The power of good looks in the game


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I'm really starting to realize that this game is all in how you market yourself. Its very important to hit the gym and always look your best, but more importantly you need to put yourself out there even if its uncomfortable and just by being out there the sugarwalls(*****) will follow eventually if you market yourself right and put yourself in the right places.

For example, I went to vegas for a week and slept with 3 girls that walked out of the club with me after talking for a few minutes didnt really spit any game at all just got they're info and said lets get out of here..

Also, I chilled with this super quiet shy girl last year 2 times and she didnt want to get to physical with me so I stopped talking to her. I approached her in a club not knowing who it was at first, got her number again and saw her before my vegas trip. She just came over again and because shes shy and quiet, there was a lot of silence in between talking and I wasnt feeling the vibe too much. I didnt say anything great, spit no game at all, just talked, watched the game and afterward she was about to leave but was a little tired so I finally kissed her a little and touched her and **** and before you know it shes turns all freaky and **** and I hit it lol.

I didnt really enjoy the sex because I saw her leaking all over me and **** and that kinda turned me off and the sex wasnt that fun, but point is she was down to **** me because she liked me. So fellas I want you all to put yourself out there even if youre scared, even if you want to stay home and watch tv or read the forums, get out of your house and put yourself around women and good things will happen for you

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
It's a combination of a lot of things, but looks will definitely give you an edge. Not sure what you're trying to say in your post though...look your best or put yourself out there? Or both?

As far as looking good I can definitely comment on that. I had major acne until only a few months ago. When it finally cleared up I got A LOT more attention from girls- I could seriously feel them watching me. When I would turn to see, they would get caught off guard and start stroking their hair. I had one girl look at the ceiling once! Nice try trying to play it off :D Acne was a much bigger problem than I thought; I just figured my game needed work. But that wasn't necessarily the case. My acne didn't get bad until college; before my acne flared up I got a pretty good amount of attention from girls. I realized that looks are a much bigger factor in "the game" than I had previously thought. So what I'm saying is, do everything you can to improve yourself.

I hit the gym everyday and I'm pretty cut. Girls notice it. It allows me to get interest from girls that would otherwise swat me away like a fly if I was out of shape. But that's only a small percentage of girls. For the most part, girls don't care if you're skinny or a little flabby. Most girls don't care if you're ripped. If you're fat that will hurt you tremendously though.

Also, when the weather started to warm up a month ago I pulled out my tank tops and I have been wearing them everyday. This also led to increased attraction. I definitely dress better than I did a year ago. My style is my own, and it's also very California. Obviously one person's style isn't going to suit everyone.

Right now this is what I rock everyday:

American Apparel or Obey tank top
Alife sneakers
Matte Wayfarer sunglasses
Nixon watch
Nazi SS haircut (Yes, I pull it off very well)

Bishes are mirin everywhere I go, no joke. So guys, clean yourself up, get yourself out there, walk around thinking you're a 10/10, and watch how much improvement you will make.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Dman101 said:
I'm really starting to realize that this game is all in how you market yourself. Its very important to hit the gym and always look your best, but more importantly you need to put yourself out there even if its uncomfortable and just by being out there the sugarwalls(*****) will follow eventually if you market yourself right and put yourself in the right places.

For example, I went to vegas for a week and slept with 3 girls that walked out of the club with me after talking for a few minutes didnt really spit any game at all just got they're info and said lets get out of here..

Also, I chilled with this super quiet shy girl last year 2 times and she didnt want to get to physical with me so I stopped talking to her. I approached her in a club not knowing who it was at first, got her number again and saw her before my vegas trip. She just came over again and because shes shy and quiet, there was a lot of silence in between talking and I wasnt feeling the vibe too much. I didnt say anything great, spit no game at all, just talked, watched the game and afterward she was about to leave but was a little tired so I finally kissed her a little and touched her and **** and before you know it shes turns all freaky and **** and I hit it lol.

I didnt really enjoy the sex because I saw her leaking all over me and **** and that kinda turned me off and the sex wasnt that fun, but point is she was down to **** me because she liked me. So fellas I want you all to put yourself out there even if youre scared, even if you want to stay home and watch tv or read the forums, get out of your house and put yourself around women and good things will happen for you
you are 6 ' + and good looking right?


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, I'm 6 foot 4 look good lookin about 200 Pounds working on the body to look even better. The point is I don't have much game or aggression right now and I stutter sometimes feel nervous and don't have much to talk about butt I fight it and put myself out there . My trip to Vegas really taught me the power of looks. I wore good clothes everyday and looked good and I really noticed women checking me out smiling even my 9s and tens.. I got Like 30 numbers hung out w 6 women ****ed 3 got a hand job in a taxi after talkn 5 min lol.. Talking to women still scares the **** outta me but I realize the more you try the. More u get


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
Attraction for women is more complex than it is for men. Women are attracted to many different qualities in a man, confidence and competence being among the most attractive. Do women like a guy with a nice body? Absolutely!

I know this from personal experience. I have a nice physique myself, and when I show it off by wearing more fitted shirts, I notice that women are more visibly interested than when I'm dressed down....


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
OC speedball I'm out here in CALI for an intern. I'm in SJ/ Mountainview though. I take it you are in Orange county? Lol.. just a hunch. But just making sure.

So, I'm good looking and fit, but my problem is this girl im getting over has brough me into depression for the last month and half dealing with her. And I'm still down about everything and I'm on NC from her today being day 6. I miss our texts.. but I know shes not worth it for me because she lost interest.

Anyway, because of being depressed sometimes (often many) it's hard for me to focus on what I'm saying.. Like I have trouble finding the perfect words for what I'm trying to say, and sometimes remembering something simple can be tough. I'm going to start reading more to take my mind of things and expand my vocabulary by studying a few different words each day.. But I never used to be like this. Not to mention that girl has caused insecurities in me.. I know i used to attract girls and i still get the looks, but it causes me to second guess an approach and wondering if maybe i'm not the stud anymore i used to be..

I'm 27, and still like talking to the younger girls because i fit in more with them. I used to be military so when I started college all my peers were always younger and it just kinda stuck. I'm in grad school and still enjoying life. Girls my age seem so worn out, and just looking to settle down and find a life long partner. I'm looking for long term eventually but im not even thinking about kids or marriage for a long while.

I've done the random hookups with girls i really don't know but i feel really dirty after, anyone else feel like that? So I really don't normally do that stuff. I'd rather get comfortable with a girl for a bit and then bd fwb..

ANyone else expeirence these things?

edit: seems i should make a new thread on this, i don't want to hijack this one.
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Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
I was in the same position bro. In april my girl who had ao much love for me broke up because of distance and she needed freakier sex.. That broke me for a while because she seemed like the one and was sexy but **** it. The key is getti.g back in the game I still thought about her a lot but after ****ing 4 wen in 2 weeks I dont give a damn anymore.. Girls come and go they are fickle so its all about having options. Im 27 also and get along w younger ones way better. Im gonna meet 2 20 yr olds this weeknd and fukd a 22 yr old yesterday. They are more down for fun and not waitn a million dates


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Dman101 said:
Yes, I'm 6 foot 4 look good lookin about 200 Pounds working on the body to look even better. The point is I don't have much game or aggression right now and I stutter sometimes feel nervous and don't have much to talk about butt I fight it and put myself out there . My trip to Vegas really taught me the power of looks. I wore good clothes everyday and looked good and I really noticed women checking me out smiling even my 9s and tens.. I got Like 30 numbers hung out w 6 women ****ed 3 got a hand job in a taxi after talkn 5 min lol.. Talking to women still scares the **** outta me but I realize the more you try the. More u get
I don't understand your post. You are saying you travelled to Vegas to realise the power of your looks? Why would you have to travel to realize the power of that -- if you have good looks then women would notice you anywhere? All you did was wear good clothes there? What type of clothes do you usually wear? Why would you start wearing good clothes when you travel?

If you got such a change of response by wearing different clothes then congrats, guess your height and face must be pulling most of the weight. Guess you are a bit skinny?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
So many threads on here are about looks. Can we just all agree it is better to be good looking than not good looking? All other things equal though, a confident brad pitt beats an unconfident brad pitt any day of the week.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
SoSuave666 said:
So many threads on here are about looks. Can we just all agree it is better to be good looking than not good looking? All other things equal though, a confident brad pitt beats an unconfident brad pitt any day of the week.
If most guys on this forum are really 8s like they claim, I have no idea why they're on this forum. Women should be crawling all over them. And if they're really 8s and have women crawling all over them, they should have plenty of confidence. Yeah, yeah, I know the guy still has to "close the deal", but once you have her interest, how hard is that?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
bradd80 said:
Well because women are f*cked up and no matter how good looking or rich you are or how much "game" you have you'll always have problems with women. Look at all the wealthy goodlooking superstarts like brad pitt, johnny depp, etc who have been divorced and have had broken relationships.. nobody has it perfect with women no matter how goodlooking, smart, tall, rich, or charming you are
So what forum are all the 5, 6, and 7 guys going to, lol?
Or have they just all given up?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
You can be very good looking and still suck with women. I know lots of guys like that. Just having the looks doesn't allow you to rest on your laurels. Unless you look like a model and less attractive girls chase you. You can be average looking and do really well with women....hotties... I know lots of guys like that. It takes less effort if you are better looking, though. If you look good, can make her wonder about you, get her to chase you and f*ck her like a champion you will have very few problems with women.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
very few women approach, brother.

Actually, it makes more sense for above average looking guys to be here as the discrepency between means(looks) and ends(vagyna) is larger and more shocking.
not really true, women who are attracted to a guy will let it be known, they may not always approach but they make it pretty obvious. if you are good looking and cant pick up the are truly dumb!


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score
Trust me being good looking doesn't always make getting women easier.. The clubs in my area I rarely get women because the women in new jersey mainly want thugs or Jersey shore Guido types and I'm more of the good looking well dressed type.. When I approach women here they say they have a bf mostly and I get nowhere most of the time.. When I go to clubs in NYC I just walk up to girls like what's up what's ur name, give them mines, ask where they're from and tell them to put they're number in my phone and I kid you not it works like 50% of the time so that's my strategy for approaching women.I just have issues manning up and calling them cuz sometimes I freeze or stutter on the phone so I wind up texting and its harder to meet them from just texting..

Out in Vegas it works even better I got like 30 numbers doing this had sex with 3 girls got a hand job in the back of a cab, and coulda ****ed alot more women but they went back home the day after getting they're number.. Point is sometimes you need to move to where the fish are biting rather than spinning your wheels

Doctrine Dark

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
I agree with this topic, but would your chances of good things happening still be there if you're not exactly blessed with good looks? Just a general question, tho a silly one. I know what it is I have to do (workout, get out of my comfort zone, etc) in order to get better at this, but I'm just wondering what the consensus is if someone lacks natural good looks.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Doctrine Dark said:
I agree with this topic, but would your chances of good things happening still be there if you're not exactly blessed with good looks? Just a general question, tho a silly one. I know what it is I have to do (workout, get out of my comfort zone, etc) in order to get better at this, but I'm just wondering what the consensus is if someone lacks natural good looks.
your chances are greatly reduced and even further if your dont have height. its not impossible but its harder work.
women will virtually always default to the tall good looking guy as their preference, therefore if you arent, you have more work to do or need to have something or things going on in your life to compensate


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
There is no "game". There is good looks and attraction. Attraction happens without words. Without making a sound, she has already decided if you're attractive. You can only ruin it by being incredibly creepy or awkward. "Game" is just not scaring her off by being stupid. That's about it.

No amount of ****iness, confidence, etc is suddenly going to make you better looking. That's a fact.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, it's mostly looks.

But what's interesting is, while it takes good looks to attract them and to maintain them, when lots of other women think you are good looking it makes them uncomfortable. On one hand they like to show you off, but in their quest to dominate they hate the fact that you have options.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
it is still something of a conundrum though, there are the relatively unknow variables, some will say they are know, game, confidence etc, that said, Im sure we have all seen some ugly dudes going out with, marrying and having kids with pretty hot women, these guys do not appear to have any of these things, hell ive seen women hitched to slobs, part of this 'science' doesnt make any sense


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
betheman said:
it is still something of a conundrum though, there are the relatively unknow variables, some will say they are know, game, confidence etc, that said, Im sure we have all seen some ugly dudes going out with, marrying and having kids with pretty hot women, these guys do not appear to have any of these things, hell ive seen women hitched to slobs, part of this 'science' doesnt make any sense
That seems to be the exception not the rule, even if they are an exception, they may be following the rules of attraction in other parts which overcompensated for their looks. The slobs were probably "bad boys". You don't know if the ugly dudes had money and status and the girls they ended up are in it for that but cheat behind their back with guys they are into physically.