The reason I believe most men can relate to Jordan Peterson vs other dating gurus


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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It's all about attitude. Taking the correct action is a victory in itself if it moves you in the right direction. It's said that MMA fights are won in the time spend in the dojo.

My issue is a particular type of women. You'll find out that you are not compatible with most people, women included.

I approach the top 1% of women. My rejection rate is close to 100%. That's not a reason to lower my standards.
I won't tell you to lower your standards (as it's really not my place to tell you what to do)

I will point out, however, if you were to go for the top 20%, you could still get a woman with good looks and have a higher success rate.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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I won't tell you to lower your standards (as it's really not my place to tell you what to do)

I will point out, however, if you were to go for the top 20%, you could still get a woman with good looks and have a higher success rate.
Sure I can get such a woman but I wouldn't call it a success.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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* disclaimer: tough love incoming!!*
Pro tip.

When you take a shower on Sunday lift up your beer belly and see if there's a small wiener hanging down there.

If it does, that means you should slap your father for failing to explain to you that being a man isn't supposed to be easy. Being a man means overcoming hardship, and actually embrace those hardships. Eventually the things you worked hard for will make your victories soooo much sweeter.

If you prefer to be a woman, you are born in the perfect era. Transformers are perfectly accepted nowadays. You can put on make up and mini skirts while not bleeding once a month! Best of both worlds!!

Or you follow our advice and improve till the wheels fall off. Your choice.
"Eventually the things you worked hard for will make your victories soooo much sweeter."

Sounds like the way nature and reality is meant to work, is that men are the only gender that have to put in work to receive rewards, not the other way around, women are the reward themselves, or women don't really have to do any work to acquire rewards, but yeah like i said, its not rejection that hurts, its the way that it happens that has the biggest affect on me, awkward interactions in which getting labeled or perceived as weird/creepy or making women uncomfortable, thats the most embarassing/painful feeling.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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"Eventually the things you worked hard for will make your victories soooo much sweeter."

Sounds like the way nature and reality is meant to work, is that men are the only gender that have to put in work to receive rewards, not the other way around, women are the reward themselves, or women don't really have to do any work to acquire rewards, but yeah like i said, its not rejection that hurts, its the way that it happens that has the biggest affect on me, awkward interactions in which getting labeled or perceived as weird/creepy or making women uncomfortable, thats the most embarassing/painful feeling.
I understand that it ain't easy bro.

Yet you simply have no choice. We are animals, and for every being on this planet its either adept or die. Those are the only flavors available.

I choose to adept ,because dying is inevitable anyway. Why do you care how a strange woman feels about you? We men supposed to be "creeps". Just make sure you are a creep who's winning in life.

Lighten up soldier.
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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When a woman accuses a man of feeling entitled/owed, it's pure projection.

Unless she's severely deformed, a woman will never know what it's like to struggle for affection from the opposite sex.
It's unreal how we get called entitled (or accused of feeling owed) for merely venting about the bad position we're in.

"Here's the real kicker: Every woman who calls us entitled would go ape**** if she had to deal with the predicaments we men deal with (romantically/sexually). Yet they expect us to simply accept our plight."

Damn straight, women would obviously have a much different attitude or perspective on that reality if they went through what men did, but obviously women don't because women naturally by default live in abundance since they are on the receiving end of sexual attention. Men normally never have the luxury of women hitting on them or throwing themselves at them, making passes at them. Women naturally have more options than men do, the evidence and proof on dating apps/online dating says it all.

But yeah, i think it raises a good point, it sucks that autism has never been bred out of the gene pool through natural selection. When you say men are supposed to be "creeps", are you saying that men having awkward interactions with women in which women will accuse the man of making them uncomfortable, creepy or weird, is that just inevitable for all men, part of the learning process of getting better or just bound to happen even if a guy, man, is good socially?
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Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
I didn't know this post would blow up like I did but back in the late '90s you had psychologists like doctor Pinsky on the radio who I could not stand but some people related to . Flash Forward 15 years later you have Dr Oz and a bunch of other TV doctors I personally like Daniel Amen.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Sometimes I really think that the bluepilled kids who never find out about the red pill are living the best life.

It doesn't matter if they're doing things right or wrong as long as they live in their fake happiness


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
I'm not the biggest fan of Jordan Peterson but I respect him for having balls and standing up for his beliefs. The guy was a tenured professor at the University of Toronto (arguably the most prestos university in Canada). He also had a successful practice as a clinical psychologist. He had to give it all up because he was opposed to political correctness and the woke agenda. His psychologist license was revoked over the gender pronouns nonsense and he resigned from U of T to protest DEI initiatives (they made it impossible for straight white males to get research positions). He's one of those rare people who actually put their money where their mouth is.
What don't you like about him?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Jordan Peterson is onto something when he says society would be more stable if we returned to the days when just about every man got a woman.
No such society ever existed anywhere EXCEPT in the day dreams of 21st Century armchair theorists


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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No such society ever existed anywhere EXCEPT in the day dreams of 21st Century armchair theorists
Even as late as 1980, only 6% of 35+ year old men were never married.

Today, a whopping 40% of 35 year old men have never been married (and a gargantuan 50% of men below 30 are single)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Today, a whopping 40% of 35 year old men have never been married (and a gargantuan 50% of men below 30 are single)
The fact that 35 year old men haven't been married isn't that troublesome to me when considered in isolation.

When a typical 25-34 year old male gets married for the first time in recent times, it's improbable that his first marriage is going to last 20-25 years.

Long term studies show high divorce rates over a 20 year period for any group of couples that marry in X calendar year.

The problem is that these 35 year old men who aren't marrying aren't having much sex. The typical man who isn't in some sort of committed monogamous relationship isn't getting laid. Men in these unmarried committed monogamous relationships feel pressure to get married in order to keep the sex flow going because they realize that they would have a difficult time getting sex if they went back to the pool of totally unattached people.

Most men choose relationships for the sex frequency.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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The fact that 35 year old men haven't been married isn't that troublesome to me when considered in isolation.

When a typical 25-34 year old male gets married for the first time in recent times, it's improbable that his first marriage is going to last 20-25 years.

Long term studies show high divorce rates over a 20 year period for any group of couples that marry in X calendar year.

The problem is that these 35 year old men who aren't marrying aren't having much sex. The typical man who isn't in some sort of committed monogamous relationship isn't getting laid. Men in these unmarried committed monogamous relationships feel pressure to get married in order to keep the sex flow going because they realize that they would have a difficult time getting sex if they went back to the pool of totally unattached people.

Most men choose relationships for the sex frequency.
Yeah. In isolation, the fact 40% of 35 year old men are never married isn't necessarily alarming (as marriage in general is less common today)

The fact half of men below 30 are single, however, speaks volumes. As you said, a lot of never married young men aren't getting laid.

The fact 40% of men make it to 35 without getting married would be no big deal if most of that 40% were at least getting laid.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The fact half of men below 30 are single, however, speaks volumes. As you said, a lot of never married young men aren't getting laid.

The fact 40% of men make it to 35 without getting married would be no big deal if most of that 40% were at least getting laid.
The last 2 generations of adults (Generation Y/Millennials and Generation Z) has had struggles with male sexlessness.

The oldest Millennials are in their late 30s/early 40s at this point.

Non-marriage rates for the oldest Millennials are the highest ever observed for the late 30s/early 40s age range. Some older Millennials are men who had their children out of wedlock earlier in life (common with non-White older Millennials).

Generation Z so far has had singleness and male sexlessness rates that have exceeded Millennials at a similar age about 15 years ago.

Below is a good article about Generation Z not having much sex.

What I'm seeing out of Generation Z is a continuation and a deepening of trends that began with the Gen Y/Millennial group.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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The last 2 generations of adults (Generation Y/Millennials and Generation Z) has had struggles with male sexlessness.

The oldest Millennials are in their late 30s/early 40s at this point.

Non-marriage rates for the oldest Millennials are the highest ever observed for the late 30s/early 40s age range. Some older Millennials are men who had their children out of wedlock earlier in life (common with non-White older Millennials).

Generation Z so far has had singleness and male sexlessness rates that have exceeded Millennials at a similar age about 15 years ago.

Below is a good article about Generation Z not having much sex.

What I'm seeing out of Generation Z is a continuation and a deepening of trends that began with the Gen Y/Millennial group.
A female employee in the building where I live was born in 99 (Gen Z). She said men her age are socially stunted (because of how technologically advanced her high school years were...even compared to my high school years)

Her comment sums up why sexlessness is an epidemic for Gen Z guys.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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She said men her age are socially stunted (because of how technologically advanced her high school years were...even compared to my high school years)
Let's not forget that women have also become more socially stunted as time has gone on. Socially stunted behavior started in the Gen Y/Millennial generation. I was noticing fewer IOIs by the early 2010s after smartphone adoption had reached a decent level as compared to the mid-2000s. The women giving fewer IOIs in bars in the early 2010s were Millennials. This is a trend that has continued into Gen Z.

In general, women have stronger social skills than men, so socially stunted behavior in women gets talked about far less than socially stunted behavior in men.

Her comment sums up why sexlessness is an epidemic for Gen Z guys.
I agree. It goes deeper than that. Gen Z women are having less sex too.