The official feminism thread [Merged threads]


Oct 25, 2001
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A-Unit needs a new title..."DJ Buddha".

You're one of the good ones, A-Unit. Great post.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Haven't read all of the posts in this thread, but I figured I'd put my two cents in.

Women are feeling threatened of having their power taken away by the DJs and PUAs. If you look at this on a smaller level, it's not so unusual. If an AFC man in a relationship learns the way of the DJ and tries to take his power back in the relationship, it is going to fall apart. The woman has the power, and she's not willing to give it up.

Women and the media aren't seeing the long term effects of having men who are educated about women. When an AFC becomes extremely desperate, he will resort to rape to get laid. Men who are good at picking up women have no need to resort to rape. Thus the more educated men out there, the lower amount of men who will resort to rape.

However, since women are feeling threatened by the educated men, they will continue to oppose them. Thus, the amount of desireable amount of "good" or "valuable" women decrease. They will in effect be hurting themselves.

What could be the outcome?

- more lonely and depressed women
- more suicidal women
- more women raping men

The worldwide power-shift (which is currently leaning toward women) may soon begin to move in the other direction. Women will be viewed as men are viewed today - sex hungry pigs who will do anything to get into a man's pants. Wouldn't that be something!


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
My thoughts:

1. Women have absolutely no idea about how badly they can break the heart of a guy who knows no better. I was a 110% AFC my entire life until earlier this year. This wretched game they play can literally kill. For many years, I was totally stupefied as to why a girl would go for some caveman as*hole while I "only wanted to love her" and "treat her right" or whatever. :rolleyes: Men have feelings, too, and that's what the b*tches always forget. It may not be their fault, since they're only following their own nature, but DAMN, can they be cruel. Intentionally or not, women have no clue as to how they can wreck a guy. Therefore, let us all learn DJ'ism and let the chips fall where they may. I'm not a cruel person, but I will never again put a woman's feelings ahead of my own. I've seen that the tradeoff is very lop-sided. No mercy, no remorse.

2. Let ALL women learn about the DJ game. I really don't care. That's all intellectual filler as far as I'm concerned. Men are still men and women are still women, regardless of how much feminism, political correctness, or new ageism is shoved down our throats. As has been said many times, feminine wants masculine and masculine wants feminine. That's the way God designed us (or nature, for the atheistic heathens :D ).

If the exposure of DJ tactics prevents even ONE decent man (AFC) from having his heart broken by a heartless c*nt, then I say let's scream it from the highest mountain top!!!!!!

3. I believe that the only real danger of exposure is if a guy is lame enough to approach women with the exact "routine" he read in a book or whatever and the woman has heard it before. Even then, he can always Next her and move to another one. Besides, if he isn't creative enough to use his own material, he didn't deserve that girl in the first place.

Sarge On!


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
What do feminists say about the following

Tonight a hot chick got let into a club at 2am and a hot guy did not

Last night i saw one hot girl get at least five drinks bought for her, BY A HOT GUY

I saw my mates all slober over who got to drive this hot chick back to her house

And they're afraid we have too much power???


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
A-Unit and Wyldfire

damn guys, I'm taking notes right now.

I think what most guys lack on this site is the fact that they cannot accept who was at fault for all of their misfortunes. Who is their own worst enemy that caused all of this to them? THEMSELVES!!!

If accepted they can move on with their own lives and self-improve.
If not accepted, then you will only become bitter until you accept this fact. It actually will hinder all developments in your life.

Once you do accept it, you will be free to live your life and doing it for yourself.

Wyldfire's post
If you truly want to turn things around for yourself and be more successful with the opposite sex you MUST make REAL changes. You can't make those changes if you put on an act and fake it here. You don't grow that way and all your actions out in the field look forced, unnatural and sharp women will spot that a mile away and reject you because of it.
Yes, someone gets it even though it is a woman ;)

tactics mean nothing if you don't have your inner game settled it is pointless to go after women because they stop growth in life because you never learned any type of detachment. Detachment is everything in a DJ because a DJ realizes nothing is forever. It lets you learn to love and value the moments. plus the longer you wait the better women you will get in my opinion.

Your game will become something far superior the longer you work on yourself. Your confidence will increase and you will feel and look better. I waited over a sixteen months for my girlfriend because I didn't want just anybody but a great girl for a great guy (I know that I am great because I feel that I am great. You think therefore you are). I finally found her and am very happy with her.

and on the subject of faking confidence. That is the biggest load of bullsh!t that I have seen on this site. Why? Is it to hard to become the person you want to become? Is it a time element? you can only fake it so long. Grow up and actually gain real confidence. Anything can be fixed. Don't fake it, Gain it ! ! !

The mind set here is bad for all of you. Most of you just want to go out and use and hurt women to "get even". It's retarded. Karma is a biotch and doing that will come back and bite you in the ass hard. That's what's happening. Too many of the guys in the "seduction community" are out there behaving badly. The media is telling women what the men are up to and those who hear it have their guard up. Why? Because they are getting treated badly by guys in your community.

You guys need to remember how important it is to treat girls and women the way you would like them to treat you...because in the end, it's all going to come back to you.

Use this site to become better men, not bigger jerks.
Yes, treating women badly comes from not accepting who was the main problem on whose fault it was for failing with women before that. IT IS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT ! ! ! Once you realize this you will be able to move on with your life.

The mindset that this website teaches is detachment and becoming the best man possible. I don't think backstabbing and getting a one up on others is being the best man but to each his own.

I've been here to try to help you guys since I joined back in 2001. This site used to have high quality men who were using this community to help each other better themselves in all areas. They weren't hateful and mean to each other and didn't hate on women like happens here now. The quality of posts was much higher too.
Alright, I won't lie and say that I remember that because I wasn't ever in the position that you were in. The luckiness that you got to see but look at it this way.

Most guys that are here now are newbies since the forum grew up to include many other men. Now, the sense of community is gone because of so many different personalities clashing. I still believe that there is a small sense of community in here. I am frends with many members on this board. You have to search for it though.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Wyldfire and A Unit I agree this site is a site to IMPROVE who YOU are.

Too become a better man.

Not the same man with new bag of quick fix tricks.

However there is nothing wrong posting about how you view things going on in the world.

Just because LIT is posting some regurgitated long theory and philosophy post like some of your Sosuave Gods do doesn’t mean it’s not a good post. :rolleyes:

LIT brings out some good stuff that maybe some of us didn’t see before.

Not every post has to be teaching you a new tool/trick or whatever to be a better man.

He is just saying KEEP ON THE WATCH!!

Because FEMINISM is here!


Along with other good observations

Hell Jennifer Anniston is in GQ magazine as MAN of the YEAR.

How sick is that? Just because she is like a washed up iron board doesn’t mean she’s a man people.

Personally I think its time for the EMPIRE to Strike Back! :p (couldn’t resist)
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
You know how many times I went out with friends and they met someone, or I met someone, or we both did?? TONS of times. But I never went out with the explicit purpose of GAMING anyone. For me, that's when it happened most.
A-unit, that is one of the points I've tried getting across on some of these threads. "The Game" has made it worse. Guys come on here, hear about how guys seem to be going out for the sole purpose of meeting women and being successful. The newbie tries to do the same, but finds his fears and anxiety getting in the way.

PUAs can go out for the sole purpose of picking up women because it's fun. A newbie goes out to pick up women for the purpose of getting laid. The newbie isn't focussing on fun, he's focussing on desperation. That is why the newbie isn't successful

A good DJ will go out to have fun, and pick up women if the opportunity arises. If no opportunity arises, the DJ doesn't go home upset because he didn't get a phone number, he goes home happy because he had a good time.

Picking up women works best when it's a side project. Focus primarily on having fun when you go out. That way if you don't meet any decent women or get rejected, your attitude remains positive because that wan't your primary reason for going out anyway.

Even PUAs have this flaw. They go out for the sole purpose of meeting women. If they have a "bad night", they'll get upset and come down hard on themselves. They haven't done the necessary self-improvement to eliminate their desperation and just have fun. They're no better than they were before they learned tricks to pick up women.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Desidinova wrote:

A good DJ will go out to have fun, and pick up women if the opportunity arises. If no opportunity arises, the DJ doesn't go home upset because he didn't get a phone number, he goes home happy because he had a good time.

That is exactly what everyone should be doing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Men have feelings, too, and that's what the b*tches always forget.
I don't think women actually "forget" that men have feelings. They will use their own canned phrases to reject a man so he doesn't feel like 5hit:

- "I'm not looking for a relationship right now"
- "I don't see you in that way"
- "I like you as a friend"
etc etc etc

However, women will look after their own emotions first. This is something that most men will not do for themselves. They consider her emotions first. Now, you get two people caring about the woman's emotions (herself and the man). Who has the power? Obviously, she does.

So, she's doing what's best for her emotions, and the man is doing what's best for her emotions, or at least trying to keep her emotions on the positive side. The man becomes miserable because he has been neglecting himself. He becomes confused, frustrated, and even depressed. He's already in the negative state, and if the woman rejects him, it will only intensify the negativity no matter how she does it.

This is why men get devastated. Few women will experience devastation because the focus is always on her emotions.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I wouldn't say these things aren't -wrong-...but you do you know how you tackle them and turn it around?

Through -you-.

It's wonderful to shout in airspace, and as we can see, people have gotten behind the posts of this kind, posters of this kind, in one cause. hasn't accomplished anything. It's gotten out the frustration and provided valuable advice (which is great), but some members also take it as a chance to bytch and aren't strong enough to thwart the negativity.

A poor person who bytches accomplishes nothing...

A poor person who volunteers their time, improves themself, gets off welfare, and learns about earning $, accomplishes much...

A person who becomes rich, helps many, by becoming independent, free. Free of welfare. Free of dependency on health care, social security. Free emotionally, of being lifted up by family, friends, products, tv, food, drugs, alcohol, etc...

See the progression?

The current state of affairs is not due to the balance of the strengths of our INTER-dependency...but our COMPLETE and UTTER weakness of interdepency.

People require people EMOTIONALLY, more than anything. And if it's not -people-, it's -things-, or -substances. They're upset, so they RUN to something that provided comfort. Can we see the control?

Here's the process...

You feel bad about X.
You liken good feelings to (video games, booze, friends, family, situations).
You are better.

What has come of it though?

Say you had a goal. Would that goal not be dettered, or totally disipated now? Say you had a goal to get in shape, and a rash of rejections totally blew your game and confidence to go eating, or boozing...what now? Down the tubs.

Say you are determined to learn to socialize with people...yet you haven't gotten grips of it, so you drink a little, then some more, then some more...if you can ONLY socialize through booze, which is what most people do, then come time to sell, or to meet women in sobriety, it's -impossible.-


That's what we have...

Dependency on a system of welfare, society security, healthcare, the news, the media, tvs.

Dependency on an employer, a paycheck, an income stream, because the income, aside from basics PAYS for things that provide consummable emotions.

The world isn't perfect. Nor am I. BUT the ability to SEE it happens FREES you from it. Or it stops you from tipping the beer to your lips. Or kissing that hoe you know is no good. Or spending that money on something you won't use for very long. Get my drift?

Guys have a dependency on DJism, PUAism, the DJ bible and so on. Don't think so? How many fear it getting out? It being the principles and education? How many log-in daily with problems? How many have an air of arrogance or egoism about belonging here and wanting to keep it secret?

COME ON GUYS...all that DJism is is some title applied to a few guys that got together, just like any of us would with a beer, talked about how to handle our lives and women, and what worked, and threw it on the net.


Power is perception. That's it. Women TAKE power, or SOME women take power...because it SEEMS they can.

Imagine if few GOOD guys ALLOWED beautiful women with bad spirits to get away with SHYT? Where would she go? See right now...what women want under 30 isn't much. They want to get AS MUCH as they can. They're seeing what they can get before settling down. So long as the market (i.e. guys who accept bad behavior), is willing and accepting of lower class women, women will continue as they are...That means, guys as a lot CANNOT allow bad behavior and looks to be stood for. Seriously.

Looks are obviously a factor, without viagara, it's one of the top ways we get it up. BUT...when you're considering a person, logically, you're considering her on the merits of what she gives to you. Selfishly, THAT should be your thought pattern @ first. Anti-Dump would attest to that. Down the road, it's what you can give to her.

Guys go GA-GA over looks, without thinking about what she does, and they compare her to some model, or some X, or she has the right proportions then THEY fit their mold to her, not the other way around. Men enter emotionally, women enter logically. After that, it TOTALLY reverses, but by then IT IS TOO LATE.

So gentlemen, power is perception, and right now they get lots of it. Know how you switch power in a situation with a bad behavior type girl? Don't reward her. Don't give in to her. Let her suffer her own consequences.

I don't call a girl back who hangs up on me.

I correct a girl who cusses (very unlady like, but I do it jokingly and she apologizes).

I don't pay attention to excessive drama. If she's freaking out, you temper her emotions, or shut down until she's willing to calm down.

If I don't believe in it, if I don't support it, I don't condone it or agree to it. Even if she's switched moods from bad, to happy and tries to barter. You must stand your ground if it's your belief and it's who you are. None of this "compromise" crap. I don't mean being selfish in a relationship...I mean, if she walks up trying rearrange your life, or reprioritize it. Tell her to stop. If I think it's stupid, let it be known. You have to trust her and vice versa. Women who you can't trust can fake pregnancies, they can cheat and give you std's, steal stuff, talk badly, break plans, and so on, so you must engender trust and honesty upfront.

There's a laundry list of other things we could add...point is, power is perception

Really, so long as you're free emotionally and mentally, you're free. Sure you could be used as a slave, but if they don't have your mind, they don't have you.

It reminds me of Shawshank Redemption...Andy, the prisoner convicted wrongly (i think he was?)...never gave into the confines of prison. He escaped. And while inside, created changes nobody ever thought possible. He was free in his own mind, so he created freedom in the world around him. In the end, he got out. THAT kind of freedom enabled him to live and survive when things to tough. If he ahd succumbed to prison, like a few others did, he'd never have seen the outside of it and would have died emotionally.


Moving on...habits and Batman Begins...I love symbols and metaphors that you guys have watched, regardless of what it is, scripted or not, it proves the point.

In Batman begins, Bruce Wayne TRIED to fight injustice as man. So did his family behind it, too. They sunk tons of dough trying to get the wealthy to donate to poverty so they could lift the city up. Didn't happen. In the end, Bruce Wayne learned the hard way that he had to subscribe himself to a HIGHER IDEAL, a symbol, to which he as a man worked toward, REGARDLESS of the pain. This gave him motivation. It gave him power. It gave him a goal.

What's our's, or should it be?

To change the face of what MEN are PERCEIVED as FOREVER, ONCE AND FOR ALL. That's power. It begins mentally, with a thought, it's accepted, then it becomes actions, which leads to changes.

By trying to become a PUA, or Don Juan, or Player, you're just another fish in the same sea competing for the same scraps, following and getting what everyone else around IS GETTING.

Sad isn't it? I mean it's pleasurable, but what if you're meant for more?? Just what it? Hmmm?

Everyone's goals are different, but there are fundamentals.


See men, could exhibit control. THEY COULD. It's only MEN that allow women what they get, because if women ruled the world, it'd be a bunch of horny, bytchy cats, afraid of the bugs and dirt, looking for a protector and someone to cuddle with and talk out problems.

So it's DEFINATELY not women allowing any pains. It's men allowing women to get away. It's the bartender offering free shots JUST BECAUSE she's a girl.

DAMN, sometimes it sounds GOOD to be a girl. You get the best of both worlds! You get taken care of most places you go, most expectations have it so that by 30 and you're married, guys want you at home, you can reject sex with 'i'm tired, i have a headache, it's my period, tomorrow, etc', most daughters are paid for by their dads until suckers come along and do it for her, they give her free stuff, every where she goes, she's normally loved or gawked at, when she's young, she's called PRINCESS, and she's given courtesy normally wherever she goes.


Now, are you guys GIVING away free power to women WHO DO NOT DESERVE IT?


The posts on these boards and on PUA sites REFLECT IT.




need a woman.

Say it with me.
For real.

I feel bad for the guy who says..."I'm X years old, and I haven't gotten laid."

That sucks. So for you, SOCIALIZE. Do you have friends? Learn to talk to your own family. Get some friends. Learn to talk WITHOUT technology in the way.

But...if you somehow made it to X years old, with EVERYTHING else in place, then guess what...

You're the worlds MOST eligible bachelor, because a guy with all his shyt together, which has long been the way women fell for men, HAS no use for a woman. And a guy with his shyt together WILL be sought by women. Fact is...a book and the DJ bible will enlighten you, but GETTING the woman won't help, because there's OTHER sequential getting her into bed, sexual things, kissing things, dates, keeping her, EVERYTHING. As always a woman is just one component, and if you can't face a meak little woman straight up, HOW DO YOU FACE LIFE STRAIGHT UP?


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Originally posted by Desdinova This is why men get devastated. Few women will experience devastation because the focus is always on her emotions.
I don't know about that one desdinova. I've blown a few women out of the water in my last couple months. One from PGST has finally got over me after basically crying throughout her journal for me (yeah, I found it on the web googling her name) because they couldn't have me.

When you get approached usually the girl will gain oneitis and guess what? They will get blown out of the water. they will feel rejection and that slap in the face. I wish I didn't have to do it but I have a girlfriend. Some will call me a pvssy for not going after other women but I took this one as the best.



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know about that one desdinova. I've blown a few women out of the water in my last couple months.
Look at it on a bigger scale, remembering that most men are AFCs. You're the exception. You're a man who has his 5hit together and doesn't devote your life to "making women happy". Guys will make "making women happy" a number one priority. You are the opposite. You are one of the few guys that can cause women to go into devestation. You focus on keeping your emotions in check. She probably did 5hit that she thought would make you happy, and tried to make you attracted to her. Now, she has to deal with the influx of negative emotions because she made you a priority instead of herself. She put all her positive emotions into you and kept the negative ones for herself.

When I think about 5hit like this, I look back upon my AFC days. My ex wasn't devastated when we broke up. I kept wanting her back, bought her flowers, etc. I was still trying to make her happy while I was suffering. I turned the tables when she wanted me back; I rejected her.

When I changed myself, the complete opposite of what I thought was typical took place. Women were the ones who were going through devastation. I no longer became devastated because I kept my emotions in check. I didn't allow them to hover on the negative side for long periods of time. I also didn't feed my positive emotions to the woman by trying to make her happy all the time. I kept those emotions for myself. No longer did I feel the need to buy her flowers when she was mad at me, nor did I feel the need to cheer her up when she was in a pissy mood. I just let her sit in her piss and keep my positive emotions going by doing something I enjoyed while she came out of her bad mood on her own.

Also, the person who gives more in the relationship is the one who most likely doesn't have the power. When the women has the power, the men will be devastated if she leaves. If the man has the power, the woman will be devastated when he leaves.

Also, until the guys here realize that women CAN put men on pedestals, the woman hating here will not stop.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Exactly...I think guys need proof that GOOD women exist. That they CAN chase.

First, even if you've been duped, you MUST believe that there's better women out there. And likely...she'll do that.


Whether it's true or not...girls from CLASSY, family units are the best kind, by the %. That's a MAJORITY of the time. Women from warped families are warped.

My current girl hails from a very close family. Things she's done...

-For my b-day...she was waiting @ my apartment with my favorite booze, gifts, shrimp, stuffed mushrooms, all dressed up for the night. She later on dressed as a pornstar in the bedroom and was the only 1 to buy me drinks @ the bar.

-She's surprised me countless times @ my apartment, dressed in a mini, cooking food, my favorite booze, apartment cleaned, food spread out, candles lit.

-She's offered to do anything in bed.

-She's brought me food and drinks without asking.

What do I do?

The same.

-Taken her on special dates.
-Paid for her nearly everywhere (i pay for everybody b/c i like to and i write it off)
-Saved her butt when her car's broken down, girls upset her, she's been in a fight, or needs help with school (senior year college).
-Set up romantic scenes when she comes by to my place.
-Taken care of her when she's sick.

How'd I get there?

-I had a gf during college who fcked with my mind alot and ended up MARRYING a kid I was friends with and worked with during h.s. She even cheated on me with that guy, then just ended it.

-I had a LDR to Texas, and I'd taken the girl to Hawaii, paid for and bought, had her hair did (as part of the trip), only to break up with her a few weeks later and find out she was heavy in to drugs. She did well to hide it from me until then.

-I've dated countless girls I liked and slept with, only to split with or be dumped shortly after.

-I had an X during college, that played games too, dated other guys, and played all the games, and THEN wanted me back. To this day she does, too. But it's too late.

-I dated a girl during college, on and off, and she wanted it her way the whole time. No bf. No relationship. Sex. But on her time and terms. She was miserable. NOW, after graduation she calls, too.

It's a give and take in life. I certainly don't know who or IF i'd marry, but it's a fun ride. The ups go with the downs. Sure the downs suck, but who cares? The ups are fun, too. I've had some nutty nights, like sex in my car outside my buddy's apartment, just after I'd met the girl. Or, banging on new years. It's a good ride and too many STRESS a perfect trip.

Are vacations EVER perfect?

Hell no. I've driven to MAINE and had to hit the rest area only to find out it's a homosexual hook up spot and go running to my parent's car. Or gone to driven north, to get stuck in traffic, or met a hot girl, or go so drunk and hung over I had to drink AGAIN to get sober.

Man this stuff is great. Life is great. It's just the sweet and spicey stuff that makes it so tasty...because otherwise, the safe, nice life, would be bland...BLAH



Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Gentlemen, I think you are overestimating the collective intelligence of women and feministas. Saying that feministas are taking control of women's minds is like saying that society is so rotten because of MTV and Paris Hilton. I mean, COME ON.

It might seem as if one thing is the cause of all troubles, but think about it. How many people went and saw "Hitch"? I didn't, and guess what, many many people I know (guys and girls) could give less of a rat's ass about that Will Smith movie. I don't watch TV, hence I'm immune to the whole MTV and the Olsen Twins are screwing up the world.

Yes, many girls have to have their daily dose of tv and media bombardment every day. But no, the whole world is not holding their breath to see whether Jessica Simpson will dump her husband. Don't think that because some supermarket tabloids make a huge deal out of something, that the WHOLE WORLD is responding to that. Don't you know any girls who are students and actually have goals in their life and a brain inside their heads? Are you only hanging around dumb airheads and bitter feminazis?

There is a whole world out there. And even if you want to go for universals, yes MANY women actually care about what the latest gossip show says. But of those, most will fall for a DJ if he plays his cards right.

Like I always say, since when did we start reacting so much about what women "say" they want?



Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
But remember a good part of the reason why men are AFC is due to the FEMINISM and anit-male dominance propaganda that the media projects.

We can all agree that most TV shows are geared to women because less and less men are watching TV for the exception of a few man shows that come on and ESPN. And more and more women are. Part of the reason why there are soo many weight loss infomercial cause American women are getting fatter.

And the people are watching TV other then sports are being brainwashed with AFC male thinking and acts.

Just look at the shows, for example Everybody loves Raymond. As much as I think that show is hilarious Ray is a total AFC.

Greg in Yes, Dear.

Reality shows,

Daytime shows,

Pop music,


And the list continues on.

Point being media does have a big influence to people especially those who are engrossed in it.

Now again there is nothing wrong with pointing it out to warn others.

But how you deal with the information is all up to you.

If you take it the wrong way and hate women then that’s wrong.

But if you hate how things are going but still continue on with life with just a little bit wiser and more on guard then that’s ok.

Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Feminism Sheminism...

It's irrelevent. You understand about the messages being sent to boys and men in society. You know not to buy into them. You reject those messages. You guide the boys and men you know to learn to reject those messages as well. That's all you need to do to fight feminism's influence. Feminism only has an impact because men believe the messages from society. When men stop buying into them, they stop having an effect on men's lives. The WORST way to deal with those messages is to behave in a way that reinforces the messages. That's exactly what all the woman hating crap and anit-feminist ranting HURTS men even more. Wanna fix what's wrong? Do it wisely and effectively...NOT like a screeching banshee. No one listens to matter how just their cause may be. Why? Because radicals sound like raving lunatics. The guys on here who are radically anti-feminists sound like raving lunatics and are NOT taken seriously except by other radicals.'re on FIRE should compile the ideas you're putting forth in this thread into a TIPS post. Seriously...I think these posts you're making in this thread are probably the best I've ever read on this site.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Wyld I believe your right that acting radical well not solve this problem.

I believe that you should not buy into it.

However discussing it isn’t wrong either.

Talking about facts is not wrong or radical.

LIT didn’t say lets bare arms and eliminate all feminists or have a hate for women.

I think you guys are getting a little off topic into your own ideas.

Wyld it’s almost as if your defending and justifying the bad things that women are doing today.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
We all know what’s going on.

But fighting it passively isn’t getting us anywhere.

We have been doing it for almost 16 years if not more.

I think what LIT has brought up a subject but did something more broke it down for us to fully see what is going on in society today and in the minds of women today.

And this site is partly about understanding women and attraction.

To me it sounds like thanks to society and media we know have a bigger and growing problem out on the field with women.

We are now enlighten to something and not going blind into battle.

This post could be negative and it could be positive post it all depends on how you look at it.

I see this post beneficial because we can see how most women are thinking when we approach and spit game.

Woman and the Media, which is now virtually controlled by them is making it harder and harder to date and have a good relationship.

This is why people like Juan_Don and others have such problems because of what these hos do.

But of course it’s all good if they do it and talk about it in magazines and portray it in tv shows but heaven forbid we have a discussion on a MAN seductions site.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Women don't want a man who goes to seminars on how to pick up women because their romantic and sexual ideals revolve around a man who is NATURALLY confident. Feminism has little to do with it, it's not like non-feminists would find it appealing either.

The media, whether aimed at men or women, probably show a higher proprortion of alpha types than you find in the real world, not too few. The truth is that most men are not like James Bond or Jack Bauer or Arnold Schwartznegger or Sam Malone. Most men are chumps, and if married, ball-free.

Wyldfire is right, the rabid misogynists here give DJs a bad name. Bitterness is not attractive, and is bad for you. The feminists I know are quite aware that the gentle, eager-to-please new-man model they once demanded and got has turned out to be disappointingly unsexy, and would never reject a man because he was too manly. But if he was a whining jerk with rejection-issues...

Personally, I like strong women. All the sweeter when they are moaning beneath you.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
Wyld I believe your right that acting radical well not solve this problem.

I believe that you should not buy into it.

However discussing it isn’t wrong either.

Talking about facts is not wrong or radical.

LIT didn’t say lets bare arms and eliminate all feminists or have a hate for women.

I think you guys are getting a little off topic into your own ideas.

Wyld it’s almost as if your defending and justifying the bad things that women are doing today.
LIT isn't a radical. He does risk becoming one if he allows himself to be sucked into the negativity, though.

We haven't veered off topic at all.

The other comment you made about me "siding with women" is totally out in left field and one you have been saying about every day all week so far. And as always...I don't side with anyone. I side with what I believe is right, logical, effective and helpful. My belief about complaining about or blaming women on this site is's pointless. The women aren't here to read it, so it's not going to change what they do or think. You guys can't control women. You can only control yourselves. Complaining and blaming serves no useful purpose. It is just a distraction from addressing your own character flaws and shortcomings. If you want to improve you have to address those flaws. There's too many distractions and not enough work going on here. That is why you see me hold guys responsibile for what happens to them. I'm hoping that it will rub off and they will learn to take responsibility and address the things they need to address to improve themselves and their lives.

Peace and Quiet

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