Aw dammit! The wall is cope! The Wall is also a game show on NBC. There may be guys here that would smash that, let's not kid ourselves. For every guy that says they wouldn't smash, there's 3 guys that would. Let that sink in.
Women past 60 still get suitors. I dated a 62 y.o. realtor. Till she got with a Falcons player, they married in Hawaii. How do I know? She sent me a damn video of it! Like I needed to know that. Hell I prepared my exit when I saw several offers on her phone from other dudes after I f**ked the Sonic rings out of her to sleep, i.e. marriage, fly her out (Luxury U.S. vacations, no less), shopping at Gucci, dinner at Nobu, dinner at Fogo De Chão, 50 yard line seats to a Falcons game, damn I've been snooping. I could've listed more. Glad I did. I dated a new woman when this one got distant. You all see why.
I once dated a milf nurse who was 64. She saw me as Tyrone. I f**ked the Mario coins out of her. Just as I thought, some other dude entered the picture. I set her off when I said that we're not friends, and I don't do platonic friendships with women I've had sex with...and unloaded my cüm all over their body. I'm not gonna be some orbiter.
The fact is, as long as a woman has a vagina, she'll always have options across all her inboxes. Regardless of age, she'll still think she's entitled to some Tyrone because she had him 30 years ago. It may get difficult for these women to get a commitment. But to get dates, attention, and sex? Women aren't short in that department at any age. And most guys would rather date an attractive older woman than be playing Madden or Halo all night...barring it's a tournament with a huge jackpot ($100k for arguments sake), they're nicely paid Twitch streamers, or they're amongst the game's programmers/ developers/ producers etc. getting paid to make sure the game works well.
Celebs buy aesthetics all the time. Even guys with money buy aesthetics...among other things. If a guy just focuses on his money, he can buy status and sexy looks easily. Women care about these things. No guy cares if a woman is driving a vagina pink Ferrari. Women look a lot at LMS, now social media clout.
The wall is extremely padded, if not nonexistent.