The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2012
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Between_The_Lines said:
Exactly. This gal is 23 years old. She has no clue what she wants or doesn't want. I'm doing much better overall. I've had a few down times. The thing is now they're less and less frequent and also the spells of feeling bad don't last as long as they used to.

Keep it up, gents. NC is paramount to getting on with your life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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That letter, sometimes you wish they'd just go on their merry (or miserable) way and refrain from sending such a nauseatingly foul and bullsh1t of a parting message. Toward the end, did it feel like the sex was drying up, like it was getting boring and routine? I ask because her letter reads clear as day that in her "two different worlds" outlook, she had you cast as her betabucks.

DonnyJuanny said:
I feel like I'm living in two different worlds, alternate universes. And I feel like not hearing or seeing you is making me lose touch with one I don't know if I'm ready to let go of yet- the world of comfort, support, LOVE.
It's happened to many of us here. Be glad you got out and didn't wife her up and/or - heaven forbid - impregnate her.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
Between_The_Lines said:
That letter, sometimes you wish they'd just go on their merry (or miserable) way and refrain from sending such a nauseatingly foul and bullsh1t of a parting message. Toward the end, did it feel like the sex was drying up, like it was getting boring and routine? I ask because her letter reads clear as day that in her "two different worlds" outlook, she had you cast as her betabucks.

It's happened to many of us here. Be glad you got out and didn't wife her up and/or - heaven forbid - impregnate her.
Nah, we were great together and always had a blast. Just two people that understood each other. She moved to Paris for what was supposed to be a year and we decided to try the long distance as long as we could and if it got to be too much then break it off.
Couple months later she broke it off. I had fallen for her very hard and chased like a *****. Oh well. Live and learn. After chasing for two months she had to come back to the states for a few weeks and spent a couple days with me here.

Those days were great just like all of the other ones we had but she told me we just couldn't make it work right now. Since she left my house Ive been NC.

The mean part of me wants to correct her grammar and send the letter back but, as always, silence Is golden.

Stay strong, men.


New Member
Mar 14, 2015
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Thanks for all of the encouraging words guys. I definitely played a part in what happened..although I will never know exactly what happened...Im sure it boils down to her losing attraction...and starting to look for another branch to swing on. I want to be mad at her for that....but hey...its her life...and perhaps it was the best thing to happen to both of us. Only time will tell.

Mornings are still hard....and certain days are worse than others. Today was a relatively good day. I managed to throw out her panties that for some reason I was saving....perhaps I thought there was a chance she would attempt to contact me...I know better now. I gave them one last goodbye sniff....and tossed them in the trash. I did feel better after that....not going to lie. Realizing that she is gone....makes it a bit easier I think.

I have also come to terms that she probably wasn't marriage material. There were things about her that I did not like...and I guess I got so wrapped up in to her...that I couldnt tell reality from fantasy. Very easy thing to do when you think you've met your soulmate...starting to realize that there are probably other girls better than her anyway.

So yeah...this is like day 18(feels like an eternity)...and things feel a bit better. What a learning experience I'll tell ya! And I guess thats what makes women so great. They don't reward poor behavior. These relationships that we get in to ultimately one way or another will force us to more introspective... and as a man to stay on your purpose.

Thanks for listening.



New Member
Mar 16, 2015
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Lurker here and this site is definitely been a HUGE help for me coming to terms with my break up. Get ready for a long one....

Rather than wallowing I thought I’d add my story as it does help talking about the history of my predicament. I miss her dreadfully as we had a very close relationship but in hindsight I have been blinkered (I loved her passionately and cared for her 100%) and the relationship revolved around her needs more than mine, and I bloody let it. She was a manipulative, cold, self centred biatch. BPD? Tick. Narcissistic traits - tick. These are all topics I've researched and identified in her character trait.

But it still doesn't change the way this chump still feels.

We are both fair looking people, and have great careers and little baggage. We dated for 18 months and had some amazing times - big holidays, weekends away and generally enjoyed each other's company. We were best mates and things had been rosy, I got on with her parents amazingly, they adored me and her friends did too.

We are both in our young/mid thirties, having assets in the form of two homes and neither of us had kids or ex marriages. We would have had to have sold both homes to get the combined one, and this was the intended plan for mid 2015 (that would have been 2 years together, a fair time). Then it would be RING, MARRIAGE then KIDS. Clock was ticking and I could feel the pressure but I was invested enough to do it, but not on her demands.

She broke down and claimed the relationship wasn’t working because we were “too different” and we should break up. Sex had been limited over the last couple of months and she never smiled any more, bickered and was generally unhappy, and I (naively) put this down to stress in her job combined with the dark British winter period. In response I'd also distanced myself a bit, as I was concentrating on all the other things in my life. I curtly said, "fine", promptly left her house and went into no contact. (yay for me and having learnt this was the way to go from previous relationships).

I promptly blocked her from my Facebook, Strava, Instagram etc. BANG: Ghost mode.

Fast forward 2 weeks and I weakly broke NC and declared via text on a Saturday morning (the worst times for me) that I "missed her". This resulted in a series of cold messages “not interested, we were two different people with no common interests”, “we should have moved in together sooner”, “should have moved things to the next level sooner” etc. The stream of texts went on for an hour, mostly her on the attack and defending her choice for why she ended it. She also berated me about being the “weekend boyfriend”. To be fair she was round mine a lot in the week as she travelled with her job so used my house as a base. I assured her this would have changed and I'd spend more time at hers and we'd start looking for a combined house in the Spring. She wasn't having any of it. She even claimed I should have chased her when she split with me. And I didn't.

*Cue ****head moment* I even dropped the bombshell that it was my intention to propose this year as I’d been saving for "the ring"and we should have discussed our problems before splitting up so dramatically. I said I wanted kids, I wanted the home and I wanted to wed as this was always what she had pushing for the entire time, but her hot headedness me-me-me attitude had fooked this up.

She then got REALLY nasty. Declaring her hatred for my mother, about incidents where I wasn't there for her (all ridiculous) and general blame pointing.

I ended the text barrage with how she had always been a horrible, cold, selfish, ungrateful girl, and I had done everything for her and got feck all back. I reiterated that you GIVE in a relationship to GET. We WERE heading there but her cold, unsupportive attitude and pulling the plug on us was HER choice. The girl had proved she was an utter spoilt narcissistic wannabe princess, jealous of everyone around her, her married friends and why she hadn't got their lifestyles (Incidentally her parents are very rich and still cook, clean, iron her washing and treat her as if shes a teenager even when she has her own home). Her behaviour was unacceptable and my outburst stopped her barrage of rants in its tracks. She then apologized. Back into NC.

Move on a couple of weeks and bingo - text from her highness "Can we meet to talk in person". I arranged a date to meet up at the weekend. I then received a series of texts admitting how horrible a person she is. How she needs to change and how she is the problem, not me. She wanted to meet as she had a doubt and was still unhappy regardless of our breakup. I should have told her to get back in touch when she "WAS SURE" but no, I ended up meeting her.

We arranged to meet for a lunchtime drink. She turned up, looking absolutely terrible (no effort into the way she dressed, had put on a bit of weight and looked p*ssed off) and the she cried incessantly throughout. Fortunately in the month since we'd separated I'd pretty much lost a ton of weight and gone back to how she'd met me (I'd dropping 7kg in a month, mainly due to being pretty distraught and losing appetite), bought some new duds and had prepared myself mentally to show her that I appeared pretty happy with myself.

Long story short, I f*cking nailed it and didn't come across as the needy dumped person, looked quite upbeat (I usually am anyway). She was depressed, claimed she hadn't even looked at dating let alone meeting anyone else, had been hanging out with her friends and parents, and wanted to be on her own for the first time in her life and didn't want anyone. She realised she was a horrible person and had treated me really badly, and had treated her ex's in a similar way with her demands in the past. She was an unhappy narcissist. I left her in tears with me walking her to her car.

That night - received the "Dear John" txt. "You look great etc but the spark has gone and I've treated you badly and you deserve another girl who would appreciate you and your good deeds" type of stuff. I was cool and said "yep, take care, let me know if you change your mind but I'm getting on with my life, now leave me be." She finally added "I will now. This is why I didn't want to see you its so f*cking hard"

And now here I am. I'm in my 14 days NC. Doing ok. I wont be making contact and if she does (which I feel she may) I'll ignore. As I've learnt if they want you back then they need crawl.

I have had 3 ok dates since and one 5/10 girl desperately throwing herself at me. I don't want any of them but at least its making me feel more alive than I have in the last 2 months of our break up. Felt like I was going to die over the last month and still feel like I've lost someone I adored. I don't tend to grieve very well.

Now I've found this forum, and read all about being a Don, how to be more of a man rather than a docile 'nice guy' pleaser, it's boosted my mental strength than any other self-help book. Onwards and upwards. Need to get off the cigarettes and booze and start bulking up again.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2012
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A lot of people are gonna say how stupid I was and that you don't mess with married woman when you read this, but I need to get it off my chest.

I had a secret relationship with this woman who was 13 years older than me, married and has 3 children. Things weren't going so great in her marriage, so one thing led to another and we hooked up. In the beginning I didn't had any feelings, I liked her as a person, but it was just to have a fvck. She quickly developed feelings, but after a few months I did too...

Now yesterday she broke up, saying she can't go on, she can't do this to her husband and she feels like a hypocrite. Also because she always had to make things up to see mee, which led her children to say "why do we see you so little". I know this was an issue for her from the beginning, she had a few times during the relationship she brought this up as well. I believe her for the most part that this really is the reason she wants to end it.

Gonna try to not text her, but I still have to work with her from time to time...

But damn it hurts. But I guess I deserve it.

Twist of Cain

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
so this is what transpired between my ex and i after 2 1/2 weeks of no contact.

she ended things over holidays, contacted me 3 wks later, met up few weeks after that. went good, saw eachother few times - then she went cold, so i pulled back till this..

me: hey, ill be in t.o. for a while. taking salsa classes and joined a shooting range, you should come sometime. I just got back from a trip across canada. had an experience while traveling that has completely changed my life.

her: Salsa classes? That's interesting and surprising.. Shooting range would be fun. Get some internal anger out.
The experience must have been pretty epic eh..

me: yeah it was. i'll tell you about it when I see you. hittin the range soon, whats your sched like?

her: Well im pretty busy with my new job and stuff. What's yours like?

me: i can do friday or next week sometime. is there a time you can find to lock down? you have to book in advance at the range

her: Can I even shoot a gun though...

her: Don't you need a license?

her: I work a double Friday. I'm exhausting myself so I might call in Saturday.

me: i'm off at 5 on saturday, so let me know if you decide to call in

i last texted her 130am fri morning - a half hour after she texted me. she didnt respond saying she'll let me know etc..

judging by the texts, my ego says she never received that last text - with the back and forths we were having throughout the afternoon/evening.. figured she'd get back to me..

start over. day 3 no contact.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Twist of Cain said:
so this is what transpired between my ex and i after 2 1/2 weeks of no contact.

she ended things over holidays, contacted me 3 wks later, met up few weeks after that. went good, saw eachother few times - then she went cold, so i pulled back till this..

me: hey, ill be in t.o. for a while. taking salsa classes and joined a shooting range, you should come sometime. I just got back from a trip across canada. had an experience while traveling that has completely changed my life.

her: Salsa classes? That's interesting and surprising.. Shooting range would be fun. Get some internal anger out.
The experience must have been pretty epic eh..

me: yeah it was. i'll tell you about it when I see you. hittin the range soon, whats your sched like?

her: Well im pretty busy with my new job and stuff. What's yours like?

me: i can do friday or next week sometime. is there a time you can find to lock down? you have to book in advance at the range

her: Can I even shoot a gun though...

her: Don't you need a license?

her: I work a double Friday. I'm exhausting myself so I might call in Saturday.

me: i'm off at 5 on saturday, so let me know if you decide to call in

i last texted her 130am fri morning - a half hour after she texted me. she didnt respond saying she'll let me know etc..

judging by the texts, my ego says she never received that last text - with the back and forths we were having throughout the afternoon/evening.. figured she'd get back to me..

start over. day 3 no contact.
Glad you are back Cain.
She definitely got your text, every one of them in fact. She is not interested in you. When you invited her for a gun range, she thought for a second about going, but only because she has never done it before and not because she was interested in you. She realized this and backed out.

If she was interested she would have found a way.

Stick to NC man. For life, this time!


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
Going through NC myself currently.

Been with my ex for 2 years, she was really into me, wanted to see my all the time and I had full control of the situation. Then over the last couple of weeks is noticed her becoming a little more distant, nothing majorly obvious but my spider sense started tingling until I conviced myself she was going to break up with me. I rationalised it a bit and started to worry myself that I had paranoia and anxiety issues, that I was worrying over nothing and was even contemplating talking to a professional as I was so convinced that I was imaging it. Turns out I was 100% correct, as I shortly afterwards received a call from her saying "we need to talk, can we meet tomorrow." I basically cut to the chase and said if we're breaking up there's no need to do it face to face, I won't think any less of you for doing it over the phone, I'm obviously disappointed as I do love you but of that's the way you feel then fair enough, thanks for being honest. She was slightly taken aback, said id taken it much better than she expected and then when I said goodbye she was crying saying "is that it then?" Not really sure what she meant by that as she had broken up with me and all I'd done is take it like a man, acted respectfully and said goodbye, rather than reacting like a teenager but anyway. I was supposed to be working with her the following night at a place where I was previously employed and now just do cash in hand stuff for extra cash, I told her I wouldn't be doing that, said it was no attempt to punish her but at this stage I felt it would be too early for us to work for 10 plus hours together, I called the boss and explained to him, he still wants me to continue working there but the only reason I was doing it was to pay my half of the holiday which we'd booked together, so it seems unnecessary extra work in what will be quite awkward circumstances so I won't be returning.
The only contact I've had with her since has been to offer to drop her stuff off at her work, which she declined as she didn't know what time she'd be there apparently. I can't 100% NC her at this stage as I still have her laptop and a few other things which she'll obviously want back but I just left it by saying, that I could be there that night (saturday) to drop it off for her as I was driving that way (I genuinely was) otherwise to let me know, to which she replied saying it would be Monday or Tuesday this week, and I haven't had any contact with her since, that was on Saturday so nearly two full days now. Feel a lot better than I thought I would, quite proud of how I dealt with it really, feels nice to have not fallen into her bull**** games of begging for her back.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2014
Reaction score
Jmurphy55 said:
Going through NC myself currently.

Been with my ex for 2 years, she was really into me, wanted to see my all the time and I had full control of the situation. Then over the last couple of weeks is noticed her becoming a little more distant, nothing majorly obvious but my spider sense started tingling until I conviced myself she was going to break up with me. I rationalised it a bit and started to worry myself that I had paranoia and anxiety issues, that I was worrying over nothing and was even contemplating talking to a professional as I was so convinced that I was imaging it. Turns out I was 100% correct, as I shortly afterwards received a call from her saying "we need to talk, can we meet tomorrow." I basically cut to the chase and said if we're breaking up there's no need to do it face to face, I won't think any less of you for doing it over the phone, I'm obviously disappointed as I do love you but of that's the way you feel then fair enough, thanks for being honest. She was slightly taken aback, said id taken it much better than she expected and then when I said goodbye she was crying saying "is that it then?" Not really sure what she meant by that as she had broken up with me and all I'd done is take it like a man, acted respectfully and said goodbye, rather than reacting like a teenager but anyway. I was supposed to be working with her the following night at a place where I was previously employed and now just do cash in hand stuff for extra cash, I told her I wouldn't be doing that, said it was no attempt to punish her but at this stage I felt it would be too early for us to work for 10 plus hours together, I called the boss and explained to him, he still wants me to continue working there but the only reason I was doing it was to pay my half of the holiday which we'd booked together, so it seems unnecessary extra work in what will be quite awkward circumstances so I won't be returning.
The only contact I've had with her since has been to offer to drop her stuff off at her work, which she declined as she didn't know what time she'd be there apparently. I can't 100% NC her at this stage as I still have her laptop and a few other things which she'll obviously want back but I just left it by saying, that I could be there that night (saturday) to drop it off for her as I was driving that way (I genuinely was) otherwise to let me know, to which she replied saying it would be Monday or Tuesday this week, and I haven't had any contact with her since, that was on Saturday so nearly two full days now. Feel a lot better than I thought I would, quite proud of how I dealt with it really, feels nice to have not fallen into her bull**** games of begging for her back.
Handled pretty well in my opinion, all relationships between a man and woman are about power, my new girl is uber strong confidence wise compared to my ex and at times she will push to test my strength. Only last weekend we put a tent up together, was a tricky ****er and I could tell she was getting stressed especially when I was telling her what to do, when she got angry I kept totally calm and looked her in the eye as if to say "go one I f'kin dare you to lose your composure and see what happens..." suffice to say she sucked like a goddess later that day.

Power is strength, if you give it away like I did with the ex - it's game over pal, don't repeat past mistakes with your new girls.

Twist of Cain

Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score

handled it like a champ, so no offense if i dislike you strongly right now. hah.

going out solo tonight - feelin like death


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
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I'm writting on here because I feel like crap.. my stalker ass co worker kept asking about my ex the other day.. I tried to keep my frame but now things have gotten really sh1tty because of the co worker dating situation that went bad... now I really miss my latina.. its been over 90 days.. god give me strength.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Its been, ohh to tell the truth i even don't know how long its been.

Probably 4 months or something.

Dating a girl. its fun and all but i don't feel nothing . sex is good but that's what i am after so far. the ex is still in my mind but less. waiting for the time i won't event remember her.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Im here to sign up for this NC challenge :)

So I have a really ****ed up case.
In short:
I was dating her a year a go, she left me then and friendzoned me, untill feb 17. I tried to get her back. She started ignoring me and stopped hanging out with me ... I lost my mind, yelled at her and now she is ignoring me for about a month...we went out once since then...but nothing else. I constantly text her and call her, she doesnt answer.

I am really ****ed up... I think about suicude. Eating antidepression pills...
I knew her for 3 year and she changed my life to better, I was a looser before then. She is also my no.1 bestfriends, so she knows everything... She was almost like my 2.nd mom.

Hope you can help me out guys...


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2014
Reaction score
Find Corey Wayne on youtube, he'll slap some manliness back into ya dude and read all the guides here, invaluable info!!

Get the gym, go visit your friends, meet people and never text or contact that woman again, you're way too invested dude, gonna hurt, every time you reach out to her, she loses more respect for you.

Sounds like it's well over, need to accept that right now, there's no rationalising this situation.

Hard truth I'm afraid, read this entire thread it's ****ing awesome, you'll see yourself and the mistakes made, learn from it so when you meet someone even better, you don't **** it up.

You've already made the first right step posting, chin up and the Don's will steer you right, I'm just a beginner :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2014
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New York
You can being by :

1) STOP calling or texting her ..this is your first CHALLENGE
2) Delete pictures or anything that reminds you of her.
3) If you are on social media , deactivate for about a month and just focus on your well being.
4) Summer is almost here , take a walk /run / bike or go to the gym everyday; just keep yourself busy.
5) At night time you will think about her ; what I did is to go on YouTube and watch a documentary till I pass out or read a book.

Honestly, take this opportunity to grow and learn more about yourself. There are going to be night when you feel like calling or texting her , don't ! This is a good chance to learn self discipline and master your emotions. If you feel like crying in your room , it's okay to do so ; you are HUMAN !
If a person really LIKES or LOVES you believe me , you WON'T have to beg for their attention. Leave her alone and focus on you ..cliche as is , time heals everything. But only if you work with time , sitting down doing nothing but think about her is only going to prolong your healing time.


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
zoom5 said:
Im here to sign up for this NC challenge :)

So I have a really ****ed up case.
In short:
I was dating her a year a go, she left me then and friendzoned me, untill feb 17. I tried to get her back. She started ignoring me and stopped hanging out with me ... I lost my mind, yelled at her and now she is ignoring me for about a month...we went out once since then...but nothing else. I constantly text her and call her, she doesnt answer.

I am really ****ed up... I think about suicude. Eating antidepression pills...
I knew her for 3 year and she changed my life to better, I was a looser before then. She is also my no.1 bestfriends, so she knows everything... She was almost like my 2.nd mom.

Hope you can help me out guys...
You can't rely on someone to change your life for you, you need to do that yourself. If you have depression issues then you need to get professional help, you can't possibly expect someone to cure that problem for you.

In relation to this girl, the answer is simple, stop calling. It's not even really NC as she's already ignoring you. Just accept its done, move on and delete her number and all trace of her.

And I reiterate, if you are depressed, seek help.


New Member
Mar 16, 2015
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Yorkex said:
You can being by :

1) STOP calling or texting her ..this is your first CHALLENGE
2) Delete pictures or anything that reminds you of her.
3) If you are on social media , deactivate for about a month and just focus on your well being.
4) Summer is almost here , take a walk /run / bike or go to the gym everyday; just keep yourself busy.
5) At night time you will think about her ; what I did is to go on YouTube and watch a documentary till I pass out or read a book.

Honestly, take this opportunity to grow and learn more about yourself. There are going to be night when you feel like calling or texting her , don't ! This is a good chance to learn self discipline and master your emotions. If you feel like crying in your room , it's okay to do so ; you are HUMAN !
If a person really LIKES or LOVES you believe me , you WON'T have to beg for their attention. Leave her alone and focus on you ..cliche as is , time heals everything. But only if you work with time , sitting down doing nothing but think about her is only going to prolong your healing time.

This is great advice and I needed to read this advice this morning too.

Its been 2 months for me and the feeling of loss is unbearable. I've read everything and watched every breakup video on YouTube (Corey's videos are great) and know the overall STRATEGY to get "through" this event in my life.

Psychologically, you are addicted, and you simply need to go cold turkey, regain some "power" of being independent and your own self. No calling, no texting and try to push her out of your mind as much as you can. Easily said than done and I'm not doing a very good job of it either.

I guess it depends on how much you dedciated to her (mine was a 18 month relationship where she showed intense NPD issues throughout which I endured).

I read that the BPD and NPD's are the hardest to get over. I can see why now.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks guys!
I really apreciate your support and devotion for me :)

Im exactly the same...It's really ****ed up....

The bad thing is, she is friends with all of my roomates, one of them teaches her for math the other one is close friends... At least the don't talk about her or anything...but just knowing that they have contact with her hurts...
I know why my friend leaves the home, and then I see him in my town that he is there for her...
The other one....Well I found Chips in his car on the passenger side...The chips that she only eats...So yeah...

Today I went out with a girl I really liked for a long time...she didn't want me back then because i was really weird and a creep.
She likes me now.... We went out on a drink...She was really talkative and it was really awkward for her...She also even didn't want to do eye contact with me... She mostly looked at the ashtray and stuff around the bar and barely in my eyes.... What does that mean?

Oh and I was happy after a month of being sad....It was amazing... :)