The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

Jack Hensy

Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
You are boys. Don Juan was a boy. He is not a man. Did your parents do this **** when dating? Hell no. Did your grandparents? Hell no.
Time to be men. Just grab your balls and straight up be honest with a woman. If she wants to act goofy with her mind games
then she is not worth having as a girlfriend. Stop with the power games and dump her.

Tons of women out there that are mature and accept you as a man and not toy with you like that.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
You are boys. Don Juan was a boy. He is not a man. Did your parents do this **** when dating? Hell no. Did your grandparents? Hell no.
Time to be men. Just grab your balls and straight up be honest with a woman. If she wants to act goofy with her mind games
then she is not worth having as a girlfriend. Stop with the power games and dump her.

Tons of women out there that are mature and accept you as a man and not toy with you like that.
Times have changed. The face of society has changed. The game has changed greatly since
the time of your grandparents.

But your blue pill beta bytch azz can't see that.

Now that I've answered your question, I wonder will you pay me the same courtesy.

Apart from trolling, why is your bytch azz here?


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Day 9 of NC.2 days ago I saw her coming out of our apartment. Shes my neighbour. I didnt look at her. Today I dont know what happened, i had been quite happy for few days when suddenly the agonizing pain came back and i realized how much i missed talking to her but not her as a person. I know these are just mood swings because im in the beginning stages of NC but damn its hurts and makes me sad... I feel like a weight was removed from my shoulder and i can breathe and be myself again but its scary.. For 2 years i havent been alone. This feels weird. I hope next few days are better...
Every body's been there.

The important thing is what you learn from the situation and furthermore the man you're going
to become. Like a phoenix from the fvcking flames.

In every perceived "bad situation" there is an opportunity. It's up to you to find it and embrace it. An opportunity for growth, an opportunity for self-actualisation, an opportunity to shed your old skin and become a transformation of your former self. Some people say they didn't start to live until their cancer, until their car crash.....until their divorce......and then AWAKE! SHAKE DREAMS FROM YOUR HAIR MY PRETTY CHILD MY SWEET ONE CHOOSE THE DAY AND CHOOSE THE SIGN OF YOUR DAY THE DAY'S DIVINITY FIRST THING YOU SEE.

You became dependent on talking to this girl, see? dependent. You must break this dependency for we are slaves to what we cannot say no to. Slaves I tell you, slaves. You must make it a mission to eventually break all dependencies in your life, for these dependencies tie us down with an invisible force but they are oh so precarious and we shall feel the fall into the deep blue ocean as they are cut from our clinging pathetic hands. Break them before they are taken from you.

You've got to embrace being alone now. Embrace it and be it. For you come in on your own and you leave on your own. Be your own counsel.


Jack Hensy

Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
Times haven't changed in dating. The problem is you allare picking the wrong girls which is why you resort to Don Juan tricks. Where are you meeting these girls? In a nightclub? Seriously? Get out your tricks to play with her like a boy.
Seriously dude, its all about high self esteem and confidence. You need nothing more. When you have high self esteem--everything you do is attractive.
Do you want to play little boy don juan jedi mind tricks with a girl your whole life or until she gets old? Seriously?
Grab your brass balls and be a man. BE STRAIGHT UP HONEST WITH A WOMAN. If you like her tell her. If she pissed you off tell her.
Simple as that!


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Times haven't changed in dating. The problem is you allare picking the wrong girls which is why you resort to Don Juan tricks. Where are you meeting these girls? In a nightclub? Seriously? Get out your tricks to play with her like a boy.
Seriously dude, its all about high self esteem and confidence. You need nothing more. When you have high self esteem--everything you do is attractive.
Do you want to play little boy don juan jedi mind tricks with a girl your whole life or until she gets old? Seriously?
Grab your brass balls and be a man. BE STRAIGHT UP HONEST WITH A WOMAN. If you like her tell her. If she pissed you off tell her.
Simple as that!
To whom was your absurd soliloquy referring to, Lady Macbeth...

So let's see, you're on a Don Juan website and your critisising the Don Juan way of you life, based
on your own ignorant misconceptions and misunderstandings of what the DJ way is about....???

It's like your sitting alone at your table in a Japanese restaurant, arguing biligerently and incoherently about how this Japanese restaurant should just get a grip and serve good 'ol Sloppy Joe's and Fries....

Sounds like trolling to me....

And your rambling about "little boy don juan tricks" and "be a man", simply reveals the bytch troll that you are. I had a feeling you were a woman...

Feminist trolling....

You do realise this thread is "the no contact challenge thread"? Nobody on this thread is advocating going no contact in order to win the girl back. You do realise that? Your posting your feminist troll posts of "be a man" in a thread where a lot of new members come after a breakup and they are trying to move beyond the breakup and where other members are offering encouragement and tools in which to cope and do realise that no?

So, you still did not answer my question....


Jack Hensy

Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
I am challenging don juan because I have been on and off this website for years. I have tried the techniques in the don juan bible, experienced them, used them and gamed women having "mediocre" success. I have studied and read the don juan bible at least 2-3 times. (There are some nuggets of truth in DJ bible.) However, I discovered that my own insecurities about myself were the reasons I drove women away.
When I started working on self-love, self-admiration, smiling more, feeling good, accepting myself and my faults, giving up my need for women, and working on my own self-worth that is when I started attracting women --- and friends, kids, pets, and even strangers too. I smile at everything and feel good inside.
I decided the don juan techniques were nothing more than short-term gimmicks(much like a magician) to game others which serves a purpose in a bar or night club.
Out of self love my confidence and self esteem has risen. I have no need to game women anymore because I am the prize. Lucky for them.
When you give up the need for something--that's when you attract others to you.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2016
Reaction score
She texted me after 11 days of NC i saw her in the city today when i was going home. I passed through mall to see couple of my friends and there she was. We looked each other twice and nothing else. She was there some time and then went home. We are neighbours. She texted me about 30 mins later saying where am i and that she wanted to see me and talk to me about something. It was suprise. Im almost healed and used to the feeling of her not beinh in my life. I cut off my dependancy of her, but im wondering what she wants to talk about. I already was building my life again... Maybe she just wants attention or just wants to talk about something so her guilt goes easy. Idk.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
hey stigma92, its a trap. Seriously. She wants to take you into her orbit again, don't put yourself in that situation. Her anxiety levels are through the roof because you are moving on and she wants to feel validated again.
Keep this on brother, you are doing very good.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Day 2 of no contact.

I saw her in class today and didn't really talk to her at all. She also messaged me the day before about some event but I didn't reply.

It's kind of now hitting me that I might be alone for a while. I'm not sure what will happen.

I also had my vape confiscated. I ended up punching a window and yelling at my friend about it. It's pretty obvious that she's affecting me in other areas, there's no way I would get that p*ssed off if it were another story.

Maybe it's because it really helped with my anxiety, not sure. But as of right now, I'm just feeling a little lonely.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Day 3

Woke up feeling lonely and that lead to anxiety. Was trying really hard to get out of bed and walk around but ended up laying there for about an hour and a half.

I eventually got up and started doing stuff but was still feeling like crap. I went out with some friends and it helped get stuff off of my mind.

I also chatted up this cute dark red haired girl. It wasn't until she said she was almost in high school that I realized that she was only 13-14, I swear to god she looked at least 17... I ended up keeping it casual and left.

Neither one of us contacted each other today.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Day 3

Woke up feeling lonely and that lead to anxiety. Was trying really hard to get out of bed and walk around but ended up laying there for about an hour and a half.

I eventually got up and started doing stuff but was still feeling like crap. I went out with some friends and it helped get stuff off of my mind.

I also chatted up this cute dark red haired girl. It wasn't until she said she was almost in high school that I realized that she was only 13-14, I swear to god she looked at least 17... I ended up keeping it casual and left.

Neither one of us contacted each other today.
Be very careful with staying in bed. When you are in that state of mind where you are not sleeping but neither you are awake is difficult to control your thoughts, so you can really fall into very depressing ones. I know how difficult it is, but just kick yourself in the ass and take a shower or something.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Be very careful with staying in bed. When you are in that state of mind where you are not sleeping but neither you are awake is difficult to control your thoughts, so you can really fall into very depressing ones. I know how difficult it is, but just kick yourself in the ass and take a shower or something.
Yeah I noticed that too. I sometimes avoid laying down when my anxiety kicks in for that reason. I'm trying to go out and drive, go for a walk in the park, or even work out.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
I've done NC twice in my life. The first time was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Took me about a year to fully get over her. The second time was initially just as hard but the pain subsided a lot quicker. The reason it disappeared quicker was the experiences of the first time. What hurt then has now helped me. You become hardened and you quickly realise the pain will pass. It's temporary.

Here are some of the things I did during my first NC which held me back. Bear in mind I never contacted her once and she later tried contacting me 6 months later solely for her own ego. I never responded. Here they are:

1. I checked her FB pretty much every day for the first few months. Every post she updated I figured was about me and me only. Funny how your ego works.

2. I believed NC would bring her back. I checked my phone constantly to wait for her message. It never came. Only when I was past the point of caring and knew her real intentions.

3. Reading every 'walk away to peak her interest' article. This simply elevated her to 'queen of the world' in my mind. Couldn't be further from the truth. Once your two friends 'distance' and 'time' step in you realise she isn't special. Just another girl.

Now here are some tips. They may seem obvious but they certainly helped me:

1. Listen to new music - Discover new bands and artists.
2. Buy new clothes.
3. Watch a new TV show.
4. Try new exercises in the gym.
5. Learn a new skill.

Forget about women initially. Focus on new things. The idea is simply that your teaching your mind to engage in the present. Not in the past. The past is gone. You might think your wicked ex is hurting you which she is of course. But in the future, you will realise she actually gave you a gift. It might not seem like a gift now but it will be when you stick to NC.

That gift is wisdom.

Good luck.
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Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Day 34
2.5 months after break up

Im feeling a bit down so i figured i could write some feels here to ease myself.
Im constantly meeting new girls, flirting with them, im incredibly good at opening social groups. I fvck this one girl once a week. But i miss my ex in a sense like you miss a good friend.

Just the other day I went to a big comic book store and saw so many amazing things. I bought bunch of books and awesome merchandise and had one of the best days ever. But when i came home and started uploading pictures and describing all i experience there was this giant hole.

Those are the type of things that I would talk with my ex about, indulge in nerding out together. Aside from all her bull****, she was a awesome person to have fun with.

Let me put it like this. Imagine having an awesome friend for years, he shares your interests and you have great time together. One day that friend does some big bull**** that can’t be forgotten and you can never go back like it was. Sure, youre better off without him, but you still MISS the awesome times you had and most of people seem boring in comparison.

I feel like im either ending up with pretty girls that share no common interest with me, or with nerdy awesome girl that have worse body than my ex ( and I feel like downgrading is an insult to myself )

Blahh…most girl seem so boring


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Day 4

It really sucks knowing I have to move on. I shouldn't have invested so much in this girl who wasn't even 100% interested but I did. I knew I was second but I honestly didn't think I would loose to her first choice. But I did...

It just goes to show that even with the best game you just can't win sometimes, attraction isn't logical after all.

I woke up feeling o.k. Went out and had a decent time and later spent the day with my buds. She posts stuff on Snapchat and I tried hard not to look but I ended up looking. Hardly any damage but I'm obviously still hooked.

Neither one of us contacted each other today.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
Day 4

It really sucks knowing I have to move on. I shouldn't have invested so much in this girl who wasn't even 100% interested but I did. I knew I was second but I honestly didn't think I would loose to her first choice. But I did...

It just goes to show that even with the best game you just can't win sometimes, attraction isn't logical after all.

I woke up feeling o.k. Went out and had a decent time and later spent the day with my buds. She posts stuff on Snapchat and I tried hard not to look but I ended up looking. Hardly any damage but I'm obviously still hooked.

Neither one of us contacted each other today.
Firstly, I would delete her snapchat or block her if it has that option. Continually seeing her mundane posts serves no purpose for you. I guarantee it will hold you back, however trivial. Don’t play into her world.

Secondly, don’t feel ashamed for investing 100% in her, you should be proud of yourself for doing so. Proud that you acted with honesty and went after what you wanted. Not many men have the b.llocks to risk themselves with a girl they like. They would happily obsess from a distance without acting on it. You went for it. You didn’t get the result you wanted but there are hundreds, thousands and millions more girls out there.

Girls realise this more than men hence their little games, competitive nature, make up blah blah blah. Her rejection should spark a realization in you. You should realise that all those unique special moments you shared were tossed aside akin to her swiping left on tinder. Brutal world - That’s how fickle they are. So maintain your honesty and dignity and walk away with pride.

Nothing like self-respect dude. Trumps everything in life…..and who will recognise this quality. The silly little ex, other girls…..and most importantly the mirror you look in.

Here's another tip -

This will separate you from the average man after a break up – DO NOT try to make her jealous. She will see right through it. Women are not stupid. They live and breathe this stuff. They are not professionals at observing male behaviour. They are Experts.

When you try to make her jealous you are basically reinforcing her in your mind. You are being dishonest with your actions and thoughts. It will hurt you and prolong the pain.

Just silently agree with her rejection…..and walk. Silence is golden.

Jealousy only occurs when she realises she has lost you, and you don’t even have the intention to make her feel this way.

Silence and walking away for your own good is the quickest and most effective path to this state of mind.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Firstly, I would delete her snapchat or block her if it has that option. Continually seeing her mundane posts serves no purpose for you. I guarantee it will hold you back, however trivial. Don’t play into her world.

Secondly, don’t feel ashamed for investing 100% in her, you should be proud of yourself for doing so. Proud that you acted with honesty and went after what you wanted. Not many men have the b.llocks to risk themselves with a girl they like. They would happily obsess from a distance without acting on it. You went for it. You didn’t get the result you wanted but there are hundreds, thousands and millions more girls out there.

Girls realise this more than men hence their little games, competitive nature, make up blah blah blah. Her rejection should spark a realization in you. You should realise that all those unique special moments you shared were tossed aside akin to her swiping left on tinder. Brutal world - That’s how fickle they are. So maintain your honesty and dignity and walk away with pride.

Nothing like self-respect dude. Trumps everything in life…..and who will recognise this quality. The silly little ex, other girls…..and most importantly the mirror you look in.

Here's another tip -

This will separate you from the average man after a break up – DO NOT try to make her jealous. She will see right through it. Women are not stupid. They live and breathe this stuff. They are not professionals at observing male behaviour. They are Experts.

When you try to make her jealous you are basically reinforcing her in your mind. You are being dishonest with your actions and thoughts. It will hurt you and prolong the pain.

Just silently agree with her rejection…..and walk. Silence is golden.

Jealousy only occurs when she realises she has lost you, and you don’t even have the intention to make her feel this way.

Silence and walking away for your own good is the quickest and most effective path to this state of mind.
Thanks for the advice.

I do see her often in my class and I most likely will end up talking to her casually because we do a lot of group work, how would you handle a situation like that?

I was thinking to keep it short and simple, no flirting or anything involved.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice.

I do see her often in my class and I most likely will end up talking to her casually because we do a lot of group work, how would you handle a situation like that?

I was thinking to keep it short and simple, no flirting or anything involved.
Ok, When you do happen to bump into her in class just respond with courtesy and politeness. No confrontation, feelings, venting or any other female trait. Remember you are a man.

If she starts pushing for a reaction from you, just brush it off with a 'cool, yeah whatever' type of attitude. You are busy with other priorities and she has fallen down the bottom of your list. Treat her like a plain jane or like a guy.

If she has any type of interest in you then she will likely get confused and will have to suffer wondering why she wasn't good enough to bring that kind of reaction out of you. But of course your not doing this to win her back or revenge. Your doing this for your own piece of mind and to gain clarity. This will filter into other aspects of your life and other girls will pick up on your self belief and sense of value.

Once the cloud start to disperse in your head then you can start exploring your options with the other girls in your school. Don't try to make her jealous by talking to these girls. Talk to other girls because you want to.

For example - let's say your in one of your classes and you notice the ex is sitting in the corner with her friends. You don't acknowledge her but you both know your in each other's presence. You then start chatting to one of the girls at the front and then subtlety look back at the ex with a quick glimpse. Can you see how your contradicting yourself with your actions? The ex or her friend will pick up on this and label you a chump. You talk to the girl in the front because you want to and continue to proceed what your doing. Never look for approval.

Act not react.
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Don Juan
Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice.
I do see her often in my class and I most likely will end up talking to her casually because we do a lot of group work, how would you handle a situation like that?
I was thinking to keep it short and simple, no flirting or anything involved.
Treat her as you would treat a girl who is a 2/10. Ignore Ignore Ignore. If she pesters you for anything keep it short but polite then excuse yourself back to your own world. Keep busy with your own things, even when she's around.