iqqi said:
Fingz is NOT a senior.
He is a Senor. Big difference.
Actually my dear Iqqster it's
You get that little tilde over the n by holding down the option key (alt for PC users) then press the letter "n", then you let go of the option/alt key and press "n" again.
</spanish lesson>
With that out of the way, lemme say that I agree with the essence of your post but feel that the semantics seem a bit off.
I don't think the real issue here is guys trying to "figure women out". Heck, that's the reason we all came here.. we did some stupid sh!t without knowing it or just flat out got ignored by that one girl we wanted so bad. Our egos couldn't handle this kind of pain, so we did a little research to see if we could unravel the Puzzle of Woman.
I think this is a good thing because it's a gateway towards addressing the roots of your romantic troubles, which is yourself!
How many of you guys feel me here? You found this forum with intentions of becoming a womanizer and breaking them hoes down to a science and instead learned about what makes YOU tick and this in turn made you a better and overall more attractive man.
This is why I believe the struggle for understanding is a worthy one.
The real problem here is over-simplification through complexity. I know that sounds retarded so lemme 'splain:
See.. our resident armchair philosophers are BENT on reducing human interactions, desires and behavior into complicated yet predictable formulas. It is a deep-seated issue with FEAR and CONTROL which prompts folks to break down every nuance of human interaction into manageable equations.
But WHY?
Well, cuz it is easy as pie to do so from the comfort of your keyboard as you bathe in the kudos and rep points from people who share your limited views. And so your perspective becomes tighter in focus, as you construct a filter through which to perceive attraction and sexual dynamics. This laser-beam of perception attracts situations and energies that further confirm and solidify your views and your mind closes up even more.
Before you know it, the billions of colors of the world have been reduced to black and white pixels as you find yourself in the same dogmatic boat as Born-Againers, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists, etc. You have become a Seduction Fundamentalist!
Who the hell wants to date someone like this? You are so closed and rigid that you are probably not much fun to be around, and when you fail to attract what you want, the blame game sets in..
All of a sudden, the game is not really about your character or how you handle yourself.. it's about how screwed up women are.. or how short/tall/fat/skinny you are.. or how all <insert objects> are <insert adjectives>. This is detrimental to your development because you are not addressing the real issue, which is your lack of true character, and harmony within yourself as a sexual being. It also makes you a helluva lot less interesting, because in turn YOU become predictable!
In a nutshell, it is the failure to recognize (and inherent fear of) our infinite nature as beings of free will that holds us back from understanding our selves, our needs and each other. We try to digest the world via labels and preconceptions and this robs us of our spiritual nutrition, which is built on new experiences, insights and growth.
No matter what you want to believe, people's behavior and choices are not the sum of your elaborate calculations. There are always a thousand elements at play, yet the only one you have any shred of control over is YOURSELF.
Master the man in the mirror and the world, with its abundance of wealth, women and power will follow.