therefore, you should work on how to become that man within, that somehow has been changed and corrupted over the years (whether by internal or external forces) for your best chances to be attractive to women, and then, and only then, will you take your rightful position in the relationship and become "the prize". We should be concentrating on developing and improving these masculine traits and how we conduct ourselves as we interact with not only women, but with each other as men.
Many of you on this site claim that being a ‘DJ’ is just not about getting laid but it really encompasses all the factors that go into improving all the aspects of our lives. I believe that many of you use those words as a ‘saying’, but don’t necessary practice what you preach. This was the emphasis on my thread “Don Juan Code of Conduct” that I created just a few days ago. However, from the fact that no one gave any suggestions on my thread on how we could improve ourselves, and our interaction with one another, shows me that this “be a man” philosophy is just a shallow and hollow cry amongst so-called DJ’s. This is what ‘entropy’ meant when he referred to the shallowness and hollowness in our thinking and meaning to our lives…without substance or character, devoid of truth or validity; lacking depth of intellect or emotion, or knowledge.
I know my audience that I am writing to on sosuave is a very young one who are just coming out of ‘boyhood’ and who are naïve in their thinking and in their actions, although they like to pretend otherwise. So I am not surprised from the vitriolic reactions that I get and the lack of intelligent responses that I receive, for I was 19 once too and remember my false arrogance and lack of depth on many topics, including women, that I thought I knew so well. Don’t let this false pride and ignorance lead you to ruin. Be more open to those that have more experience than you in such matters concerning women and life in general,
Don’t be so sensitive in thinking that every advice is a command from the poster, or a morality lesson, or “I want you to become like me” advice - this is far, far, far from the truth of the matter – your life is your own and no DJ in their right mind thinks that they can make, through the medium of the internet, somebody else in their own image and likeness. So please, please, please would everyone quit saying that others are trying to force their morality or way of thinking on you and start spending your time and energy responding to the purpose of the thread and the posts contained within.
Some things people say are true and some are not – don’t go based on your own personal feelings to judge the man or the topic at hand. And if someone wants to use a certain word (i.e.romance, wh@re, hottie) to describe something or someone than that is their prerogative to do so. It is not a crime as many of you think. If someone believes in LTR’s and another in marriage or another in ONS, or another in having as many women as one pleases – then SO BE IT! Some of us are loyal to one woman, in which many of us derogatorily describe as ‘Oneitis’ or some as even a ‘Chump’. And some of us are loyal to no women and our goal is to get laid as much as people, in which others derogatorily label as ‘Wh@remongers’! The fact is fellow DJ’s, we should all unite and surround ourselves with the common goal of “self-improvement” generally as men, and in particular how we can relate to women to feed our innate desires to have and keep their company.
Can we, as of today, at least start to make an attempt to view things more objectively and rationally and not so emotionally? Many of us like to claim that this way of thinking is what separates us from women, but judging from the discussions on this board, as of late, this seems to be far from the truth.
Can we allow someone to take a moral stand on an issue and not take it as a personal attack against us, and in the same breath, can we allow someone to have an amoral (don’t confuse this word with immoral) stand on a topic without taking it as a personal mandate against us! As Don Juan’s and as men we need to start thinking and conducting our selves better if we are to help one another in our quest to “be a man”.
Now go to the “Don Juan Code of Conduct” thread and be a honest and sincere contributor to this worthy and honorable goal.
justdoitalways. Says,
"This site has always been about getting women. That is a fact.
Part of that equation is improving your self. Hence, the posts about becoming a better man."
Correctamundo! There are many ways to get a woman, as you have stated, because the 'type' of women out here differ to such a varying degree. We should not necessarily ridicule someone's advice or technique, because it just may work on that individual girl - who knows. But there is one constant in all of this that does not change, regardless of what type of woman you approach, and that is your manhood!
The "being a man" advice is at the crux of your DJ bible's god 'Pook"’s message. He is trying to make you recognize that it is your true nature, as a man, that is what women are truly and ‘naturally’ attracted to; therefore, you should work on how to become that man within, that somehow has been changed and corrupted over the years (whether by internal or external forces) for your best chances to be attractive to women, and then, and only then, will you take your rightful position in the relationship and become "the prize". We should be concentrating on developing and improving these masculine traits and how we conduct ourselves as we interact with not only women, but with each other as men.
Many of you on this site claim that being a ‘DJ’ is just not about getting laid but it really encompasses all the factors that go into improving all the aspects of our lives. I believe that many of you use those words as a ‘saying’, but don’t necessary practice what you preach. This was the emphasis on my thread “Don Juan Code of Conduct” that I created just a few days ago. However, from the fact that no one gave any suggestions on my thread on how we could improve ourselves, and our interaction with one another, shows me that this “be a man” philosophy is just a shallow and hollow cry amongst so-called DJ’s. This is what ‘entropy’ meant when he referred to the shallowness and hollowness in our thinking and meaning to our lives…without substance or character, devoid of truth or validity; lacking depth of intellect or emotion, or knowledge.
I know my audience that I am writing to on sosuave is a very young one who are just coming out of ‘boyhood’ and who are naïve in their thinking and in their actions, although they like to pretend otherwise. So I am not surprised from the vitriolic reactions that I get and the lack of intelligent responses that I receive, for I was 19 once too and remember my false arrogance and lack of depth on many topics, including women, that I thought I knew so well. Don’t let this false pride and ignorance lead you to ruin. Be more open to those that have more experience than you in such matters concerning women and life in general,
Don’t be so sensitive in thinking that every advice is a command from the poster, or a morality lesson, or “I want you to become like me” advice - this is far, far, far from the truth of the matter – your life is your own and no DJ in their right mind thinks that they can make, through the medium of the internet, somebody else in their own image and likeness. So please, please, please would everyone quit saying that others are trying to force their morality or way of thinking on you and start spending your time and energy responding to the purpose of the thread and the posts contained within.
Some things people say are true and some are not – don’t go based on your own personal feelings to judge the man or the topic at hand. And if someone wants to use a certain word (i.e.romance, wh@re, hottie) to describe something or someone than that is their prerogative to do so. It is not a crime as many of you think. If someone believes in LTR’s and another in marriage or another in ONS, or another in having as many women as one pleases – then SO BE IT! Some of us are loyal to one woman, in which many of us derogatorily describe as ‘Oneitis’ or some as even a ‘Chump’. And some of us are loyal to no women and our goal is to get laid as much as people, in which others derogatorily label as ‘Wh@remongers’! The fact is fellow DJ’s, we should all unite and surround ourselves with the common goal of “self-improvement” generally as men, and in particular how we can relate to women to feed our innate desires to have and keep their company.
Can we, as of today, at least start to make an attempt to view things more objectively and rationally and not so emotionally? Many of us like to claim that this way of thinking is what separates us from women, but judging from the discussions on this board, as of late, this seems to be far from the truth.
Can we allow someone to take a moral stand on an issue and not take it as a personal attack against us, and in the same breath, can we allow someone to have an amoral (don’t confuse this word with immoral) stand on a topic without taking it as a personal mandate against us! As Don Juan’s and as men we need to start thinking and conducting our selves better if we are to help one another in our quest to “be a man”.
Now go to the “Don Juan Code of Conduct” thread and be a honest and sincere contributor to this worthy and honorable goal.