The power of good looks in the game


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2010
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It looks easy to do that on the USA, how lucky you are with your open-minded girls xD

personaly I think the looks aren't that important. the way you dress ( doesn't need to be top class, just nice and smooth) and your attitude towards her and whoever is with her defines much more what kind of person you are. of course the gym only brings benefits, mainly psychological, but remermber: the brain is our strongest muscle


Oct 20, 2006
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In general, on a given night either every girl thinks you are handsome or no girl does.

You could have 10 girls tell you that you are hot all at once. If they don't all agree, you're not going home with their friend.

Even when a girl tells you that you are handsome, it holds about the same weight as a phone number. It's not like with a guy saying a girl is hot - whereby he will always want to sleep with her.


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
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I went out to hoboen last night, I heard a blonde say I look like Trey songs and usher so I turned around talked to her and told her to put her number i n my phone.. Then I go to this club that wasn't too good so I'm walking out I see this girl turn her head and look at me then she grabbed my ass so I was asking her name but couldn't hear it so she said to give her my phone got that number.. Then I was standing outside the burger shop and saw some girls walk in, and one said he's cute, I didn't go over blew that one lol.. Then I saw a cute girl walking by I said how you doing what's ur name, where you from, put ur number in my phone and she did and called her phone and pulled hers out lol.. I saw another girl w. A nice ass walk out the burger place she saidshes tired and dont feel like talk right now, so I said give me ur number n I'll call you when ur nit tired and she did lol.. This game is getting easier but now I need to stop texting and learn how to convert these numbers into lays.. What kinda advice would you guys give on how to improve and turn these women into team members


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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Part of my problem is that I rarely see 3 girls in one night that I would like to bang. I go out all the time, and in my travels I see only about 1 or 2 girls max who I would like to take home. My standards are just too high. I'm not saying it's the best way to go about things, it's just the way I am. Like Dman's post for instance...I probably wouldn't be interested in half those chicks that hit on you. I'm sure they were good lookin chicks to you, and hell maybe most people would say they are hot as sh!t...I dunno. I'm kind of rambling. My point is, you kind of attract what is generally your equal, looks wise. I think it's pretty easy to base your own looks on the women you have dated/pick up regularly. I just don't see the hottest girls (9-10) hitting on dudes regularly. They don't have to. And to be honest, I'm not so sure they should. As much as you guys may disagree with it, I enjoy going out and picking up chicks...especially the hot ones. It's kind of a sense of satisfaction. In the hunter gatherer sense of the world, the most attractive alpha men usually went on got the chicks back in the day. That's just the way I think it should work.

I'm not saying I'm a 9 or 10, so I don't want it to come across that way. I'm just saying you can pretty much gauge your own attractiveness by the mean attractiveness of the chicks you bang...mathematically speaking. If you pull hot chicks, best bet is you have some decent looks as well.


Oct 20, 2006
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SoSuave666 said:
I'm just saying you can pretty much gauge your own attractiveness by the mean attractiveness of the chicks you bang...mathematically speaking.
This is very true. In fact I found my photos and the girls I've dated generally get around the same raitngs on Hot Or Not.


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2012
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Interesting this actually. Attractiveness is definitely a primary factor, it works both sides doesn't it? As the fellows above have said. Physical features are the first things you see after all.

My experiences with this are curious too. I wear thick rimmed 'hipster' glasses (I liked them before they were cool, even for hipster to wear >:[) as 'vintage' fashion appeals to me.

There were studies at the time that show they take away from your attractiveness but increase your 'intelligence'. I'm not a bad looking fellow mind you.

Which is true really. As a 'Barney Stinson' dresser of types, most compliments I get with glasses on are 'smart', 'sharp', 'dapper'. Flick them off, and I get 'handsome' 'suave' the occasional lack-of-better-words 'hot'.

So it's a case of established image vs. physical attractiveness. Perhaps one can truly compensate for the other.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
See how far it takes you if your average looking self is sitting in a Ferrari :crackup:
I'd try a Bugatti if I were you! :crackup:

Looks make this game way easier. Money can too! Sh*t, if a ugly man gets rich somehow, 9 times out of 10 he'll go get plastic surgery to get better looking!

OP, Atlanta women have entitlement issues out the ass. Even those in their 50's think they're supposed to have a rich man!

These days, AFAIC, personality, humor, ****iness, wit, etc. just won't cut it. They don't make you any more physically or financially appealing.

Being that women control who to date and sex and have relationships with, looks and money are the primary factors, then comes all that other "what's inside" crap. Case and point, I spoke to a older woman in Atlanta and she said that she's not into a man's money. Lo and behold, I watched her try to throw herself at a guy getting out of a Bentley!

Women decide how far you'll get with them. Being well off both physically and or financially can put a speed booster on the attraction process. Hell, why do you think male celebs get so much women?

Another thing to know, women never have problems getting men, and they don't have to worry about being alone. Men have to play this numbers game crap, and it's not in our favor, plus the fact that women keep raising the price of love-sex-companionship doesn't help.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I always figured I'm about a 7, and the average woman I get is probably a 7 too, so that makes sense. I still can't figure out why I don't get more compliments though.

I find if you make a noticeable change you're more likely to get a compliment. For instance, if I get my regular haircut I might hear "Oh, you got a haircut". But if I get it cut into a different style then I'm more likely to get "Oh, you got a haircut. Looks nice".

Marvin Gaye

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
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Negative thoughts down the drain just relax, let t


Oct 20, 2006
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zekko said:
I always figured I'm about a 7, and the average woman I get is probably a 7 too, so that makes sense. I still can't figure out why I don't get more compliments though.
In a one-on-one sense, many women will avoid complimenting a man because either:

A) She doesn't like him
B) She does like him but either
a) isn't interested so doesn't want to lead him on
b) is interested and doesn't want to give away her power


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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bigneil said:
In a one-on-one sense, many women will avoid complimenting a man because either:

A) She doesn't like him
B) She does like him but either
a) isn't interested so doesn't want to lead him on
b) is interested and doesn't want to give away her power
Everyone knows I'm taken, so I thought that might have something to do with it. But if what you read here is true, that should have the opposite effect. On the other hand, my girlfriend is well liked, so maybe it's "hands off" out of respect to her.


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
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Man so I got all these numbers but I cant grab my balls to call these women because I dont have much to say and I'm scared to stutter on the phone . I need someone to talk some sense into me because I'm blowing my chance to really **** a lot of girls and have fun in my youth because of this shy bullsht.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Flush, you're right about the AWs. I tend to discount anything they say, since they give compliments out to practically anyone. And as you note, they use them to lure in attention starved men to make sure they have plenty of orbiters.

You're probably right about the Ugs too. Problem is, when they give me a compliment I barely notice it. ;/

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
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SoSuave666 said:
I'm just saying you can pretty much gauge your own attractiveness by the mean attractiveness of the chicks you bang...mathematically speaking. If you pull hot chicks, best bet is you have some decent looks as well.

I say this same thing when people ask, "How can you tell if you're good looking?" It's pretty simple. First off, you will get compliments. You should know by high school if you're good looking or not.

But second (and most importantly), the best way to judge how good looking you are is by the women in your "life" and especially the women that are attracted to you without you doing anything. How hot on average are the girls you hang out with? Of course you're going to have the UG's show interest in you too, but the ones that are around the same attractiveness as you are going to gravitate towards you.

Are the girls you date good looking? Are the girls in your social circle good looking? How hot were the girls that you heard through the grapevine thought you were cute, sexy, or hot?

Marvin Gaye said:
No, phaggot. These:


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Most women want to date up so your looks probably slightly EXCEED the mean looks of the women that want you.

To pull 7s consistently, you better be at LEAST high 7 or borderline 8.

Women don't want an equal trade.

However, as you approach the upper limit (near 10), then your looks have to be more or less equal because you can't be an 11 guy dating HB10s.

But at lower levels, you generally slightly exceed her looks.


Oct 20, 2006
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Yes, isn't that great? All we care about is that she looks good, while she wants us to pay all her expenses and look BETTER than HER! How on Earth is that sustainable?

Also your girl will get mad and feel uncomfortable if lots of other women are attracted to you. You can't be out of her league or she won't settle (either way). You want to be about .25 points better or so.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2012
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If a woman thinks a man is good looking, her definition of dating is sex.

If a woman thinks a man is okay looking, her definition of dating is going out to dinner and other activities allowing the man to prove himself worthy of sex.

If a woman thinks a man is unattractive, her definition of dating is getting free sh*t.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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I can tell you with certainty that you can be very good looking, but if you lack confidence you still won't be humping pretty girls. I know a guy that won some award for his looks, is on magazine covers all the time and has a chubby / average girlfriend. I also know short chubby dudes (without money) that aren't all that good looking that consistantly date beautiful girls... They are very confident and have a good sense of identity and self worth. They are not all players that have tons of game.

I'm personally a good looking guy that DIDN'T have the confidence in myself before and could only date average girls...because I didn't think I deserved hotter ones. Now I do and they are very excited to spend time with me.

Don't for a second believe that your looks are the sole determining factor in who you can date / oof. That's a defeatist attitude. Guys saying that it is are either giving themselves excuses for not succeding or stroking their ego's. There simply isn't any factual basis for it. Spend your time working on building your confidence and your self esteem.


Oct 20, 2006
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And even with looks and confidence and money, a man will never have as much power as a hot young woman naturally has. Look at male sports and movie stars - they still get dumped and cheated on.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
bigneil said:
Yes, it's that great? All we care about is that she looks good, while she wants us to pay all her expenses and look BETTER than HER! How on Earth is that sustainable?

Also your girl will get mad and feel uncomfortable if lots of other women are attracted to you. You can't be out of her league or she won't settle (either way). You want to be about .25 points better or so.
Agreed, especially for a relationship.

For a ONS, she will aim as high as she can lookswise. She's not planning on keeping you, so it's ok if you are much hotter than her.