The vast majority of those people that neg, blow away like dust in the wind when confronted, any man who speaks ill on my name will hear about it from either me or my buddies, never have I sat idle.
The problem is that men who are raised by single mothers, don't understand the concept of respect, so when they are faced with conflict, they have no will to resolve the conflict, they just want to escalate the situation further because that is all they know.
Another example youll see on this forum, when ideas are challenged, they go straight to insulting you, because they have no concept of respect or how to manage discourse, it's important to call those people out as well, because they are deficient in their ability to have discourse and were raised that way, it's not their fault, but all the same, it needs to be pointed out and corrected, even if just so other members see how new ideas and ways of thinking can be adopted.
This also comes full circle to purpose, as you said, it's never a problem to give out a compliment, because people are the most powerful resource that we have access to, in terms of fulfilling or meeting your purpose, people are the #1 goal, those that lash out, they do themselves no favors and end up actually hurting their purpose, hindering themselves.
The thing is, I know you know all this, yet you persist to offer resistance and I'm not sure why, but I figured I would continue my banter with you, since you are actually going to engage, rather than insult or try to have this attitude of "I don't need to explain myself".
It is also difficult, because many users here probably have great ideas, or experiences, but articulating them is difficult, finding the right words, but I have saw
@stringpuller articulate himself very well in other threads, yet offers little opposition, same with OP, I've saw both of them be very articulate, yet they offer nothing here, other than to be idle or not care, so I know they are full of it when I poke at their responses and get no concrete answers.
Maybe you could articulate this idea.