iqqi said:
Don't worry, it seems to be a common theme here at sosuave. 'Specially THIS drama filled week.
eh, the only reason that I am drinking today is because A.) I am planning on switching schools for next semester then next year again to a newer smaller school with public speaking as a concentration , B.) my best friend who has a thing for my girlfriend just got turned down by my girlfriend and is really hurting, C.) my current best female friend that my current girlfriend wants me to date after we break up is going through a tough tough TOUGH time, and D.) my other friend just broke up with her first actual boyfriend.
P.S. I should not have been drinking, but I did. The last three weeks have been very stressful on me, but this is the first and last time that I will drink under a stressful time.
P.P. S. Lesson of the day: Don't drink under stressful times. Deal with it in your own times. I went against a cardinal rule and for that I am sorry about it.