The power of good looks in the game


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
From what I see, lots of women these days have entitlement issues, regardless of how they look. They all ACTUALLY want a muscular millionaire with a Mercedes. But since not a lot of these guys exist, said women settle, then sometimes get attached.

Also, the most beautiful women are at a very high level. For a hunk who's rich and famous, he's at that very high level.

Women always have options. Most guys don't have lots of options and can be stepping stones for girls to get the better man she's holding out for.

Confidence is important, yes, but in reality, it doesn't make you any better looking physically or financially, both two of the biggest factors women go for before they go for all this inside sh*t.

Not all women are like this, but most are. Particularly in Atlanta where I live.

But women do the majority of the choosing i.e. saying yes or no.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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nismo-4 said:
From what I see, lots of women these days have entitlement issues, regardless of how they look. They all ACTUALLY want a muscular millionaire with a Mercedes. But since not a lot of these guys exist, said women settle, then sometimes get attached.

Also, the most beautiful women are at a very high level. For a hunk who's rich and famous, he's at that very high level.

Women always have options. Most guys don't have lots of options and can be stepping stones for girls to get the better man she's holding out for.

Confidence is important, yes, but in reality, it doesn't make you any better looking physically or financially, both two of the biggest factors women go for before they go for all this inside sh*t.

Not all women are like this, but most are. Particularly in Atlanta where I live.

But women do the majority of the choosing i.e. saying yes or no.
Are you rich, very tall, very muscular (&lean), very handsome and famous? If not, then what good does it do you to think like this? I keep hearing all over the place that first you need to be X to get Y when I spy with my own two eyes that it isn't the case.

Putting off until tomorrow what you KNOW you can have today almost seems to me like an ego protector. It's like saying that you aren't even going to try to see if the girls you really desire could possibly like you as you are now because you don't want to face the potential rejection of someone you would really want.

I personally think it's great to work out hard and try to do your best to be as successful as possible and make the biggest contribution of yourself that you can (in your career), but would have to think that people are ignoring their love lives UNTIL they have what they falsely believe (IMHO) makes them good enough for someone else to think is valuable.

If you get those things, will you then believe that the chick that wants to be with you actually likes you for who you are, or will you think that they like your big guns or the size of your bank account. I mean, it sounds like you want to be able to attract gold diggers...??? If they want you for your gold, who's to say they aren't f*cking some other guy because of how horny he makes her or how he makes her feel. Or if she's into you for your guns, who's to say she won't find some other roided out guy that is bigger than you to go for, or if you break an arm of get injured and lose some size who's to say she won't just bail in a heartbeat...???

You want her to like you for who you are INSIDE either way, AND what's on the outside isn't stopping you from getting that....the thing that is stopping you is...whatever you believe doesn't make you good enough for's your belief that is the problem not the cold hard facts.

Do yourself a favor and for the next week, just look for not so great looking guys that are with attractive women. I guarantee that when you are looking for them you will start to see them all over. Let that be a lesson that if they can have it, then so can you...right NOW. Not when some imaginary thing makes you good enough

Nothin but love for ya bro


Oct 20, 2006
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yuppaz said:
Are you rich, very tall, very muscular (&lean), very handsome and famous? If you get those things, will you then believe that the chick that wants to be with you actually likes you for who you are?
If you get those things then yes, you will think she likes you for you, because at that point it is you.

yuppaz said:
You want her to like you for who you are INSIDE either way.
This never happens. No woman is with a man because of what's inside, unless he also happens to have everything on the outside.

yuppaz said:
Do yourself a favor and for the next week, just look for not so great looking guys that are with attractive women. I guarantee that when you are looking for them you will start to see them all over.
This is one of the greatest fallacies - that because we pretend to observe lesser men with nicer women, that it is proof positive that we can be lesser men. The Law of averages states that we can't all get women who are above average. Women trade up, not down. We have to improve ourselves instead. If women around us have lesser men, we take those women from them.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
yuppaz said:
Are you rich, very tall, very muscular (&lean), very handsome and famous? If not, then what good does it do you to think like this? I keep hearing all over the place that first you need to be X to get Y when I spy with my own two eyes that it isn't the case.

Putting off until tomorrow what you KNOW you can have today almost seems to me like an ego protector. It's like saying that you aren't even going to try to see if the girls you really desire could possibly like you as you are now because you don't want to face the potential rejection of someone you would really want.

I personally think it's great to work out hard and try to do your best to be as successful as possible and make the biggest contribution of yourself that you can (in your career), but would have to think that people are ignoring their love lives UNTIL they have what they falsely believe (IMHO) makes them good enough for someone else to think is valuable.

If you get those things, will you then believe that the chick that wants to be with you actually likes you for who you are, or will you think that they like your big guns or the size of your bank account. I mean, it sounds like you want to be able to attract gold diggers...??? If they want you for your gold, who's to say they aren't f*cking some other guy because of how horny he makes her or how he makes her feel. Or if she's into you for your guns, who's to say she won't find some other roided out guy that is bigger than you to go for, or if you break an arm of get injured and lose some size who's to say she won't just bail in a heartbeat...???

You want her to like you for who you are INSIDE either way, AND what's on the outside isn't stopping you from getting that....the thing that is stopping you is...whatever you believe doesn't make you good enough for's your belief that is the problem not the cold hard facts.

Do yourself a favor and for the next week, just look for not so great looking guys that are with attractive women. I guarantee that when you are looking for them you will start to see them all over. Let that be a lesson that if they can have it, then so can you...right NOW. Not when some imaginary thing makes you good enough

Nothin but love for ya bro
Well, I thank you and respect you, of course. Not that I wanna pick out curtains or anything LOL!

*clears throat*

Lately, I've been seeing and meeting lots of women with entitlement issues. That's all I'm saying. Of course, I go after whomever I can, and yes, I've failed quite a lot. Like most people on this board.

I don't know where you're from, but in Atlanta, I've seen lots of guys come out of the closet (if they were in it) because they can't get a girl.

Those things do make the game a lot easier, true, but not every man will get in the top 10% that everybody here talks and knows about.

I really don't worry about that because I'm not in there. I just work with what I have. Most of are are like this anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
I think confidence outweighs looks. Look how we have multiple threads on how important looks are. one chick might not find you attractive while the next two might find you attractive. Keep yourself looking as good as you can (haircuts, showers, fitting clothes, nice smile, etc). Walk around in tailored suits if you have to to feel like that guy but dont let someone tell you that you're not attractive.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
Well, I thank you and respect you, of course. Not that I wanna pick out curtains or anything LOL!

*clears throat*

Lately, I've been seeing and meeting lots of women with entitlement issues. That's all I'm saying. Of course, I go after whomever I can, and yes, I've failed quite a lot. Like most people on this board.

I don't know where you're from, but in Atlanta, I've seen lots of guys come out of the closet (if they were in it) because they can't get a girl.

Those things do make the game a lot easier, true, but not every man will get in the top 10% that everybody here talks and knows about.

I really don't worry about that because I'm not in there. I just work with what I have. Most of are are like this anyway.
let's just all assume that from now on, women will have entitlement issues. It's pretty much inevitable. There are things you can do to reduce the competitive anxiety that comes with the game. They are, and always will be to (a) get fit (b) get educated (c) get money. Women covet looks and value above all else. These three things will get you all the looks and value you can imagine...and the best part about it is that there is no ceiling. You are not destined to work a salaried job your whole life if you don't want to. You can always lose that extra poundage to reduce fat...get my point? These things will inevitably build confidence and help you become the indifferent rich bastard every chick wants. This is FACT.

I guess the only question to ask is WHY should we improve? If you are improving simply for the benefit of a woman, I'm not going to be happy with you. If you are doing it to get the most out of your own potential, then NOW we are talkin. Women aren't constantly improving. They aren't getting smarter or wealthier. They may improve their looks, but those too will eventually diminish. What is a woman left with? Her 50-something year old, used up vagina that still will attract beta males until the day she dies.

I can't believe it has come to this point where the more dominant sex is questioning how to attract the less dominant. The value should be placed on men, not women. Somehow over the years the roles have been reversed. Not only reversed, but reversed to a point where no matter how dominant you become, how "alpha" you are perceived to be, a woman will usually take the easy way out. And the easy way out is some doucher "beta" succumbing to her every need. Sure she may bang you because you tickle her fancy, but it has gotten to the point where a dominant male can't have a decent relationship because the female's entitlement will be telling her she deserves more power. When you don't give it to her she can bounce to any of the 100 chumps who are clamoring to her tampon. What's worse is that these chumps have been getting money and educating themselves too...but for the wrong reasons. The power dynamic is so skewed man.

I don't know how I went off on that rant. In the end, women DO want better looks. They DO want more money. But come on, wouldn't you want all that too if you were told from day one how special you were?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
OC Speedball said:
It's a combination of a lot of things, but looks will definitely give you an edge. Not sure what you're trying to say in your post though...look your best or put yourself out there? Or both?

As far as looking good I can definitely comment on that. I had major acne until only a few months ago. When it finally cleared up I got A LOT more attention from girls- I could seriously feel them watching me. When I would turn to see, they would get caught off guard and start stroking their hair. I had one girl look at the ceiling once! Nice try trying to play it off :D Acne was a much bigger problem than I thought; I just figured my game needed work. But that wasn't necessarily the case. My acne didn't get bad until college; before my acne flared up I got a pretty good amount of attention from girls. I realized that looks are a much bigger factor in "the game" than I had previously thought. So what I'm saying is, do everything you can to improve yourself.

I hit the gym everyday and I'm pretty cut. Girls notice it. It allows me to get interest from girls that would otherwise swat me away like a fly if I was out of shape. But that's only a small percentage of girls. For the most part, girls don't care if you're skinny or a little flabby. Most girls don't care if you're ripped. If you're fat that will hurt you tremendously though.

Also, when the weather started to warm up a month ago I pulled out my tank tops and I have been wearing them everyday. This also led to increased attraction. I definitely dress better than I did a year ago. My style is my own, and it's also very California. Obviously one person's style isn't going to suit everyone.

Right now this is what I rock everyday:

American Apparel or Obey tank top
Alife sneakers
Matte Wayfarer sunglasses
Nixon watch
Nazi SS haircut (Yes, I pull it off very well)

Bishes are mirin everywhere I go, no joke. So guys, clean yourself up, get yourself out there, walk around thinking you're a 10/10, and watch how much improvement you will make.
Everything you just wrote is MISC to a T haha.

Strong words of peace.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
Well, I thank you and respect you, of course. Not that I wanna pick out curtains or anything LOL!

*clears throat*

Lately, I've been seeing and meeting lots of women with entitlement issues. That's all I'm saying. Of course, I go after whomever I can, and yes, I've failed quite a lot. Like most people on this board.

I don't know where you're from, but in Atlanta, I've seen lots of guys come out of the closet (if they were in it) because they can't get a girl.

Those things do make the game a lot easier, true, but not every man will get in the top 10% that everybody here talks and knows about.

I really don't worry about that because I'm not in there. I just work with what I have. Most of are are like this anyway.

You simply have to ignore 'entitlement' issues. If YOU make a big deal out of them in front of her she'll get turned off. I simply 'believe' their nonsense while not always being agreeable with chicks.

It's like talking to a dude who talks out of his ass. You don't call him on it. You run with it and make little points of your own positive and negative while not showing it effects you in any way. Play the game and know what you're dealing with and act accordingly but without 'confrontation'. You either play and decide to leave or play and game the person since they've shown what they're about.

Yes. Looks DO matter. Become the best person you can be. Looks, personality, conversation, life, job, etc. and never let the nonsense effect you. Period.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
bigneil said:
I would think you guys hardly ever dress up then. You need to put the suit and tie on and the compliments start to fly.

You also need to get ripped and tanned. If one girl per week pays your looks a compliment, that's 50 per year.

Even when that happens, you get lots of phone numbers from hot women, but they are still out of control. You don't get much credit for your looks, even when you do have money. Women these days will have 10 men replace you, each fulfilling one need. No one man can compare to you, but they don't care.
But you aren't either of those. Remember I have seen your pic. :)

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
Everything you just wrote is MISC to a T haha.

Strong words of peace.
U aware brah? Bishes are mirin my aesthetics.

Please, stay safe.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
This is kinda a silly thread, but here we go....

Attraction is more complex for women than it is for men. Do looks matter? Of course, but that doesn't mean you have to look like a male model in order to attract an attractive woman. If you have a great personality, are in decent shape with a decent job, you shouldn't have much of a problem attracting decent looking girls.

Dating is more difficult for women (overall), because it doesn't matter how successful she is in other facets of her life; if she is physically unattractive, she won't get the attention of many men. She would have to work harder to date men who she finds attractive. Plus, no matter how beautiful a woman is, looks fade. Men can always improve their game and get younger, more attractive women.

If you want to consistently date 9's and 10's, then of course you're gonna have to be in that 10% (rich, very handsome, famous). Think about it: if you had the looks and the money of Brad Pitt, would you date a 6 or a 7? You'd be like most women and date the best looking girls you could get. So, why is it so wrong when attractive women want to use their looks in the same manner?

Again, THINK: Why would a women who's a 10 date a guy who's average in every way? What's SHE getting out the deal? The guy gets the bragging rights and increased status of being with a 10. But an attractive young woman has the world at her feet. Why would she give that up to be with someone AVERAGE? That's like someone working hard to get a law degree from Yale, only to graduate and accept a job as a manager at Wal-Mart.

Bottom Line: if you want to attract the most attractive women, YOU need to become more attractive yourself. Work on being exceptional among men.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Women are as superficial as men except that their superficiality doesnt stop on looks.

When they say confidence is importan you are right, because right after the look you have to have it.
Its not that one compensate for the others, its that both are requisites.

As I said women and men are superficial the same way except that nowadays we men take for granted that good looking women are high mantainance and a pain in the ass in general therefore we are satisfied if the first requirement on the list is matched.

Women can instead aspire to the big package since even good looking men still have to approach, risk to get rejected and at school althought favoured still have to work to get their popularity and respect as much as a high paied job.

If half of the men were to die on a world war it would be the opposite, survived men would be able to fill a laundry list of qualities in women while women would be forced to just accept one criteria matched.

Your confidence,charm, savoir faire and humor wont make your arms bigger or your jaw squared, neither they will slim your waist or harden your ass as much as the cooking ability and the kindness of a woman would make her boobs bigger and your c0ck harder.

The good news is that working out, losing bodyfat in your body (especially in your face) getting bigger and having rushes of testosterone can turn drammatically a man physically, women dont have such privilege.
Working out seriously and following a right diet for few months can improve your look esponentially,he lower you are the more you can get.
A 6 can turn into a 8 and a 4 can turn into a 7.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
bigneil said:
If you get those things then yes, you will think she likes you for you, because at that point it is you.

This never happens. No woman is with a man because of what's inside, unless he also happens to have everything on the outside.

This is one of the greatest fallacies - that because we pretend to observe lesser men with nicer women, that it is proof positive that we can be lesser men. The Law of averages states that we can't all get women who are above average. Women trade up, not down. We have to improve ourselves instead. If women around us have lesser men, we take those women from them.
No woman is with a man because of what's inside - How could you possibly know this is true? It may be your opinion, based on your life experience but that doesn't make it a universal truth

Greatest fallacies: Who is to say that any of those men is lesser in any way? Looks value is subjective - to some women a good looking face (a baby face) is paramount, to other women they like guys that are super dominant (it's the female edifice), to white chicks where I live, if from the mainland, they like darker skin local guys, when I travel to another country / state and they learn where I'm from that boosts me in their eyes. With some women, they like to be charmed and sweet talked. Others don't want to see ANY soft side in you. For some women if you are too aloof they won't be interested because people like people who like them. Some women like guys with awesome energy and expression!!! while others would think that was f*ckin gay as hell.

At the end of the day - all people like different things about the opposite sex for different reasons.

I've had so many fugly girls not want much to do with me where f*cking hot models were nervous around me. Then I've had *****y club girls think I was a chump in one club and that I was the boss in another. I've had cute surfer girls (seem to) think nothing of me where hot goth type girls find me very mysterious. I've had girls nervous around me then while talking to them find me boring and those that found me blah get really turned on and my little puppy dog following me everywhere after talking for a while. :eek:

(I know this is just MY experience, but I've seen and heard the same from all over from guys that are good with women (& guys that aren't so good yet). It's a total crap shoot and it also depends on WHERE you are shooting said craps and how you are FEELING about yourself at the moment that seems to make a huge difference. If girls were all about looks, then why would that be the case? :wave:

It's those types of ego-based stereotypes that we come up with that SEVERELY LIMIT our success in dating (and other areas). Just for fun, try adopting some new beliefs for a month and see what happens. Beliefs that you are not good enough as you are right now only serve to hold you back. EVEN if they were true 95% of the time you wouldn't go for what you want at all and you would still miss out on that 5% of times that weren't. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
One thing I have consistently noticed on these websites is most everyone overrates themselves. Everyone thinks they are good looking.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Members: if you want your official rating, just send a photo to CordonCordon. It's ok if it's private, he'll only use it against you if it helps him stroke his ego during his midlife crisis.

Or you can believe what wise men have noted - that we are about as good looking as the women we date.
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Dman101 said:
I'm really starting to realize that this game is all in how you market yourself. Its very important to hit the gym and always look your best, but more importantly you need to put yourself out there even if its uncomfortable and just by being out there the sugarwalls(*****) will follow eventually if you market yourself right and put yourself in the right places.

For example, I went to vegas for a week and slept with 3 girls that walked out of the club with me after talking for a few minutes didnt really spit any game at all just got they're info and said lets get out of here..

Also, I chilled with this super quiet shy girl last year 2 times and she didnt want to get to physical with me so I stopped talking to her. I approached her in a club not knowing who it was at first, got her number again and saw her before my vegas trip. She just came over again and because shes shy and quiet, there was a lot of silence in between talking and I wasnt feeling the vibe too much. I didnt say anything great, spit no game at all, just talked, watched the game and afterward she was about to leave but was a little tired so I finally kissed her a little and touched her and **** and before you know it shes turns all freaky and **** and I hit it lol.

I didnt really enjoy the sex because I saw her leaking all over me and **** and that kinda turned me off and the sex wasnt that fun, but point is she was down to **** me because she liked me. So fellas I want you all to put yourself out there even if youre scared, even if you want to stay home and watch tv or read the forums, get out of your house and put yourself around women and good things will happen for you
i believe they are more important than it seems