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this site has become poison

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Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Can't we just all get along!

justdoitalways. Says,

"This site has always been about getting women. That is a fact.

Part of that equation is improving your self. Hence, the posts about becoming a better man."

Correctamundo! There are many ways to get a woman, as you have stated, because the 'type' of women out here differ to such a varying degree. We should not necessarily ridicule someone's advice or technique, because it just may work on that individual girl - who knows. But there is one constant in all of this that does not change, regardless of what type of woman you approach, and that is your manhood!

The "being a man" advice is at the crux of your DJ bible's god 'Pook"’s message. He is trying to make you recognize that it is your true nature, as a man, that is what women are truly and ‘naturally’ attracted to; therefore, you should work on how to become that man within, that somehow has been changed and corrupted over the years (whether by internal or external forces) for your best chances to be attractive to women, and then, and only then, will you take your rightful position in the relationship and become "the prize". We should be concentrating on developing and improving these masculine traits and how we conduct ourselves as we interact with not only women, but with each other as men.

Many of you on this site claim that being a ‘DJ’ is just not about getting laid but it really encompasses all the factors that go into improving all the aspects of our lives. I believe that many of you use those words as a ‘saying’, but don’t necessary practice what you preach. This was the emphasis on my thread “Don Juan Code of Conduct” that I created just a few days ago. However, from the fact that no one gave any suggestions on my thread on how we could improve ourselves, and our interaction with one another, shows me that this “be a man” philosophy is just a shallow and hollow cry amongst so-called DJ’s. This is what ‘entropy’ meant when he referred to the shallowness and hollowness in our thinking and meaning to our lives…without substance or character, devoid of truth or validity; lacking depth of intellect or emotion, or knowledge.

I know my audience that I am writing to on sosuave is a very young one who are just coming out of ‘boyhood’ and who are naïve in their thinking and in their actions, although they like to pretend otherwise. So I am not surprised from the vitriolic reactions that I get and the lack of intelligent responses that I receive, for I was 19 once too and remember my false arrogance and lack of depth on many topics, including women, that I thought I knew so well. Don’t let this false pride and ignorance lead you to ruin. Be more open to those that have more experience than you in such matters concerning women and life in general,

Don’t be so sensitive in thinking that every advice is a command from the poster, or a morality lesson, or “I want you to become like me” advice - this is far, far, far from the truth of the matter – your life is your own and no DJ in their right mind thinks that they can make, through the medium of the internet, somebody else in their own image and likeness. So please, please, please would everyone quit saying that others are trying to force their morality or way of thinking on you and start spending your time and energy responding to the purpose of the thread and the posts contained within.

Some things people say are true and some are not – don’t go based on your own personal feelings to judge the man or the topic at hand. And if someone wants to use a certain word (i.e.romance, wh@re, hottie) to describe something or someone than that is their prerogative to do so. It is not a crime as many of you think. If someone believes in LTR’s and another in marriage or another in ONS, or another in having as many women as one pleases – then SO BE IT! Some of us are loyal to one woman, in which many of us derogatorily describe as ‘Oneitis’ or some as even a ‘Chump’. And some of us are loyal to no women and our goal is to get laid as much as people, in which others derogatorily label as ‘Wh@remongers’! The fact is fellow DJ’s, we should all unite and surround ourselves with the common goal of “self-improvement” generally as men, and in particular how we can relate to women to feed our innate desires to have and keep their company.

Can we, as of today, at least start to make an attempt to view things more objectively and rationally and not so emotionally? Many of us like to claim that this way of thinking is what separates us from women, but judging from the discussions on this board, as of late, this seems to be far from the truth.

Can we allow someone to take a moral stand on an issue and not take it as a personal attack against us, and in the same breath, can we allow someone to have an amoral (don’t confuse this word with immoral) stand on a topic without taking it as a personal mandate against us! As Don Juan’s and as men we need to start thinking and conducting our selves better if we are to help one another in our quest to “be a man”.

Now go to the “Don Juan Code of Conduct” thread and be a honest and sincere contributor to this worthy and honorable goal.



Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
I like this board to the extent that people are becoming more successful with girls. What I don't like is that some people think that once they learn these techniques, it's their duty to transform into a sleazy rat. That means totally disrespecting women, messing with girls who have boyfriends, etc.

Maybe it's just my personal version of ethics, but I'm not too excited about the prospects of guys trying to hang with me just because I have the ladies surrounding me and they're trying to slyly move in on the girl I'm talking to. What disgusts me most, however, are guys who are looking for techniques to wreck a happy relationship just so they can get some pvssy. I don't like characters that lie, fill a chick's head up with promises and get her to ditch her boyfriend, and then they fvck her and ditch her. Actually, that scenario says something about the chick as well, but that's besides the point.

When people learn that these methods are tools and don't necessarily have to be used, I think we'll be better off. Just because they're trying to be a 'don-juan' or whatever fancy label that denotes one's ability to get with the ladies doesn't mean they need to wreck happy relationships and to completely disrespect people.

I don't particularly care if you're the relationship type or the 'i get around' type. But I do think some people need to learn to maintain proper respect for others upon learning these techniques.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
all the other content aside, i found this to be the most stupid statement ever


spare me your pseudo-freudian-pyscho-analysis. in your heart of hearts you know i'm right. you don't know me so can't accurately diagnose me. My opionon can be deduced about most of you by what you post. I'm pi**ed off, i freely admit it.
Your opinion to my post is invalid because you don't know me.

But my opinion about you is valid because I've read your posts.

This reeks of holier-than-thou idiocy and hypocrisy.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by KevM2

Maybe it's just my personal version of ethics, but I'm not too excited about the prospects of guys trying to hang with me just because I have the ladies surrounding me and they're trying to slyly move in on the girl I'm talking to. What disgusts me most, however, are guys who are looking for techniques to wreck a happy relationship just so they can get some pvssy.
yep it is exactly that your version of ethics , isnt mine, what would i seriously give a phuck is someones taking some chick off a random guy?

cant be too happy a relationship if shes looking for c0ck elsewhere, i dont care how smooth and skilled the guy is, im not buying its a "happy" relationship.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2001
Reaction score
I think Entropy makes some excellent points.

Today the world is full of greedy souless people.

Firstly just look at the music scene it is truly awful here in the UK, tv is full of pretty boys playing bland music just smiling at the camera. Singing there hearts out blantly lying to the public as many are gay and deluding there teenage girls in buying there music because they look pretty. What ever happened to meaningful music from the 60's\70's were music moved you spiritually, stirred the emotions. I know its not DJ to say I like
Motown and Soul music but there you go, I do because the sentiments are romantic. Much of the music today is just about having sex or committing crime or pushing drugs and it causing
a real problem with youth today in the UK.

Then take going out, bars and pubs are now like hotel lobbies or your living room at home, all trying to push food down our necks.
The traditional old pub with its wooden beams and dim lighting which protrayed the romantic erras of the past are being pushed away. New pubs today are terrible, shoving food down are throats all the time or playing loud music and forcing drunken behaviour from drinking cheap shots.

Now take the women here in the UK. They are for the most part,
bland souless people, driven by there insecurities. Most guys I know are dating women from the Eastern Europe who in my oppionion are far more friendly and its not just the visa thing.
I think of my brother who is happily married. His wife is bland and
superficial. The only converstation you can get is about buying new curtains for the house, no interest in current affairs.

I think the western world is decline, romance is almost dead.
Sorry to rant !

:) :)

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Just clicked this thread for the first time today...a very interesting read. A couple points I want to make.

Entropy, you are simply advertising the Christian model of ethics that you, I, and countless others were brainwashed with as children. All your standards of morals are not of your own choosing by a long shot. They were monumentally influenced by your upbrining and, in fact, I would go as far to say you are a contributing factor to WWIII :) Just face it: there is no absolute morality that can be proven and accepted so, therefore, by proselytizing your own morals, you are only antagonizing others.

Secondly, I have my own model of ethics. Yes, I would like to have sex with many hot women, but I don't wish to emotionally harm any of them. If I can have an attachment-free ONS, I'll go for it, but I will carefully evaluate beforehand whether the girl is under the same impression so her feelings aren't hurt. If I feel a connection with a particular girl, I will exclusively see her and one day settle down and marry. That is my own moral standards...basically saying I will try not to step on anyone else. Other than that, anything goes. Those are my morals...nobody else's, and I really don't give a damn what choices other people make. It's not worth my time to argue over them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I just read the beginning of your thread, cause Im too lazy to read those long threads most of the time :)
Anyways, calm down man. You dont have to "weed" through this forum to find good advice. If you`re just looking for good advice take a look at the DJ bibel and at the tips section. I think the main purpose of the discussion forum is to discuss and help people with their specific problems.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2003
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Originally posted by ( . )( . )
bah pimps, don juans , tomato tomato, all i see is a bunch of people interested in getting snatch and another bunch of people who are lying to themselves (because it certainly isnt the rest of us with half a brain who believe them) .

Its not all about the snatch. Come on man, give men a little more credit. We love a nice pair of breasts with a good ass too!

But seriously I come to this site because I have become a bit of a connosieur on the arts of seduction. I've found the game to be entertaining, and who could complain about the rewards? Oh the sweet, sexy rewards. My life feels better for coming to this site. I no longer believe that to get girls I have to be one. I don't think my opinion is all that matters (like many girls and chumps assume) I just think that my opinion has SOME weight and deserves to be heard. Sure there is a lot of crap to weed through, but the articles and bible should set you on the right track. I think there is more to being a don juan than the pronunciation of "pimp".
A true Don Juan is in my opinion a perfect man. And this site is about self-improvement. It has helped a lot of people, and will continue to do so. It is still, even with the increased crap volume, a quality web-site. More people are posting less useful information because more people are visiting the site. One of the forum members here has something in his profile about the site being better before because it was mostly don juans tweaking their game at it's start. The trouble with a public forum is that anyone with email can post. More people have become members, if all of them are allowed to post then they are gonna be sharing a piece of their mind on the forums. Most of these people are far from don juans, so most of the information in their posts isn't going to be useful. There are still a few people around here with some true insight and they will continue to help out the crap posters.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
The sense of community that once existed here has been lost. That's part of the problem. Many of the more mature, wise and together guys are gone. Those posters (the mature, wise faction) was always the backbone and glue for this site. I returned to find a mere shell of what this site used to be. The threads are mostly stagnant and it seems the only ones really contributing much are the ones who are clueless and in serious need of an attitude make-over. It's really a shame, too.

Now, in the past there have been plenty of complaining about "newbies" asking dumb questions. Although this always exists (and must if the site is to be helpful to anyone), this isn't what the problem is. There are just too many bitter, angry "someone hurt me so I'm gonna treat everyone like sh*t" members on here. Their posts would imply they have egos the size of the moon, but the truth of the matter is...it's so obvious their self-esteem is really in the toilet.

I have seen some of the absolute WORST advice posted since I've been back this time, and it's as if a couple or ten generations of "newbies" made no real growth of character whatsoever since the first came to this site. It's really rather pathetic.

There is a very small older and wiser set who post here, but they are far outnumbered by the ebonics talking whigga wannabes to undo much of the damage that has been done.

And again...no sense of community anymore as there used to be. Without that, the site is a mere information dump. And at this point in time, the information being dumped is mostly garbage.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by Wyldfire
The sense of community that once existed here has been lost. That's part of the problem. Those posters (the mature, wise faction) was always the backbone and glue for this site. I returned to find a mere shell of what this site used to be. The threads are mostly stagnant and it seems the only ones really contributing much are the ones who are clueless and in serious need of an attitude make-over. It's really a shame, too.

I have seen some of the absolute WORST advice posted since I've been back this time, and it's as if a couple or ten generations of "newbies" made no real growth of character whatsoever since the first came to this site. It's really rather pathetic.
Yeah. Most of the guys giving help are newbies, the old ones you almost don't see here. Your backbone point was right, and it's sad that this forum is getting somewhat weak!

Originally posted by Wyldfire
Many of the more mature, wise and together guys are gone.There is a very small older and wiser set who post here, but they are far outnumbered by the ebonics talking whigga wannabes to undo much of the damage that has been done.
That's why we need you Wildfire! ;)

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by entropy
You can't fight nature. Nature will win.
On the conrary, my good man, nature will lose. It will lose to man and technology, it almost has.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Good point, but...

Good point, Entropy. I've also noticed a lot of crap threads, but ... I've also seen a lot of 24-karat gold as of late, too, most notably Disciple's recent "Becoming a King" threads and Pook's latest magnum opus, "Fifteen Lessons." Great inner game stuff, and that's what counts.

I'm also gravitating more toward self-development and away from techniques, tricks and "what do I do now?" stuff as of late. I'm also getting increasingly annoyed at how unwelcome women are to a lot of guys here. I'd rather flirt with 'em than get all pissy with 'em just because they happen to be female. It's a paradox that would be amusing if it wasn't so ... pathetic.


Originally posted by entropy
You can't fight nature. Nature will win.

On the conrary, my good man, nature will lose. It will lose to man and technology, it almost has.
This debate reminds me of a George Carlin joke: "People worry about the Earth. The Earth will be all right... just ask those guys from Pompeii who are like this (makes a pose like one of those buried under the lava)... when all the people are gone, the Earth will be just fine.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I don't know if I agree with you about the moral decay of society. I don't think society has ever been morally perfect or anything close to it. And historically it's certainly been much worse than it is right now at times. Also, I don't think religious standards are good ones for judging morality, because societies firmly in the grip of organized religion tend to end up like Afghanistan under the Taliban.

However, there is one very disturbing trend in our society which has been exploited by the religious-values crusaders as much as by the Hollywood-crap-profiteers. That is anti-intellectualism, the notion that it's good to be a tough-talking idiot and books and learning and diplomacy are for nerds. All the stupid reality shows cropping up are the result of the same cultural problem that caused people to vote for Bush--a disdain for anything complicated or anyone educated, and a focus on extremely superficial signs of toughness. People are being told not to think, just to sit back and swallow what they're shown as long as it's got flashy graphics and dramatic music... and it's working.

I'm very new to this site but I've noticed that a lot of it is crap, too. There is some very good information especially in the Bible threads and I've been learning a lot. But I've found that in the regular discussions most of the people are focused only on getting laid, regardless of by whom... and there's a majority opinion that it's a good idea to just ditch any woman who's not easy enough to spread her legs on the first date. That may be what some guys want but it's not what I want. I want a girl who's hot and who I actually enjoy being around even when she's not naked. With so many flaky superficial girls out there, guys who're looking for something like this can't afford to just keep next-ing girls at the first sign they might not be easy. So I want to learn advanced tactics for winning a great girl's heart... not cheap tricks to get in some slut's pants. And I've found lots of information that's helped me, but there's a lot that doesn't.

Maybe it would be a good idea for the mods to separate the two types of pursuits onto different boards on this forum.
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: this site has become poison

Originally posted by Panda 2000
On the conrary, my good man, nature will lose. It will lose to man and technology, it almost has.
I disagree. I'm a techno lover but I do know that nature can whipe out all of our technology in one swoop.

We could end up back in caves in 40 days and 40 nights!


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
I agreed with you up to your third paragraph LikerOfWomen

I'm very new to this site but I've noticed that a lot of it is crap, too. There is some very good information especially in the Bible threads and I've been learning a lot. But I've found that in the regular discussions most of the people are focused only on getting laid, regardless of by whom... and there's a majority opinion that it's a good idea to just ditch any woman who's not easy enough to spread her legs on the first date. That may be what some guys want but it's not what I want. I want a girl who's hot and who I actually enjoy being around even when she's not naked. With so many flaky superficial girls out there, guys who're looking for something like this can't afford to just keep next-ing girls at the first sign they might not be easy. So I want to learn advanced tactics for winning a great girl's heart... not cheap tricks to get in some slut's pants. And I've found lots of information that's helped me, but there's a lot that doesn't.

You contradicted yourself a number of times here. Human beings being intellectuals is one thing but as soon as you want " a girl who's hot and who I actually enjoy being around" you reverted back to what essentially has nothing to do with intellectualism but more human nature. Getting laid and being with a hot girl is the same thing, maybe you think they are different but if you couldn't bang the hot girl, you wouldn't be with her anyway.

Again you said "I want to learn advanced tactics for winning a great girl's heart... not cheap tricks to get in some slut's pants" - The outcome is still the same! just because a girl can hold on longer until she has sex with you does not make her a great girl and just because a girl has lots of sex does not make her a bad girl - its just they way they are neither good or evil but how you precieve them to be.

Part of Being a Don Juan is having the confidence, desires and needs met on your terms. It has nothing to do with intellecutal thought. When you become natural at picking up women you are actually reverting back to more primitive state that does not rely on higher state of thinking. In a sense being a Don Juan when it comes to dealling with women actually causes you to become dumber in terms of intellectualism because you are relying on natural instincts and not calculating problems.

If you were a truly intellectual you wouldn't care how a woman would look like because all pvssy's feel the same but in your primitive mind you know an attractive woman will make the sex all that better.


Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
go try masf. they actually moderate most of the crap.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Adamacker
Ok, stop feeding this lonely f#@& attention. Apparently, a year and a half of reading has kept him at square one and needs to blame someone and get some attention.. finally. Out
This post is a perfect example of what is WRONG with this site now...
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