"The Secret" (Free Google Video)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. - Emerson
Just saying the harder I work the luckier I seem to be.
Both quotes, to me, indicate a belief in "natural laws". The converse would be a belief in fate, destiny, serendipity, or luck. The Law of Attraction has been talked about from a variety of angles. Through NLP, through Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Concentration, Tony Robbins, Michael Losier, and a host of people, from a variety of fields, not just self-help, positive-thinking, or new-age related studies.

Whether someone buys it or not, matters little to me. I still respect people for their varied religions, and enjoy a could "talk" on why, how, what people believe. The a strong debate has never ruffled my feathers, and I have a great many friends that are seriously religious as well as not at all religious.

Point is, LIFE IS THE WAY YOU THINK IT IS. Bottom line. Isn't it? Isn't it all a matter of perspective and perception?

Tony Robbins ~ What you focus on increases.

Makes sense right? It has always in my life. The more I went out to have fun and enjoy women, "the more plates I spun," so to speak, to rip a page from the book of Rollo. The more I focus on getting sales done, the more sales I get done, the more money I bring in. Makes sense, right?

For some, the video gets a bad rap because they have problems with those who DELIVER the message, rather than THE CONTENT of the message. Also, they might not have ever read the materials that surround the LOA video, that offer supplementary and supporting information.

LOA is hardly anything in the realm of luck, or just sitting, wishing, hoping that things happen. Quite the contrary. A person who believes they are a MAGNET, an attracting being, will thereby WORK toward there goal, BRINGING the luck toward them. The statement about "the harder I work, the Luckier I get" is almost 100% LOA. And here's why, at least in my perception...

A person who works THAT hard has an ALL-consuming belief. A deep-seated belief and impeccable self-confidence that they can AND WILL succeed. That they are "in alignment" (i.e. doing what they have a love or passion for, or that what they are doing will bring them what they want). The harder someone works, the smarter they get. The more energy they bring toward them regarding what they do.

Let's put this in terms I know about...and can speak.

Things are only bad to me when I think they are. When I ask of myself stupid questions like..."Why has sales been slow?" Because I think it so! Sales aren't slow, I AM. There's tons of people WAITING, BEGGING, NEEDING the kind of help I can offer, yet I sit and ponder and let the work flow by. By realizing and having confidence that I might not know where to go to did up sales, but knowing I can do it, and taking small steps at first, I'll compound them into much larger opportunities. It perhaps sounds logical, too, and one who's is 100% analytical would shoot down LOA, and NLP, but there's more to it than that, and I've experienced enough BEFORE the video to know that it's true. It's true whether you agree or not. In this case, those statements appear to me as admissions of the fact, whether it's realized or not.

It works the same way with women...initially you might not be having success, or maybe you're a vet, and you're ready to complain about the lack of women. There's no lack of women! You're just not mentally aligned to the reality around you. There's TONS of women out there. On any given night you could meet SEVERAL women with whom you could make a connection. I'm in a relationship and I meet one a week I could easily be with in some capacity, and I'm doing that without effort. But it takes MENTAL alignment with your surroundings.

Another case...there's tons of money to be made, why aren't people making a larger piece of it? THEY ARE NOT ALIGNED. They ponder their circumstances, ready to curse some other being, rather than themselves. No. it's all right there. Or rather, ALL RIGHT IN YOUR HEAD. Get aligned with where the money is and how to get it and you'll get a bigger share. The reason you're NOT, is because you're down on yourself, in a negative way, because if you believed in yourself, in what you do, and the field you're in can grow and offer profits, then you'll make all the money you're do. If you have a lucrative field and doubt your ability, you'll make no money, and it isn't the fault of the field or industry. Likewise, if you're confident in what you do, regardless of the competitive pressures, you'll find a way. You'll always find a way. Just when it seems profits are LOCKED up, they can be released by reinventing a field/industry that's become a dinosaur. We see it all the time...

Again, THIS is my perception, my reality, my views. You readers can buy or sell them as you wish. And Rollo, my statements were my vantage point views of what you spoke, perhaps different than you thought or intended, and by no means trying to change your religious opinions or otherwise, but merely pointing them out. A person's religious opinion is fully respected by me, regardless if they respect mine.


Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
People are unfairly persuaded (conned) into believing that miracles will happen by attending a certain program, listening to a cassette tape or reading a popular book. How many piano players do you know, became really good playing by simply listening to a virtuoso?

Salespeople have been told to simply "visualize" the customer buying and they will buy. The "energy" you send out will cause them to sign on the dotted line. Really?

If you listen to some speaker tell you that you can earn a million dollars next year, then you might also believe that all you have to do is load up your credit card to the limit with his books, tapes and seminars.

Another winner in the bizarre category is the New Age philosophy of "aura-readings." You are supposed to read the energy field around a person to pick up "vibrations."

By Gerry Robert: the best-selling author of The Millionaire Mindset.
I never really believed in "magic pills", "secrets to meet women", "secrets to win in life", "secrets to bulk up" and so forth. This whole philosophy is much like the placebo effect I think. Try telling a dying man to think positive so he can survive...and see what happens... I believe in cause and effect, not in "think positive and anything will be solved" effect.

'THE MOTIVATION industry is akin to revivalist," says Alan Weiss, Ph.D., whose Rhode Island company, Summit Consulting Group, offers productivity training to large corporations. "That's why they still call them rallies." Weiss looks a bit askance at the motivation/revivalist movement. He says he is more interested in "the conveyance of discrete skills--like home repair, how to handle conflict, how to communicate better."

The problem with motivational speakers, according to Weiss, is that they have mastered the golden rule of advertising--sell the sizzle and not the steak. Unfortunately, he says, the steak itself is way too learn. "It's all empty advice," Weiss says. "You're buying self-esteem, you're purchasing a brief trip to the self-esteem store, rather than the longer-term fix, which is the acquisition of discrete skills." Weiss is also concerned about the trend toward godliness in the industry. "It's a more spiritual tone because people can't deal with the complexities of life," he says. He also wonders about today's lineup of speakers. "The trouble is, their basic talent is not replicable," says Weiss. "You can't replicate Montana's golden arm." Oh, but you can replicate those athletes' pithy sayings.
Rollo Tomassi said:
Sorry guys, but my bullsh!t meter needle is in the red on this Secret. Of course by typing this that constitutes a negetive thought right? That's the problem I have with the whole premise; there's no way to test the negative. By definition The Secret always works, whether you got what you wished for or not. It's manifest destiny from a secular perspective.

Also, do Google searches on the "authorities" that tell the story as the movie progresses - 90% of these guys are either New Age self-help gurus or luminaries of the motivational speaking circuit.
I may be wrong, but I think you´re spot on! :up:
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Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
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Well, like I might have said before, you really do need to be open minded to fully apreicate this. I know some people will and are dis - missing this as new age nonsense ( I wouldn't blame them, the concept is unconvential )

Maybe the fact your dismissing it as bullcrap is because your fear the unknown, even if it is true and come to think of it... LOA is very old along with astrology and such, yet you dismiss that as new age, organised religion and goverments the world over want to destroy it ( They want to keep their power! On a personal note, I reckon Pope John II was a true master of LAO ) they want to CONTROL YOU instead of YOU CONTROLLING YOU.

Look you can go about how the world has conned you, the rich are evil and all the jerks are getting the girls but please before you come bashing something because its unfamiliar or too far fetched to you, please do your homework on it!

Another thing, mastering LOA is a SKILL you must AQUIRE not some form of magic pill that magically turns your life around!

Nevertheless, I will let you have your views on it and what you think is true, theres no point in starting an agrument over this.

If you really want a extreme example of ' new age ' ideas ( even though most of them are hundreds, even thousands of years old! ) , type ' 2012 ' into google!

Finally, we're all going to die on day, regardless if we're a master of LOA or a follower of doing what your told and does help to think postively, even at death, as it will make it more peaceful for you! It sure helped my own personal situation in life buts not the point of my post!



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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*The more you emphasize what you want, the more often you do this, the easier it will become, the sooner you will get what you ask for.

*The movie CAN distort the concept, depending on the individual. For instance, it isn't like dropping a penny into a well, or sitting on your butt hoping you get what you want. It means doing the things you have to do to get what you want WITH the confidence of knowing that you'll get what you WANT in some way soon. Very often nobody ACTS because we don't have the HOW, but if you watched the VIDEO, or read any books on such topics, you will know the HOW is of the universe, YOU MUST ONLY ACT.

*It may work on one woman, it may not. This isn't about a gimmic or trick to deliver that one woman. It will deliver what is your deepest desire, LIKE what you want. For instance, as I've said before, I have attracted ALL the types of girls I've wanted. They might not have been the perfect person with the right personality BUT I got what I asked for since I was not so specific. What would negate a certain girl being your type would be if she didn't have "those feelings for you." The best advice on that would be to be "cool with whatever came of it, be laid, be cool with whatever outcome." Not in a fake way. Many guys will feign their attempts and think "the laid-back I don't give fawk approach" works, yet the only reason they do it is because THEY THINK it will get them what they desire. Yet, in the end, they're upset b/c they didn't get it. No, no, no. Be ok with WHERE YOU ARE. Inevitably, change occurs anyways, and your present reality will be replaced with a new one. The question is, WHICH one will you manifest?

*Your tomorrows are a PRODUCT of your dominating thoughts and feelings today. Tomorrow only exists as an extension of your MIND and as a WORD. There's really no such thing as tomorrow, or yesterday except in the land of the mind. In which most people are haunted. They are haunted by the negative aspects of the MIND instead of empowering it and being CURIOUS about what new things may come. Time is an extension of the mind. The ONLY real REALITY is here this second, in which your MIND is aligned with your PHYSCIAL body. And since everything exists at a vibration, an energy frequency, the only WAY to be truly REAL is to align your mind to the moment you're in and not FADE away. It's ok to dream of how to develop tomorrow. And next year. But in reality, those will take care of themselves as you do right now what's your best and happiest priority.

Books that provide different angles...

*The Bible
*Ask and It Is Given
*Think and Grow Rich
*The Law of Attraction ~ Michael Losier
*Some nlp books
*Tony Robbins

I have no familiarity with John Gray or his writings. His comments made sense, and I try to view what's being spoken with a watchful eye to the deliverer of the topic. Sometimes we discount information because our MIND or perception is improperly programmed and we wrongly judge something out of habit.



Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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A-Unit said:
I have no familiarity with John Gray or his writings. His comments made sense, and I try to view what's being spoken with a watchful eye to the deliverer of the topic.
Men are From Mars and Women are From Venus

Mars and Venus in the Workplace ...etc.

A lot of people dislike him because they don't agree with the Mars / Venus concept. Especially feminists...they believe it to be degrading to recognize a difference between masculinity and femininity, as per the way people think.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Jul 14, 2005
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Monte Carlo, Monaco
For those in doubt, please explain this one person

Lance Armstrong... Give me your best explanation...

The cancer, the healing, the seven straight tour de france champion, and why his former teamate of years happens to win the next tour de france, floyd landis.

You think this all happen by chance???
You think all this could have happend if he was down on himself thinking he was going to die?

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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You will NEVER prove a metaphysical argument with physical evidence. Nor will you ever prove a physical argument with metaphysical evidence. The two are always mutually exclusive.

If 100 people are aboard a sinking ship and all pray fervently (or think positively) enough that they will be spared from drowning, and 50 live while the other 50 go to the bottom of the sea, this can never prove that the metaphysical method of the whole was effective.

What The Secret attempts to legitimize is that it is not metaphysical (with VERY loose empirical evidence), when in fact it is entirely a metaphysical argument. The negative proves the positive, and the positive proves the positive in this argument. You cannot test a negative and this makes the entire premise suspect. The results are subjective to the individual and not universally quantifiable to the whole. There is no pass or fail, it's all pass, but to differeing degrees that reinforce the premise regardless of result.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Titanium said:
A lot of people dislike him because they don't agree with the Mars / Venus concept. Especially feminists...they believe it to be degrading to recognize a difference between masculinity and femininity, as per the way people think.
No, his arguments are invalid because he's a charlatan fukk, who happened to gain recognition through the likes of Oprah and isn't a PhD in anything.

John Gray


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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John Gray is a fukking idiot, go watch Penn and Teller episode about him. The guy pulled his book out of his ass.

Now Rollo, this is to you:

I come from Russia, where metamorphical things are in very high regard. People swear by certain superstitions and natural healing. Of course now that I am in the Western World I do look at people like that as if they were savages, however, what is so bad about having a positive train of thought.

What's the worst that can happen? A person that believes has shi11y luck and then says "God damnit all was in vain".. well so what? he had all those years where he thought it was promised.

Or.. are we thinking about this - when a person sits on his ass and hopes, instead of going out and making it himself, he gets fukked in the end. That is more like it.

However, going out and doing it + believing that more good things will happen with positive attitude = I believe this is overall a good thing.

Do you disagree?


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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Rollo Tomassi said:
No, his arguments are invalid because he's a charlatan fukk, who happened to gain recognition through the likes of Oprah and isn't a PhD in anything.

John Gray
Right. I forgot about the PHD thing....there's a lot of reasons why people hate that man. Kind of like Kevin Trudeau. Tainted.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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If that's the basis, which I'm sure that's not the full picture if Rollo doesn't like/respect him either, it's a foolish one.

As noted in Jvesti's "T Theory" post, studies done on men wanting to become women and women wanting to become men concluded that men and women think different, and this was by people who were formerly a different sex, in which case they had the BEST perspective on it. Of course, there's that little thing with chromosomes, and one could dispute the studies on the basis that hormones alone can't make someone a particular sex, but they do certainly elicit certain distinguishable traits.

I've read the same studies as he did, perhaps a few less, noting the differences, and real world experiences can't refute what the astute "player" knows to be true for the MAJORITY.

But as we Don Juanians know...feminists lost their respectability long ago when it went from a movement toward progression of equal OPPORTUNITY (i.e. the invisible hand of the market, allowing) to PUSHING one sex into a dominant position for years of purported wrong-doing by a few. It's like..."Ok, stop, you've got more girls in colleges, you have the shirts empowering women and telling boys they're dumb, the girls got the scholarships, and they're on all the teams the boys play on, but it doesn't work both ways, and you have Michelle Wie who's being trotted out to bind together both golf tours...What more do you want??? The Presidency???" And in the end, women are more free, more promiscuous, more likely to be alone, with less stable households than ever. What the feminist movement allowed was men to GIVE up perceived power, sit on the couch, and get more azz than before, while doing less...still not what either sex wants.

Ack, off topic anyways...His "ideas" were sound to me, and yes men and women, IMO, read things different, want things different, see things different. There isn't ONE stream of right between men and women. But, again, old news to those guys who've been here awhile.



Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
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Paradise (with rain)
I now officially belive this. Before I was wanting to believe this deep down and have faith that it's true, and now I do. Let me tell you why:

For the summer I am mostly out at my dads house. He lives on the water of a small island. The population is under 2000 and the graduating class is about 10 kids. So naturally It is boring and there aren't that many hot girls that live here (In fact I don't believe I've ever seen any). So anyway, about 2 days ago I decided that I wanted to get a girl by the end of summer. Lo and behold I see 2 hot girls that day. I didn't approach or anything cause i was amazed at seeing 2 hotties in 1 day. And then today I am in a great mood all day (In allignment) and I decide to go on a walk, on my walk I see 3 hot girls. 3! Not only that they all open me for a brief chat. I didn't do anything or close cause they were all like 23 and I was just surprised.

Not only that but now that I think about it the car I have now I attracted also.

So whether or not you want to believe in it, I am going to and I also belive that my life will be amazing.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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People in hospitals, my own mother will tell you, the difference between recovery and death is the will of a person. If a person believes God wills it, then they accept their status and follow that course. If a person believes they have more to achieve, more to come back from or to, they survive, for however long they might survive. A lack of belief or confusion surrounding recovery will enable the virus/situation to overpower you. It becomes a catch-22.


I thoroughly respect Rollo's opinion in all avenues we've previously spoken on, but I've had WAAAAY to many incidents in which my own attitude, increased by what was in the video came to be. Perhaps because I've already KNOWN of the fundamental prior to "The Secret", I'm a bit more...impervious? Astute? Empowered? The Secret to me was a visual representation of things I'd read, and only further confirmed my beliefs. I found nothing to be in opposition to traditional religions, as noted by bbestar.

But I will say, anything, I mean anything I'd ever WANTED came about. And I felt ALL the more stupid, when I'd ever been upset about certain circumstances, because in the end, it all worked out. 100% of the time. Because the universe exists to provide WHATEVER you seek to find, I find what I seek ALL the time. I'm not the first to apply such thoughts. Light complements dark. Rich complements poverty. Ugly complements beauty. Great girls complement shytty girls. Depending where you spend your time and how you spend your thoughts, determines what you mine in life.

One can't refute the power of such books...

As A Man Thinketh
The Greatest Secret by Earl Nightinggale
Jim Rohn
The Bible
The Buddha
The Tao Te Ching
The Secret
The Book

And on, and on, and on. One can't refute that ALL men who've achieved greatness HAD A SIMILAR mindset. There's no other way. A negative, "I don't believe mindset" won't get you there. The video, IMO, is but one quiver in your arrow of MENTAL tools. It isn't a religion, nor is any other book recommended on this site, so what is perceived detriment?? Real or fake??

Is it that it's garnered such views? The people it to be a panacea? At the VERY least it's gotten people thinking better, more consciously, more broad-based, MORE positively, more focused on what they want, as opposed to what they don't want. And that's a good thing.



Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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A-Unit said:
As noted in Jvesti's "T Theory" post, studies done on men wanting to become women and women wanting to become men concluded that men and women think different, and this was by people who were formerly a different sex, in which case they had the BEST perspective on it. Of course, there's that little thing with chromosomes, and one could dispute the studies on the basis that hormones alone can't make someone a particular sex, but they do certainly elicit certain distinguishable traits.

I've read the same studies as he did, perhaps a few less, noting the differences, and real world experiences can't refute what the astute "player" knows to be true for the MAJORITY.

But as we Don Juanians know...feminists lost their respectability long ago when it went from a movement toward progression of equal OPPORTUNITY (i.e. the invisible hand of the market, allowing) to PUSHING one sex into a dominant position for years of purported wrong-doing by a few. It's like..."Ok, stop, you've got more girls in colleges, you have the shirts empowering women and telling boys they're dumb, the girls got the scholarships, and they're on all the teams the boys play on, but it doesn't work both ways, and you have Michelle Wie who's being trotted out to bind together both golf tours...What more do you want??? The Presidency???" And in the end, women are more free, more promiscuous, more likely to be alone, with less stable households than ever. What the feminist movement allowed was men to GIVE up perceived power, sit on the couch, and get more azz than before, while doing less...still not what either sex wants.

Ack, off topic anyways...His "ideas" were sound to me, and yes men and women, IMO, read things different, want things different, see things different. There isn't ONE stream of right between men and women. But, again, old news to those guys who've been here awhile.
A-Unit, I completely agree with you on that...despite John Gray's credibility, I do believe in the basics of Mars and Venus. I've seen my brother's kids act like little boys and little girls from day one, without social conditioning.

I also agree with your comments on feminism and women's movement....I think women have blown it by insisting that men and women are the same. It eludes many women that they actually can have power without squashing masculinity in the process.

As for John Gray's comments in The Secret....I don't know what he said - and I don't know whose-who of the speakers, because I am only able to listen to it, and unable to watch it. The sound effects sound really neat tho...ha ha.

I’ve only listened to approximately 1/3 of it, and so far I like it. I don't think there's anything magical or mystical about it. I'm a scientist. I don't like magical sh*t. Reading past the 'elaborate' presentation', I think there are some solid principals involved.

There is the emphasis on being focused on 'the goal'. Most people who have reached 'success' (however one defines that) have applied themselves this way.

More than luck, intelligence, and all other positive attributes combined – grit is what essentially allows us to reach our goals. Having grit equates to envisioning the result, believing in the possibilities, and having the determination to get there. So far, this is what I’m hearing from The Secret.

Not many people have natural grit – the instinctive drive towards mastery…..and as such, it is likely that many of the people who learn The Secret will never realize, or approach their goals. There may be some who will actually think that imagining a 100,000 dollar bill on their ceiling (like one of the speakers mentioned- who was that anyways?) will be adequate enough...and the broader meaning will escape them.

But no harm done. At worst, if it makes anyone feel inspired to do well and put their best foot forward....then it has served a good purpose. At best, it will encourage some (those who already have it in them) to align their focus and succeed.

There’s only a few who are meant to reach substantial success in this world anyways, as life has it. It wouldn’t make sense if every single one of us had everything we wanted. Life would lose meaning and there wouldn’t be enough money or enough porches to go around. Its about the journey anyways.

To quote Heinlein: One man's theology, is another man's belly laugh. True, yet at the end of the day - it doesn't really matter. We as individuals must decide for ourselves what to believe in, what works for us, and what inspires our as*es off. No one else can decide that for us.

Somewhere in one of these posts, you said:

A person's religious opinion is fully respected by me, regardless if they respect mine.

That's what I think too, and I think its an awesome code to live by. If more people thought this way, we could do all kinds of things - like discuss politics in here, for example.


Apr 29, 2006
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A-Unit said:
that THOUGHTS becomes THINGS.
A-unit, what boggles me is that your message here goes against what you have talked about in other threads I think remember reading: there is a difference between thinking and doing. They are seperate entities. A person can think they are great and smart etc etc, but if they don't actually put the action, then it's meaningless. You gave examples in this thread of all those girls you got, but all of them was because of one thing I bet: doing. It wasn't because you sat there thinking of it.

Are you telling me that girl working at UNO's did so because you thought of her? Or that you were psychic and new she would be there? I think this has all to do with you taking action.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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No, his arguments are invalid because he's a charlatan fukk, who happened to gain recognition through the likes of Oprah and isn't a PhD in anything.

John Gray
Maybe he's what you call him to be. But he does make more money then the average individual.

I smell someone who's hating. :down:

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
HOLLAND, Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell make more money than the average individual as well. Money is never an indication of intellect or virtue.

A-UNIT, I'm playing devil's advocate here. It's not that I don't think there's merit to the power of positive thinking or haven't ever experienced the benefits of it myself, but it's the packaging it's presented in in this instance that makes it suspect. I'm a natural skeptic and pragmatic, and this has more often than not saved my ass from many a bad bet.

The problem I have with the video is statements like this:
"There have been studies that prove that positive thougts are more powerful than negative ones"

How so? What studies? By whom? Funded by who? What were the criteria and evidence that proved this? We see visuals of some guy with EKG nodes attached to his head. What are they doing? How do you quantify "thought power"? Law of attraction, how does it work? What are the nuts and bolts? Yet we get the age old "you don't know how a lightbulb works, but you still benefit from the light" rationale. This is classic, snake oil, 'nevermind the man behind the curtain' reasoning.

The entire video is peppered with quick hit authority validations such as having the speaker's signature and esoteric title next to their names. I could've just as well read the same script with the title of "philosopher" next to my name and anyone unfamiliar with me wouldn't know the difference, yet I present the appearance of authority. Watch this video again and everytime a new speaker comes on, pause the video and Google the guy's name. I did this and noticed an interesting pattern; with the exception of Fred Alan Wolf, they've all made the lion's share of their wealth from motivational seminars, lectures and self-help books. 4 of them came from the same real estate backgrounds (working for ReMax). Very few have authored any legitimate liturature relating to the fields in which their titles in the video refer to them that don't directly relate to their motivational careers.

Furthermore, the video blatantly appeals to humanistic materialism and insecurities. In particular the Genie in the lamp analogy and the kid dreaming of his new bicycle. Wouldn't it be great if I could rub a magic lamp and have anything I wanted? Sometimes getting the things we think we want most turn out to be our ruin. Mystery (allegedly) can get any girl he wants, but it's the girl he becomes suicidal over.

Now that I've been the critic, I will agree that visualization, confidence, faith and positivity all bear fruit in our lives - in fact I'd like to hold my own life up as a testament to that, but this list lacks one final principal, EFFORT. You see the devil is in the details. I can pray, visualize, attract, whatever you want to call it, that there will be a big juicy T-Bone steak in my freezer tomorrow morning when I wake up, and all the writing it down and keeping pictures of steaks in my pocket isn't going to magically make that steak appear in my freezer unless I apply EFFORT. As I said, the harder I work the luckier I seem to be.

And again, the devil is in the details; while it is true that ill people with a positive attitude (something to live for) do recover quicker, what about those who had positive attitudes and ended up in the grave? What does that say about people with negative attitudes that do recover? I can readily cater my interpretation of an outcome to fit my beliefs. I could also make the case that those positive patients who did recover did so because their emotional state stimulated hormonal and endorphine changes in their biochemistry that bolstered their natural immunities and otherwise aided in the healing process.

I can't bench press 300lbs. I'm pretty close now, I bench 285. I want to bench 300, I can see myself doing it, I've seen other guys do it, I have pictures on my wall of guys pressing 300 (and more), and I know I will in about 6 months. So when I do bench 300 come, say, January, will it be soley because I attracted it to me or because I busted my ass and put in the sweat and effort? Probably, a combination of the two.

I frimly believe in Plato (well Socrates) and Aristotle's 'realm of ideas', this is the foundation of monotheism. As we think, we shall become. As we think, so shall our ideas become manifest, but as Aristotle said, "we are what we consistently do." Beteween concept and reality, there is effort.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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THOUGHT is the FUEL of ACTION. If you're acting without your OWN thoughts, then you're a slave, or you're RE-acting, which is what most people do on a programmed basis.

Each person has their OWN personal philosophy, however, IME THOUGHTS become things. Initially, you have a thought, say to build a better body. But you don't know how. You can't THINK your way to a better body, at least in reality, in physical reality, but that's what you will do. The initial thought begins like the trickle through a canyon. Eventually, it's a raging river, cutting through jagged rocks and soot and dirt, carving a way like the Grand Canyon, until you move or crazy with anger over WHY you didn't act before.

Every post I write comes with the initial thought, or theme.

Meeting that girl at UNO's was my desire to meet a girl "Like Meadow Soprano" during the time I really wanted to meet someone like her and find out what it would be like to date someone like that. As I stated before, not being specific enough involved complications on a personal level, but I most definately attracted a girl who was IDENTICAL to what I wanted, AND, taking action lead to success. If it hadn't, who cares? She was as beautiful as I knew she'd be, but she smoked, wasn't likely to quit, initially she was very young compared to my age (I was 21, she 19, which is a big gap, freshman to college senior), not quite sexual despite her very beautiful appearance, and often too moody for my tastes. Our beginning dance into dating was a lot of fun, as are most times, but then you get to know the person, and that's what you spend MOST of your time doing, BEING with a person, and that's why, IMO, over the long-haul, anything beyond a ONS and you'll want to RESPECT and LIKE the girl as a friend (not in an AFC way).

Other times I'd attracted girls I wanted...

*My first kiss was EXACTLY as I wanted it to be with some girl in Maine. Very hot basketball chick, which is rare.
*I wanted to date "older women", and ended up dating 2 girls, 29 and 35 (though the 35 looked about 25, and the 29 looked about 40).
*I wanted to date "younger women", and at 24, was dating an 18 yr, and a 19 yr old, about as young as I legally could go. Both could have been pornstars.

I only say that because you find what you want. Your antenna goes up and you end up bumping into MORE girls of the kind you want BY BEING specific.


In Michael Losier's Book "The Law of Attraction", which is an NLP-based book, he gives the reader the scenario of a woman who keeps attracting the men she does not want. And he asks her "what do you want?" She responds with what she DOES not want and continuously finds those men and can't figure out why? DUH. Because she's getting what she focuses on, regardless if it's stated in a negative or positive manner. Finally he re-routes her thinking to asking..."What DO you want?" And she makes a contrasting list to what she does not want and begins to find MEN like that because her mind is attuned to what she wants, and therefore her mind sees what her eyes haven't seen, and she begins finding/attracting that.

I use this passage/example because it reverberates how I've met the girls I've wanted. It isn't magical, though it seems that way because it's so accurate and can occur so quickly.



A good example of this relates to the upcoming NFL season and talks of MVP candidates in Baseball and the hall of fame. When they consistently ask great players who deserves to be voted in, they consistently respond...

"Success is a habit. It's a consistent habit. Those who belong to go in REPEATEDLY, year after year, performed to high levels."

Sure, you can be an NFL player, but to be considered great like Manning, Brady, Marino, Aikman, Elway, and co., you have to year in, year out perform at high levels. People have begun placing Roeth up there, but without entering a Football discussion, he can't be listed among the greats yet, and perhaps Manning can't because he's only a statistical god, not a SB winner. Yet, success, performance, BEING, is the acting of consistent DOING.

If I golf once, I can't be a "golfer." I would say, "I golfed."
If I played poker poorly, I can't be considered a "poker player." I played poker.
If you're an AFC, and pull a few chicks, but they only "friend you," how can you claim to be successful, or a DJ, if you've been here a year or 2, but have nothing to claim?
If you say you're a friend, but cut on that person constantly, don't respect them, rarely spend time together, AT BEST you're an acquaintance.
And just because your blood with some family member, yet they take every opportunity to cut on you and demean you worse than an enemy, does not make them family, it makes them a RELATIVE.

A THOUGHT is the parent of ACTION which results in the BEING.

If you ask yourself...If I want to BE this, what Must I do? Then, If I must do this, What I must Think and What Must I Know? You'll set your course.

Many guys want to be successful with women. Visual BEING that guy, what's it like. Ok. Now, visualize what actions you took to get there, and what you would take to BE there. Ok. Now, what things must you know, what beliefs must you have. Ok. Now, why aren't you thinking, acting, being?

The biggest plight of AN AFC who is here or new to here or old to here is that, he TRIES to act like a DJ/PUA, and therefore THINKS he is a DJ/PUA, but if you step a few levels back, you'll see he DOES NOT THINK like one, therefore you can CRY shenanigans (Go SuperTroopers!) and figure it out that it's all a bluff and mental delusion. Isn't it? Just look at many of the posts here. A wealth of knowledge to change the thinking, yet the thoughts and posts alone reveal much more than EVER having to see a guy in person. The thoughts are the internal machinary of the man. They're the engine in a car. And for any car fanatic, it's not what it appears to be outside the car, but what's UNDER THE HOOD THAT counts.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I understand your perspective, and it's a healthy one, especially on these boards. I would not espouse this as a religion. And I do agree the appeal to consumerism and greed is perhaps what fed this thing like a virus through the internet. A few of the commentators, I truly liked. Bob Proctor. Esther Hicks. Jay (what's his name). The black dude (can't remember his name). And the guy who manifested his house.

For me, this isn't the only forey into such thinking, as I'm sure it isn't new for you.

I'm an optimist. I've met many a people who are down trodden only because they think that way. Genetically, they're hardly different and perhaps have strengths I do not. I've met people confined to wheel chairs, and found myself very appreciative of legs, and therefore when I get lazy, I GO USE THEM. To me, each day is a gift, a blessing, a moment of creation in which we, as you say EFFORT, toward what makes us happy. The best creation is of love and happiness.

We are talking of the same coin, but two different sides, debating the same currency. Sometimes effort MISAPPLIED will NOT result in good results. And continuously misapplied we will shall GOING CRAZY or INSANITY. Yet, some people do. Why? Visualize the picture of the AFC, thinking he wants such a woman, and he efforts, despite his mis-aligned spirit and feelings toward the object of his affection. It is but unrequited love, though. His EFFORT not backed by proper alignment of his inner spirit toward a worthy goal is all for not. Eventually he burns out and comes here. It may take a while, but he does. That's how many AFC's are born. They continuously shower women with gifts. Answer their late night wails about "bad boys" screwing them over, all under the auspises of EFFORT. Of work.

I never garnered from the video, nor would I hope anyone else would, that POSITIVE THINKING, POLLYANNA-type thoughts, would yield ANYTHING of what you want. Even sitting here, typing, I know I must still sharpen my edge all the time, if nothing else than for the pure satisfaction of doing it. Some of the speakers DID mention how they gained what they wanted. Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series (is he a charltan fukk, too?) mentioned how he wanted to make X dollars by selling books, but wasn't sure how he would, he only knew he wanted to. He had the product, and would seek ANY path that would help accomplish this ends WITHOUT compromising his values. And he did so. Perhaps he glossed the story up, but even Napolean Hill says the same thing in his book Think and Grow Rich.

Alas, I speak to the choir. I only seek to clear up MY perception of the video and my initial intentions of posting it. Glossy-eyed guys who view the DJ bible MUCH in the same way as great latent power requiring no action will undoubtedly follow the same troubled, and failed path as those who would watch such a video and figure NO effort, WORK, or action is required.

And you should do such a video ON topics of Love, Laying Women, and DJism. I'll star in it somewhere near the middle, stare all GOOGLEY-eyed into the camera, and talk about how MAGIC words can get you LAIDDDDD! And just by visualizing in your boxers, women, pornstars no less will stagger drunk with love into your home, wanting to make sweet lovin' until the end times appear. This time, though, we'll charge $100, and call it a SYSTEM, and call ourselves GURUS. I'll have my people call your's.



Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
I agree that he might not deserved the money but who gives a fuuck.

The overall message of the video is valid if you ask me.
They also say that you do have to take action in most cases.
They should've put in some more information on the topic of mastery if you ask me.
I also think that if you would show this video to masses that most people will see it as an instant 'lifetransformation' and discard it later when they won't get any results by just positive thinking and not acting.
But then again, why care about that. That's them, not me.

"There have been studies that prove that positive thougts are more powerful than negative ones"
I don't believe that has been proven, but I do believe that beliefs create your reality so guess what'll happen if I believe that ;)

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
