Day 5
Fvcking hell. All I can say is it that this is bottom and it can only get better from here.
Late for a salsa class so jogging to the lesson. As I turn the road I see my ex (she isn't facing me) looking like she is waiting for the bus. I think about being a bit cheeky and tapping her on the ass as I jog by. However she waves to a guy who is crossing the road. But my hand is already out as I process the information and she still gets a light tap on the bum as I run by.
I run to the next bus stop and wait for the bus. She walks towards the bus stop with this guy hand in hand. I couldn't fvcking believe it. The reason I ended the relationship on Saturday was basically because I had major suspicions - there had been changes in her behaviour and she was becoming way more self conscious about her appearance as if she was trying to impress someone. I won't go into too much detail but I managed to trap her in a lie which basically resulted in me saying that she needs to show me her phone or I know that she has been shifty. She refused and I told her if she left then it was over and she did leave.
Fast forward to today and clearly my gut instinct was right. On the one hand I'm happy because at least I was the one who ended things - I stuck to my principles and maintained my dignity. I could have been like so many guys and just swiped it under the carpet. Then once she'd been able to build up things with this sideguy maybe she would have left my ass in two months anyway. Then I'd would truly have been rolling round on the floor clutching the floor. At least I got to walk away on my feet and not on my face. I never lived on my knees.
But it does not end there. This guy is pretty "ghetto". He has trousers on which look like they have paint on and is wearing his hood up, even though it's not raining. As they approach I get that fight or flight adrenaline rush. She is completely unfazed (does not give a fvck) and I watch him walk by and he watches me - eye to eye. Then he says "Eh what you looking at bruv?". "I'm looking at you", I say. She then gets involved and basically accuses me of punching her in the back and telling me she could get police involved. I tell her that it was meant as a joke and I ask her who the hell this guy is. He starts getting verbally aggressive with me and so does she. She says "Come on let's just go" and they both walk away hand in hand. My ex lives 30 seconds from my flat (I know..ffs her choice not mine) so I know they are clearly going to his. She is probably banging right now..
What shocks me the most is how fvcking brazen this women is. Erm! H0e you just got exposed as having been a cheating slvt and you have the audacity to act brave. I was utterly shocked. I could not believe how ruthless this woman is. How the fvck could you do that to someone who was meant to be your best friend, someone you'd been with for 3 goddamn years.
What shocks me the most is literally how this girl DOES NOT CARE ANYMORE. Guy you claimed to love for 3 years? "Nah not important now" Scorched earth or what! And what's funny is this guy seems like a gangster - probably one of the trainers at her gym. He's tall but honestly I think as far as SMV is concerned I'm a better catch than he is. I told my friends about the situation and they said I handled it pretty well. Once they walked away I didn't shout back or anything. I just left it.
My best friend came over tonight and we talked it over. Honestly I'm pretty floored. I was doing so well as far as recovering is concerned and it is so ironic that today was the first day since the break up where I actually missed her and spent 95% of the day just thinking about her. The only solace I can take is that it cannot get any worse than this. My suspicions have been confirmed and I've seen what every guy doing NC hopes never to see - their ex with another guy. It's just a shame it had to come so soon into NC. I think in the long run this will be better as I have thrown away any hope of us getting back together. I was honestly planning to use this as a period of self reflection and then after two or three months reach out but fvck...if that's how you can treat people who you supposedly care about...just wow.
Tonight is tough and I doubt I'm going to sleep much if at all (work tomorrow too eeeeugh!) but I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing. Leaning on friends and family, making sure I am out the house every night of the week and meeting new women.
I am literally floored right now. Probably one of the lowest moments of my life.The only way is up. PS At least I got to fvck her in the ass (small victories!)